The Hunters Guild was an organization established by
Rishi_Fey after all of these creatures began appearing in the park. It is meant to give hunters a job and allow them to further benefit from hunting these creatures. They may accept contracts from the
NSC as well if the organization has any need of their special hunting talents. Quests will be posted on this page, and if you wish to accept one please whisper or send a PUB to let me know.
Raikou Fey

Julia Braveheart: A girl who interns as a secretary in the Guild, she is often wishing of a better job elsewhere, but never seems to go out and get one. She will often make or think snide, smart aleck remarks. She wanted to be a hunter, but due to medical conditions she wasn't allowed to be. It is thought that she practices every day though, and is actually a
very skilled warrior.

Betty Adams: She works behind the counter at the tavern in the Guild. She is known to enjoy stories of adventure, and has heard and learned many from the hunters who came in to the tavern and whose tongues were loosened by alcohol. She is bright and cheery, always looking on the bright side.
Click here for image and info on felynes The felynes are not very good at counting, reading, or math, and therefore do some of the more menial tasks in the establishment, such as cooking, cleaning, and being adorable and silly. They come in many different colors and are quite cute.
Current members:
You enter a building that seems similar to a japanese style building. A secretary greets you from behind a desk. "Hello there! Welcome to the Hunter's Guild HQ! Are you looking for a quest? Here is what we have available!"
The Quest Board!!!
Current Quests:
Hunt a
Rathalos_ and
Client: a jogger
Quest:That couple living in the mountain has been terrorizing the park for months! Someone needs to do something! I will give $60,000 to anyone who can take care of them once and for all so I can jog safely again!
Reward: $60,000
Area: The Mountain, The Forest, The Park, The Lake
Surf's Up!
Client: Rad Surfer Dude
Quest: Duuuude! There's like this giant sea creature thing ((
Shai_Hulud)) that's tooootally wrecking our boards, man! Us surfers got some money together to pay ya if you can handle it dudes!
Reward: $30,000+free professional surf lessons (surfboard included)
Dog For a Spoiled Princess:
Client: Daughter of a rich Noble
Quest: I have been told that the only place in the world to catch a
Greysor is in Nexus Park, and I want one! Daddy is willing to pay top dollar for whoever can get one, and throw in an antique family sword! Now go and get it, and bring it back alive!
Reward: $40,000 and a valuable antique sword (has a special power)
Area: The Lake
A Wild
Horax Blocks The Road!
Client: Worried Merchant
Quest: Help! A
Horax is sleeping in the road, but none of us are brave enough to wake it up. As long as it is there, supplies can't come through. Someone get it to move!
Reward: $10,000
Area: A Pathway in the Forest
Client: Angry Mushroom farmer
Quest: That
Bulldrome won't leave my mushrooms alone! I can't stand it! Whenever i go out in the forest to collect mushrooms, he always chases me away! Someone get rid of him! But be careful! Lots of large predators are sure to make their way to the scene if they smell Bulldrome blood, since their meat is very delicious.
Reward: $50,000
Area: The Forest
Save the Wyverns!
Client: PETA
Quest: The rathalos and rathian are an endangered species, and deserve just as much attention as any other.We need someone to steal an egg from a nest so that we can raise it and help spread the species. But
don't kill the parents! Whats the point of trying to help the species if we end up killing two others?
Reward: $100,000
Area: The Mountain, The Park
Kill the
Client: The Guild
Quest: We rely on Kelbi hide as a primary export of the hunting Guild. Please bring back 10 kelbi hides.
Reward: $500
Area: The Forest
Gobuled Up Whole
Client: Captain Ahab
Quest: Y'har, she came out of nowheres, she did, and attacked our motor boat, the
Scallywag. Luckily we all got off the ship in time, yar, but the beast ate it in one bite. The thing must be made to walk ye plank! I will give all of me booty to whichever 'venturer can kill the wretched beast, yahar.
Reward: $60,000
Area: The Lake
The Wonderful Thing About
Client: Zoo Keeper
Quest: The tigrex are amazing creatures! They are one of the most vicious creatures in the wilderness. Having one in a zoo would greatly increase our profits! Capture one alive for us, will you? I have been told that there was one stirring up trouble in the park somewhere. ((Please note- once you have effectively tranquilized the beast, the Guild will send trained employees who track you to move in and secure and transport the beast. You do not need to transport it yourself, just capture it.))
Items provided: Traquilizer bombs-throw these at a trapped monster to make them fall asleep.
Pitfall trap and shock trap, one each- traps that need to be set up on the ground. They take about 5 seconds to prepare. The pitfall trap temporarily traps the creature in a hole in the ground, while the shock trap temporarily stuns them. Lead the creature into the traps after they are heavily wounded and then tranquilize them.
Quest Failed If: The Tigrex is slain.
Reward: Full set of Rathian armor (
image reference here) + $40,000
Area: The Central Area of the Park
Nexu of Nexus
Client: Cowardly Park Ranger
Quest: Those...things! They are horrible! They are scary! And they attack anyone within a reasonable size on sight! A pack of them has been roaming around the park and tearing things up! Please, put a stop to them and slay all three!
Reward: $30,000
Area: The Central Area of the Park
Bad Dog...Things....
Client: Park Ranger
Quest: It has come to my attention that a large pack of
Nexu have been terrorizing the goers of the park! I would say that there are at least ten of 'em. I would take care of them myself, but I am...uh...busy. Now, be a good citizen and take care of it, will ya?
Reward: $15,000
The Pesky Pack
Client: Lonely old woman who lives in the forest.
Quest: Those Velociprey and that big ol'
Velocidrome keep trying to eat my cats! They've gotten nine of the dearies so far...bless their tiny hearts. Anyway, there aren't exactly exterminators for this kind of job, so I was a hopin' that one of the youngsters down at the Guild might be able to take care of my problem for me.
Reward: $20,000
Area: Forest
Ack! an
Client: Terrified Jogger
Quest: It came out of nowhere! I just barely got away!It had snuck up behind me, but it was so tall that whenever I looked behind me I never saw it! Please someone take care of it so I can jog safely again!
Reward: $40,000
Area: Park/forest
Oceanic Apocalypse
Client: Angry Naval Commander
Quest: We were sailing not far off from the Nexus Port waters when the entire ship shook and groaned. Next thing we knew, we had to abandon ship, since something large rammed into the bottom of the hull large enough to tear the battleship nearly in two! While in the water, myself and many other men saw a large beast, a
Ceadeus_, swimming away. I will supply anyone willing to go after the beast with gear, as long as you make sure its killed!
Reward: $600,000 and you can keep the scuba gear.
Nya! Revenge our Bretheren, Nya!
Quest: Nya! That foul beast ate one of our friends, nya! Please go and slay the
Royal_Ludroth, nya nya! We will try to reward you as best as we can, nya!
Reward: Mystery item + $10,000
Kill a God
Client: Desert Village Cheif
Quest: The
Shai_Hulud was once veiwed as a god, now they are just a menace! Worst of all, one them has made their new territory around our village! Trade has plummeted now that most caravans can't cross the desert. Will someone please help us?!
Reward: $50,000+ A home in the Desert Village of Spree (optional)
Hell in High Heels
Client: Hunters Guild
Quest: A Rathian hybrid by the name of
Julie__ has been wrecking havoc in the park. It has been agreed that she must be disposed of. Chase her away or terminate her!
Reward: $25,000
((For this quest, I wanted to gather a large group of non-god-modding hunters to fight the beast. likely would take place in a Motel and would be incredibly fun.))
World-Eating Worm
Quest: It is here, the
Raviente_! This creature was recently spotted in a plain not far from Nexus City. This is bad news. This creature could easily lay waste to the city in hours, creating fissures in the ground, collapsing buildings, you name it! We must stop it before it makes its way here! I shall join you!
Reward: Saving a city isn't enough of a reward? *Grunts* Fine, free drink and food in the tavern from now on *grumble grumble*
Felynes working in the kitchen of the tavern
An example of a drawing done by a felyne, isn't it adorable?
Credit to Keba
((This profile corresponds with
Tra_Feral_Alts, and all creatures and creature descriptions can be found on that profile))