
Age: 19
Orientation: Bisexual
Current Lover: Roman_Paola, Serabot (I have no idea what the hell happened here)
Friends: Rena_Paola Rayni_Lionel Rishu_Tra Aquamarina Sia_Ceres
General Bust Size: C
Height: 5' 6"
Normal Weight: 115 lbs

I've read the other girl's bios, and I've noticed that they're all lost in one way or another. I'm no exception, unfortunately.
Cassie Hope is a gifted young mage who is willing to talk to just about anyone. No need to be shy, go up and talk to her! This may be in part to her being the girlfriend of both Roman_Paola and Serabot, the latter being more recent and unforeseen. She's the go-to girl for more... exotic situations, namely micro/macro if the other partner is neither one or the other. Also tentacles, if you're into that sort of thing.

Above is her normal wear in colder climates, as the one-piece robe provides plenty of warmth. Otherwise, she can be seen in black gothic lolita clothing... albeit with a lack of frills. Her platform shoes are shorter than what one would expect from someone who dresses as she does, and the frilliest aspect of her outfit would have to be a hairband that she wears to complete the ensemble.

When meeting Cassie, some people immediately start drawing parallels between her and Lacus Clyne (Gundam SEED). She's a pleasant, friendly, idealistic girl who seems a bit too innocent for her own good. While she is genuinely kind, she's made of some pretty stern stuff, possessing a sharp mind and an iron will. Grab-and-gulpers need not apply, for she will seriously mess you up either with a spell or her book itself. Seriously, she is vastly stronger than she looks. Even so, she's a very motherly figure to other people, tending to the wounds of sometimes complete strangers and providing a soft lap for small children to rest their heads on when they're tired.

Spells in her current repitoire include a variety of offensive spells (she likes to set people's rear ends on fire for some reason), some utility spells and, most famously, healing spells. She was known back in her home dimension for gratuitous usage of Auto-Raise, which raises someone back from the dead should they perish within 12 hours of casting. However, this takes a lot of energy to use up if she didn't prepare it on a piece of spellbook paper beforehand. Furthermore, it only works only so many times on a given target, so she's not quite permavore-proof. Five times, even. Recently, she's learned how to cast Raise which allows the reversal of permavore. However, there is a chance of the spell failing, and requires the consent of certain "related" parties in order for the spell to function at all.

The way her magic works is with spell circles... lots of them. She forms the spell circle from her hand whilst runes appear from her book, which she can pick, choose and arrange onto the inner edge of the spell circle to form whatever spell she wants. The color usually denotes the element the spell is affiliated with, like pure white ones denote light spells and healing, while bright orange can denote fire. Of course, since they're hers, she can do other mundane things with them, namely play with them like hula hoops, depending on how large she made the circle. Even though the runes come from the book, creating the circle and the runes necessary takes up Cassie's energy, so in terms of normal food, she can be quite ravenous for such a gentle figure. Like... have you seen the way she tears into larger steaks? Damn, girl.

UPDATE: Now comes in neko flavor! See KittyCassie for more info.

She is the third girl of the ZergAlts.

Yes... I'm trying to do something about Auto-Raise right now. Just... take care around me.
Eaten by:


Unbirthed by:


Anal vored by:

Anal vored:

Tail vored by:

Breast vored by:

Breast vored:

Spellbook vored:
- Her spellbook, obviously, named the Grimoire of Ages

- the Center Stone, which is the Grimoire when compressed

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Refer to [[ZergAlts]] for full sliders.
Whisper Always/Love