Meet Sam Oktober. No he is not a beer; however, he loves to drink it. A bit too much sometimes. His profession is that he is a thief. He has never been caught. He is the source of things going missing with absolutely no trace. He utilizes a magical amulet that allows him to shrink to almost any size. (Think ANT man but no suite for protection.) He has slipped under doors, and has climbed through door locks.
He doesn't have his amulet with him at all times since it is a magical device and he honestly doesn't know how it works, or what it might do if he were to be around other magic sources or other people. One side affect is that his usual size ranges from 4'9" to 6'3". He is usually on the taller side, but he never know what will happen when he wakes up. This is with or without the amulet on. Some sort of residual thing. It has forced him to be selective with friends, and only hang out with people who have seen him at certain heights. So he has friends he knows when he is over six feet tall, and makes sure he doesn't get seen when he is shorter.
He keeps the amulet locked nice and safe at home unless he is out on a job. He isn't always wealthy, and blows his money quickly on fun things. So his home is small, and he doesn't live the lifestyle he wants to at all times. But one thing is for sure, it is never enough.
Enjoys IC approaches. Bring it on!

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