"I find your constrained mind offensive, allow me to help expand your horizons.. We have such wonderful things to show you."

Xejrin exists outside of the normal Universe of the Jedi and Sith, having long since decided their squabbles would ultimately be the downfall of their galaxy. She focused the entirety of her studies for a solid ten years into developing a new style all her own, and after nearly being thwarted numerous times by the Jedi and Sith alike, she managed to realize her ambitions. Harnessing the infinite power of the Force itself, she has made herself just as much a being of pure energy as she has a physical form; blurring the lines between the ethereal and the tangible. She exists in both realms simultaneously, and uses this juxtaposition to her full advantage. She can see into both realms, as well as move through them with a freedom denied most mortals while they remained bound to their flesh and blood. Once this power was attained, she immediately became the target of more than a few powerful force users within the galaxy; all of whom sought her out for her unique ability to manipulate the force into allowing her a vast array of new abilities never before seen. She could not only perform all of the traditional Force Powers with a fluency that betrayed experience far beyond her short years, but she could also reach into the realms she has traveled to pull forth a randomized yet unfathomably powerful new ability that only added to her horrifying potential.
She could seemingly teleport anywhere within her visual range, at will and instantaneously. She's used this ability to both trick her foes into thinking a vicious blow inevitable, as well as seeking a better vantage to ply her own tricks. She specialized in using the force itself, but that didn't mean she wasn't completely fluent in light saber combat. By channeling the raw power of the force through her body, she's able to enter a trancelike state that allows her complete control over the battlefield. She could deliver precise blows as well as rain down powerful strikes designed to wear away defenses with a single blur of motion, often taking to the skies to strike from the third dimension of combat as well as the traditional second. She can channel the Force into specific parts of her body, allowing her to absorb raw energy so long as she was aware of its impending danger; and when coupled with her ability to use all of her senses at once to track a target whenever a single one may fail she became a deadly fighting force.
She stands exactly six foot eight, and is as lean as she is secretive. She often kept to herself, rarely approaching others as she meditated upon lifes' greater mysteries and her standing within the cosmos. She was a stranger to this new world, but her abilities more than kept just predators at bay; they could also be used to draw in those too weak minded to fight against her presence. Just being around her caused those lacking staunch willpower to feel sapped and drained, and prolonged exposure almost certainly lead to death. She keeps this ability in check by only appearing to those she finds intriguing, or those unfortunate enough to stumble across her. She always wears her mask, right up until the final moments before her victims are devoured whole and alive. None among the living can attest to seeing her face, for once she's devoured a victim; their most recent memories become a bit skewed. It's not unusual for some victims to even think they were infact devoured by someone entirely different in appearance than herself, thanks to this inherent ability. She has very few allies, for only those with the staunchest hearts can withstand to even be near her ominous and foreboding aura. This effect dulls as an observer loses sight of her, but it never fully goes away so long as she is nearby..
Her most frightening abilities came into play when combat wasn't hashed out before her. She could reach into the very fabric of reality, twisting entire pockets of reality to suit her whims and even draw upon its own Force to wield frighteningly powerful yet unstable abilities never even thought of by mortal kind. She's bested entire armies alone, and can even shatter an enemies' connection with the Force to render them a hollow shell of what they could become. Her most frightening abilities take time, but given enough of it she could accomplish the greatest feats imaginable. Often terrible accomplishments for those who don't fall under her sway, but undeniably great achievements in their own right.
Her body is made of both tangible flesh and blood as well as inherent energies usually found within Force Constructs. She could bleed, but she could also simply stop the flow of lifeblood upon even the most fatal of wounds. Her physical form heals incredibly quickly, often regenerating entire limbs mid combat without once missing a beat. She is very nearly indestructible, able to withstand directly blasts that would normally level a continent by simply surrounding herself with the Force. Because of her irrevocable connection to the Force, her ability to respond to danger is augmented to the point of near instinctual responses from even forces far beyond her understanding. This allowed her to face beings beyond her reality with a more equal footing, giving her an inherent understanding of the world that extended far beyond her short life span. Arguably one of the most powerful force users in existence, she can only claim a paltry 22 years of life.
She also didn't come here with just herself and her inventory, she also brought with her a warship more than capable of reducing half of this continent into rubble. It's how she takes this vessel with her that has caused some alarm. She seems to simply manifest it from absolutely nothing, pulling it from the ethereal world and forcing it into reality with her sheer will. This means she's more than capable of creating matter by simply willing it to exist, though she cannot do so under strenuous situations. As before, this ability takes time, and given enough of it..

She has only just begun to explore her full potential..
Within days of arriving in the Park, she had caused enough permanent destruction to the surrounding forests to warrant someones' intervention.
Blizzare approached the most recent widening swath of her 'meditation's effect on the environment by firing a fifty caliber shell directly into her head. From which, she had only to show a ruined visor and one hell of a temper. She summoned forth a Force Storm that blanketed the entire Park, setting multiple fires while simultaneously sending him flying back into the park. From the looks of the situation, it is only the beginning of their meetings as her presence tears the world around them asunder..
While venturing into the bustling populace that is Nexus City, she was approached by a Worldstrider named
MimzeeKirlia , wherein they exchanged a brief conversation about their unique predicaments within the cosmos. This lead to the Worldstrider taking her to The Quarter, giving the Sith yet another world to exist in while moving through the Twilight between the realms. This gives her the ability to draw upon The Quarters' inherent Force to add to her repetoire of otherworldly powers. As of now, tapping into this world is much akin to her more frightening abilities; taking both time and concentration in order to achieve. But as time progresses, it too will become instinctual and simply another part of her existence.
Having broken into back into the Nexus from the realm of Twilight, she's proven even death cannot stop her. Battling against
Niben shook the very cosmos as countless worlds fell to errant blows between the dueling Fates. When she cast down her enemy into oblivion, she had suffered wounds of the mind that sent her retreating into Twilight to meditate. This retreat lasted several years in standard time, but for her it was barely a blink in her disjointed existence. She now knows something about the trapped God that stilled her hand from silencing him completely..