Camp Carcosa
My time!
((As a note I never approach people with this profile as there is alot of demand for it if you want to play please don't be shy~))
If I am OPEN for APPROACH it means I have space for another predator on the island~
To Do:
1 Add in their Bonus Traits + Friends
2. Assign which characters are doing what and update food & water
While in DND you are welcome to mention you are interested in playing!

Map Key + Movement Rules
Camp Carcosa is the third Perma Camp and while the second camp became an internationally watched TV show it has yet to be picked up for a third season. This camp has been run by a number of independant vore fans (The Perma Camp Group) who have hired out the island to watch and maybe take part themselves. Because of this the camp is a little less fair. Girls will need to collect food and water and there are less escape routes than normal. The girls have been offered no prize other than their life and have been given 30 days to escape before their camp defenses are turned off and they are left vulnerable.
Active Events - Day 3 (Morning)
Trust Feast - To earn points for the next few days members of camps must consent to collars being put on them by predators. Collars can have 3 different levels of effect.
1. Tracking (1 point) - Predators can track their target whenever
2. Shocking (2 Points) - Predators can track their target and deliver a painful shock.
3. Overwhelming (5 Points) - Predators can press a button and shock or fill with aphrodisiac's immedaitely defeating their prey.
Completed Events - None for now
The Camps
Cello Camp - Food (2) Water (4) - Day 3 - Leader Krystine Peck

Krystine Peck - "Stay Calm, Think it through, Then Act!"
Traits: Systematic & Reassuring
Krystine is the Leader of Cello Camp she was a model before she was kidnapped. Her parents used to take her on survivalist retreats. Because of this she is highly capable and her leadership might mean that some of her camp might survive.
Escape Dice: 1D8 Resist Dice: 1D8
Bonus Trait: Calming - Krystine keeps the others calm with her measured and careful approach when she is out with others they all roll as if their dice was two sizes higher. (e.g 1D4 becomes 1D6)

Gwen Vaughn - "Please.... can I have a hug. I'm scared"
Traits: Team-Player, Dependable, Depressed
Gwen was tricked out of the camp by Georgina and lead to Disdemona_Halkias the girl was intimidated into breaking hopelessly and was easily slurped up by the serpant woman joining Maeve & Elinor on their slow digestive journey.

Georgina Fox - "We can do this together!" *Trips you as you run away*
Traits: Traditional & Evil
Georgina didn't sign up for this but now she is here she wants to make the most of it. She's always loved watching vore and she knows that the best way to a predators heart is through her stomach she she'll be betraying her friends constantly for any advantage she can secure to try and get off the island.
Georgina is currently with Disdemona_Halkias
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6

Eleri Morton - "Shut the fuck up! I can handle this so long as YOU do what I say!" - Gathering Food for the camp (Returning Day 4)
Traits: Brave, Controlling & Materialistic
Eleri was out with her boyfriend when she passed out and arrived here. Part of her is really worried that he drugged her and sold her into this.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6

Dasie Moon - "Umm should I have locked that door?"
Traits: Dull-Witted, Confident, Steadfast
Dasie Moon is a lovely woman from a small family who was part way through her degree although she wasn't doing very well. While she has alot of confidence and she's a loyal friend she is also very stupid and that stupidity might lead to serious mistakes.
Escape Dice: 1D3 Resist Dice: 1D5

Eden Chandler - "That doesn't make any sense"
Traits: Fussy, Unsentimental, Factual
Eden is a driven person but she can come across as quite annoying as she can be very semantic and is always keen to point out when someone is making a mistake or wrong. She is however very competent in a number of different areas.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6

Darcie Combs - "Everyone say cheese!"
Traits: Curious, Artistic & Lively
Darcie is an amateur photographer who is very unhappy about being on the island but thinks it could be a great opportunity to take photos of predators who might be on the island. She isn't stupid about it though and is an energetic person who keeps the moral in the camp high.
Darcie is currently inside of Clover_Cage's womb
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D7
Gabriella Bard - (Film Friends) Darcie's love of taking pictures and film and Gabriella's career as an actress have made the two of them firm friends. Their resist dice is 1 higher and when they are together they cannot be surprised as they are always looking around at the landscape talking about potential photo shoots.

Masie Nixon - "Wow you look amazing today, spend some time with me?"
Traits - Charming, Unsympathetic, Ignores Right or Wrong
Masie wants to survive. She is a rich Heiress who is always complementing and being kind to others but most of that is an act. She is just making sure that she is liked enough and has enough friends that she will be able to survive.
Escape Dice: 1D5 Resist Dice: 1D8
Gabriella Bard - (Rich Bitch) Masie's surface personality and dominance means that she has quickly become friends with Gabriella and is definately the one who is in charge out of the two. They both get resist dice of 1 higher and can spend time together to Bribe the audience for items. (This takes 3 days)

Vera Humphrey - "Awww don't be like that it was just a joke!" - Envy's Protection
Traits: Motivational, Silly, Fearless, Rebellious
Vera was always the sort of person who is motivated to succeed and gives that energy to others. She does however love little pranks especially on people who are in authority over her but that goofy nature has built up a real sense of fearlessness and she is sure that she can make it off the island.
Escape Dice: 1D5 Resist Dice: 1D9
Chanel Preston (Protective Friend) - Chanel is quiet and cute almost the opposite of the loud goofy Vera. When they are together Chanel gets a +2 to escape and both get in increase to their resist dice.

Maya Skyes - "I'll stay here and look after the camp...."
Traits: Straight-Forward, Careful & Lazy
Maya is used to being pampered and while she isn't stupid by any means she always tries to do the least amount of work possible. She's trying to stick with the people who she thinks might escape all while not contributing to anything they are doing.
Escape: 1D4 Resist: 1D7
Bonus Trait: Careful - Maya notices all traps that might have been set for her and cannot be captured this way.
Gabriella Bard - (Pampered Partner) Gabriella is a high energy submissive person and that means that she is often trying to cheer Maya up and get her involved. Sadly Maya just uses this as an opportunity to take advantage of her. Resist increases by one for both of them. When they are together Maya gets a +2 to escape and Gabriella gets a -1

Amy Wyatt - "I can help with anything... so long as someone is with me"
Traits: Dependant, Perfectionist
Amy is a highly skilled woman is able to help on almost any task due to her mutliskilled upbringing. However she is also highly nervous along and becomes significantly less capable when she isn't with out people.
Escape: 1D4 Resist: 1D8

Phylliss Vance - "Gosh you are such a loser.. it's almost cute"
Traits: Cruel, High-Standards, Focussed, Competative
Phylliss is a pampered rich girl who has always loved to beat others at what ever she can. She loves to trivialize and mock people whenever she is given the opportunity.
Escape: 1D4 Resist: 1D8

Gabriella Bard - "Lets do it together!" - Currently going to another camp to kidnap someone to exchange for Darcie's life. (Returning Day 6)
Traits: Reliable, Exuberant, Submissive
Gabriella is a wonderful woman who was starting to become famous in the film world before she was captured. She is a great team member and highly reliable although she has a serious submissive streak as well.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6
Maya Skyes - (Pampered Partner) Gabriella is a high energy submissive person and that means that she is often trying to cheer Maya up and get her involved. Sadly Maya just uses this as an opportunity to take advantage of her. Resist increases by one for both of them. When they are together Maya gets a +2 to escape and Gabriella gets a -1
Darcie Combs - (Film Friends) Darcie's love of taking pictures and film and Gabriella's career as an actress have made the two of them firm friends. Their resist dice is 1 higher and when they are together they cannot be surprised as they are always looking around at the landscape talking about potential photo shoots.
Masie Nixon - (Rich Bitch) Masie's surface personality and dominance means that she has quickly become friends with Gabriella and is definately the one who is in charge out of the two. They both get resist dice of 1 higher and can spend time together to Bribe the audience for items. (This takes 3 days)

Judy Bolton - "Come on it's okay think about it like this"
Traits: Factual, Inconsistent, Popular, Prone to feeling inadequate, and Nurturing.
Judy Bolton is one of the mothers of the group looking after the others because of her nurturing personality. Back home she was a famous model and she does have a habit of over problem solving for the others. She is also terrible at following plans.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D5

Chanel Preston - "Okay.."
Traits: Reserved and Attentive
Chenel is a quiet girl who is very scared about the camp. Because she's so scared she is often looking around for predators or other dangers and comes off like a skittish rabbit alot of the time.
Escape Dice: 1D5 Resist Dice: 1D8
Friend: Vera Humphrey (Protective Friend) - Chanel is quiet and cute almost the opposite of the loud goofy Vera. When they are together Chanel gets a +2 to escape and both get in increase to their resist dice.

Sabrina Lane - "It is okay we're going to be alright" - Gathering food for the Camp returning Day 4.
Traits: Apathetic, Trusting, Good
Sabrina is a calming presence within the camp being slightly apathetic she never seems to buckle to the pressure of the situation all while being a great listener and geuinely open to helping out the others.
Escape Dice: 1D5 Resist Dice: 1D6
Bonus Trait: Apathetic - Sabrina doesn't fall prey to fear based approaches or intimidation. She keeps a cool head at all times. +1 to Escape Dice.

Isabel Valentine - "How the fuck did I end up alone again?" - Currently Inside Clover_Cage's womb
Traits: Obsessive, Thoughtless, Dumb, Neither leader nor follower, and Confident.
Isabel is a beautiful woman who is very self directed. Sadly she isn't very bright and her inability to listen to others or really tell them what to do means that often she is out on her own trying to get off of the island. Trying to go it alone has never worked out for anyone in perma camp but maybe she'll be the first.
Escape Dice: 1D3 Resist Dice: 1D7
Bonus Trait: Independant Woman - Isabel is rarely with others and her rash confidence can get her quite far. She gains a +2 to her dice rolls while out on her own in combat.
Flute Camp - Food (0) Water (0) - Day 3 - Leader Bessie Koch

Bessie Koch - "You've got to look on the bright side, things always go bad but we can make them better!"
Traits: Action-oriented, Gregarious, and Happy-go-lucky.
Bessie is the leader of Flute camp and comes from a tough background. When she was in university both of her sisters were eaten by a predator who'd been stalking the campus and it took her two years to recover. Now she travels the country giving talks on predator awareness and prey safety. Or she did until she ended up here.
Escape: 1D5 Resist: 1D6
Bonus Trait: Social Bessie is great at making friends and keeping them. Every 7 days when friendship rolls are made she gets to roll 3 times on a D2.

Leah Krane - "Is this making you hungry too?"
Lead went with Kari_Belle on an exploration trip but found herself entering a cabin that the two of them found. Filled with images of Sasha's exploits on previous islands as well as an arousing gas she quickly submitted to Kari and was sweetly gurgled up.

Sumaya Chambers - "Hey I'm thinking of sneaking of with that hot pred for sex? What do you mean bad idea?"
Traits: Perverse, Fair, Naive, Action-oriented, and Artistic.
Sumaya has been fortunate for most of her life she has been a streamer for the last 3 years and found that she has been very famous with a large number of loyal fans. Her life of luxary and fun has left her in a bit of a bubble and made her far less good at assessing dangerous situations especially now she is on the island.
Escape Dice: 1D5 Resist Dice: 1D4
Elise Edwards (On a Leash) Sumaya is so willing to put herself in crazy amounts of danger she is helped alot by having a mean bitch who orders her not to do stupid things around. Elise likes Sumaya's openness and wishes she had some of that herself. When together Sumaya has +2 to both of her stats and Elise has a resist dice increase of 1.
Mila Dawson (Action Packed) Sumaya and Mila both have a love of doing things and hate sitting around too much. They support each other well on adventures giving each other a +2 to escape dice when escaping together.

Carla Vellatrix - "Leave this with me overnight I'll figure it out"
Traits: Ingenious, Assertive, Tireless, happy, and Excitable.
Carla Vellatrix is an engineer who has been working on a number of different hands on projects. She's got a motivated mind-set and has always been willing to work on anything so long as she can work out a way to help out.
Escape Dice: 1D6 Resist Dice: 1D7

Maeve Browning - "I'm your slutty little meat girl"
Maeve watched Elinor getting eaten by Disdemona_Halkias and listened to the other woman as she was seduced by her. Initially thinking she was just going to have sex with her she was tempted into her stomach to slowly digest over the next few weeks her head pressed into Eli-Belly's sex.

Ruby Sutton - "We're going to do my plan and that's the end of it!"
Traits: Bossy, Decisive, Tough, and Abstract.
Ruby doesn't fuck around and she isn't on the island to make friends. While she might look cute she doesn't take a back-seat on anything and she doesn't let much stop her. She's great at handling pain and she thinks outside the box which always helped her when she was a magician's apprentice before the island.
Escape Dice: 1D5 Resist Dice: 1D7

Elinor Trevino - "Mmmm ahhh! I'm so sorry they did that! AHHH I'll be good for you now AHHH please..."
Elinor was eaten by Disdemona_Halkias as they knew each other from before the camp. The girl had been on a expedition to get water but when she was ratted out by Harley to the lamia her time on the island was numbered. She was easily overpowered and swallowed down on the stream.

Ava Harmon - "Awww it's a beautiful island I'd love to stay and paint it... if we weren't all at risk of death"
Traits: Gentle, Witty, Fair, Fast-paced, and Artistic.
Ava is a total sweet-heart she's funny kind and artisitic as well. She was a free-lance painter before she was captured and had started to pick up a bit of traction in the art world before this all happened. She's always telling jokes and rarely is left speechless.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6
Bonus Trait: Fair Ava is a person who is always Fair and very good at distributing rations. When search parties return they get a +1 to their total number of supplies.

Elsie Edwards - "Oh come on all you nice girls are going to be fertilizer for the plants by the end of the week."
Traits: Bitchy, Driven and Soft-Hearted.
Elsie is one of those people who is mean to people a little to often and doesn't even like herself for it. She's someone who if you can spend enough time with is actually very sweet and loving but has a tough exterior. She worked for a long time as a tattoo artist before she was kidnapped.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D7
Sumaya Chambers (On a Leash) Sumaya is so willing to put herself in crazy amounts of danger she is helped alot by having a mean bitch who orders her not to do stupid things around. Elise likes Sumaya's openness and wishes she had some of that herself. When together Sumaya has +2 to both of her stats and Elise has a resist dice increase of 1.

Jessie Frank - "Come on! We dress as bunnies and dare a predator to chase us in exchange for help! It's more than fair!"
Traits: Weak-willed, A thrill-seeker, Strategic, and Diverse.
Jessie Frank is a woman who used to run a thrill-seeking youtube channel where she'd offer people sums of money to do crazy dares. Her most popular video is to this date "Cheerleader dared to spend the night in werewolf cell gone WRONG" where she'd forgotten to chain the werewolf up leading to a long fuck and feed session all livestreamed and then uploaded. Now she's on the island she isn't too worried she's never been afraid of predators.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D7
Beckie Wellman (Gossip Girls) Beckie is quick to judge and loves gossip and Jessie can't help but create drama and dangerous situations. Each of them make their time on the island a little more enjoyable affording them each an increase to their resist dice of 1.

Mila Dawson - "Fuck this is hot.. I mean dangerous"
Traits: A thrill-seeker, and Supportive.
Mila Dawson is a total adrenaline junkie who spends her time doing very dangerous activities including free-climbing and diving. She's nervous about being on the island but the danger is definately turning her on.
Escape Dice: 1D5 Resist Dice: 1D6
Bonus Trait: (Supportive) Mila is always looking out for her friends and supports them in all things. While she is in an scene everyone has an increased Escape of 1.
Sumaya Chambers (Action Packed) Sumaya and Mila both have a love of doing things and hate sitting around too much. They support each other well on adventures giving each other a +2 to escape dice when escaping together.

Nina Valentine - "I'm taking a walk I need to think"
Traits: Roving, Logical, and Perfectionist.
Nina is someone who loves hikes and nature and has been writing a book of poetry for the last few years. She doesn't like to rush things and hates getting them wrong even more. She's great at helping out the camp leader and coming up with plans. If given time and space to walk.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6

Candice Bridges - "Hey..."
Traits: Secretive, and Prone to feeling inadequate.
Candice is a very private person and doesn't easily open up to others. She often feels inadequate and struggles with self-doubt. Despite this, she is hardworking and determined to succeed. She tends to keep to herself and doesn't socialize much. She has a talent for music but keeps it hidden from others, fearing judgment and criticism.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6
Bonus Trait: Never Enough - Candice struggles with her feelings of inadequacy but can sometimes dig alot deeper than others when she needs to. If she is behind in an escape check she gets to roll twice and take the highest until she is ahead.

Susan Blaese - "Life sucks sometimes, but I keep going anyway."
Traits: Depressive, Lewd and Pessimistic.
Susan struggles with depression and often feels overwhelmed by her emotions. She can be quite needy and craves attention and validation from others. She has a pessimistic outlook on life and often focuses on the negative aspects of situations. She can be difficult to be around at times, but deep down she is kind and caring. Susan has faced a lot of challenges in her life and has never fully recovered from some traumatic events in her past. She struggles with feelings of worthlessness and often seeks validation from others to feel better about herself. She can be emotionally draining on those around her, but she genuinely cares about others and wants to be a good friend.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D4
Leah Krane (Kari's Fat) - Susan's friend giving in so quickly was not good for her. Her resist has dropped by 2.

Harley Dejesus - "I may be mean, but at least I'm not afraid" - Based in Disdemona_Halkias's cabin
Traits: Wicked, Thoughtful, Intuitive, and Rude.
Harley has a wicked sense of humor and can be quite rude at times, but she is also thoughtful and intuitive. She developed her sharp mind and sarcastic sense of humor while growing up in a rough neighborhood, where she had to be tough to survive. Despite her tough exterior, she has a caring side and will go to great lengths to protect those she cares about.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6

Beckie Wellman - "I may be dark and brooding, but that doesn't mean I won't judge you faster than I can slip into my fishnets."
Traits: Goth, and Quick to judge.
Beckie is a goth who is quick to judge others and can be quite judgmental, especially towards those who do not share her beliefs or values. And when your beliefs and values are nihilistic, apathetic and borderline satanistic that can mean there are alot of people you are judging!
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6
Jessie Frank (Gossip Girls) Beckie is quick to judge and loves gossip and Jessie can't help but create drama and dangerous situations. Each of them make their time on the island a little more enjoyable affording them each an increase to their resist dice of 1.
Harp Camp - Food (0) Water (0) - Leader Penelope Robertson

Penelope Robertson - "Success is the only option for me"
Traits: Intelligent, Requires positive feedback, Non-rebellious, Dynamic, and Perfectionist.
Penelope Robertson is a highly intelligent and dynamic individual who strives for perfection in everything she does. She thrives on positive feedback and can become anxious without it. Despite her high achieving nature, she is non-rebellious and generally seeks to please those around her.
Escape Dice: 1D7 Resist Dice: 1D9
Bonus Trait: Intelligent - Penelope is unlikely to fall for deception and generally better at most things. +1 to both skills.
Cordelia McCormack (Leader's Pet) Cordelia likes to play jokes and she could probably get in trouble for some of the shit that she pulls. However she is good friends with Penelope and is always paying her complements which means the two generally like each other. When together they provide great emotional support. +2 to Resist when together.

Poppy Silva - "Life is too short to be bored, so I'm always on the lookout for my next adventure."
Traits: Easily bored, and Placid.
Poppy Silva is a placid individual who finds herself easily bored by routine and repetition. She is always looking for new experiences and opportunities to challenge herself. Despite this, she tends to approach life with a relaxed and laid-back attitude, preferring to go with the flow rather than force things to happen.
Escape Dice: 1D3 Resist Dice: 1D6

Cordelia Mccormick - "I may be a joker, but when it comes to protecting the people I love, I don't mess around."
Traits: Nurturing, Joker, Abstract, Dynamic, and Rude.
Cordelia McCormick is a dynamic and abstract individual with a nurturing side. She loves to make people laugh and often uses humor as a coping mechanism. However, she can also be quite rude and blunt at times. Despite this, she genuinely cares for those around her and will do whatever it takes to protect them.
Escape Dice: 1D5 Resist Dice: 1D7
Penelope Robertson (Leader's Pet) Cordelia likes to play jokes and she could probably get in trouble for some of the shit that she pulls. However she is good friends with Penelope and is always paying her complements which means the two generally like each other. When together they provide great emotional support. +2 to Resist when together.
Skyla Baxter (Cop & Robber) Skyla is a law-abiding rule follower while Cordelia is a law breaking prankster. An unlikely pairing. However each of them annoy each other so much they don't spend that much time dwelling on their situations. They are unlikely friends and potential lovers. +1 to their resist and escape scores.

Lydia Meadows - "Aww I'm happy to help. Go into the private dining room with you... okay?"
Traits: Complacent, and Sweet
Lydia Meadows is a complacent and sweet individual. She has a calming presence and is always willing to lend a listening ear to those in need. Lydia can be a bit of a pushover, but she doesn't mind as long as everyone around her is happy. Her complacency can sometimes lead to her being taken advantage of, but she tries to see the best in everyone.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D4

Juanita Marsh - "I may not always say what you want to hear, but I'll always speak the truth."
Traits: Frank, Sentimental, Analytical, and Depressive.
Juanita Marsh is an introverted, yet perceptive individual. She has a tendency to overthink things and can be quite analytical, which sometimes leads her to be indecisive. Juanita is also deeply sentimental and honest, often speaking her mind regardless of the consequences. Her melancholic personality, however, can make her prone to bouts of depression.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D5
Sasha Hilton (Sad World) Juanita and Sasha are both easily depressed and unhappy at the situation. Sasha is better at hiding it out of the two but has become a comfort to the other woman very quickly. The two of them fuel each other helpfully and gain a +1 to escape and resist when in scenes together.

Celine Moreno - "I may be emotional, but that doesn't mean I'm weak. It just means I'm passionate."
Traits: Emotional, Competitive, and Open.
Celine Moreno is a highly emotional person who is driven by her competitive nature. She is always looking for ways to improve herself and her situation. Celine is very open-minded and loves exploring new ideas and experiences.
Escape Dice: 1D5 Resist Dice: 1D6

Kayleigh Baker - "I live life to the fullest, with no regrets and no fear. Who knows what tomorrow brings? Let's make the most of today."
Traits: Boisterous, Sentimental, Flirtatious, Traditional, and Fearless.
Kayleigh Baker is a lively and outgoing person, unafraid to speak her mind and take risks. She values tradition and has a sentimental side, often cherishing memories and loved ones. Kayleigh can also be quite flirtatious, using her charm and wit to attract others. Despite her boisterous nature, she is also quite fearless, facing challenges head-on and with confidence.
Escape Dice: 1D6 Resist Dice: 1D8
Bonus Trait: Resourceful - Kayleigh is very good at finding things she needs. When scavenging for food or water she brings an additional +1 home. She also finds a second item whenever she is at an item location.
Lois McKenzie (Cherished Friend) - Kayleigh is always kind and flirty to Lois which makes her feel more vaulable and happier in her own skin. +1 to Escape and +1 to Resist.
Jorja Padilla (Loyal Friends) - Kayleigh & Jorja have each others backs and if they are together in an escape sequence they provide each other a +2 to escape.

Jorja Padilla - "I may not be a superstar, but I'll always do my part to support the team."
Superior, Non-rebellious, Loyal, and Average mannered.
Jorja Padilla is a loyal individual who values hierarchy and authority. She has a strong sense of respect for those in positions of power and often takes on a subordinate role herself. Although she may not stand out as exceptional, Jorja is reliable and consistently meets expectations. She prefers to avoid conflict and maintains an average manner in her interactions.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6
Bonus Trait: Inspiring Loyalty - When she is out with others they gain a +1 while she is still with them. If she escapes before them they suffer a -1 penalty.
Kayleigh Baker (Loyal Friends) - Kayleigh & Jorja have each others backs and if they are together in an escape sequence they provide each other a +2 to escape.

Flora Mckee - "I'm not interested in things that don't sparkle."
Traits: Materialistic, and Easily bored.
Flora McKee is a wealthy heiress who spends most of her time shopping and indulging in luxury. She has a short attention span and easily becomes bored with anything that doesn't interest her.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6

Skyla Baxter - "I may be blunt, but at least you know where you stand with me."
Traits: Supportive, Law-abiding, and Blunt.
Skyla is a supportive and law-abiding individual who values honesty above all else. She has a blunt personality and is not afraid to speak her mind. Her background is rooted in a family of lawyers and law enforcement officials, which has instilled in her a deep respect for rules and regulations.
Escape Dice: 1D5 Resist Dice: 1D7
Cordelia McCormack (Cop & Robber) Skyla is a law-abiding rule follower while Cordelia is a law breaking prankster. An unlikely pairing. However each of them annoy each other so much they don't spend that much time dwelling on their situations. They are unlikely friends and potential lovers. +1 to their resist and escape scores.

Jacqueline Hebert - "I may not always have the solution, but I'll always have a listening ear."
Mature, Chivalrous, A peace-maker, and Respectful.
Jacqueline is a mature and respectful individual who believes in chivalry and being a peacemaker in any situation. She is a good listener and always supportive of her loved ones.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6

Carol Li - "I'm not going to lie girls I'm super fucking turned on by the idea of being mulched"
Compassionate, Avoids conflict, Pioneering, and Willing.
Carol is a compassionate person who always puts others before herself, which sometimes leads to her avoiding conflict. She is a pioneering spirit, always seeking new adventures and opportunities to learn. Her willingness to try new things and take on challenges make her an asset in any situation.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D2

Chantelle Small - "Sometimes I feel like a walking contradiction. I love learning about facts and figures, but I can't seem to control my emotions. It's frustrating, but I'm working on it."
Traits: Easily bored, Expresses emotions inappropriately, and Factual.
Chantelle Small is a woman who is easily bored and has a tendency to express her emotions in inappropriate ways. She is also someone who values facts and is intrigued by them. Chantelle grew up in a small town where she didn't have access to many opportunities. As a result, she developed a fascination with learning new things, especially in the field of science. Her inability to control her emotions has caused problems for her in the past, but she is determined to learn how to express herself in a healthy way.
Escape Dice: 1D4
Resist Dice: 1D6

Irene Larson - "Always be proud of who you are, and never forget your worth. Let your unique qualities shine and own your individuality."
Needs to be admired, Contemplative, and Angry.
Irene Larson grew up in a wealthy family, where she was constantly praised and admired for her intelligence and beauty. As a result, she developed a strong need for admiration and validation from others, and can become angry or resentful when she doesn't receive it. She spends a lot of time contemplating her own thoughts and emotions, often becoming lost in her own inner world.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D7

Ethel Hanna - "I may not know what tomorrow brings, but I know I'll be living it to the fullest. Let's do something spontaneous and see where it takes us!" - Pride's Protection
Compulsive, Hates routine, Gentle, and Supportive.
Ethel Hanna is a free spirit who hates routine and enjoys living life spontaneously. She is gentle and supportive of her loved ones, and is always there to lend an ear or a helping hand. However, her compulsive tendencies can sometimes lead her down a dangerous path.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6

Lois Mckenzie - "I don't need anyone's validation, but it sure does feel good when I get it."
Needs to be admired, Smart, and Expresses emotions inappropriately.
Lois Mckenzie is a highly intelligent woman who values recognition and praise for her accomplishments. She can be emotionally expressive and sometimes has a hard time regulating her emotions, leading her to occasionally act impulsively. Her need for admiration drives her to seek out positions of power and influence in her career, but it can also make her sensitive to criticism and rejection.
Escape Dice: 1D8 Resist Dice: 1D9
Bonus Trait: Highly Intelligent - Lois gains +2 to escape and resist
Kayleigh Baker (Cherished Friend) - Kayleigh is always kind and flirty to Lois which makes her feel more vaulable and happier in her own skin. +1 to Escape and +1 to Resist.

Sasha Hilton - "I know I come across as needy, but it's only because I'm constantly battling my own demons. Sometimes all I need is a little bit of attention and validation to remind me that I'm not alone in this world."
Traits: Depressed, Intellectual, and Attention-seeking.
Sasha Hilton is a highly intelligent but deeply depressed individual who craves attention and validation from others. She often finds herself lost in her own thoughts and can struggle with feeling disconnected from the world around her.
Escape Dice: 1D5 Resist Dice: 1D6
Juanita Marsh (Sad World) Juanita and Sasha are both easily depressed and unhappy at the situation. Sasha is better at hiding it out of the two but has become a comfort to the other woman very quickly. The two of them fuel each other helpfully and gain a +1 to escape and resist when in scenes together.
Piano Camp - Food (0) Water (3) - Day 3 - Alice Alvia

Alice Avila - "Speaking up for what's right isn't always easy, but it's always worth it when you're fighting for something you believe in."
Outspoken, and Compassionate.
Alice Avila is a passionate and outspoken individual who is always willing to stand up for what she believes in. She is also a very compassionate person, always looking out for the needs and feelings of other
Escape Dice: 1D7
Resist Dice: 1D7
Bonus Trait: Diplomatic Alice is a talented speaker and any deals that she makes have to be abided by for all parties. Her wording is therefore important.

Helen Anderson - "I don't care about what anyone else thinks, I live for myself and the thrill of the moment. Life is too short to play it safe and boring." - Greed's Protection
Self-centered, and A thrill-seeker.
Helen Anderson is a wealthy socialite who loves to live life on the edge. She is extremely self-absorbed and tends to put her own needs and desires above those of others. Her love for adrenaline-pumping activities and her need for attention often lead her into risky situations, but she never backs down from a challenge.
Escape Dice: 1D5 Resist Dice: 1D6

Maizie Petty - ""Mmmm Kari yes.. eat me up this is amazing""
Maizie Petty is a lawyer who values reason and logic above all else. She is coordinated and practical, able to find peaceful solutions to complex problems. She has a keen eye for detail and is always observing her surroundings.

Helena Matthams - "I may seem formal and inconsistent, but my dreams are where I find my true self."
Formal, Inconsistent, and A dreamer.
Neave Matthams is a reserved and formal individual who often comes across as distant due to her inconsistent behavior. Despite her outward appearance, she is a dreamer at heart, always lost in thought and imagination. She often struggles with finding a balance between her practical responsibilities and her desire to escape into her dreams.
Escape Dice: 1D4
Resist Dice: 1D6

Kyra Lozano - "do you think... I'd be good enough as a ration?"
Kyra went out to find and help Maize Petty but she'd already been gurgled by Kari_Belle after spending a day with Kari before Kyra was already very weak to her advances and it took almost no effort to persuade the beautiful girl to feed herself to Kari.

Serena Gibson - "I may have had everything handed to me on a silver platter, but I'm still open to new experiences and perspectives. That's what makes life exciting, after all."
Likeable, Pompous, and Open-minded.
Serena Gibson grew up in a wealthy family and always had everything she wanted. Her privilege has made her somewhat pompous and entitled, but she also has a natural charm that makes her likeable to others. Despite her flaws, she is open-minded and willing to learn from those around her.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6

Samia Thompson - "I may have moments of envy and stress, but I never let those emotions interfere with my commitment to upholding the law and fighting for justice."
Envious, Stressed, Gracious, and Formal.
Samia Thompson is a driven and competitive individual with a background in law. She has a tendency to become envious and stressed, but also carries herself with grace and formality. Despite her flaws, she is respected by many for her strong work ethic and dedication to justice.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6

Michelle Quinn - "I don't have time for people who don't appreciate me. If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best."
Requires constant attention, Tough, Short-tempered, Finicky, and Quick-tempered.
Michelle Quinn is a high-maintenance individual who demands constant attention from those around her. She has a tough exterior and a short temper, making her quick to lash out at those who cross her. She can be finicky and has high standards, which can make her difficult to please. Her fiery personality can be both intimidating and exhausting to those around her.
Escape Dice: 1D5 Resist Dice: 1D7

Florence Trujillo - "Fuck it I'm feeding you to the preds"
Uncooperative, Boring, Bad mannered, Vain, and Unkind.
Florence has always been known as a bad-bitch because she's never ever been kind to someone. Raised by a cult she is always thinking about the negative and loves watching people suffer. She's a product of her past but her actions will have very real consequences in the camp.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D8

Angelica Villegas - "Awww lets not do the same thing again..."
Sneaky, Hates routine, Evil, and Violent.
Angelica seems like a sweet blonde but is infact a heartless killer. Her MO in the world outside the island was to leave all of someone's details in a predator bar along with a way into their home. This worked way more than it should have done and turned Angelica into a bit of a vorephile.
Escape Dice: 1D6 Resist Dice: 1D8

Hannah Mayer - "Sorry but there is only enough food her for one. Enjoy being predator chow!"
Dismissive, Aloof, Average mannered, Ruthless, and Ambitious.
Hannah does not plan to lose in the camp. She is a driven person who is highly focussed on survival and is willing to sacrifice anyone and anything to get herself off of the island.
Escape Dice: 1D7 Resist Dice: 1D8

Francesca Conway - "I'm not taking part!"
Resentful, and Unadventurous.
Francesca does not want to be here. And she doesn't want to participate to scared to do any of the things that will save her life she will probably try and sit in camp for the entire game only to become an easy meal when the time limit is up and her defenses are lose.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D3

Libby Deleon - "I'm just giving in..."
Resentful, and Non-rebellious.
Libby is furious about what has happened but doesn't know how to put up a fight against the island. Her other camp mates have commented on how tasty she looks and she has decided that she'll probably end up giving herself to the first nice predator who she comes across afterall she isn't going to get out of this one.
Escape Dice: 1D2 Resist Dice: 1D2

Charlie Logan - "Back the fuck off Bitch!"
Serious, Angry, and Romanticist.
Charlie is an odd one she is so doom and gloom while also being a romantic at heart. She is always on the look-out for a partner and treasures her friends but you have to get past a very bitchy and quick to anger exterior to find her heart of gold.
Escape Dice: 1D5 Resist Dice: 1D6

Callie Rose - "I don't think she'd actually eat me anyway"
Callie went with Kyra, Maize and Selena as well as Kari_Belle to her Moonlit Grotto to gather water. She had assumed that she wouldn't be eaten by Kari but was very wrong as she was seduced by the beautiful predator under the waterfall of the grotto her moans of pleasure as she was digested echoed over the quiet area.

Bertha Rich - "Fuck all of you I'm going to win this thing!"
Nasty, Lacks insight, Greedy, and Superficial.
Bertha has decided that this is a competition not a team game and she is determined not to lose. She is going to fight with everything she has to come out on top and she is going to do it all while taking as much as she can from the island. She wants to leave alive and more importantly rich.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D8
The Perma Camp Team - The girls who kidnapped the participants and are running the show.
All girls in the Perma Camp team can be found by visiting their HQ in the centre of the island. Most are a challenge and being caught eating one will result in your character being sent away from the island!

Neave Anthony - "All of us are here to have fun. And all of you are here to be eaten! It's pretty simple!"
Naughty, Elitist, and Gullible.
Neave loved the idea when it was pitched and did alot of the financing for it. She picked a few of the girls and has yet to choose her favorites to try and survive. She isn't sponsoring any predators just yet but will do so happily if they ask.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6

Scarlet Lawson - "Fuck yes! Lets release a few more predators into one of the camps and turn the security off!"
Self-assured, Risky, and Spontaneous.
Scarlet Lawson is a thug and a massive Voreophile she fucking loves watching people get eaten and her boyfriend back home is a predator. He helped her put this whole project together and Scarlet is hoping that she gets to see as many people as possible get eaten.
Escape Dice: 1D8 Resist Dice: 1D6

Sylvia Hernandez - "Come here let me look after you!"
Cynical, and Untidy.
Sylvia is someone who is kind looking but rather dangerous she is the sort to sensually smother you tie you up and then leave you on a silver platter for the predator who she's been spending time with. Don't be deceived by her cute features if she gets a chance she'll watch you get eaten but if you don't give her that chance she'll be very nice to you!
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6

Naomi Baldwin - "I won't lie I don't know what the heck is happening!"
Complex, Unintelligent, Superficial, and Passive.
Naomi is one of those people who just goes with the flow. She doesn't really know how she ended up here she signed a few forms agreed to a few things and now she's one of 10 shareholders in a predator island for feeding them prey and there is loads of money that is coming in from people watching all over the world. She is a little surprised about the whole thing to be honest.
Escape Dice: 1D2 Resist Dice: 1D2

Nell John - "I'm not going to be convinced not get into the pit with the lamia!"
Ignores the opinions of others, Merciless, Controlling, Dreary, and Overemotional.
Nell was almost eaten by a predator when she was younger and that experience has stayed with her. She is highly emotional always on edge and loves to dominate people. Her favorite method of domination is giving people to a predator to be eaten. So it makes sense why she's here.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6

Courtney Phillips - "....what?"
Inactive, No compassion, Unsmiling, Envious, and Quick-witted.
Courtney is scary she is never compassionate, never smiling and she is incredibly smart. She has come here because she likes to watch people whose lives were otherwise good get ruined by predators and she has plans to sabotage her own group as well. In her ideal world no-one but her leaves this island alive.
Escape: 1D7 Resist: 1D8

Ali Krueger - "Wait stop! Are we sure we should add another predator to the island... oh you all want to? Okay..."
Passionate, and Lacks insight.
Ali Kruger has joined the island as a sleeper agent. She is passionate about helping the girls and joined this group to try and infiltrate but she is a terrible spy who can't read people at all and doesn't know who to trust. Now she's in too deep with no options and she's wishing she'd just gone to the police when she'd heard about all this.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D5

Malik Huff - "You don't even realize how pathetic everyone thinks you are!"
Charismatic, and Hurtful.
Malik is one of those people who is liked by alot of people but seems to innately identify peoples weak points. She's part of the group to make money and she is often making snide remarks to the others about how they are secretly just gut-sluts who are here to project onto people in the island.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D8

Annie Rice - "Predators are suprime! What do you mean what about me?"
Complacent, Dumb, Naughty, Stingy, and Irritable.
Annie Rice thinks she is a mad genius but she is infact just mad. She hates most people and finds them annoying and became a big advocate for predators when one ate her boyfriend who she was going to break up with. Since then she has realized that predators should be at the top of the food chain and everyone else should serve. She should realize that the predators she is making friends with probably view her as food as well.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6

Aleena Howard
Outgoing, Untidy, Bad mannered, and Hard-nosed.
Aleena has always wanted to be a cat-girl and she would let one eat her in a heart-beat. She is a total slut for predators and has run the camp to try and vicariously live through the predators here. She will likely give herself to whoever gets the most people by the end of the 30 days.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6

Mason Bradshaw - "I can't wait to see all the girls on the island as pudge."
Kind, Distrustful and Deceitful
Mason Bradshaw is the real hero of this group. She has infiltrated the camp because she is trying to identify who is the real brains behind the operation. She is sure that it is someone on the Perma Camp team and she wants to make sure that they don't make it off the island to try and stop this happening again. She is a talented liar and athletic to boot.
Escape Dice: 1D6 Resist Dice: 1D8

Lulu Mathis
A dreamer, Informative, and Athletic.
Lulu approaches the island like a game or a dream. She isn't fussed and doesn't think about the morals of the whole thing she is just playing and influencing the odds. She is a little ditzy and probably a good target for a predator who likes tricks.
Escape Dice: 1D5 Resist Dice: 1D6

Casey O'Connor - "Hey don't hurt me I'm so cute!" *Stabs you*
Detached, Mean, Stingy, and Harsh.
Casey looks cute but she is super fucking evil. She loves seeing people get eaten and has been tricking people into predator areas her whole life be it giving the wrong directions or actively leading them into these areas she loves seeing the look on prey's faces when they realize what is happening.
Escape Dice: 1D4 Resist Dice: 1D6

Kaitlin Petty - "I'm going to beat you into pulp!"
Highly observant, Introverted, Loyal, Unhappy, and Humourless.
Kaitlin Petty is a dangerous woman she used to be a hit-woman for a mob and is known for people assuming she might be a predator because of her athletic build. She is not to be trifled with if you know what is good for you.
Escape Dice: 1D8 Resist Dice: 1D8
Perma Camp Stat Block
Item: Girls can have 1 item equipped at any 1 time which might give them special effects!
Friend: When I create the groups I roll initial friends, friends provide each other with special benefits.
Escape Dice (1D4 on Average): This is the dice rolled to escape a predator in physical combat
Resist Dice (1D6 on Average): This is the dice rolled to resist a predator attempting seduction
The Game - Basic Information.
The game isn't specific Predators are allowed to make friends, enemies, lovers or just meals out of the girls. There are three main systems for doing this.
Performing an attack will cause time to pass on the island consistantly a day will pass after each attack (normally).
1. Physical Attacks - Cannot be done inside of camps! Without drawing security.
A predator chooses a location to prowl on the island or a girl to try and pursue. Girls who are not specifically somewhere else will be in their camp. The girl will be assigned an Alert dice depending on how many other campers are nearby this dice will be rolled immediately and determine how many turns until back-up arrives.
Then the predator will attack they are welcome to try and set up traps or improve their appraoches but these will always have fail chances and a failed set up will allow the girl to roll first as the predator is revealed.
The attack is simple predators roll their attack dice which we decide together but is capped at D6 to begin with. The girls roll their escape dice. It is first to 15. At 15 they are restrained and anything can be done to them holding them in cages is possible but once per day they wil make unlikely escape checks to keep things fluid.
2. Seduction Checks - Can be done inside camps but are harder.
A predator chooses their location and approaches their prey. This approach is important as approaching a girl without thinking about their personality then you can find negatives to your seductive rolls. Other than this however the checks are the same as attacking. The first to 15 wins. (You can only succeed a seduction check if the target has a positive view of you or if the seduction is really good~)
There are 3 results of a successful seduction, Vore, Sex and the increase of a long term relationship statistic (explained in the next section). Not voring a seduced target on the day will mean you cannot do it immediately at a later date. Quick seduction checks are when a predator tries to overwhlem a camper with pressure or pleasure to cause them to give in.
3. Long-Term Relationships.
Long-term relationships are a little confusing. These are when a predator wishes to make a friend or lover on the island. Slice of life scenes can be run where a predator spends time doing an activity a girl would like raising this scale by one and taking a 3rd of a day. This scale has a couple of abilities it increases a predators seduction score for that specific camper. Attacking a girl reduces the scale by 1.
-5 Despised
-4 Untrustworthy
-3 Disliked (Can't be seduced)
-2 Negative Opinion
-1 Minor Negative Opinion
0 Neutral
1 Minor Positive Opinion
2 Positive Opinion
3 Liked (Sex possible without rolls)
4 Trusted (Trap's always succeed)
5 Adored (Would let themselves be eaten)
Game Rules - Advanced.
Base Building - There are base building rules To_Serve_PermaCamp I didn't write them the ever helpful Sasha_Kindbauch did but they are really good there are small changes but if you want to make a base just ask!.
Protecting Prey - A predator might wish to protect a specific prey. If they do so they cannot hunt anywhere that prey is not and if they do it will take a day before they can protect them again. Protection means that if a predator attacks then you will be injured and need to rest for a day before hunting again. If two different predators attack your prey may still be taken and you will be injured.
Stat improvements - Every 3 girls eaten improves a statistic by 1. Then number of girls eaten increases each stat increase.
Predators on the Island