Permanent Meals! |
Date | Character | The Deceased | The Details | Location |
2013-10-06 | Dorm_Sluts | | Found out about a special Dormitory where lots of women tended to disappear and snuck inside carrying a pizza for Cathy Johns, having found her by looking through the recycling for old pizza boxes. She was quite tasty, and had Crimson over as well, who made a good second course, and was partially added to Sabrina's chest, filling out her bust a bit more. Andrea Daniels, unfortunately for her, was looking to mooch some free pizza, and instead ended up inside Sabrina's greedy stomach instead. | Whisper |
Dorm Massacre |
It happened on 2013-10-06 to Dorm_Sluts via a whisper (for over 9 hours!) |
The Deceased | The Details |
| After digesting the Cathy, Crimson and Andrea, she still felt hungry and rifled through the room, taking their money and finding a stash of joints. Upon hearing party noises from upstairs, she went up and handed them out, letting a group of 9 residents finish off stupefying themselves. Then she went to work, swallowing down 'Four-Eyes' Roberts head first, moving over to Wilma Daniels, the sister of Andrea to take her next. After that was Natasha Leonard, whom was almost ready to give birth, her water actually breaking as she was devoured. A giggling pair, Violet Turner and Lao Chen came over, wondering just how big Sabrina could get, and they went in willingly, adding to her bulk. Sabrina pretty much had to sit on the couch and was largely stationary from that point onwards. Kandy tried to call the police, but Sarah Quisling knocked the phone out of her hand and brought her over to be ingested. Sarah Quisling, being her usual masochistic self, brought over Ariana Rell and Fran Trenton next, whom were swallowed down together. Sarah, wanting to see what Sabrina's limit was (Sabrina not knowing it herself) called Dix Clarkson and Kate Woodlin to the party, tasered them, and feed them to Sabrina. Sui, a fellow predator showed up, and came over, and after a bit of a chat, she disarmed Sarah, at which point Sabrina greedily gulped Sarah down. | | Sui rolled Sabrina out and downstairs to the gym, Sabrina getting into the pool to help offset the massive weight gain. Four more meals were lured down: Samantha Glen, Regina Freeman, Linda Jones and Oriana VanRaut. Samantha went down easy, followed by the trio of her friends starting together, though Oriana slipped a bit and made it down a few seconds after the other two. | | After that, several members of the swim team arrived, only to be swallowed down in pairs, head to pelvic. Barbara Nills & Laura Monroe first, then Jane Smith and Kathy Craft next. Sui fell into Sabrina's mouth, but Sabrina pulled out as the remaining three swim team members arrived. Sui got up and gulped down Kelly Janice, practically in one fluid swallow, before bringing Danna Colt and Lily Everret over. They went down in order Danna followed by Lily, both of them going feet first, as Sui felt a little nervous around the ravenous Sabrina. | | Then, Sui had the bright idea of hiding Sabrina, and lured the rest of the dorm sluts down, breaking the lock and trapping them all inside. Sabrina revealed herself, and pointing out Sasha Lenski, who went in head first, trying to kiss Sabrina to convince her not to be eaten. Vicky Tanner followed her, and then, Daisy Trenton, who was the last one get undressed, Sabrina not wanting any more clothes to burp up. Amber Firestone was next, looking a bit like a miniature version of her fellow predator, followed in short order by Marie Jekal. | | 'Rei' West and Vanessa Horton were taken together, followed by Amie Taylor and Kayla Wren. Lauren Tammie begged for her name to be remembered, but it was soon forgotten, and for the most part, Sabrina never learned the names of her meals. Jennifer Wolkin and Tammy Smith together, head to pelvis once again, Jennifer going in feet first. Next down where Rebbeca Frost and Louise Jackson, starting with Rebbeca, and adding Louise, both arriving together, having to be forced down and inside. | | Amanda Long lost the coin toss, and was swallowed up deliciously. Melissa Rand thought she was going to be spared, but it was a ruse, and she was swallowed down, though not before being in both predator's mouths as they kissed around her. Sui teased Sabrina, by swallowing her head for a few seconds and then Sabrina returned the favour, and kept on going, thinking that Sui wanted to be swallowed after feeling her belly being patted, thus claiming Kelly Janice. Sui's objections were unable to be heard above the cacophony of digesting women. |
2013-10-12 | Pregnant_Preys | | - Anna as she was blogging when Sabrina slipped into her room and ate her, posting her final blog entry for her.
- Gwen found her as she was leaving and asked her to eat her, showing her vore fascination. She went down willing.
- Bristol was crying in the hallway, not going to be able to support her babies, and Sabrina offered her another way out. Bristol embraced it, and was eaten on her cam, alive, though Sabrina unknowingly changed her appearance to look like Gwen.
- Cindra was in the hallway as Sabrina tried to leave, so she ate the woman, who was early in her pregnancy, basically as a chaser for the road.
| Whisper |
2013-10-13 | Preggo_Banquet | | Sabrina met up with Sui_Springfield's sister, Nats_Springfield who was upset about her missing sister. Sabrina provided some comfort in an icecream parlour, and lied about what happened to Suie, telling Nats that her sister had run off with 3 other women, so that Nats could move on. She then tagged along with her to her maternity appointment, where Nats wasn't seen to quickly, in spite of being over due with quadtupplettes. They conconted a play to get rid of the other pregnant woment there, and Heather, Ruby, Opal, Tunt and Sally were gobbled up, one by one, with Nats willingly helping Sabrina, showing no real surprise a Sabrina's ability to gobble down others whole and alive. | Whisper |
2013-10-12 | Primrose_Academy | | Enrolled and had her first day at Primrose_Academy While registering, she convinced Charity and Rose to accompany her to her first class, and managed to divert them into the washroom. Charity kicked Rose out for being a bitch, and Sabrina rewarded her by eating her whole. Remaining undiscovered, she called Rose back inside, and devoured her too, and then pretended that Rose was grabbed and pulled into the washroom to be eaten, arriving at her class, her cover intact. | Whisper |
2013-10-17 | Random_Lost_Girl |  | Lily was lured to a secluded spot, one Sabrina had found and enjoyed lots of solitute in. It had a sunny patch, with a small stream and waterfall, with a pooling of the water. Once there, she did some nude modelling, and after coming over to see the results, offered to massage Lily's tense looking back and shoulders. It was a trick though, ans Sabrina swallowed Lily down from behind, taking only a scratch on her leg and a light bruise on her chin in the process. | Whisper |
2013-10-19 | Vore_Lawyer |  | Judy was approached and tricked into visiting Sabrina on the pretense of needing a lawyer in order to deal with a neighbour who didn't care for their place. Once over, lulled into being with the teen, Judy closed her eyes and never got to see the light of day again. Digested and absorbed, filling her out a bit and making her more agile. | Whisper |
2013-10-23 | Primrose_Academy | | Saw Tzelle looking over Arianna and decided to help her out, figuring that having a friend to intercede and run interference for her would help her get more meals herself. Fortunately for Sabrina, but unfortunately Lucille and Jasmine showed up and plans changed, with Sabrina wolfing down Arianna herself. Afterward, she and Tzelle chatted and started what will hopefully turn into a great and mutually benefical friendship.
More students came by into the unused classroom and they eventually left, ending up prowling the halls together. Alessandra and Candy were discovered, and after Tzelle distracted them, Sabrina pulled Alessandra over backwards and swallowed her down whole, taking only an elbow to her gut in the process. Tzelle, unfortunately was knocked out by Candy, as she made her escape. | Motel 2 |
2013-10-26 | Pregnant_Preys |  | Chels was reading a book in the lobby of the residence when Sabrina came by. She moved behind, rubbed her shoulders and then swallowed her down whole. | Whisper |
2013-10-28 | Primrose_Academy | | Went the Fall Formal, and found things in full swing, having arrived late due to making sure her hair, nails and outfit were perfect. She approached Candy and threatened her with being eaten if she didn't help Sabrina eat others. Melissa, who was with Candy at Sabrina's arrived, need some help with her dress, and wanted do know more about who had eaten her good friend Charity. She offered to show Melissa where she had last seen Charity, and Melissa came out swinging. Sabrina then quickly devoured the other woman, while Candy watched. With Melissa digesting in her belly, she warned Candy to keep on helping her out, returning to the dance as soon as she could do up her dress again. | Motel 3 |
2013-10-31 | Tricked_Treats |  | Tifa was resting in the park, after having gone to a Halloween party there. Sabrina, who had been handing candy out at home, went there when her duty was done, and feeling hungry, spied young Tifa sitting on a bench all alone. She approached, looking for a treat, and when Tifa said she only had herself as a treat, Sabrina moved in and swallowed her down whole, digesting her away. | Whisper |
2013-10-31 | Random_Lost_Girl |  | Found Kara, who was lost in the park. After approaching her, they decided to have a bit of fun, showing off to each other, than making out. Sabrina started to swallow Kara, who of course fought back. She took several knees to the back, and then later on to her stomach, giving her some bruising, but Kara was done, swallowed whole and digested alive. Those bruises were gone in the morning though, as Sabrina's body prooved adept at healing, given sufficient meal energy to do so. | Whisper |
2013-11-01 | Random_Lost_Girl |  | Went for a walk in the park, hoping to relax a bit before lunch. Found Crystal there and convinced her to come and join Sabrina on a hill with a spectacular view. After hiking up for over 10 minutes, they reached it and while Crystal was admiring the view, Sabrina struck, jumping her from behind and swallowing her down. Crystal fought back, but was largely ineffective, and Sabrina ended up with a very tasty lunch, though a long walk back to her place. | Whisper |
2013-11-16 | Girlsmenu |  | Sabrina woke up feeling hungry. During the week, she had found a new place online that catered to those with a special palate and ability, and she decided to try it out. She found a special of the day, and ordered Tara, Rachel, Sophie and Rebeca, agreeing to the condition that they all be eaten by the same predator. They were very prompt in arriving, and Sabrina devoured Tara first, swallowing her feet first, pulling Rebeca in as she kissed her friend goodbye. Rachel was kissed and then sucked in and down, ending up wrapped around Tara and Rebeca. | Whisper |
2013-11-17 | Meloney |  | Sabrina was hungry and went looking around in the park for someone to eat and found Meloney there, who had just arrived and was looking for a place to stay. Sabrina wasn't really able to help direct her though, as she lived there and didn't know the motels or Bed & Breakfast's. After chatting a bit, she convinced Meloney to come visit her tranquil sanctuary, a little pool fed by a stream with a tiny waterfall. Once secluded with her meal, Sabrina took full advantage, surprising her and then swallowing her down whole, though she had to swallow the top of the woman, and lost her own top during the struggle. By the time she made it home, Meloney's body was heavily digested, and the process finished later on that evening and it was never to be seen again. | Whisper |
2013-11-17 | Seragirls |  | Elizabeth was Sabrina's Director, and almost all the filming was complete on her first bigger budget horror film. She approached Sabrina just before the last day of filming was to take place, wanting to go over the scene with her. Sabrina didn't have the pages yet, so it was news to her, though not exactly unexpected that it called for her to be swallowed inside a monster, bringing dynamite with her and blowing herself and the monster up to save the day. It was a horror film after all. What was surprising was that Elizabeth wasn't going to be there for the filming, and even more surprising was the reason. It turned out the Elizabeth wasn't comfortable with watching someone else go through a simulation of what she fantasized about, and had for years. After getting really close, and making out, the two of them got to the point where Elizabeth agreed to let Sabrina try to swallow her up, so that they could be together. It was no surprise to Sabrina, but Elizabeth was taken aback, but lust overwhelmed her good sense and she went through with it, willingly giving herself up to the young star. Sabrina went on to film the sequence the next day as planned. The publicity of the missing Director helped create a smash opening weekend, carrying the film to great success. Some wondered if the disappearance was a stunt or trick to create buzz, but after the release and the film doing so well, many lamented the loss of a new young talented Director. There were many a theory about Elizabeth's disappearance, but only one person knew the truth of the matter. | Whisper |
2013-11-21 | Kaylin |  | Sabrina was hungry and had picked out a cute looking swim instructor to devour. She signed up for a private lesson, and demonstrated why she needed it. As Kaylin was helping her out, she swallowed some water and as she struggled to get regain her composure, she inadvertently pulled Kaylin's top off. Hoping to ally Kaylin, she removed her own top, knowing that it would simply be in the way when she feed on the swim instructor and Kaylin decided to play lifeguard and give Sabrina some mouth to mouth. Sabrina took the opportunity to become a sloppy kisser back, stretching her mouth wider and wider until it was too late. Kaylin barely noticed the widening before her head was swallowed, pushed in by Sabrina, followed by the rest of her kicking and screaming. | Whisper |
2013-11-30 | Girls_Swim_Team |  | Sabrina was hungry and working at the end of the day at the massage parlour. In walked Lea, Ashley and Sarah. Lea paid for all three, skipping the registration as Sabrina offered a cut rate deal for doing so. She couldn't help herself though, and after working Lea over, she swallowed her down whole. Ashley and Sarah came in and saw the legs of their friend going down the petite masseuse, and asked her about it, appearing to be quite excited by the idea. Sabrina let them feel her belly and then offered to swallow them down as well, an offer they quickly accepted, much to Lea's chagrin. (On pause) | Whisper |
2013-12-02 | Town_Sluts | | Had been lurking around online and chatting, labeling herself as a predator. She received an email from Jill, about wanting to be eaten, but ignored it as it didn't seem sincere. Upon receiving a second one, with her address and picture, Sabrina decided to go over. Seems Jill had been out with friends and attacked and implanted with something's eggs, and wanted to end her life before they hatched out of her and ran amok through the neighbourhood. Sabrina, not concerned in the least, got her to sign a release form, and then ate her feet first. However, unknown to Sabrina, Jill had stoked her courage by both smoking and ingesting marijuana, which gave Sabrina a decided case of the munchies, which took affect after she had mostly digested Jill. She saw Mona next door, and went out and devoured her head first right in the open, and then went inside and swallowed her girlfriend, Delora head first as well. After blacking out for a bit, and partially digesting her latest two meal, she woke up as Aria and Imai arrived for Mona's baby shower. Feigning weakness, she got both to come over and help her up, and instead pulled them together and swallowed the two best friends down whole head first. Still not sated, she went out, topless and a belly more than big enough to fit a full grown person in and knocked on Angel's door. Angel was devoured just inside her door, swallowed head first. Sarah May and Anne saw the end of Angel, and after a bit of a struggle, Sarah May was swallowed and Anne pinned under Sabrina's belly. Forgetting that Anne was there, she invited Laura in as she was knocking on Angel's door. She turned around just in time to see Laura entering and pulled her in as well, leaving three squirming women, plus the partially digested remains of five others pinning Anne to the floor. Gertrude, Mai and Patricia all showed up together, wondering what was going on, Patricia with a baseball bat. She struck at Sabrina, but it broke upon her side, and Sabrina gulped her down, grabbing both Mai and Gertrude. With Patricia half swallowed, she started on Mai, and when Mai was half in, she pushed Gertrude in. Having stood up while swallowing Patricia, she blacked out again afterward swallowing the trio, waking up later on with a massive belly believing she had be having a very good dream. She realized it wasn't a dream, and that Anne had witnessed most of it, and pulled her to the couch and swallowed her slim body down. She went to Jill's place, retrieved her top, and found a discarded bag of marijuana, realizing what had happened. She vowed to be more careful in the future. Poor Jill's plan of sparing her neighbours had backfired, thanks to her use of weed. | Whisper |
2013-12-08 | School_Girls | | Quinn needed a volunteer, and Sabrina need something on her resume, while she was looking for a part-time job. They connected and Sabrina showed up on Quinn's school. It was a vore school, with reformation for those under the age of 18. Quinn had developed a serum, which was supposed to influence the feeling of hunger. On the way to class she urged Sabrina to eat someone, so that she would be neither full nor hungry when the experiment. Sabrina chose the cute Emma, and swallowed her down quickly, and then attended Quinn's class. At first, the experiment seemed to work, Quinn's serum and the signal did diminish Sabrina's hunger, but it didn't abate it entirely. Sabrina, feeling uncomfortable with this imposed feeling, asked for it to be reversed, and Quinn obliged. Then it malfunctioned, setting Sabrina off. Her mimic nature, eager as always to enhance itself, exploded. Quinn, the teacher Ms Clearwater, Sammy, Sally, Olive, a reformed Emma, and Zoey were all swallowed. Ms Clearwater wasn't able to be reformed, and thus the first permnanement victim. Quinn's device exploded and managed to reduce Sabrina's hungry, as well as her digestion pace. She headed to the office, encountering and swallowing Kimmy, the Student President, and the Headmistress of the school, Ms. Willows. As Kimmy was 18, both were permanently gone as well. Nurse Nita showed up and tackled Sabrina while she was swallowing Ms. Willows, but it didn't end up helping. Nurst Nita was next, and with her permanent demise, no other student would reform. Sabrina, still not sated, went into the bathroom, and found Lizzy and Isis there, Lizzy was heading out, and ended up inside Sabrina first, followed by Isis. Sabrina noticed a pair of sneakers under a stall, and burst into it as the school went into lockdown. Nurse Nita was now known to be gone and everyone was supposed to stop eating. Sabrina, of course, being a visitor to the school, doesn't know this, and she consumes Zoey down, for the second time and permanently this time. | Whisper |
2013-12-19 | School_Girls | | After not finding anyone else in the bathroom, Sabrina went out into the hallways, only to be gestured into a cooking classroom by the teacher who assumed that she was another student, and not the cause of the school lockdown. She barely had time to register her mistake, before she was swallowed down. Sabrina never did learn her name. Carrie was next, and even though she had a knife in her hand, as she had been preparing to work on Carol, the tied up volunteer meal for the class until the lockdown, it availed her naught, for Sabrina was moving faster than a normal human, and knocked it out of her hand. Carrie was gulped down, though not rapidly enough for Sabrina's taste, and she grabbed Dianna after she and Tawney tried to tackle her. Dianna's head was shoved up, a bit too soon, and forced inside Carrie and then they were chained swallowed while Tawney was held. Sabrina ripped her top off, and devoured her as she talked about sharing the other girls. Vicky, who couldn't yet eat others herself, tried to get away, pushing chairs in the way, but it too was all for naught, and she was swallowed down. Carol, thinking that she was about to be rescued, was happy to have Sabrina lift her out of the pot that she was in, but that was short lived, just like her as Sabrina swallowed her down, feet first. She spat the apple out of her mouth, and complained about this being a permanent death, but Sabrina, in her starvation sense, and with her normal school mates all suffering permanent deaths when they were eaten, simply didn't care. | Whisper |
2014-06-26 | Primrose_Academy |  | While at the Graduation ceremony, for which she arrived late, she saw Danica at the refreshments table. Heading over, she engaged her quarry, commenting on how good she looked. Danica took that to mean that Sabrina was flirting with. Sabrina went with it and Danica agreed to try experiencing sex with a woman. After being lead into a hotel room, Sabrina set up her phone to film their sex so that it could be sent to Danica's boyfriend. After quickly stripping, Sabrina went over and once Danice had removed her dress to her hips, Sabrina struck, swallowing and finishing off removing the woman's clothes. All caught on her phone. She dumped the clothes, and returned to the Graduation party after Danica had been extremely efficently and quickly digested. | Motel 3 |