Sayuri___, member of ARKS, and everyone's Hero, reporting in! I am the strongest Hero, and you need only see me in action to see why!"
Sayuri has, well. She's infiltrated the ARKS of PSO2, and is now a member of their ranks, becoming a strong warrior. Many of her old powers do not work, but she DOES have some new powers to make up for it, and she is making up for that difference in power in spades. Coming with three weapons to pick from and a wide arsenal of mobility tools. With her Sato Mag by her side, nothing can stop her!
Ever since joining ARKS, Sayuri has gotten a little more, well. Energetic. Outgoing. Bombastic. Whereas before, she carried herself with dignity and grace, now, she is loud, trying to be a true "Hero", announcing her presence, making dramatic entrances, and fighting anyone she deems a "villain". Although, her definition of "fight" is rather loose... Could be anything from a swordfight to a simple game of rock-paper-scissors.
When she's not out fighting Darkers, subduing natives, or hanging out with
Matoi_ or
Phaleg_Ives, she's usually trying to either find new friends or relaxing in the forest, eating in Franka's Cafe, or finding new outfits to wear.
She needs some friends.
But, now that we've covered who she is and what she does, let's move onto her skills and abilities!

Swords, a weapon truly befitting a hero, and one Sayuri takes great pride in using. Swords boast high damage and quick swings, though they are not the best at closing long-distance gaps.
Rising Slash: An upward slash followed by a series of repetitive, powerful, quick slashes in front of Sayuri, though it consumes energy to continue slashing. While slashing, Sayuri is capable of moving in the air to track and hound her foes down. Once she is finished, she slams the sword back into the ground, and is capable of directing the slam in any direction she wants, carrying her a long distance in that direction.
Brightness End: A simple swipe with low power and minimal energy consumption that guards her body from damage. However, should she hold this Art, she begins pouring energy into the blade for a powerful second slash that covers a wide area before her, making this Art perfect for killing large groups of enemies.
Flash Trick: A quick lunge forward, ending in a powerful thrust if it connects. Holding this Art causes her weapon to change to a Talis.
Vapor Bullet: A slide that Sayuri can move in any direction while firing energy bullets from her hand. Holding this Art causes her weapon to change to Twin Machine Guns.
Energy Bullet: A barrage of energy shots that restore Sayuri's energy. If she uses this out of an Art or attack, she will instead fire a half charged Charge Bullet. Holding the Art allows her to fully charge the bullet, and unleash it for maximum damage. When the bullets first leave her hand, the shock of exiting her body negates any damage she takes for a split second.

Twin Machine Guns, abbreviated commonly to TMGs, are a long-distance, high power, high energy consumption pair of weapons. Thankfully, they have a way around this, but Sayuri cannot move swiftly in a controlled manner while wielding them.
Note on TMGS: Even shooting them normally takes energy from Sayuri, though this trades off by allowing her to fire until her energy runs out, which is, from maximum, approximately 15 seconds of continuous, powerful fire.
Brand New Star: Sayuri fires a barrage of bullets from each gun, empowered by her energy, allowing them to pierce through any organic matter, though the shots themselves burn out after a short time.
Final Storm: Sayuri bounds forward at a high speed, shooting her guns all around her. Nothing much else to say on this one.
Second Edge: Sayuri slams forward at full power into an enemy, packing a hard hit that can knock foes off balance. Holding this Art causes her weapon to change to a Sword.
Moment Trick: Sayuri shoots out a short range barrage of sharpened bullets that are capable of stunning her foe. Holding this Art changes her weapon to a Talis.
Reload: Sayuri reloads her guns, recharging her energy. More energy is recharged if she reloads after an attack.

Talises, usually used as mediums to cast Technics from, are turned into deadly weapons in their own right when wielded by a Hero, and Sayuri is no exception to this.
NOTE: Rather than shooting out cards, like most Talises, a Hero's Talis shoots out shurikens!
Jetwheel: Throwing out a large shuriken, Sayuri lets out a spinning blade of death that whirls around her and lingers for around 30 seconds, remaining where it was summoned.
Wise Hound: Sayuri throws out several shuriken that home in on a target or targets, latching on and doing continuous damage. She can even direct them to multiple parts of the same enemy!
Dive Bullet: Sayuri takes a quick hop in any direction and shoots out a small projectile that can stun enemies. While hopping, Sayuri is invulnerable to damage. Holding this Art will cause her weapon to change to TMGs.
Racer Edge: Sayuri throws out a powerful shuriken at her foe that, like with Dive Bullet, can stun her foe. By holding this Art, she will warp to where the shuriken hit and change her weapon to a Sword.
Agile Shift: A two part Art. First, Sayuri throws out a marker. If it connects with nothing, it simply marks a spot where it stopped. If it hits a person or object, the marker sticks to that person for approximately two minutes. The second part is a simple activation. Sayuri will immediately warp to the marker, and be able to act out of the warp, allowing her to immediately pursue a target or escape a tough spot. Although, once used, the marker vanishes.

Other things to note about the Hero class.
The Hero class is capable of casting Tecnhics. Sayuri's personal favorites are Resta (heals her wounds), Anti (cures off nasty status effects), Shifta (amplifies her attack power), Deband (amplifies her defense power), and Megiverse (creates a field that, while inside, heals her proportional to how much damage she does.)
Sayuri can jump twice, and, if she jumps off of an enemy, can jump once more.
If Sayuri evades an attack at the last second, she can counterattack with any Art, and she will be invincible for the Art's duration, as well as receiving a substantial power boost.
Over time, Sayuri accumulates power. This power can be released by a mode called Hero Time, where her damage is magnified twice over. Once the power is almost gone, though, Sayuri can execute a maneuver known as Hero Time Finish, rendering her invulnerable and unleashing a massive final attack.
Well, that's it for now! If you wanna see Sayuri in action, download PSO2! Just google PSO2 Tweaker and click the first result to come up. Ask me any questions, and have a good one, folks!
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