The Salaba_Region's Elite Four!
Salaba is home to many powerful trainers, but above (at the very least the eighth) Gym Leaders and below the Champion, four trainers from the far corners of Salaba take residence on the final floors of the Victory Pillar known as the Pokemon League. These guardians watch over Salaba and offer advice to the champion in times of crisis, acting as ambassadors between the region and others around it.
The current Elite Four are four male trainers, three of which are native to Salaba while the fourth comes from Unova. The three trainers from Salaba are much younger and in the same generation as most of the Gym Leaders, while the eldest member is likely in his fifties and was one of the first pioneers to enter the area.
The Salaba Elite Four is incredibly similar to that of Unova, in the sense that the first three Elite Four Members may be challenged in any order. However, the final Elite Four Member and the Champion must be challenged in direct succession to one another. The three prior members of the Elite Four take residence on the 47th Floor, whereas the fourth takes residence on the 48th. After that floor, an elevator must be taken to the 50th, as the 49th Floor holds the Hall of Fame. To get to the Elite Four, one must navigate the tower's maze below, ripe with traps and filled with a variety of Wild Pokemon. Fortunately, the 46th Floor serves as a Pokemart and Pokemon Center.
-The Elite Four-

I. Lars
Party: Steelix, Metagross, Aggron, Ferrothorn, Magnezone, Empoleon
Lars lived life in the central regions where he worked in construction, using his steel Pokemon left to him by his absent father to shape the landscape. Ultimately, his style of construction became somewhat militaristic, and as such his personality became far more disciplined. There is an air of class and finesse to his actions that differs from that of Ludwig and totally eludes Larry and Gerard that draws from the aforementioned militaristic discipline. Polite, efficient, and to the point, this master of steel Pokemon often crushes opponents with no remorse.

II. Ludwig
Party: Reuniculus, Gallade, Gardevoir, Slowking, Espeon, Darmanitan (With Zen Mode)
Ludwig, per normal for a Psychic Trainer in the Elite Four, is the most knowledgeable of the group and spends his time absorbed in studies. Oftentimes he doesn't even provide his full attention to battles, absorbed in the classical music playing through his headphones and commanding his Pokemon with telepathic communication. This nonchalant behavior vanishes once half of his party has fainted, at which point his headset will fly off and he'll 'get serious'. Charming due to his sense of high class brought about by his mother's wealth, Ludwig's own father left as well (though, unlike the other two younger members of the Elite Four, he seems to acknowledge whom their father is). Cold and calculating when provoked, many trainers leave his room with their hopes and dreams shattered.

III. Larry
Party: Blissey, Ambipom, Porygon-Z, Slaking, Braviary, Togekiss
Larry is a real ladies' man. His mother died at a young age and his father ran off, leaving him to scrape the gutters for a means to survive. At a young age, he came into possession of a Slakoth and a Rufflet, whom helped him rise and grow into the powerful trainer he became today. With no steady occupation prior to the contest in which the Elite Four, Champion, and Gym Leader Head were chosen, he was honestly relying on securing a spot in the contest as to avoid remaining in the gutter. Since becoming an Elite Four Member, he has lived a high, "swingin'" life, often abusing his position as a dignitary to travel from city to city in style. Larry is unique amongst any Elite Four as the only one of those trainers whom would use Normal Type Pokemon (and Pokemon with a Normal Subtype) exclusively.

IV. Gerald
Party: Carrocosta, Aerodactyl, Omastar, Ramparados, Cradily, Armaldo
Gerald is the final member of the Elite Four, and a Naval Captain that helped destroy the wall that the 'Ancient Pokemon' created. He specializes in the use of Fossil Pokemon due to the fact that they are all seen roaming the wild in Salaba and he feels they deserve proper tribute. He is the father of Aria, and there's much that implies the fact that he is the father of the other three members of the Elite Four as they often listen to his word without challenge (though Larry occasionally makes a smarmy comment if he doesn't like an order given) and regard him as their leader. He is a fierce combatant and often offers constructive criticism to any challenger, regardless of whether they win or lose. He seems to hold regret for the fact that he could apparently never be there for his supposed sons, though the reason as to why he could not is unclear.