"Created" by the ssame deliciouss human who iss responsible for
Elysium... Heaven. No more fitting name than that could be found for this deviouss sserpent. Between her egomania, abject cruelty, and, of course, magic, she iss truly a force with which to be reckoned. Her abilitiess include:
- Shapeshifting
Her two main formss are a feral pythonesss (36 feet long, unknown weight, pitch black scaless) and a true naga (24 feet from her head to the tip of her tail, also unknown weight.) She can shift between these formss at will, and likess to do sso in order to ssee her prey'ss reaction. In addition to these two formss, she can grow and shrink at will.
Ssizess are listed in feet from head to tip of tail.
Naga: 4-150 feet
Feral: 10-170 feet
(OOC NOTE: These sizes are WAAAY too large of a range for now. I know.)
- Hypnotism
If you gaze too long into the abysss... it will sstart to sstare right back into you. Focuss too deeply on her eyess, which are an evil, ssulphurouss yellow with vertically sslitted pupilss, and you will quickly entranced, paralyzed by pure terror as she sslowly coilss around you...~
Mechanism of reformation - Lodged within Elysium'ss body iss a ssmall black orb. Thiss orb iss what grantss her her power over ink. Because of this ability, no matter how she meetss her demise, if the orb comess into contact with any ssuitably thick liquid, that liquid will transform into ink from which she can reform.

A reference picture of her naga form, as commissioned from
ColdHeartedHero by
Mina_the_Dragon. Thankss~~
She hass ssolved the riddle of
Frog_of_the_swamp and now wieldss telekinetic ability~