This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
Welcome to Voracious High/University, a highschool and college built for those who would some day end up in some other person's belly. It is an all girl's school, so all meals will be tastey little schoolgirls.
With some exceptions, each girl is only mortal-once eaten, she is sadly gone, forever apart of whoever devoured her, unless the predator bringd her back, of course. then she will be able to live on untill some other predator snatches her up.

Ms. Willows is the headmistress of Voracious High and Voracious University, and is a strict but fair headmistress. do not misbehave, however, for those sentenced to detention never do return...
as the headmistress, she can reform, yet cannot reform others. if you would like to enroll at Voracious, then you must speak to her directly.
Status-Alive, uneaten
Nurse Nita:
the schools nurse, she has the reformation abilities required to keep the school full of yummies-she will rarely be in rps-i only have this character for decoration-plus, she brings back charies i just dont want to die yet. powers will only be used for extra special girls. can be eaten, but will reform out of RP naturally.
Status-Alive, uneaten
Ms. Clearwater
Taught behavioral science. Killed by

((picture too big for profile))
Kimmy is an overachiever, and president of nearly every club at the school-she also is who keeps track of who gets eaten. she is one of the few people at the school who can reform, as she needs to come back-she runs half the school
((also in the student section, as she is both))
Status-Dead, eaten by
Wonder_Woman, killed by
the only guy to ever set foot in the school is larry, and he is their new janitor, the old one having a rather nasty run-in with Mandy. he is fresh out of highschool and plans to go on to bigger and better things, but first he needs to earn the money, so he took this job, figuring it would be great-it paid surprisingly well, and he is surrounded bt beautiful girls! but he has yet to find out what this school is really about...
((made and reserved for someone specific))
Eaten by
Dead students are in the
Alice is a bad-to-the-bone kinda gal, likes to mess with people. and whats more messed up than digesting someone, right? she loves it! her best friend is Monica
Allie is a cutie, and very easy to devour-she knows nothing of vore, and will be eaten very, very soon-whoever wants her can have her.
Beth is a bit of a ditz, but also knows what she wants and just how to get it. Stand in her way, and you'll soon be resting in her belly.
Brianna thinks everyone is just sooo cute. so cute she could eat you right up. and often times, she does.
Carol is also one of those happy and giddy students like Becca, but Carol finds pleasure in devouring others-she is a pred, and often times eats her fellow classmates and teachers. but unlike others, she finds it normal and actually fun! it doesnt bother her, knowing there is someone digesting away in her belly
Status-alive (eaten and brought back by
Carrie is the craziest and most sadistic of them all. she isnt as much into eating people alive, like most of the other girls-she prefers to rip into her victims with that knife of hers, eat their insides while they're alive, and usually leaves the remains there for others to deal with. she's incredibly uncaring, though she seems to have become Sammy's best friend-how weird
Dianna thinks she is hott stuff, and is mostly right-and doesnt she look tastey? but theres a rather interesting, deep and dark secret that she keeps quite well-she is a cannibal. she enjoys cutting her prey up and eating them, and loves to prepare her meals in lovely dishes-watch out for her.
Status: alive
Eaten: none
Emma is sweet and seductive-you would never know she was actually one of the most devious girls there. many a guy has thought they were getting a good time or good meal only to be seduced and devoured by her. plus, there is something special about Emma-she is the Headmistress's Daughter and, like her mother,
can reform afterwards-so if you eat her, dont be surprised if she ends up eating you back
Status-alive, uneaten
Fifi is a new foreign exchange student, one from Paris! She left looking for better foods, and is very interested in the local cuisine. That would be you.
more or less the school's goth girl, she often times will experiment with the supernatural, trying to summon demoness's who can come and eat the popular girls who make fun of her all the time-revenge is sweet, but Franchesca is sweeter, and oftentimes gets eaten as well. her spells to summon demoness's will also bring her back to life, but if she didnt cast the spell properly...
after her encounter with Slikrataranas, she can now morph into a dragon-classmates beware!!
Dragon Form:

Status-Alive, devoured and resurected by
Slikrataranas, now becoming part dragon

Typical snotty popular girl, she'll scream loud, and is absolutely terrified of being eaten, but oh so tastey-good for those preds who like extremely unwilling girls
Staus-alive, reserved
Hilary is new to the school-so new, she hasnt even gotten a new uniform! she still wears her old one from Wayward, who kicked her out for eating her cooking teacher. with nowhere else to go, she's showing up at Voracious for her first day today!
Isis is very dramatic, and is nearly as good an actress as Darcy. while not as crazy of a method actress as her competitor, Isis is still willing to hop into a belly, as long as she thinks its part of the play. but Isis is alot bigger and stronger than Darcy, and has no trouble wolfing down meals. shes a better pred, something she takes pride in.
Noone knows much about her other than that she swings both way, is hotter than hott, and never seems to go on a second date, mostly cause they never seem to be seen again...
a rather nasty seductress, Julia will seduce you and swallow you without a second thought. She'll be nice and sweet and cuddly at first, but once she swallows you, she doesnt think of you as anything but food, and who talks ot their food? she'll ignore you for the rest of your life-which wont be much longer...

Kimmy is an overachiever, and president of nearly every club at the school-she also is who keeps track of who gets eaten. she is one of the few people at the school who can reform, as she needs to come back-she runs half the school
Status-alive, eaten by
Lizzy is alot like Gina-in fact, she practically worships her, and is alive to her in nearly every way, screaming and unwillingness, the whole thing.
Status-Alive, reserved for Jessi_Roo
her storyline has yet to occur ((saved for
Maggie is new to the school-not a transfer student, but one who had gone here for a while and left. now she's back, and after her experiences in the real world, she's more than happy to be back-and shes a better student than ever-it would seem she has practiced since she was last at Voracious
Mandy is by far the most dangerous girl at the school, as she is a decendant of a succubus-she can seduce nearly anyone, then happily devours them. watch yourself around her-she'll eat anything that moves. just ask her 489305 boyfriends-youll be joining them soon enough... debating on her mortality still.
Mandy also has some of her mother's succubus powers, despite her all human form
Ryo's Adam

a tutor of some sort

Monica, like her best friend Alice, likes to mess with people. while Alice does it to watch the reactions to people freaking out, Monica likes the pain that can come with it. shes not very nice.
Natalie is the go-to girl in the school. chances are, if you have a problem, she can help ya with it. she's like the older sister you never had. though dont ever get on her bad side-make her angry, and you'll be helping her keep her perfect figure.
Natasha is a goofy, fun lovin pred. she'll eat ya and be as nice as she can about it-but dont worry-she's still gonna eat ya, cause theres nothing that makes her smile like that than the thought of someone squirming away in her stomach.
Olive actually graduated a long time ago from Voracious, but over the years, shes had a few close calls and feels she's slipping a little-so now shes here for a refresher. shes an experienced predator, but shes losing her touch-it would be a bit harder than with most, but she could still be prey.
Pamela is nuttin but a flirt. she'll chat you up, guy or girl, get you somewhere quiet and out of the way, then shrink you down and add you to her sandwich that she usually has on her-or just swallow you full size, or tiny, or whatever! but only if she puts the moves on you first-the minute you try and take control, she's done for.
the Nerdy girl of the school, she seems the most vulnerable, but becareful of her-she takes her studies very seriously, and is now in an advanced vore class. so before you make fun og her glasses or study obsessions, remember this-she is at the top of her class for a reason.
Status-Alive, turned into Sushi by
Isabel's younger sister, she also came from spain to learn the ways of devouring others-and she is a very quick learner. she too fails all her classes-while Isabel likes the older girls, Raquel seems to enjoy the younger ones
Status-Alive, pushed into a meat grinder by
Aribeth and was made into Tacos.
a southern girl, Sally isnt a fan of hurting people unless they deserve it or are trying to eat her-and dont mess with her. when you mess with the bull, you get the horns.
Status-Alive, eaten by
Aribeth (turned into strips of bacon)
Sammy is a rather strange girl at the school-she loves to eat people, and i mean people. as in more than one. as in she loves Multiprey scenarios-if there is more than one person to be eaten, Sammy is the gal to call. Sammy has also become the best friend of the resident psycho, Carrie.
Status-alive, Eaten by
Laraan, finished off by
Jade_Naga, resurected by
Mikaela, then turned into mincemeat (literally) by
Sarah is one of the smart kids. need help with you're homework, or having trouble studying? Shes the perfect study buddy! the teachers often use her in class during demonstrations-since its hard to talk with your mouth full, they would have Sarah swallow a student and talk about whats happening as she ingests her classmate, her technique all but perfect.
Tawny finds devouring others as normal as breathing, and she does so about as often. be careful around her-she eventually eats everyone she meets. so dont try to eat her, cause you'll end up in her belly.
Urma is an echange student, and the only thing known about her is that vore is practically what her country is known for-it might as well be a sport, and she's their allstar
although skilled in the art of seduction, Vicky cannot swallow normal sized humans-she is prey, unless she can seduce her partner into letting her go, which is why she has lasted in the school so long so far.
Status-Alive, being eaten by JupiterStar
Vixen is... well... a vixen. shes incredibly seductive, and takes full advantage of this fact when shes on the hunt-but she relies on this ability too much. while she can incapacitate nearly anyone with her charm, she isnt very strong-shes easy prey, if you can resist her.
Wendy is incredibly cute, putting a target on her back-people are always trying to eat her, but for some reason is still around. wonder if her luck will change soon? only time will tell. also, despite being Japanese, she was born and raised in England! go figure.
X-23971V78 (aka "project X" or more simply "X")
X is Quinn's greatest project, and is all for vore-she will be happy to devour you-in fact, she'll be happy to do anything. anything in her programming that is. and be careful-she is programmed to do quite a bit
Yolanda is also an exchange student like Urma, and is from their neighboring country, thus making them intense rivals-a good pair to rp with for some intense scenes. (pair with Urma)
Landa (Yolanda2):
Landa is a clone of Yolanda! Quinn got to her and asked if she could clone her, just to try it, and she agreed! so after months of trying, Quinn cloned her! there are some differences, however-Landa doesnt have issues with Urma, and doesnt have the same accent as the original. there have been some side effects to being a clone-some very interesting side effects-but why spoil the fun? find out for yourself.
yet to be named: