"Good morning! Todays' forecast calls for Blue Skies!!"
This profile is specifically for linking alternates together to one player, and are listed below. Any IC interaction with this profile is considered meta as hell and totally acceptable. I'm Jack, by the way.
Urok -
Ze Discolizard
Ach -
My Primary Character / Vampire
Alir_Vizharan -
Family Dragon and Bodybuilder
Norrin -
Daershenibikidar -
Copper Dragon Monk
Genral -
Mandalorian Juggernaut / Xejrins' Apprentice
Auhm - Blazi-Ken! Ha'Douken!
Novus - Renegade Demon Hunter
Xill - Majin Anti Hero
Amator - Mystery
Ixilplix - Masochist, Cenobite of Pain
Jenkins - Butler, Chef, Merrimaker
Reeth - Warlord, Murderer
Olepiah - The Demon King, Cenobite of Revelry
Niben - Tarkatan Perfectus, Godlike Entity
Reinhardt - Adolescent, Poltergeist, Future Cenobite
Vincente - Noble Warrior and Leader
Lucas_Kade - Unfortunate Soul, Half Cyborg, Half Human, All Silent
Dvinn - Dream maker, Creator, Planeswalker
Jankiir - Deal-maker, Archdemon of Greed
Pogo - Hair Stylist and Neat Freak
Valindra - Angler Fish, Terror of the Deep. Actually she's very sweet.
Achlyn - Sphinx of Epic Proportions
Talecgosa - Alir's mate
Xejrin - Dark Lady of Twilight
Nieadea - Secundus Fae
Khagi - Abnoxiously lewd Lamia, Inspired by Monster Musume
Sonetta - Rave Dragoness, Keeper of the Dreamscape
Sigrette - Implacable Sharkess
Vaelindragosa - Feral Dragoness, Keeper of Crystals
Saerina - Drow Assassin, Formerly of House Baerne
Vestra - Sultry Fem Dom
Lithonia - The Sliver Queen
Babazook - Insane Girl who becomes so much more..
Paieo - Wolf/Snake/Dragon girl with a penchant for games
Straangard - Land of Crystals, Sanctuary to All (Interactive Alt List)
Sszerazsha - Elemental Plant, Currently lacking a Master/Mistress
Sean_Dal - Extraterrestrial Lapine, Renegade
Zwillinge - Twins, Reformation Experts
Daxos - Knight-Errant, Champion of Doresain
Bulgrum - Nightmare incarnate; Ultimate Evil
Mechanicus - Steamworks, Remnant of 'The New Flesh'
SomniumSilva - Secret Forest, The Knight and The Sorceress
**Due to the overwhelming amount of people that have perpetrated this, I feel I should put something about it here. I am a As-You-Please style partner, as in I will often do things I normally never would for a partner I like simply because its them. It makes me happy to make others happy, but as the years have passed I've noticed it is exceeding rare one of those partners asks Me what I like, or if they do know, actually do it. This is a Partnership in scenes, as in there are two of us each with our own desires and goals. I'm more than happy to let you reach/attain yours (Multiple Times), but in the end.. don't forget me or what I'm after. Nothing ruins a potential Scene Partner more than feeling like one person is doing everything and the other is just soaking it up >.<