
Superbia is no more. Shahnaz was born in January of 2015. With her birth, her mother Tanran claimed Avaritia and showed her greed over Abrienda and the silent, proud demonic Kitsune was born. She quickly began to subsume the essence of Superbia, ever one of the least prominent of the aspects of Abrienda's authority.

Though Shahnaz has done little with her power thus far, it is little doubt that the prideful woman merely bides her time...

Blame latroma for this alt...
Superbia - Pride/Vainglory

Job 20:6-7, "Though the pride of the godless person reaches to the heavens and his head touches the clouds, he will perish forever, like his own dung; those who have seen him will say, ‘Where is he?’"

Ever since Abrienda claimed the Nega_Inval, one of the mountains that rings the valley has changed. Its bulk is still there, but it almost seems as if there is a figure that is carved out of much of its bulk. It towers a thousand feet over the valley, its severe, cold and barely human gaze lingering upon all that are present within. Nothing misses its gaze. Nothing is outside of its purview. It remains there, carved into the mountain, as if seated upon a throne comprised of the earth itself.

Superbia is the envisioning of Abrienda's own vainglory, given life. Imagine if the ego of a demon who had once consumed her father and served as second to a lord of hell were the master of her own kingdom, thinking herself god in that place. The ego of such a creature would be equally titanic, and this being evidences the reality. It is inflated, bloated and massive, its frame barely within comprehension to the mortal eye.

Superbia can stand anywhere from 8-10' to the towering heights of a mountain. When it departs its throne, it takes whatever size it wishes, though it is its marked preference to be the tallest thing in sight, meaning that it is generally just taller than the trees around. It is immeasurably strong, and very fast, its body the stuff of mountains. It craves to be worshiped, lauded and cowered before, to feel the crack of pathetic bones beneath its feet or the life of another snuffed out between its fingers.

Anything to feel bigger. It devours, not out of hunger because it's too perfect in its own eyes to ever be hungry or lacking, but instead just to make something feel insignificant as they are ground beneath its teeth. Unlike its fellows, its ways of perceiving the universe are surprisingly two-dimensional, and so its methods of consumption are far less... inventive than some.

Ironically, Superbia is arguably the weakest of the incarnations of Abrienda's sin. It's hard to say if it is the fact that her pride is in fact her least potent sinful behavior, or if it is simply that its ego incarnation has inflated itself to the point where it actually has vulnerabilities it will not acknowledge. One must be clever to know how to bring low a giant, however. You can't simply 'be bigger.' That game is lost against a being whose entire point of existence is being bigger than you. However, a clever and sneaky creature can find ways to defeat and even devour something larger than itself... especially one who cares so little to observe its own limitations by its very nature.

(Generally pred. Prey is possible, but I'd suggest talking to me first.)