
Debbie Lenox used to live alone in a big suburban house with a pool and a cute, well-trimmed yard... but that all changed when
the Fire Nation attacked she sucked a neighbor of hers into her womb... and turned her into a fetus.

"It all happened so suddenly... but I don't regret it for a second~"

There's nothing Debbie loves more than being pregnant! Having a little baby inside her tummy, all kickin' and squirmin' and
givin' her all kindsa nutty cravings... She may never want to give birth!

"How you doin' in there, little baby? Oh, you wanna find some food? Okay, let's go huntin'!"

Speaking of which, she may have found the nuttiest craving of all: Raw flesh! Now she's wandering the Nexus trying to find her next

Fortunately, the world offers plenty of jobs that put her in close contact to a constant quarry. Case in point: Her usual gig of

"Now, which one of y'all wants to tell me what a stomach does? Best answer carefully... my last careless guesser ain't settlin' all too

From the humblest preschool to the most prestigious university, no institute of education is safe from her appetite!

Also she has a Southern twang. That's important.

(OOC: My biggest kink might be RPs that pan out in such a way that my partner alters their profile. Be ready to edit~)

(Also OOC: If I'm on DND, don't approach to RP unless we're already doing so)

(Also also OOC: DO NOT APPROACH ME IN-CHARACTER. If you do this, I will put you on ignore permanently. Don't.)

(Also also also OOC: Unless I know you, don't approach with "hi," or "how are you doing," or the like. You will be ignored. Come with
ideas, or don't come at all.)

(Also also also also OOC: Do not approach me if you are male character. For the love of god. Read the fucking sliders. Is it too much to

{Debbie from the future here! My daughter is finally born: Molly_Lenox! Cutie, ain't she?}

(Canon GF is Hungry_Red_Hood)

Vore Battle moves

Hypnotic Milk: Debbie gets her opponent's mouth on her nipple. She rolls 2d4, they roll 1d4. If her roll beats theirs, the opponent
takes a -1 penalty to their next 3 rolls, and both roll again. 5 consecutive wins for Debbie means her opponent is unable to move.
Alluring Tummy: Debbie rolls 1d20 to seduce her opponent to rub her belly. 1-6: nothing. 7+: Her opponent's will to fight is weakened,
and they take -1 to all future rolls.

Debbie's Diary (Notable Events)

Had my very first prey today! Oh, that Player_Shannon was quite a fighter, but I got her down good! Didn't know she'd come back,
though... now things are just plum awkward 'tween us. Wish I could make it up to her somehow...

Today I met the cutest lil' prey at the park! She was pregnant just like me, and pretty as a princess... My Princess_Tabitha...
*sigh* And she was just as willing an' delicious as she was beautiful! Slidin' over my tongue and down my throat... Mm, I'm gonna
DREAM about that woman! Now she's gonna be inside my tummy for a whole month! How exciting is that?

Gobbled up an Eager_Gutslut today. I feel... POWERFUL...~
---------- Well, Diary, I am having a delightful day! I came across one Lyndis_Sugar, and she was all too happy to fill my belly until I
decide she can come out! IF I decide that, that is...
...I also met a very sweet sheep girl. Lucy_Ines by name. So resigned... I admit I took pity on her. Let her digest slowly an'
softly. I'll miss that sheep... but I feel like she'll always be with me all the same.
I have an official pre-natal pediatrician in Cindy_the_void! She's a little eccentric, but I can't deny her qualifications. She'll
be checking up on me now and then~
Oh, this day just gets better and better! How you may ask? I ate up my sexy daughter, Erika_Richards! She went down so dang smooth,
after coating my tummy in her cum... Mmm...~ And now she'll be on my tits for a whole week~
And just to make this day complete, one Rena_bluewolf is now stuck in my belly for a whole dang year! I'm gonna have a hard time
topping that one... Now, her hoodie is mine!~

I warned my little niece that if she ate too many hot dogs, she'd turn into one! But it seemed Emi_Cardfight learned my wisdom
too late, and got covered in those toppings from all those mini hot dogs. So like any responsible aunt, I grilled her, stuck her in
a bun, chewed her up, and shat her out into my toilet. Now she'll be spending a week of quality time on my body as some good ol'-
fashioned post-Fourth of July FAT!
Wanna know a secret to making any soup even better? Stick a little orphan boy in it! Yummy...~ Course, that "orphan" ended up
reformin' in my womb, and was birthed as my little baby! I named him Wiktor, and he's the sweetest lil' thang... Mm, I love ya,
A happy Valentine's Day indeed...~ The lovely Alyssa_Roman is now trapped inside my stomach, and she'll be stuck there for an
entire week... Better'n any chocolate on the market!

Tee-hee!~ Not one, not two, but three tasty meals at the cafe today! One by one, Eisso, Myltrixa, and Zyreste all fell down
into my hungry tummy~ Such a treat...
The NERVE of some people! This one neko (I think her name was Yukikaze?) tried to eat me belly-first while I was enjoying my dang
ice cream cone! Behavior like that has to be punished... so that's what I did. I crammed her right into my boobies and turned her into
milk for my baby. How d'you like THAT, Ms. Kitty?~
Had a vivid flashback at the pool today... somethin' about that mom and her lil' girl splashin' around brought me back to the day
I unbirthed my neighbor Catherine_Mason against her will, and SHE became Molly... Good times~
(This one was perma. My womb is Cathy's tomb~)

A cute little kitty named Faetha came by, asking about her friends (whom I ate) and where they went. So, naturally, I showed her...
by eating her! What a concept, right?
Looks like my teachin' gig is payin' for itself! I got the sweetest little student (Emily_Preygirl) to slide down my throat into my
tummy... Yummy!
Big news, diary: I'm engaged! I've been seein' this girl Riley for a while now actually, she's my sister~ and today
she just said "Will you Marry_Me?" and I said yes! Ooh, this is the best day of my life!
Another girl trapped inside me...~ One Elliot_Saidama kindly offered herself to my tummy, and she's gonna be there for about three
weeks. I'm startin' to love this~
Easy come easy go, as they say... Riley and I shared a dream of eating and being eaten on our wedding night. So, I ate her up and
digested her for good! (Well, not FOR GOOD for good, she's free to find her perma... on April 26~) At least I'll always have this
wedding band necklace to remember her by~ Wonder what her daughter's doing...~


I gotta say... remarryin' was not easy. Sure, my husband's nice and all, but... *sigh* But I'll tell you who made it easier: my lovin'
stepdaughter Jeri_Grub! She was kind enough to let me roast her up and chow down... Yummy...~


I needed a vacation... Luckily enough, a coworker of mine recommended the Hotel_Hayley! Now I'm spendin' the night nekkid in a
sweet woman's womb! Not sure how I'm writin' this, but... eh.

Now, I know what y'all are gonna say, Diary. "Oh, that's so messed up! He's Your_Kid, Debbie!" Well, that may be so, but my lil'
Davey just wanted to make me pregnant so bad...~ And he did. With himself! My Davey's gon' be my baby Davey until March 17! Best
Christmas ever...
I guess Hayley loved havin' me as much as I did! She sent over this cute blonde (Player_Hayley), and she was just TOO willin' to
go down my throat! I think I'll keep her there... 'til March 25, that is.


I met the cutest lil' Loli_Kitten in the wee hours of the mornin'... and ate her up! Now she's stuck in my tummy for a week...


WHEW! Now THAT was a rush! Diary, I just spent two days as fat on the boobs and belly of my dearest love Hungry_Red_Hood! I get
it now... bein' a prey is just somethin' else!~


It ain't every day you get handed someone on a silver platter an' told, "She is Yours_To_Abuse." But that was what happened today
when I adopted lil' Anita_Nezumi. They told me she was a naughty lil' kitten in need of a punishin', and, well... I did just that.
(Perma. Anita's gone for good)


Been a dog's age, hasn't it? Well, I have quite a surprise for you today, Diary: My daughter Gabriella is mine! Yep, forever! She asked
me so kindly to share The_Last_Dance with her, and who was I to say no? We performed a beautiful Egyptian ballet... and at the end
of it (what else?) I swallowed her for good! Bye-bye, honey~ (enclosed is a flier: "Love. Renewal. Tradition. Experience the myth and
passion of Nut and Ra's endless cycle firsthand. One night, one performance, one session toglimpse into a beautiful Egyptian legend
made real... and made permenant~")


Well, today has been quite fun indeed! My sweet niece Vivica_Rabbit came over to help out around the house! And I was so
grateful... I made her lunch~ *urp* Thank you, sweetie~


Finally, I've got somethin' to talk about! The delightful and delicious Nurse_Sam graciously offered to feed me an' the baby, an'
she'll be bouncin' around on my body for fifteen whole months! Now ain't that special?~


Aww, how lucky I was to find a TempVoreSlut out in the park! I just came up behind her an' swallowed her on dow, an' she's gonna
be fat on my butt for a whole month! Lucky me~

Good news: I got a job! Better news: I'm gonna be keepin' my boss Candy_Caner in my body for a whole week. Ain't that fun?~

I don't know why I'm writing this, but... I suppose I had another meal today. Wasn't particularly memorable. Jus' a snack. Never got
her name, but if I had to guess... maybe Monica_M? She seemed like a "Monica..."

I made a visit to a cowgirl ranch run by The_Mumus... and boy, were they tas-TEE!! So much beef gone down my lil' throat... I ain't
gonna need to eat for a week! Some of 'em are even gon' stick around for a few... delightful~


I'll tell you What_I_Want, what I really really want! (So tell me whatcha want, whatcha really really want!) I wanna (hey!) I wanna
(hey!) I wanna (hey!) I wanna really really really wanna zig-a-zig, GULP!


Sometimes, all ya need to catch a cutie is some good ol' Southern charm! I met this cutie Erika (Erika_Grow) an' convinced her to
let me taste her hands like the lil gutslut she was! Didn't take a second o' time to gulp her on down after that, an' now she's a-
bouncin' on my boobies like any good prey oughta do.


At first, I thought it was a coincidence... A SubbyGirl_Erika... A Desperate_Erika... My very own Pet_Erika... But now that
I've collected them all on my body, I'm startin' to think I just single-handedly ushered in the end of an era. Now, ain't that somethin'
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Pred

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Boy, am I hungry! Oh, don't YOU look delicious! *gulp*" (Will play prey for close friends)
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike "I do love feelin' em squirm down my throat..."
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Off y'all go, into my guts!"
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Y'all come back now, y'hear? *urp*"
Endo Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Now this is what we call Southern Hospitality!"
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike "How else would I get to taste ya?"
Unbirthing Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Startin' to warm up to this! My baby could use a friend...~" (Or you could be the reason a baby's there at all~)
Cock Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike "...I ain't packin', pumpkin."
Breast Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike "I do love havin' some more milk in the tank!"
Soul Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Now THAT'S soul food! Mm-MM!"
Cooking Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Wanna see how a cannibal does Southern barbecue?"
Food Related Always/Love
Never/Dislike ^
Rough Always/Love
Never/Dislike "What, and hurt the baby?!"
Gentle Always/Love
Never/Dislike "I'll go easy on ya, darlin'..."
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Want somma this Milf-to-be?~"
Transformation Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Yes... turn into my fetus...~ I think I'll name you Molly~"
Scat Always/Love
Never/Dislike (Not outside of disposal, but...)
Disposal Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Off ya go, hun! Y'all come back now, ya hear?"
Watersports Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Awww, y'all are too kind! *gulp*"
Unwilling Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Sometimes a mama's gotta eat, sugar~"
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike (I will approach you. Approach me, I put you on ignore.)
Female Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Why, aren't YOU the sweetest lil' thang...~"
Herm Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Ohhhh my goodness...~"
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike "I AM a cannibal..."
Demi Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Awwww, but you're just so cute with the ears and the tail and- MMMM I COULD JUST EAT YOU UP! In fact..."
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Here, kitty kitty kitty... *gulp* Good kitty...~"
Underage Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike "I always considered myself very in touch with my inner child... Enough to get some childs into my innards! Haha! I slay myself..."
Quick Posts Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Private Always/Love
Tempvore Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Get comfy, hon! Y'all gonna be stayin' in there for a while..."
Burping after a Meal Always/Love
Never/Dislike "UUUUUURRRRRRRRP!! Consider it a compliment~"
Your head on my belly Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Go on, put your cheek right there. Feel my kiddo kickin', and hear my stomach rumblin'...~"
In-Character Approach Always/Love
Never/Dislike (I am getting sick of this shit. If you like my profile, approach me about it. Talk to me about an RP, or OOC. Do NOT just touch my belly if we have never talked. Fuck that.)