Source of Power
Soul Wielders, as their name implies, actually wield parts of their own soul as a weapon. These souls often take the form of a weapon with its own unique properties, abilities, and even personality. That's right, personality. After splitting of this separate section of their soul, it often develops into a connected, but different individual.
Acquiring a Soul Weapon
A Soul Wielder gains his powers from a powerful sword located in the park, controlled by the Soul_Knights. Under certain circumstances, this sword can fire invisible blades that cleave souls, resulting in the fragments that become Soul Weapons. ((A more accurate description of the process is on the Soul Knight profile.)) The closer the bond between the Wielder and the Weapon, the more powerful the duo becomes. Most Soul Wielders are humans or demi-humans, but anthro Soul Wielders are far from unheard of. ((Here is a log between me and Razel_Lancer of when he first became a Soul Wielder. Good example of the process: Log))
About Soul Weapons
The weapon typically chooses a base form upon its creation which could be nearly any type of weapon, and maintains that form when not in use, or when in light combat. However, most of them are capable of taking on more powerful forms if need be. They each have their own symbol which usually appears as a keychain attached to their weapon form, or as a piece of armor or jewelry in their living form. Additionally, Soul Weapons are usually bound to their masters, unable to refuse a command, even if they wanted to. (Though since Weapons typically revere their masters, its rare for them to even want to disobey.) They each have the following properties, which can vary in power from weapon to weapon:
- Enhancement: This quality determines how much a weapon increases its wielder's natural abilities. The stronger a Soul Weapon is in this property, the faster and stronger its wielder becomes.
- Element: Most of the weapons are capable of manipulating a single element. The stronger this quality, the more powerful the element becomes for them. This element could be nearly anything, but many of the Soul Weapons' elements have strange qualities. For example: Awai_Hikari's flames are white and also dispel illusions.
- Transformation: Most of the weapons are capable of taking different, more powerful forms. Typically, the first form greatly increases the power of the weapon's element, while the second transformation completely changes the weapon's shape, and increases all of its abilities. It also often changes the weapon's personality. Finally, the vast majority of weapons are capable of taking on a living form, which may be a human, animal, or anything else. While in this form, both the wielder and the weapon are capable of summoning the weapon's original form, allowing them both to fight.
Weapons that are particularly skilled in transformation may also be able to change their base form, though it is usually difficult to unlock new forms, this also changes the weapon's personality and living manifestation in most cases.
Interaction between Soul Wielders
Given the rarity of Soul Wielders outside the park, they rarely interact. There is no known group or training facility for them, so they typically learn and grow their powers on their own. However, some of them have discovered that they can grow their powers greatly by slaying other Soul Wielders, and absorbing their weapons to make their own more powerful. After having done this once, a Soul Wielder also gains the ability to detect the location of the nearest other Soul Wielder, aiding in their quest for more power...
However, the park itself has been experiencing a sharp increase in the number of Soul Wielders lately. The majority of them have formed a group that has its base underground in the roots of a massive tree. They fight against evil Soul Wielders, Black_Souls and other threats. New Soul Wielders are encouraged to seek them out!
Connection between Wielder and Weapon
A Soul Wielder and his or her weapon are permanently connected to each other by a bond that can only be severed by the death of at least one of them. This bond is formed through the fact that part of the Weapon's Soul remains embedded in the soul of its Wielder. The connection is required for the Weapon to live, as it must use it to drain energy from its Wielder to remain alive. It cannot do this while in living form, so it must periodically change back to weapon form to gather energy. Typically, while sleeping in its living form, it gains small amounts of energy, but not enough for it to keep going indefinitely. They can also gain more energy by eating other living beings, but to exist on this energy alone they'd need to eat very often, almost every day...
Powering up
Several methods of gaining power are available for Soul Wielders, they will be detailed below:
- Hunting: As mentioned earlier, a Soul Wielder can hunt other Soul Wielders and absorb their weapons. This is by far the quickest path to power a Soul Wielder can take, but has the obvious complication of making them... Well... Evil.
- Training: Training can strengthen the bond between Wielder and Weapon, and thus make them stronger. However, this method is dreadfully slow compared to the others.
- Collection: By collecting soul fragments, Soul Wielders can boost their power considerably in a much shorter time, though the fragments can only be obtained by defeating highly dangerous Black Souls. They can be absorbed for a power boost, or traded to the Mysterious Man for useful items, such as Legendary metals.
Soul Fairies
The offspring of a Soul Weapon, whether the weapon is mother or father, (Or even if both of them are Soul Weapons,) Is a Soul Fairy. In cases where the weapon is the mother, the Fairy will appear as a small ball of light with wings. (LoZ style fairy) In the event that the Soul Weapon is the father, the fairy will be a classic fairy, (tiny, winged person) whose appearance is taken from both parents. Regardless of which form they start in, they will eventually gain access to the other form as well as they grow older, and then further on they'll be able to grow to human size.
Soul Fairy abilities known so far include an affinity with magic, as well as the ability to temporarily boost the magical power of those nearby. Additionally, eating a Soul Fairy temporarily allows the predator to control the element of the fairy's parent Soul Weapon. For example, a fairy whose parent Soul Weapon used fire would allow anyone who eats it to control fire. These powers only last until the fairy is digested. Each Soul Fairy also has its own unique special ability as well.
Soul Wielders and their weapons played by Me
- Kyle_Dedrick wields Awai_Hikari
- Marek and Rakurai-ju are deceased
- General_Valdis' sword has no name
- General_Reinhard and Nise Garasu are deceased
- General_Miasma wields Meiroyami
- Rythe wields Museigan
Soul Wielders and their weapons played by others
- Razel_Lancer became a Soul Wielder! He wields Varel.
- Stanly_Brooker wields Hono.
- Lance_Wolfclaw Became a Soul Wielder! He wields Tenshi_Shainingu.
- Arufa_Orime Became a Soul Wielder! He wields Lea_Omega.
- Serenna_Devenshire Became the first female Soul Wielder! She wields Kaze_bureza.
- Aleck is deceased. His Soul Weapon, Kitai, lives on.
- Seran wields Daknot.
- Roy of Roy_And_Inori wields Shaun.
- Niko__ wields Kinzo.
- Kade Is a Soul Wielder Hunter. He wields Fei.
- Dilyana wields Isra.
- Kuthun wields Chain_Blade.
- Ylse Became a Soul Wielder! She wields "Fluffs" (Adin).
- Dervin Became a micro Soul Wielder! He wields Nero.
- Auxibio Wields Silent.
- Dameion Wields Uowen.
- CaliSkull Is a formerly unbound Soul Weapon, now bound to Kyle_Dedrick.
- Ruby_Arista Became a Soul Wielder! She wields Kara_S.
- Desmond_Calder Became a Soul Wielder! He wields Inochi_Mizu.
Related Characters
- Demon_Wielder_info is an informational page concerning the related group called Demon Wielders...
- Black_Souls are odd shadowy monsters that carry soul fragments, invaluable for boosting the power of Soul Wielders! (Or anyone else who gets powers from souls!)
- The Mysterious_Man is an odd person who will trade good items for soul fragments. He knows far more than he tells.
- The Soul_Knights are a group of "Knights" that are all Soul Wielders. Their goals are less than chivalrous...
- Sun is a Soul Fairy, the daughter of Grey_Kage and Awai_Hikari.

A rank for the lowest level of Soul Wielders. Typically those who have just acquired their powers, and had no powers previously.

This rank is for Soul Wielders who have learned their powers slightly, or had a few powers of their own to begin with.

A Soul Wielder rank for those who have a good grasp of their powers, and have shown their ability to wield them.

Soul Wielders of this rank are truly dangerous, having made it clear they have a very high level of power.

The elite of Soul Wielders, rank A Wielders are not to be messed with. Ultimate level transformation is required to reach this rank.

Soul Wielders who have surpassed even the A rank, those of this level are extremely dangerous and capable of causing mass chaos.

Deadly Soul Wielders who are capable of contending with even some of the most powerful opponents the park has to offer.

The highest rank of Soul Wielders, reserved for those who have unlocked Final Form and have shown the true power of their Soul Weapon.