Age: 21
Orientation: Bisexual
Current Lover: n/a
Rena_Paola Rayni_Lionel Roman_Paola Aurora_Rantis
General Bust Size: C
Height: 6' 3"
Normal Weight: 120 lbs
Good morn, good people of this dimension~ I trust you're doing well?
Miranda Hope is the elder sister of Cassie_Hope, and Cassie's only sister at that. An experienced spellcaster, moreso than Cassie, Miranda certainly isn't someone you want to mess with unless you know for sure you can outdo her, and even then, she has a last-minute defense against predators, although she didn't intend for it to be used against such. See, unlike Cassie, she didn't come into Nexus Park without warning; rather, Miranda actively warped into the Park area to try to figure out why she and the others are there, as well as find a way to get them back home since a simple warp back won't do any good.
In terms of clothing, Miranda isn't nearly as reserved as Cassie is, although that may be due to the fact that the sisters don't share a taste in gothic lolita clothing. If anything, Miranda often takes on the look of the southern girl she considers herself to be ("Florida is technically south"), with a tiny red-plaid shirt with her bra showing underneath, jean short shorts, and red Converse sneakers. It's a wonder Mr. Hope hasn't attempted to crack down on his eldest daughter's choice of dress. o.o
For personality, it might be fairly easy for me to cheat and state that it's a case of the Kessmia/Kessima complex, meaning that while different entities and beings, the Hope sisters are effectively the same person in terms of personality. And... truthfully, that is kind of the case. However, as with 'Mia and 'Sima, there are nuances that one can use to tell the two apart. As an older sister should be, Miranda is wary of stranger danger, and is a bit more paranoid than her sister. Her temper is also notably shorter than Cassie's, though not nearly to the degree of her boyfriend and his sister. Miranda still has her meltdowns, however, though they tend to be quite passive-aggressive.
Being the elder sister, Miranda is far more experienced in the magical arts than Cassie, to the point of not needing a spellbook in order to summon her runes. Rather, she has them all microscopically etched onto a knife she keeps on her person most of the time, so it's easy to enchant the knife itself for whatever purposes she may need. Also of note is that while Cassie is the healer who prefers to keep back, Miranda is more of the mage that keeps to the frontlines with her "spellblade" abilities, which in turn, makes up for the fact that she lacks in physical strength. She isn't capable of overturning cars like Cassie, though she can certainly slice through one like hot butter.
With Miranda's focus on offensive capabilities, there comes the fact that she isn't as capable of a healer as Cassie is. This effectively means that she has nothing beyond her sister's trademark Auto-Raise, although it's even less potent: only works three times on any given person, and only three hours within casting. Still, being able to cauterize wounds at a moment's notice is something in terms of first aid.
ZergAlts should get their story along, but blah... reminds me of what happened with Soul_Wielder_Info's story, how everyone drifted away from it.
Um, excuse me... have you seen a blonde girl around here? Possibly with a Filipino young man with a gun? Anyone?
And here's the knife in question.

- Player has a special hatred for fatal digestion. Post digestion reformation (if digestion occurs, which is rarely), in-scene or off-scene, is
- Player is whisper-friendly like you wouldn't believe.
- Player loves "nether" play. >///> Cunnilingus, slit-smothering, unbirthing...