
Location: #15 in the Delta_Prysm

Directly South and West of the Nega, a small valley sits, set and nestled between a collection of eight mountain peaks. A waterfall cascades from the entry pass of the valley, the slopes near it the only real path in that does not involve heavy climbs to be taken by mountain climbing enthusiasts.

The actual valley entrance is overshadowed by a natural stone arch that rises up over the small river's progress. The actual falls are no more than about fifty to sixty feet, but make travel up to the arch difficult. The valley within looks to be heavily forested, dense and unpopulated.

Once inside of the ten square mile region, however, this all changes.

Something feels immediately wrong about this place the instant one steps underneath the arch or flies down within landing range of its peaks or inside of the shadows of its mountains. Anyone mystically sensitive will feel as if they are watched by a malevolent presence in this place, and as if they are not in full control of the situation. Those few, however, with a sense for feng shui or geomancy, may realize the more horrifying truth.

The Negal Inval belongs to Abrienda. Here, her will is law, in a sense that makes her nigh akin to god within its boundaries. Anything can happen within this region so long as it is Abrienda's will that it happen. The distinction and fine line between reality and fabrication or illusion is non-existence. With less than a thought from the demoness, a thing happens in this world unless the one opposing it possesses a divine will themselves.

Few reside in this place. All 'natural' life here exists merely at the demon's will, and souls linger here only by her permission and command. "Guests" (wanted or unwanted) are in grave danger whenever they enter.

Locations: The_Hut - The beating heart of the Nega_Inval is the Hut. Fashioned after Baba Yaga's Hut, a cabin on giant chicken legs, the throne and home of the demoness Abrienda can only be found... or even exist when it wishes to be found or exist. Doorways and windows are only present if it wishes them to be, making entry possibly only when one is invited or incredibly powerful...

Known Residents -
-Abrienda/Samantha_Grey - Though the same 'person,' the two take very different attitudes towards the Nega_Inval, to the point where the being partially co-locates at times. Samantha spends as little time as she can get away with, drawn back mostly because of Tasha and her love for the woman. Abrienda lives here always, and merely visits the outside world. Either way, even if co-located as two 'beings,' they remain the same person.
-Tasha: Abrienda/Samantha's lover. She dwells here, though she is known to wander often. (Not my character)
-The Seven Incarna: Diffido (Sloth/Despair), Animositas (Spite/Wrath), Zelus (Envy/Jealousy), Superbia (Pride/Vainglory), Avaritia (Greed/Avarice), Luxus (Lust/Extravagance) and Redundo (Gluttony/Excess) - These are the literal incarnations of the divine will of Samantha and Abrienda, giving life to the collective "Sinfulness" of the joint entity. Some relate more closely to one than the other, but no matter what they are the incarnations of the demon's sin, given real and horrifying form.
-Occasionally "Guests" may remain here for extended periods of time (A horrifying prospect). If you wish to be listed, please let me know.

Enter, at your own peril. Here, Abrienda rules with a taloned fist of iron. Blessedly, for now she seems uninterested in conquest, or in drawing the souls of the damned to this place, but only time may tell... Ambition is a sin, after all.