she's sweet, shy and short. the kind of girl you'd expect to be an easy pray. which.. she is.
she's not one to fight, only to freeze in fear. but, she's a nice girl who learned about these strange creatures through her desires. please treat her nicely.
as she is a newby, she has little to defend herself against some of the more powerful predators out there. in other words, she's easy to take advantage of.
in some way, she's a sort of test of own restraint. even if she has the guh to say what's on her mind, it's not like she'll scream out if anything would hapen to her.
Majikaja likes to take things slow, so she can follow along properly. she's not the kind of girl who'd like to be gobbled up all so suddenly. just ask, first.
as she is a curious girl, she usually doen't back away when it comes to trying new things here and there. and, although she is a prey by nature, if presented the opportunity, she'd like to be a pred, too.
she particulaily has a hard time holding back when it comes to tinies. currently, she'd like to try switching it up and being a pred, but that might be hard for her.
her body is soft. her clothes are warm. her smile is gentle and her voice is light. she's the personification of comfort and WILL hug when asked too.
also, her tummy is soft and squishy. the kind that can hold a lot and be delightful as a pillow.

Dairy of Majikaja/ Story so far --
I had met my first pred,
Saerena_Cobra, who taught me that my actions can have drastic consequences. but, being as bonevolent as she is, she has given me a second chance at this life!
it's a bit weird, as my soul is conected to hers, but she's become my respawn anchor! well, I'll be reborn from her if I make similair mistakes. but I've learnt my lesson!
as of today, I'll also try and look for any magical items that'll keep me a bit safer. but also, finding a size-shifting thingamagig would also be neet.
I met my first giantess the other day!
Xelene was very sweet, though a bit scary because she was so big!
she was kind enough to swallow me and let me explore her digestive system without being digested!
it was a harsh landscape, but I eventually made it back out! on that day, I learnt that I'm.. very weak. so, I'll add some strenght potion thingy to my fetch list.
also, I kinda wanna try messing up a stomach.. like moving and thrashing or.. even getly rubbing. ah- but thta doesn't matter, really!
I got my first item from
Frog_of_the_swamp today! It's a pin coated in a serum that shrinks anything into a very small size.
I found it a bit lackluster of a thing, but I soon learn that it's tiny, worthless appearance is it's strength!
soon after I got it, I was ambushed by a
Xenoteratomorph and could've been badly hurt if it was nt for this pin!
I stabbed it on the nose at the last second and boom, it shrunk to just a small lizard! this means that, when I'm in danger I can use this to hopefully save myself.
also, I can use it on myself. so... yeah.. more fun~
felt a bit dirty.. so I went to Nexus hub and got to meet
Akima_Fiamma, a dancer there. honeslty, it was a bit scary to be at such a vulgar place, but she was nice to me!
up until I got a little distracted and.. well.. got my poor belly inflated with breast milk. I knew my tummy could strech, but even this was new for me. it felt good.
it was hard to keep all the milk down, but Akima suggested I could stay the night with her so I took that opportunty pretty quickly.
she swallowed me and kept me inside her upper, safer stomach, where I got to have my first endo-stay within a belly. (also, sorry, Akima, but I returned just a bit og your milk to your body.)
when I woke up the next morning, she asked me if I wanted to become her "belly pet." after hearing the details, I reluctantly had to decline the offer.
It's not that I would hate it, being shaked around when she dances would be delightful, it's more that I don't like single, long-term relationships that much.
I wanna meet more beautiful girls! and I also wanna try be a pred sometimes! maybe someday.
After some more talking and definitly not crying while she hugged me, Akima was nice rnough to let me live with her until I find a place for myself. Which I am super, duper thankful for.
Even so, I think there's something about her that I miss... she's oddly attracted to me, like a magnet. Whatever.
The next day, I talked to her about this mysterious, black ring I found at the libary.
She told me she knew a girl who handled magical items, so I went to check it out. It was in a dark, nasty cave, but it was lined with crystals so it was quite pretty! Dark, though.
I met a dark elf,
Nendra, who didn't trust me at all! I don't know what she had.. but she's a nice girl!
She identified the ring I had as a Ring of Delay, which holds onto magic and keeps me safe, but unleashes it all if I remove it.
Then.. the ring opened! I don't remember what exactly happened, but it hurt! The next thing I remember was being awoken by Nendra. She didn't tell me what happened, but my body was so tired that.
Also, worst of all, the magic that she casted earlier on me to test the ring was a shrink spell!
And.. well.. I then realised the ring was off me. Poof, I went. And.. well... I... Nendra was kind enough to let me have a nap in her womb.. which was cozy and warm. Great gal! Though.. I wish I bought something from her..
Today was.. hard. I awoke in Nendra's tummy and she birthed me shortly after, but we weren't in her cave! I was in some room with barred windows and a cozy bed. But, my clothes weren't here!
Luckily Nendra gave me a robe to wear, bless her soul... next thing I know, a man with black hair came into thw room, asking us to follow him for some kind of discussion.
I followed, cold and embarrased to be so nude, but as I entered the room, I met //REDACTED// I was surprised to see her here as head of the Secret Services, but before I could say anything I was asked about Vaalmonotrice!
they showed me pictures and recordings, asking me questions, but I was most shocked that I saw
Zalia_Malus here in nexus! I'm.. both happy and unhappy to see her here. they also gave me this odd, cool pendant that cancels all magic.. or something. I don't know if it'll protect me from Manticore magic, but oh well, it's pretty!
The interogation was scary and I felt like //REDACTED// had betrayed me in some way, but she made her innocence known soon after I started thinking those thoughts. but little did I know that I was in the grand city of
Ayonoree! And that I was speaking to the king himself!
I.. could've passed out, if it weren't for //REDACTED// Being there with me. //REDACTED// then helped me on my way back to Akima's place and I never felt in more dire need of a bath... .. maybe Akima could help with that..