Source of Power
Demon Wielders, as their name implies, gain their powers from demons. There are two different types, but they both utilize demons either as a weapon, or as a part of their own body, to seriously increase the strength of their own abilities, as well as add new ones.
Demon Wielder Types
Possessed are those who managed to turn the tables against a demon who tried to possess them. In doing so, they manage to confine the demon either to a weapon, or a part of their own body. Either way, the possessed body part or weapon becomes covered in organic demonic scales or skin, sometimes even manifesting demonic eyes, and seems to pulse with energy from within.
Contractors, on the other hand, are those who willingly summoned and bound themselves to a demon. Doing so is not without its prices though. In order to agree to the binding, the demon requires that it be fed souls. If it is not fed, the Contractor will begin to feel its hunger, and eventually will die of that hunger. This also kills the demon of course, so these demons typically will not enter a contract with someone that they believe has no intention of feeding them...
Demon Wielder Powers
A weaponized demon, as stated earlier, is usually a possessed weapon or body part (typically a limb) That is bound to its wielder. This affords them several powers, but the exact abilities of a Demon Wielder varies from person to person. They all have a few basic abilities though, which will be outlined here.
- Enhancement: This quality determines how much a Weapon increases its Wielder's natural abilities. The stronger a Demon Weapon is in this property, the faster and stronger its Wielder becomes. Additionally, the Demon Weapon's durability is determined by this stat. Though even the weakest Demon Weapons can easily outlast any normal weapon, those with even decent Enhancement are nigh indestructible.
- Element: Many Demons have an affinity for a certain element, such as fire, ice, or such. These elements could also include one of the deadly sins, such as pride, or other negative emotions like greed. Or it could be something more abstract. The greater a Demon Weapon's strength in this property, the more powerful its element is.
- Growth: Normally, the Weapon encompasses only a small portion of the Wielder's body, or just the Weapon. Those that are skilled in this ability however can temporarily grow to encompass some or all of their Wielder's body. This gives them an armor-like skin, while also greatly increasing the other abilities afforded by the weapon. Those that are particularly good at this skill can also grow weapon-like protrusions, such as spikes or blades. In some cases, they can even form bows or firearms.
Wielder Interaction
Demon Wielders, surprisingly enough, are quite amiable toward each other. The only issue is that occasionally Possessed and Contractors have problems with one another, but for the most part they get along just as well as anyone else... With each other that is. With other people, they tend to be distant, cold, and even violent; especially in the case of a Contractor, since they require souls to feed to their weapon.
When Demon Wielders cross paths with Soul Wielders, the result is nearly always a fight. Each type of Wielder is capable of absorbing large amounts of energy from the other in order to power themselves up. This leaves the defeated Wielder drained and weakened, but killing them is not necessary. Much of the stolen power is just residual energy that will grow back with time, but some of it will not come back on its own and must be earned back. Likewise, draining the energy from another Wielder gives a temporary boost in power, but most of it will drain away quickly... Though a small boost will be yours to keep.
Connection between Wielder and Weapon
A Demon Wielder and his/her weapon are usually permanently connected. In the case that the Demon is possessing a Weapon and not a part of the Wielder, the two will be unable to stray far from each other without being severely weakened, and eventually causing the death of both of them. The pair can speak to each other telepathically, and may or may not be on good terms. A Possessed getting along with his/her demon is rare, for instance, since the Demon's intent had to been to capture the body for their own and they were defeated. Regardless, the Demon is typically bound to the Wielder, and unable to refuse a command.
Powering up
Several methods of gaining power are available for Demon Wielders, they will be detailed below:
- Hunting: As mentioned earlier, a Demon Wielder can absorb power from Soul Wielders to grow stronger. This has the obvious downside of putting them at odds with a powerful group...
- Training: Training can strengthen the bond between Wielder and Weapon, and thus make them stronger. However, this method is dreadfully slow compared to the others.
- Collection: Like Soul Wielders, Demon Wielders can use Soul Fragments and Legendary Metals to boost the power of their Weapon. However, they get less of a boost out of it than Soul Wielders do, and hunting is usually a much better option for them... If they don't mind fighting Soul Wielders of course.
Demon Wielder Examples:
Example of a Demon Wielder with an arm Possession:
Example of a Demon Wielder with a sword Possession:
Demon Wielders played by Me
- None Yet!
Demon Wielders played by others
- Shadow7 bound the demon Ice.
- Lisheira bound the demon Glacies.
- Richard_Brooker bound the demon Höllenfeuer.
- Victor_Ravenlocke bound the demon Despair.
Related Characters
- Soul_Wielder_Info is an info page concerning the Demon Wielders' rival group, the Soul Wielders.
- Black_Souls are odd shadowy monsters that carry soul fragments, invaluable for boosting the power of Soul or Demon Wielders! (Or anyone else who gets powers from souls!)
- The Mysterious_Man is an odd person who will trade good items for soul fragments. He knows far more than he tells.
- The Soul_Knights are a group of "Knights" that are all Soul Wielders. Their goals are less than chivalrous...

The lowest rank for a Demon Wielder, Sin rank is the approximate equivalent of a B rank for Soul Wielders. As such, even the most basic Demon Wielders are highly dangerous!

Imp is the next rank up for a Demon Wielder, showing that they have a good grasp of their power and are now a force to be reckoned with! They are the equivalent of an S rank Soul Wielder.

The Demon rank is a highly dangerous level whose denizens are not to be trifled with! They are capable of transforming into a raging Demon by allowing themselves to be fully possessed, but they lose control in the process, causing them to wreak havoc! No Demon Wielder can attain this rank until they have gained this ability. They are the approximate equivalent of an SS Soul Wielder.

The highest rank of Demon Wielders, the equivalent of an SSS rank Soul Wielder. In addition to being immensely powerful, they are capable of using their full demon transformation while remaining in control, making them among the deadliest of all opponents!