(thanks to Endangered Noodle for the art)
A giant, chubby frogs. She is the queen of the Swampy Swamp. She lives there, with no other company than some tadpoles... that she usually eat before they grow too much.
Feeling lonely, she usually enjoy when a visitor enters the swamp; she likes chatting with strangers... and she likes eating strangers. But, since it's uncommon for her to have guests, she tries to get the most fun from then. She always asks them a riddle: if they can answer correctly, they can leave the swamp unharmed, and they also receive a prize, otherwise... they end in her stomach.
Many adventurers tried, and failed. So, she got a lot of treasures, and some magic artifacts, from them. The Swampy Swamp, once a place of no interest for anyone, now attracts a lot of gold hunters... and the queen frog is happy in that way.
But she is not always the apex predator... she fears her natural predators: snakes, of course. It's a well known fact that some snakes eat frogs...
Old art (Drawing is a derived work from the photo Frog_on_bough.jpg on Wikimedia Commons):

Sosuk_Battlelance tried to challenge her, failed, and got eaten. The frog got her golden earrings.
Drizzit tried, and won. He got away unharmed, and earned a AFH gun, that will let him change anyone to Anthro, Feral or Human form
Joe_and_Jo tried, and failed. Their clothes are the only thing remaining of them
Amy_Fateburn, in her human form, came to the swamp, and easily solved the riddle, being able to read frog's mind. She got a wand that allowed her to shrink, or enlarge, everybody she wants. Then, she scared the frog to death by transforming in her true form, but she had mercy and let the frog go.
TheGreatSwampWitch tried, and failed. The frog ate her, and kept her hat. But the witch said she had a charm to reform her...
TimeLady tried, and failed. The frog gulped her, and took her atomic scrambler, a device that could turn any inanimate physical object or form into any other inanimate form. Alternatively it could also transform any living being into any other living form.
Cute_Little_Mouse entered the swamp by chance, gave the wrong answer, and got eaten. The frog found a green skirt, a perfect gift for a beautiful girl...
Pip_ tried, and lost. The frog took his tail, and made a lucky charm from it.
ZoraPrincessRuto tried, and got eaten. The frog now owns two beautiful gem earrings.
DP_Gainer tried, and failed. The frog ate her, and kept a large, ruby encrusted necklace
Kaitlinrollov managed to beat the riddle, one second before being eaten. The frog let her go, and gave her a powerful plasma gun.
Reporter_Melissa tried, and failed. The frog took the bracelet she used to control portals... so she became unable to reform again in her universe. Also, the frog found an expensive camera.
Preg_Trainer wanted to capture the frog, so she got a more difficult riddle, and failed. As the frog ate her, she gained the ability to shape shift, from here.
Koh_Rah_Lord tried, failed, and the frog forced her to reveal the Words. Then, Koh Rah killed the frog. A tadpole grew, and took her place
Eliot tried, and won. The frog told him a secret he wanted to know.
DarkSorcererTheo tried, and failed. The frog ate him, and took a pendant that allows to see in darkness, out to 100 feet without any sort of light.
Fabio_ tried, and won; but he omitted to tell the frog what prize he wanted, so the frog gave him a shirt, with the text "I beat the riddle of the Frog of the Swampy Swamp and all I got was this stupid t-shirt"
Queen_Cella tried, and failed. The frog ate her, and took a set of bracelets; they're bright gold, with a strange, glowing blue series of runes carved into them. They canbe used to interact with souls
Maily_the_cow failed, and become the frog's lunch. The frog got a nice cow bell, too.
Jackie_Black took the risk, and missed. The frog, after eating her, earned a talisman that allows to transform living beings into inanimated objects, or into body parts. It looks like a playing card, but it's metallic
Tyrongo failed the game, and got eaten, while the frog took his prehensile tail
Scruffle gave a wrong answer... and lost his cellphone, before getting eaten. The frog took his bushy tail, and wrapped it on the phone, to make an original case for it.
Miss_Starling tried, and by chance told the right answer to the riddle, without realizing it. The frog gave her some pills, that allows to change anyone who eat them into an animal, or into a demi animal. Then, she decided to use Starling to incubate some of her eggs. She also gave her a potion to make her more stretchy.
Enrico sent a small bat, no bigger than a fly, to try the riddle. The bat failed, and got eaten by one daughter of the frog. The frog got the quill Enrico used to write all his books; this quill is magic, everything is written with it becomes true.
Dennica_Edge solved the riddle. The frog told her the secret of her nature, and her origins.
Celvin tried, and failed. The frog ate him, and took his brushy mane.
Ziana_Rivasier solved the riddle, and got from the frog a grimoire that taught her how to create and control golems. Ziana then build a matter duplicator for the frog, and the frog gave her a witch hat, to help her to increase her new magic abilities.
Since the matter duplicator could not work well in a swamp, and many other objects could have been damaged by the water, the frog decided to rent a warehouse in the city of
Ayonoree and move most of her collection there, to keep it safe
Tiny_Hope tried, and failed. The frog ate her, and got her trusty pin, a pin coated with a shrinking serum that will reduce any normal sized human to borrower size
Xenobia_Marsh tried, and lost. The frog took her necklace, then the two found a compromise solution: the frog ate her, but released her after one day
After a weird adventure with
Kaitlinrollov, the frog gave her a healing potion, and a teleporting potion.
Ashley_ketchum_ failed the riddle, and got eaten. The frog took her pikachu panties as a prize.
June_show_wolf tried with no success, and got eaten. The frog took a magic slave collar, from her.
Pawn_Lilith came to slay the frog, and got captured. The frog asked her the riddle anyway, and she failed, so the frog ate her, and kept her sword, a blue shield with a dragon emblazoned upon it in yellow, and a satchel that contains a vast assortment of item, a collection of small vials with various coloured liquids within them, some innocuous looking herbs, small throwing knives, and some bombs
Torappu_Kanemochi failed, and got eaten. The frog took his lucky soccer boots
Yummyitalian tried... but failed to understand the question, so the frog ate him and took his gold collar.
Davion tried, and failed. The frog ate him, and took a dragon scale, that allows to teleport.
Sallyy failed, and got eaten. The frog kept some bones, with special runes carved into them. These protection runes allow to heal and to reform.
Shadow_Kat tried, and failed. The frog ate her, and kept a lock of her hair, that gives the owner the ability to walk through walls, and the ability to walk on air
NC failed, and got eaten. The frog got from him a rich collection of seeds and spores of a broad variety of carnivorous plants
Yensequra tried, and failed. The frog eat her whole, and collected her angel feathers, that give the power to control light magic and shrink power
Zarix_ tried, and got eaten. The frog kept her star.
Giorgia won, and got a stylish brown leather jacket
Huggles won four golden horse shoes, that last forever.
Huggles tried a double-or-nothing, and lost. The frog ate him, and took back the golden horse shoes... and his tail, too
Teena_Bright solved the riddle, and got the Talisman of Glitch, an object that can randomize stength and power during a battle (making things better... or worse)
Chris_Springer failed, and got eaten. The frog took his ID card.
Thief_below solved the riddle on his last try. He got a sack that can hold everything without swelling, and can shrink with him.
Amanda tried, and failed. The frog ate her, and took her magic staff.
The frog used the matter duplicator to create new magic staffs: she gave one to her friend
Amy_Fateburn, because she asked kindly. She traded another with her friend
Ziana_Rivasier, who, in exchange, gave some pills that allow shape shifting at genetic level to the frog.
SuperGayFurDraggy failed the riddle: the frog ate him, and took one of his claw, that gives incredible speed to the owner.
Erusu tried, and failed. The frog ate her, and kept her pearl earrings.
Inflatable_Shark tried, failed... and got changed into a tadpole:
Frog_of_the_pond! Also, the frog learned an interesting secret.
NatashaVolkova failed. The frog, from her DNA, got the ability to become hermafrodite.
Wibo tried reading frog's mind, and got busted.
Zarin_the_neko tried, panicked, and got eaten. The frog took her reforming stone.
Mercy_OW tried, and failed. The frog ate her, and took her wings and her shoes.
Carmen_Marina tried, and got eaten. The frog took her earrings.
Aoife_Kelly failed, and got eaten. The frog took a resurrection orb from her.
Technomancer solved the riddle, and got an experimental prototype of a new model of android.
Queen_Jill_I failed the riddle, and got eaten. The frog took her crown.
Lunelle failed, and got eaten. The frog took her tail, and added it to her collection
Lelith failed, and got eaten. The frog took one of her tails.
JanellStar got eaten, after failing the riddle. The frog trapped her soul inside a tefillin, becoming able to use her powers.
Lilly_Shifter tried to beat the riddle twice. And failed in both cases, loosing her butterfly and her otter form.
RileyAmbertail got eaten after failing. The frog took her mermaid tail
Nasha tried, and had no luck. The frog, after eating her, took a glowing, orange sphere of plasma, that gives the owner complete control on fire magic.
Lilly_Shifter wanted to try again, challenging the frog to a dice game... and lost a third time. The frog kept a lock of hair from her human form.
Amber_Hayate tried, and won. She got a mermaid tail. Then, she tried to eat the frog... but the frog shrank her with the borrower pin, and managed to escape.
Amber_Hayate wanted double-or-nothing, and the second time, she lost. The frog ate her and took a dragon egg from her.
Lacticia failed, and got eaten. The frog took her ribbon.
Lantaia tried, and won. The frog gave her a crown.
DarkSorcererTheo came for a second round, and lost. The frog took a grimoire of dark magic from him... then he asked back his own riddle, but the frog solved it, and ate him... again.
Aissa failed, and got eaten. The frog took her necklace, made with three teeth.
Kimiko_Suzuki failed, and got eaten. The frog took her hair band.
Ysami_Suki tried, and failed. The frog ate her, and took her healing staff.
Pip_ tried again, and failed a second time. The frog ate him and took his collar, and a substitute doll of himself.
Blake_Jones failed, and the frog ate her. The frog kept her magic baseball cap. With oppurtune focus, anything can be pulled out from it.
Emi_Kyoto accepted the risk, and failed. The frog ate her, and took from her a gem worth a ton of gold and full of magic.
Runia came to the swamp, and tried to eat the frog. But she wanted to try the riddle, to win and endless supply of sweets... instead, she failed, and she got eaten.
Pepper_Pac played, and lost the game. The frog ate her, and got a Power Pellet, a powerful pill that allows the ones who consume it to be able to consume anything they wish and become invincible even to things like ghosts.
Tracer_UK tried, and got eaten after failing. The frog took her chronal stabiliser, a device that allows short range teleport and time jumps.
Krauss tried, and won. The frog gave him a jar full of pills that change the gender of anyone who eats them.
Fairy_Tinkerbell tried, and failed. The frog ate her, and filled a sachet with her fairy dust.
Maxine_Sharik visited the swamp, and with her magic, made a tree of treats grow in there.
One of the
Wandering_Kids, a mouse boy, tried and failed. The frog ate him and took his compass.
Note_The_Skotter solved the riddle. The frog gave him a potion that makes someone stronger, and immune to any form of pain, or wound, for half an hour.
Gutbug failed, and got eaten. The frog took his FTL spaceship "Glowy", a science ship designed for a crew of one, thus it is incredibly light and compact with very few separate rooms. It has a greenhouse that doubles as a pantry, navigations room that can be used for communications, a research station and the actual living quarters.
Cadence_Mi_Amor tried, and won. The frog gave her a magic wand with a star on the tip, that allow her to take the form she wants
Nicci_Mierin failed, and got eaten. The frog took her magic ring, a golden ring with a topaz stone on it that allows to grow to 50 feet tall.
Siobhan tried, failed, and got eaten. The frog took some of her DNA, acquiring her chamaleon ability to imitate any humanoid prey eaten.
WildMage_Eren failed, and got eaten. She was hard to digest... but the frog took three kitsune tails, that give complete control over ice magic. It doesn't really matter... Erin would likely reform with all her tails, anyway.
Eris_Acantha tried, and lost. The frog ate her, and got an aquamarine stone so upon a whim she can bring Eris to her for any whims or desires.
Quoxotl failed, and got eaten. The frog took his trident.
A special episode of the
Game_Show_ was set in the swamp; the frog ate the first two contestants, Heather and Rachel, but the third one, Lacy, solved the riddle and won a portable tv station: it is a suitcase that contains an enormous scenograpy, with seats, and cameras, and lights, and microphones. It looks perfect... but each component is foldable, and can be put again in the suitcase with no effort
NiraLightshine tried, and failed. The frog ate him, and took one hoof as a trophy.
Ktayna failed, and got eaten. The frog kept her Miqo'te tail.
Valencia_DeMina tried, and failed. The frog ate her, and took from her a medal permeated of magic, that gives the owner the ability of prestidigitation.
Serenity_Yhanthlei failed, and got eaten. The frog took her large hammer.
Orphani failed the riddle, and got eaten. The frog took his Muse stone, an emerald that looks like it has "veins" of mana flowing through it, and occasionally grants the holder bouts of insight and/or fits of inspiration.
Lilu_sama tried, and failed. The frog ate her and took her starfish.
Aron_Stormheart failed the riddle, and got eaten. The frog took her gem encrusted sword, and her magic boots that allows to walk over water. Then, she pleaded for a second riddle to save her life, and solved it, so the frog let her go, and kept her as a minion. Unfortunately, on her first mission she made a mistake, and ended transformed.
Voltaica tried, and won. The frog gave her a gender swap potion.
Gluttonous_Sui failed, and got eaten. The frog took a herm potion from her.
Fabio_ wanted to try again, but this time, he failed, and got trapped inside the frog's belly...
Someone challenged the frog in a deadly fight, and managed to steal a dragon scale from her. Luckily, the frog just replaced it with a new one thanks to her matter duplicator.
After a weird series of events, the frog agreed to leave
Fabio_ free for some hours each day. But he is still her prisoner, until someone can set him free (subject to change).
Buffy_Summers failed, and got imprisoned in the frog's belly for three days. The frog got her necklace, a protection from vampires.
Davion tried a second time, and lost... becoming a living incubator for the frog's eggs.
Garbash_Mudclaw failed, and got eaten. The frog changed her feet to key chains, and trapped her soul in a little statue.
Zaiya failed, and got eaten. The frog took her sundress.
Ashleywitch tried, and won. The frog gave her a dimensional tent: on the inside, there is ten times more room than in a regular tent of the same size.
Captain_Nina tried, and failed. The frog ate her, and took her silver coin, a charm of good luck.
OW_Tracer failed, and got eaten. The frog took her googles.
Alis failed, and got captured. The frog took her skirt. Then, Alis asked for a second chance, failed again, and became a slave.
Fawx tried, and failed. The frog ate him, and took his cybernetic implants.
Cassidy_Morrals failed twice, and got eaten. The frog took from her the ability to create slave clones of any creature, from just a sample of DNA.
Ikinari_Haruka tried, failed, and got eaten. The frog took her tail, with her ability to cast illusion, conjuration and evocation spells
Frankie_ tried the riddle, failed, and got eaten. The frog took her bolts, that, when applied on a corpse, can make it temporarily alive again.
Arteku_Noth failed the riddle, and got eaten. The frog took a pair of six shooters from him.
Vani failed, and got eaten. The frog took her sketchbook: when something is drawn on it, any change to the drawing will affect the real life counterpart.
Pip_ failed a third time, and lost his pink fedora to the frog, before being eaten.
Konoha_Koinumeru solved the riddle, and won a potion that makes breasts of anyone who drinks it bigger.
AshleyDaInvest escorted three convicted criminals to the swamp: they tried to solve the riddle to win back their freedom, but instead, they failed and got eaten.
Julio_ failed, and got eaten, leaving his clothes in the swamp.
Bael failed the riddle, and got almost eaten, then he accepted to become a vassal of the frog, and the frog released him, giving him a collar. The frog accepted to call him a friend, not a vassal.
Zinougre came to guard the swamp, until the tadpole will grow back.
Ziana_Rivasier installed a small frame that can generate portals in the swamp, to allow transporting objects. The frog gave her Valencia's medal.
Ali_Escape visited the swamp, but stepped on quicksands, and sank. The frog salvaged her flip flops and her black cape.
The frog released Fabio to Amy Fateburn
Achroma won, and got the magic sketchbook.
Achroma tried "double-or-nothing", and won again, getting a reforming stone.
Miles_King failed, and got eaten. The frog took his 3DS.
Ghenna the naga came to investigate what happened to three of her subjects... but failed the riddle, and got eaten.
Lisa_Simpson_ failed the riddle, and got eaten. The frog took her pearl necklace.
CARROT_bot tried the riddle, but failed and got eaten. The frog let him reform, but took a slime-shifter gun as a trophy.
CARROT_bot, after reforming, wanted to try again, and lost an infinite gold dispenser to the frog. At least, the frog gave him a reforming potion, that can be used only once.
Achroma tried to ask a riddle to the frog, but she solved it, winning a lantern: it allows to see things that usually can't be seen, like invisible objects.
Mara_Virness failed, and got eaten. The frog kept a naga skull.
Tesshin failed the riddle, and got eaten. The frog took his prized armour.
AshleyDaGenie unbirthed the frog, transforming her into a genie, thus making her able to grant wishes.
Alis tried again, and won a magic box that contains anything the owner asks for.
Ali_Escape tried again, and failed a second time, being eaten, and loosing a pendant that can respawn and resurrect its owner.
Mr_Pickles failed the riddle, and got eaten. The frog acquired from him the ability to hypnotise.
Dollie tried the riddle, lost, and got eaten. The frog took her hood with bunny ears.
Mia_Warrior failed the riddle, and got devoured. The frog took her magic sword.
Finbarr won the riddle, and got a green mushroom that will grant him one extra life... but only one. When he left, he forgot his sword in the swamp.
Nyu_Maid, after some failed attempts, managed to solve a riddle, and the frog gave her a book titled "riddles for dummies"
Scarlet_Firehead failed, and got eaten. The frog got a spellbook, from her.
Magical_Mindy solved the riddle, and cast a spell on the frog, giving her a human form, turning her into a princess, complete with castle and attendants (see roleplay room, August 21st 2016)
FyraTRose failed the riddle, and got eaten. The frog took her "Rules of Undertale" book, that causes all battles to be fought in Undertale Format.
Goldilocks_ tried, and failed. The frog ate her, and took a master lock pick from her.
After an adventure with
Med_Wolf, he gave a satchel of medical supplies to the frog.
Chilly_Seth solved the riddle, and won a reforming stone. He gave two pearls to the frog.
After another riddle with
Finbarr, the frog used her magic to give him his ship back, and now he works for her.
Med_Wolf solved a riddle, and wished for a friend; the frog used her genie powers to make
Mew_Mew appear.
Kritana tried asking her own riddle to the frog. The frog solved it, and took her claws.
After babysitting
Nerdsune_twins, the frog gave a new tail to each of them: to Lumina, the new tail gave a frog's tongue, and to Eliara gave the ability to create slave clones of any living creature she touches. The frog learned, from Lumina, the art of technomancy.
Zemo solved the riddle. The frog summoned a herd of boars to feed her. He gave the frog a gold nugget.
Nala_Steadyhoof failed the riddle, and got eaten. The frog kept her horns.
Mew_Mew asked for a way to reform, and the frog gave him a single use reforming potion.
Carsten_Grey_Wolf solved the riddle, and won a magic mirror: it reflects any spell cast on him back to the caster.
Blue_WR failed, and got eaten. The frog took her collar.
Sprixthetiny failed the riddle, and got eaten. The frog took a teleporting scroll from him.
Seris_the_Mage came to the swamp, and the frog helped her preparing a Soul Potion.
TomNook failed the riddle, and got eaten. He won't be released for 51 days.
Elysium_Esserio solved the riddle, and won a necklace that grants her telekinetic abilities.
Luna_Shard solved a riddle, and wished for the ability to reform. The frog granted her wish.
Luna_Shard wanted to try another riddle, but the second time, she failed, and got eaten. The frog took her wings.
Blazing_Paw tried, and failed. The frog trapped his draconic soul in a tefillin.
Ellliott solved a riddle, and won a golden armour.
Star_Beam failed the riddle, and got eaten. The frog took her wings, that contain a special nervous tissue. They provide telekinesis ability.
The frog hypnotised and ate
Ysami_Suki, digesting her, and reforming her as a tatoo on the frog's skin.
Kitsun failed, and got eaten, enhancing the hypnotic abilities of the frog.
BattleMage_Sarah challenged the frog, but she lost and got eaten. The frog took her mage robes, and her elven blade.
Blackthorn failed the riddle, and got eaten. The frog took, from her, a book titled "The sight"
Maji failed, and got eaten. The frog kept her jewelry.
Erin_The_Sylveon earned the frog's respect, by proposing her a new riddle. The two are now friends, and Erin gifted one magic ribbon that can heal any wound to the frog.
Thomas_Mayers solved a riddle, and won a bear skin that is still alive, and can eat anyone who gets to close. In return, he gave a gold necklace to the frog.
Thomas_Mayers wanted to try a second riddle, but this time, he failed, and got eaten, loosing his horns.
Thomas_Mayers kept trying, loosing his earring, too.
Sinner_ lost his hat, and got eaten, after trying to solve a riddle.
Yun_Zhao failed, and got eaten. The frog took her jewelry.
Nerdsune_Twins failed a riddle, but solved another one, so the frog ate them, but granted their wish, too: she gave them new tails, with the ability to have stands.
Jigar failed, and got eaten. The frog took an ornate gem encrusted dagger from him.
CeraFelis almost solved a riddle, and the frog turned her into a tadpole.
Drizzit solved a riddle, although in an unusual way.
Rosy tried, and won: the frog made her drink a potion, granting her the ability to teleport things and people inside her stomach.
Class_999999_Watch failed, and got eaten: the frog acquired its scanning abilities.
Exo solved a riddle, and won a Power Bell, that makes him stronger, and allows him to move faster
TimeLady challenged the frog again, and solved a riddle, freeing the first version of herself
The frog met
Muted in the park, and gave her a potion that granted her the ability to reform.
Yosher tried, and failed: the frog ate him and took his bandana as a trophy.
Runia managed to eat the frog, and to get the Candy Box from her: a magic box that gives the owner an endless supply of candies, chocolate bar, slices of cake, and other sweets. Runia allowed the frog to reform, although with no more fat of her body. The frog would have to eat a lot to regain her old weight.
Exodia failed a riddle, and lost five cards, that allow the frog to control her.
Illian solved a riddle: the frog gave him an artificial prosthetic arm, for his servant.
Crono_The_Hero failed a riddle, and got eaten. The frog took Epoch as a trophy.
Vicky_The_Gainer failed, and got eaten. The frog took from her a glowing egg of a very rare species of salamander which is capable of setting its body ablaze without harm
Ayla_cavewoman won, and managed to free Crono.
Coyote_Peterson solved a riddle, and gained a living blanket that wraps him at night to keep him warm.
shirokuma failed a riddle, and got eaten. The frog took a dragon slave from him.
Honor_Glory_Duty solved a riddle (more or less), and the frog made them drink a reforming potion.
Achroma tried to win back his lantern, but he failed, and lost the sketchbook, instead.
Oralani failed a riddle, and got enslaved.
Gordaner tried to kill the frog. But the frog hypnotized him, making him believe he has already done that.
Liisa_Hex challenged the riddle... and ended up at frog's service. The frog needed someone to help her brewing potions, after all.
After hearing of what happened in the park, the frog decided to play a little prank to
Muted: replacing her sketchbook with the magic one, that affects reality.
John_Griffin failed, and got eaten. The frog took his pokeball.
Fredjar failed a riddle... and to save her life, she told a secret to the frog.
Vivi_the_Spidergir solved a riddle, winning a reforming charm, and the ability to produce a memory-wiping venom.
After an interesting episode,
Liisa_Hex obtained from her a frog form.
Davion, after solving a riddle, wished for a wolf form, and the frog granted that wish.
Icy_Cirno failed a riddle, and got eaten. The frog took her icicle wings.
Oliver_Guvius solved a riddle, and won a bracelet that allowed him to set the power of his magic.
Blake_Pendragon failed a riddle, and lost a ring with blue and red lins on each side, that allows to control gravity. At least he got a new sword.
The frog challenged
Hungry_dog to a riddle with sticks, and the dog solved it, winnind a bone with runes carved on it, that will allow it to reform.
Shagun, after solving a riddle, got a new body.
Toon_Maxine, after an unusual series of events, received an ineradicable paint that makes her immune to the dip.
Shadow_the_neko solved a riddle, and got the ability to create food from air, although she might have received an inside help.
After her, also
Jane_the_neko solved a riddle, gaining telekinetic abilities.
Fluttershy7 failed a riddle, and got eaten. The frog got a gem that enhances the abilities of the owner.
Drach failed, and got eaten. The frog got his horns
Kitty_Cane solved a riddle, winning a potion that gave her the ability to breath underwater
Poplitea failed a riddle, and got eaten. The frog took her necklace, that allows teleporting and reforming.
Kyle_Geist gave the wrong answer, and got eaten. The frog took his card deck
Noah_the_Woop solved a riddle, but when he tried double-or-nothing he failed the second one, and got eaten, loosing his jacket to the frog
Pamm, after failing a riddle, was swallowed, and kept as a belly pet. Don't worry for her...
After failing a riddle,
Sarah_Winter was eaten, and the frog took her mortar and pestle
Nina_Young wanted to try, and failed. The frog ate her and took her leggings as trophy
Jacked solved a riddle, and won a flute that allows him to hypnotize mice
Baila_Ukanmuriman failed, and got eaten. The frog kept her tail
Inara_Serpentine challenged the frog over a chocolate bar, and after failing some riddles, she got eaten, and she is now trapped in the frog's belly
After some times, the two became good friends, so the frog released Inara... for now.
Jun_Misaki solved a riddle, and won an enchanted bracelet, that allows her to reform if eaten.
Tim_Shults failed, and got eaten. Too bad he could not reform
ParmesanBirb failed a riddle, and got eaten. The frog took a lucky penny from him, and used his feathers to decorate her home
https://i.imgur.com/Yu6OKMv.pngBig_Nerd tried, and failed, getting eaten. She won't come out unless someone wins her back
Ray_The_Farm_Hand failed a riddle, and was eaten. The frog took his shovel.
Neo_the_icecream_b failed, and got eaten. The frog took his umbrella, that can shrink people
Majikaja solved a riddle, and won a pin coated with a serum that can shrink her