
((The current mock-up is just temporary. Forgive me for how crappy it looks. xD It really just manages the basic shape of the country and doesn't even note the landmarks properly...))
To the West of Unova, there lies a region that consists of five islands. The region, known as Salaba, was just recently settled. Various Pokemon from the five regions discovered prior to Salaba are being discovered daily, though the bulk of their trainers get their start in the Unova Region due to the lack (initially) of a residential professor. The region was, until roughly forty years ago, uninhabitable due to natural barriers and constant flooding. Even after then, Pokemon seemed scarce in Salaba for some time until the last ten years, and unique breeds of Pokemon are only recently appearing out of the woodwork.
-Political History and Connections to Other Regions-
Originally, the accessible regions of Salaba were only the smaller Eastern Islands, though the land was claimed solely in the name of Unova, and was noted as a protectorate. Occasionally, professors would come and visit the area, taking note that many Pokemon originally thought of as (generally) extinct thrived there, providing an interesting look at how the Pokemon thrive and behave amongst their own kind in the wild. This also posed the problem of these Pokemon showing particularly hostile behavior towards the unfamiliar humans now in their territory. In fact, there was a long period of time in which Carracosta and an unidentified Ancient Pokemon barricaded the central island with a massive wall of ice. Ultimately, sailors made their way to the Western Islands and the Elite Four of Kanto, Sinnoh, and Unova united to bring down the wall surrounding the massive central island. After this, it was determined that the land would be its own Region, belonging to none of those aforementioned. Despite this, various pioneers and their families moved to the region from each of the other five, uniting to conquer the wild terrain.
Salaba quickly blossomed into a continent of cultural and chronically diverse settings, blending the ancient world with the modern one. Due to the structure provided over such a relatively short time, the region gained recognition as a substantial area of Pokemon Research and a symbol of unity. However, until recently, no structured league had been developed to empower and test their trainers.
Recently, a competition was held amongst trainers from the region to create an Elite Four, a Champion, and the Head Gym Leader whom would recruit others beneath them for Salaba. The gyms and the actual home of the Elite Four are, at the moment of this document's publishing, still under construction and the search for the other Gym Leaders continues.
-Regional Elite Four, Champions, and Gym Leaders-
Elite Four
See Salaba_Elite
Gym Leaders
I. Ciel, TheEclipseWalker
II. Kora, The StoneColdTactician
III. Aria, the WindOfFreedom
IV. Vola, TheAcidicAssassin
V. Stalacia, the FreezingFatale
VI. Takashi, the Tormented Mystic
VII. Raviel, TheElectroGypsy and TrainerKit, The Star of Blooming.
VIII. Viol, TheDeceptiveBeauty
(More Details Coming Soon)
-The Islands in Detail-
(Coming Soon)
-Vore in Salaba-
Vore is actually something that some trainers in Salaba are capable of, due to the unique foods available in the area that have a variety of beneficial effects. Among these effects are increases in strength and elasticity. HOWEVER, Vore is not legal in Salaba as it's considered murder, and is a fairly underground interest and phenomena.
Of course, Pokemon are more than capable of it, and it's more common in this region due to the fact that Pokemon in Salaba are less used to humans than in other regions.
((Under Construction! Not so much an alt list as a guide to this particular roleplay setting. Many alts belong to the player that created this, but some do NOT.))