
Nickname: The Floating Sky Wyvern
Sizes: Smallest= 33ft Largest= 46.8ft
Not at the bottom of the food chain but certainly not at the top, she reigns as the middle predator of the Coral Highlands. Usually a peacefully sort, she spends her days seeking out prey smaller to swallow up.
That is, of course, when the LegianaGirl isn't having a turf war with the poor thing.

With her new form, she keeps to herself and attacks only when provoked...or hungry enough to forego her usual diet in the trees. She has adopted a sort of cutesy and meek personality that becomes submissive when a bigger predator is around.
Player has 5 turns to escape after the initial sneak attack roll. When Ingested, the counter goes up by 1.
Player also has 50 Health as well. If Health is 0 while Ingested, game over.
Paolumu Girl Moves
Inhale(light)- Rolls a !1d8 for damage against player. If an 8 is rolled, roll an immediate Inhale(deep) roll adding 4 to the aforementioned roll.
Inhale(deep)- Rolls a !1d12 for damage and player rolls the same. If roll is higher than player's, player takes damage and is Ingested. If lower, player avoids damage.
Tail Slap- Rolls a !1d10 for damage and player rolls the same. If roll is higher than players's, they take damage and are Stunned for the next turn. If lower, player avoids the attack. If player Health is at 10 or lower after this, they are Ingested(Tail).
Drop Slam- Usable only when Inhale(any) has been used three times. Rolls a !1d20 for damage and player rolls the same. If roll is higher than player's, they take damage and are Ingested(Unbirth). If lower, player avoids attack and escape counter reduced by 1.
Air Shot- Usable only when Inhale(any) has been used three times. Rolls a !1d8 for damage and player rolls the same. If roll is higher than player's, they take damage and if Stunned, take double that damage. If lower, player avoids the attack.
Deflate- When Air Shot or Drop Slam have been used three times (any combination), the counter resets for Inhale uses and cannot use Air Shot or Drop Slam until filled up again.
Turf War- When LegianaGirl appears, the Escape Counter is reset. Player is caught between the two monster girls. During the Turf War, each turn player rolls !3d10 while both Monster Girls roll !2d10. Player avoids the turf war struggle if higher than both. Player is caught by the girl with the roll higher than theirs, resetting the Escape Counter. If both have a roll higher than theirs, they fight over the player.
Balloon Sac- Oral ingestion causes the player to wind up here. Each turn, they will take damage in the form of a !1d6 then the player rolls a !1d20 to escape. If they roll higher than 15, they succeed. If not, after two turns, will either keep them in sac for another two turns or they are sucked down into her stomach.
Ingested (Stomach/Tail/Unbirth)- If Ingested, player will take damage in the form of !1d6 each turn (Does not work in tandem with Balloon Sac). Each turn player rolls !1d20 to escape. If higher than 15, it works.
Angelic Sleeper- When she has failed to ingest the player at least 3 times, she will immediately go to "rest". The escape counter resets back to 5. The player is compelled to follow. When discovered, they are in adoration of how adorable she looks while sleeping. Then they roll a !1d8. If higher than 5, she becomes aware of the player's presence and awaken with her balloon sac full, as if she had Inhaled(any) 3 times.
Part of MHW_Game