The Nerd-of-all-Trades is the name given to the mysterious leader of the Dabbler's Society, which in itself is a collection of intelligent, socially-challenged people who spread their expertise among several topics, rather than restricting themselves to only one.
In other words, this is an alt list.
As for the NoaT himself, he is a scrawny caucasian male of about 5'8", with brown hair and glasses. He can usually be found in a button-up shirt and tie, along with grey slacks and dress shoes, but perhaps something else entirely, depending on weather. He also dabbles in
literally everything. Ninja Training, Magic, Coin Collecting, Calligraphy... If it can be learned, he's at least learned a little bit.
Goat_of_all_Trades for a genderswapped demi-goat version!
Frog_NoaT for a not-genderswapped Frognerd!
Assistant_Susan - Junk-crafted Lab Assistant
Cassidy_Crossleth - Starbound Apex-smuggler
Eliza_Aarons - Nerdy Drider Main.
Eliza_SpiderKnight - Nerdy Drider in shining armor.
Human_Eliza - Nerdy Human.
Gemini_Man - Robot Master
Jeli - Lusty Prey Slimegirl
Jessi_Aarons - First Character / Unbirth Ninja (Currently not open for RP)
Jessi_Terran - Planetside 2 Jessi Aarons (Same)
Pale_Rose - Psionic Supermercenary
Sisuyo - Superstrong Clay Golem