Another entry in

See also, Inverna. Yeah, it's a long story..
It began with a normal life. He got through high school, got a job, went to a little college and dabbled, here and there,
in hobbies, interests and games. The jobs weren't bad, some of them better than others, but none were fulfilling,
and few held his interest for more than a few months.
That was how it began. How Raphael started to think that maybe it wasn't the way things were supposed to go for him.
That he'd missed some crucial turning on the road of his life's journey, and now he had to go back and beat around for it,
hunt for what he'd missed. Whether he ever found it or not is anyone's guess, but roundabout his twenty second birthday,
he got a note. Unsigned, in a plain white envelope, it was slipped under his door while he slept.
You've been searching for it. But you've been looking in all the wrong places. The past isn't what holds the answers to
your future. Only the new, the unexplored can give you what it is you seek. Arrive alone at the address on the back of
this paper. Be prepared for confusion and pain, and beware. The offer only comes once.
Perplexed and honestly intrigued by the cryptic note, he made sure to dress appropriately, before biking to the address
listed. It turned out to be a rather luxurious hotel, seated a lush, green lawn. Feeling out of place, the young man
went inside. And, unknown to him at the time, stepped out of his own world, and into another. The differences at first
were subtle things, stuff he didn't notice at first glance. But they were there, and he'd be soon to find out just how
much a world that looked so much like his could be different from his own.
In the end, he found no one waiting for him. The note itself had given nothing but the address, after all. So, after
wasting a rather uneventful afternoon in the lobby and resturaunt of the hotel, he grabbed his bike from outside, and
started to head home. Of course, a problem soon became apparent. He didn't recognize a single building outside. And, in
fact, things were downright strange. It looked rather like some kind of convention was in town. Strange looking people,
some with pointed ears, or animal ears and tails walked around without a second glance from others. He saw what he swore
could only be magic tricks. Things being lifted without any touch, or fires being lit with a wave of the hand.
Why hadn't he noticed this on his way in? Maybe it was all a gag.
It took three days for him to figure out something was really, really wrong.
The first day told him things were off. He couldn't find his apartment, even though he knew exactly where he was going.
A stop in a coffee shop to use the internet didn't help either, as the maps he pulled up showed streets and places he
didn't recognize at all.
Confused and lost, he returned to the hotel, which in and of itself was a trial, and booked a room Maybe it was all a
bad dream, he'd wake up in the morning, find himself home..
Instead, he awoke to an insistent rapping on the door. And, when he opened it, he found himself face to face with a statuesque
woman, with brilliant, flaming red hair, and disconcertingly sharp green eyes. She smirked at him, an expression made odd by
the way it didn't touch any part of her face but her lips, and quietly began to explain that he was to be given a choice.
Near-unending life, a chance to travel to places he'd never dreamed of, to meet people that he'd once have said couldn't be real,
and to ensure the natural order of the universe was upheld.
Or, to die. And, to be perfectly clear, the woman grabbed him, and snapped his neck, calmly. The flash of pain was suprising,
as was the fact that a moment later, his neck snapped back into place, and he felt life rush back into him.
Death or new, interesting experiences? Not much of a choice at all.
And so, Cocytos drew Raphael into the graces of Namtar, and christened him as an acolyte of the void.
A servant of the end and oblivion, to make sure that nothing lingered far beyond it's natural end.
Next, in his life: From his first meeting with Sadira, coincidental as it may have been, Raphael was in trouble.
Unaware of rules surrounding association with gods and goddesses set down by his new 'employers', and the strictures against
copulation for procreation, he couldn't know the fight, and subsequent rape he endured that night at the blue-skinned goddess'
hands would have far reaching repercussions for him.
The time between his first meeting with Sadira and his encounter with Stigmata was short, a matter of a week or so.
Their relationship, understandably, is far different from his and Sadira's. Struck with her kindness and beauty from the first,
Raphael soon became quite thoroughly romantically interested in her. Of course, that wasn't to last, as fate would have it.
Sadira's interest in Raphael led her straight to Stigmata, a threat to her person, and, unbeknownst to Raphael, the reincarnated
spirit of one of Sadira's brothers. In their first meeting, Stigmata proved able to control Sadira, to stop her from moving,
allowing both Raphael and Stigmata to escape, just barely.
The goddess, of course, felt it was necessary to kill her sibling off once and for all, and to end the threat that Stigmata's
powers represented. So, she captured and killed the girl Raphael loved, in front of his very eyes, despite his pleas for her life.
Enraged at her death, Raphael proceeded to do his level best to kill, or at least hurt, Sadira. This, combined with his rather
vicious tongue, enraged her enough that he found himself murdered, quite gruesomely.
Instead of returning to his mangled body and returning it to health and life, he was held when he died, brought back to Namtar
to face the consequences of laws he didn't even know he had broken. Marked guilty, it was only a matter of time before his punishment
was decided...
Raphael, Namtari Patron (Void-touched Human)
Prince of Winter
Seasonal Alignment: Winter
Concepts: Endings, Silence, Comprehension
Obsessions: Loyalty, Valor, Knowledge, Mercy, Death, Vengance
His gifts are simple, if powerful. Because a fragment of him resides elsewhere, Raph is freed from the cycle of death.
He'll return to life, his body reconstituted to continue serving it's purpose. Age will not take him either.
A lead circle has been magically implanted in his left eye, replacing the iris that had lain there before.
The result is typically unnoticeable, but in the presence of practitioners of the arcane or divine arts, or beings wound by that fabric,
it will begin to glow a molten orange, a fact explained as an allergy by his inductor.
He was also shown the way to travel between worlds. A bit of lead and a body of water all he needs to skip from one world to the next.
More than that, he's quite reluctant to say.
The last, and potentially most eye-opening of his gifts is that he is nearly immune to the machinations and powers of divine beings,
their tools, and users of the arcane. His immunity keeps him from being directly affected by any spells or abilities that give them
their strength. Fireballs, blasts of holy energy, and those sort of things are dissipated entirely.
Other effects, such as a goddess taking a skull-shattering swing at him are rendered mundane, meaning weapons also lose their enchantments,
if they possess any, when used against him. It does not, however, mean that he can't be killed by less direct, or less mystical means.
Teeth can tear him apart, entirely normal knives can shred him, and beings who aren't magical or divine will find him as flesh and blood
as can be.
Raphael is 6'2, and nearly 220 lbs. of human male.
On examination, he's clearly been weathered and hardened by travel and hardship. Broad shoulders, and lean, dense muscle is plain
over his frame. Dark haired, brown eyed, lightly tanned,and usually seen with stubble or a light growth of beard,
and possessed of a wolfish grin, he's fairly good looking, or so he's occasionally been told. Raph? He doesn't much believe it.
He isn't all that heavy on the body-hair, but does have a good amount of it scattered across him, as well as a beard,
not particularly well kept, on his face. His hair is kept short, somewhat unkempt, and is typically only lightly combed,
if at all.
Quick of wit, intelligent, and stubborn, Raph is known among his friends for being a even-tempered and open minded
guy, despite his sharp tongue.
Typically, he's seen in a somewhat ragged button up shirt, with pants and boots, and a pack slung across his back. Often, a cloak
inscribed with swirling patterns rests over his shoulders, and a pair of leather-bound goggles are pushed up on his head.
Traveling clothes, leather-and-glass goggles, a pair of leather gloves, and a protective scarf/face wrap.
1 lead coin, from Cocytos
Miscellaneous items, including, but not limited to: Money of multiple currencies and denominations, ranging from coins to bills.
Wallet, with ID. Flask, usually filled with a potent liquor of one sort or another. Cell phone, typically useless, but occasionally
good to pick up a call or two. Wristwatch, broken, but sturdy. Steel-cased ballpoint pen, half-full of ink.
A fire axe, looted from a ruined store in a dead city called Fallbridge. Kept sharp, and almost always carried. It lacks any inherent
magical traits, and is, in all respects, a sharp piece of metal on the end of a stick.
A small, battered and beaten leather-bound journal. Bloodstains and tears are visible across pages and the cover. It contains notes written
in Raphael's own hand about the weaknesses and dangers of various entities he's met and slain (or survived).
Rot-gun, forged by members of the Sixth Circle, given to Raphael by Johanna. When fired, it emits a burst of entropic energy,
focused into a 'bullet', that rusts, rots, corrodes or causes decay in anything it touches, rather violently. The entropic burst
absorbs sound when released, dampening and silencing noise in a sizable radius, approximately comparable to a gunshot in reverse.
It is magical in nature, so it's effects can be resisted, avoided or defended against as one would a spell.
Protective Gear, including a pattern-covered protective cloak, offering some slight magical protection against physical attack,
a pair of dark-tinted goggles, and a protective mask that fits snugly over his nose and mouth, which is quite suitable for
filtering lesser toxins, and dampening scents
A spirit-inhabitant, a soul from the Namtari plane, attatched to his own. Invisible to all, the spirit is usually only seen
as a hallucination by Raphael, and is undetectable except by those who could peer into his mind, or examine his soul directly.
Named Bethelih, the spirit takes the guise of his dearest childhood friend, a girl named Beth that he remembers fondly for her
kindness and compassion. Because of her connection with the plane of Namtar and his need, she's much like what someone might
consider an Artificial Intellegence, or a built-in computer, personal assitant and encyclopedia, all in someone's head, to
help with calculations and data-storage. She has excellent memory, can do math and other simple tasks such as calculating distances
and speeds in the blink of an eye, and, more importantly, allows Raphael to speak and write fluent Namtari, pick up other languages
quickly, as well as giving him access to a set of spells from Namtari geomancy, and helping him with developing further skills in
that area.
Bethel, Pure Spirit (Bound with Raphael)
Seasonal Alignment: Winter
Concepts: Duty, Compassion
Obsessions: Love, Honor, Knowledge, Loyalty
Friends and Allies:
Cocytos- His mentor, sponsor and, arguably, 'master'. She's the one who gifted him with his powers and immortailty,
and is also the one he recieves missions and lessons from. He nurses a crush on her, especially in her more 'human' moments,
but does his best to hide his feelings, since they need to have a solid working relationship. Considers her a close, dependable friend.
Johanna and Summers- Other servants of the Namtari cause. Johanna is a nice, if somewhat intense girl, who's given him
help on a few occasions, and has earned his trust. Summers is a mysterious figure, and one he knows only to be 'on his side'.
Minx- Met when he was sent to hunt down and find information on a creature named ImRhys, she provided information, and
offered him a place to shelter, should he ever grow weary of living life as an immortal. He's unsure of her motives, but appreciates
her generosity.
Stigmata- He helped her find her way out of the woods, but she was hunted down and destroyed by Sadira in cold blood.
Raphael was forced to watch helplessly as his happened, and was killed by the blue-skinned goddess afterward, for his taunts and barbed
words. The void her death left nearly drove Raphael mad, especially with the torment laden upon him by Kaion, Nimrie, and Sadira.
Luckily for him, she returned to life, through means unknown to Raphael himself. And, more curiously still, she's pregnant,
implanted with his genetics by Sadira.
Enemies, Threats, and Unknowns
ImRhys- A dark, demonic entity he was asked to find and observe, who ended up finding him instead. She proceeded to rip him apart,
from the mind out, and then digested him, body and soul. A terrible foe, and one he has no wish to match against in the near future.
Far out of his league, power-wise.
Sadira- Though their inital meeting wasn't so much agressive, it still wasn't precisely kind and gentle. From there, he saw her
darker side, as she killed his friend and perhaps girlfriend before his eyes, proclaiming her an evil that the universe needed to be
rid of. Currently near the top of his short list for hurting and destroying, given the ability and strength.
Nimrie and Kaion- Servant and Mistress, Kaion is the Goddess of Murder, currently working to take over Aurel, a world Raphael
was sent to explore and investigate. He was, unfortunately, captured shortly after his summoning of Cocytos to the world, by the
shadowknight Nimrie, and is currently being brought to Kaion, for torture and interrogation..
Currently: Raphael has been lost, stumbling from desolate place to desolate place, sent far, far away as punishment for his crimes.
Loneliness grips him, and many of his friends, loves and contacts seem to have slipped away from him, leaving him a lone hunter, cast
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