
Naomi is currently Tempvored inside of Susie_Lavoie. She will let her out before she churns, right?

Status: 02/09/25: Cannot believe I gotta put this on here but... Hi Guys! I am going through a lot IRL and really really reallllly trying to stay positive. I amm a bit empathic and pick up on energy and such given by my partner. So please, if you are going to approache me, please keep it upbeat, at least for now. My IRL is not a good place and need this little bit of escape. That all said, you know me by now... I am always trying to put a smile on peeps faces and keep things happy, playful, silly or lewd. But my timetable is sorta cracked so to speak. At any moment I might need to pounce offline, or rush off... or something might come up. I would prefer shorter grab and gulpy scenes right now, but that said, if you wanna do something longer, I am totally game... just... please understand if I need to bounce or pause. Will always try to inform you. Respect, you know?
Update: 03/03/25: Naomi is hunting all teh monsters!
Status: 02/28/25: Look for Naomi in Monster Hunter Wilds!
This section is just some quick statistics.
OOC Note: From either first sight or rumors around campus, this information is easily obtained.

Name: Naomi Marie Kleer
"I go by Nami or Nommy for friends and friends only... a silly little play on 'Nom' or 'Nomming' someone, as I am known to do now and again. Always strange when someone says it who I do not know or like, makes me feel awkward. Basically, if you are in my circle of friends, call me that all day, if not... well, it is just Naomi thank you."
Sex: Female
"Au Natural and homegrown fem fatale right here."
Species: Human
"Sure humans are like bottom row on the food chain in an anthro and human shared world... but I like to think that I can show a tiger a nice spot to curl up in now and again."
Age: 19
"My birthday is December 29th."
Height: 5'10''
"Yeah, I got some legs. Give me some heels and I might hit 6' on a good day."
Weight: 137 lbs
"Really think a girl is gonna be shy about this in a world where people eat each others? Trust me, voracious tendancies tend to add on a few extra pounds now and again, so expect a bit of fluxuation. Now if that is an issue... I might need to hit the gym earlier than expected to melt away your remarks."
Measurements: 36-26-36
Hourglass figure? Yup! But piss me off and make me eat you and my measurements will go all funhouse mirror for a while. But don't worry yourself about that! A few weeks in a gym and everyone will have forgotten you anyways. I sure will."
Orientation: Bisexual

+Naomi is not on the pill right now, and is being a bit more careful about her sexual exploits. Don't Breed the Blonde... X3

"I like the ladies, what can I say? But now and again a guy comes along that just makes me drool. But wanna know what I like most? People who are not looking to get their rocks off. With all the sexual tension and perversion of voracious fun lurking around campus, do you have any idea how hard it is to find a platonic friend? Guys are nice, girls are sweet... but I will take a casual friend anyday."
This section is here to provide people, who are interested, a little more insight into the character.
OOC Note: Feel free to not read this section, after all, your character should not know everything about her anyways, save for if they are already close friends.

____________________Naomi was born and raised in the small town of Lakeside, a farming community located 73 miles from Nexus City, the captial city of the world. Lakeside was a nice and quiet place, but anthros roaming around those parts were a bit unheard of, a mostly human population, with a demi here or there. She grew up on a farm, and attended a small school, and for the most part, her life was unremarkable. When she was ready to leave elementary school and head to junior high, she started to get a bit more interested with the anthro and nonanthropomorphic community. She had never seen one up close, and if it were left up to her parents, she would have never. They feared them, most anthros far more capable of devouring a cute young girl than humans, something that was far from true. She continued school, and got into cheerleading for the junior high football team, and it was on the first away game that she learned that the world was not some sunny little paradise where humans ruled. The Lakeside Lambs were going against the Fivepoint Falcons, and the game was neck and neck... until a particularly eager anthro tiger scooped up one of the kids and swallowed him up, sitting down to digest in peace as people cheered, and the Lakeside team booed. Predators ruled the world, and the prey could only complain. She watched that tiger all night, cheering now and again for her team, but the only winner was really that tiger. That sight changed her, her mind, her outlook... and even opened up doors towards perversions and kinks she was not ready to handle, being in a small farming town. She did not want to be a lamb, not where she could just as easily be a wolf, or tiger, or bear.
____________________Up until then Naomi had been a model student, some grants and such waiting for her already for college... but she took a bit of a dark turn when she hit fourteen. She invited one of her friends over to stay the night, and after watching movies and laughing and playing around in makeup with one another... she decided to talk to her friend about predators. Her friend, Nancy, was absolutely shocked to find out that Naomi was interested in that kinda thing, and more so shocked to find that she was aroused by the notion, a kink born from the tragic loss of one of their own star football players. Naomi convinced her that it would be fun to play, practice, and see if they could nibble and gobble a little on each other, some innocent exploration of their bodies. Naomi promised everything would be okay, safe, and that she knew what she was doing. That was only a partial truth, as Naomi wound up laying on her back, with her friend squirming around inside of her. Naomi DID know what she was doing, but nothing about it was safe, or was even planned on being safe. That poor girl went missing, and the town blamed it on a stray feral dog, which ran off into the woods. A few meals later, and a load of workouts, and Naomi was really starting to blossom, as both a predator, and a woman. Her body took on a more seductive charm, shapely, fit... born to lure. She craved the attention it got and cheered twice as hard. Boyfriend after boyfriend, girlfriend after girlfriend... people were starting to vanish, and rumors went around that she was the one to blame.
____________________During the summer following those vanishing kids, Naomi sent out applications to larger cities and towns, hoping to get the attention of the cheer teams, wanting with everything in her to land a spot among others like herself, people not content to be sheep... predators. She got her wish. Despite her parents wishes, she signed herself up over to Fivepoints High, and with the allowance she got from her parents, was able to get a small apartment near the school. Her world flurished. She made friends, enemies, met wonderful prey, wonderful preds... and was far more easy to speak with without fear of being discovered. She was home. She made no point to hide her intentions, joked with people about it, threatened others with it... and in the course of things, became known as one of the nicest and playful predators in the school.
____________________Ending her highschool career a year early with her grades and scholarships, she had to make a choice. Did she want to remain in Fivepoints and attend the college their, or head off to Nexus City, the voracious capital of the world? Most would assume the capital, but she shook her head and signed up for Fivepoints University. After all, why go to a city where she would be so low on the chopping block that she might as well be a preything? Fivepoints she was loved, and respected. People laughed and enjoyed her, and knew that if she chomped over a students head, it was not the end of the world... it was just as likely as she was playing with them as it was she was planning on eating them. She found her place... and now at 18 years old, enjoys her school and life. She gets her thrill of danger towards herself whenever her football team and the cheerleaders are out in another city, playing an away game. She also took up the sport of competitive diving and other various swimming events. Those classes are quite voracious. Another minor class she signed up for and has been enjoying is her dance class, and her art class. Both allow her to express her voracious nature and get in touch with the animal inside. Though, the same is said for the other students taking the class, leaving her to worry she might get to touch another animal's insides...
This section is to showcase a few of her outfits, as well as give a little more insight to what she is like, in and out of school.
OOC Note: If you are interested in meeting her wearing a certain outfit, please just ask, or better yet, offer up an idea that would include it.

my picture

____________________About the outfit: Fivepoints University offers two standard uniforms that have a few color variations. For women, a skirt and dress shirt must be worn, and a tie is optional. The shirt must be white, but the skirt may be any color the student desires. For men, black or tan slacks must be worn, as well as a white or black dress shirt, tie optional. These outfits are ordered on the schools website, and are made of a local dryder's silk. It is smooth and soft, cool and allows much give, perfect for the predator on the go who does not wish to rip their outfit up to snag a meal. The clothing is 100% digestable, to ensure there are no complications with the predator. While this would seem as though the school and site favor predators, prey creatures can shop for free for their outfits, perfect for a starving student living on ramen noodles.
____________________About her college life: Naomi is a social butterfly in school and loves to sport her uniform with pride. She tends to wear her tie loose, as when it is tightened, it stops her from being able to swallow up a meal, and a predator who takes the time to undo their tie tends to watch the prey run away. A loose fitting tie in the school is taken as the universal sign for 'hunting'. As these outfits tend to digest much much quicker than the meal itself, it is not uncommon for Naomi to snag someone and tug their shirt off, and digest it up just to leave them nude for the rest of the day.
____________________When would she wear this: Naomi would usually be seen wearing this on her way to and from school, during school, and on occassion after school at the mall, pending that she had not had time to stop by her apartment and change. Some field trips would have her wearing this outfit, but usually those allow deviation from the standard codes.

my picture

____________________About the outfit: The swimsuit and her cheering outfit and dance outfit all do look mostly similar, which may be the case mostly in part due to the same drider makes all the clothing. Her swimming outfit's silk is rather smooth, almost like a thin latex, that when wet becomes slightly transparent, not enough to see fully through, but leaves very little to the imagination. During swimming matches, the coaches slather the girls in a thin layer of slippery jelly, one that makes them glisten and shine, but also reduces water resistance when swimming. Once exposed to water however the real reason becomes clear, it allows prey to squirm and escape a pred's grip easier. But this is a double edged sword, the same jelly and material that makes up these swimsuits is also slick enough that once in a maw or throat, the prey has been known to just slide right on it, with hardly any aid from the predator. The only real difference in the swimwear design and her dance and cheering outfit is simply cosmetic. Everyone loves to watch a cheerleader wear skin tight semi transparent clothing.
____________________About her athletic life: Her primary source of income comes from the predator and prey related sports that are held at the university. Cheering pays the most steady, offering her a flat rate at each game, with bonuses if a member of her cheer squad devours the other teams girls. Competitive cheering is dangerous! Her swimming team makes the most, but there are less matches and far more practices for the payout. Still, they offer the largest variety of prey and pred events, from the high dive, to underwater voracious tag. Her dance class performs for free, and puts on anything from dramatic showings to things for fun.
____________________When would she wear this: Football games, school events, swimming pools, dance class, or anytime she wanted to show off her figure after a meal... the material stretches rather nicely.

my picture

____________________About the outfit: Naomi's cosplay outfits are the only clothing she owns that is not made of the drider's silk, and as such, they will not stretch or be resistant or aid in digestion in any way. She has heard that some outfits can make the wearer turn into something new, or give special properties, but she herself does not own any. Her current cosplay outfit collection consists of a bunny girl outfit, a skin tight latex outfit, a steampunk outfit, a fox outfit, a goddess outfit, a gambit outfit from the x-men, and a catgirl outfit. She is always on the lookout for more.
____________________About her social life: Naomi is a social butterfly, able to blend in, or become the life of just about any party. With cheerleading, swimteam, and dance under her belt, her circle of friends is rather diverse, and more often than not, she is stuck to a schedule, filled with after school activities. While it might look great for a resume, it does strain her to be able to simply go out and hang out with her friends now and again. In her spare time that is not spent at home relaxing, she enjoys going to movies, trying new resturaunts, dating, and attending any comic or furry convention she can get her hands on. Now and again during the off seasons she will also volunteer at the local animal shelter, another mark on her resume.
____________________When would she wear this: She tends to wear these outfits at conventions almost exclusivly, but now and again she will pop one out for some special reason, if the mood suits her.

my picture

____________________About the outfit: Much like her school uniform, Naomi enjoys wearing skirts and white shirts, but unlike her uniform, she also likes to show a little more skin. She has a large collection of clothing at home, from jeans to dresses, but when she is going out on the town and wants to make a statement, she usually sticks with a skirt and revealing top. What statement could she possibly want to make? Open for buisiness of course!
____________________About her home life: Other than to sleep or study, Naomi rarely gets to spend much time at her apartment. She keeps it tidy, her small one bedroom apartment not allowing much room for mess. She lives in the Westpoint Arms Apartments, located near the University of Fivepoints. It is a small apartment, a livingroom, bedroom, and one bath. Her kitchen, livingroom, and dining area are all the same room, and it has a small balcony that overlooks the main street in front of the school. She likes it there, small as it is, but wishes rent was not so damn high.
____________________When would she wear this: Just about anywhere that is not school. She might pick a variety of outfits, suiting the occassion.

Anyone who wants one is free to come up in an IC post, or whisper me OOC, and simply... interact to get a selfie! Voracious, playful, casual, lewd... anything can go for these things. They are here to be an easy ice breaker, and just a fun way to meet new folks, new characters, or get yourself on my profile page.
Please note that a selfie post, back and forth, might not lead to a full blown scene, and might just be a quickie or something of that nature to say hi, and to show a little interest. Please note that I will be adding the selfie to my list below, if you do not wish to be added as such, simply make it known to me, and I will make it a hidden one so that no one else can see it.
This little Selfie thing was made with good nature intended. Some folks are nervous to approach for fear of rejection and the like. I just want a playful moment to show a little compassion, and might wind up having a blast. Even if you do not normally enjoy playing with my type of character, feel free to pounce and snag one. Fun is fun.
If I approached you for a selfie, it means that I really liked your character. I check to see if 'No IC approaches' is in your profile, and really do try not to be a bother. If I upset you, it was not my intention!

Selfie Count: 158

10/28/24 - DragonSprigin - A cute picture of a busty blonde half way down her throat, legs kicking in the air. Picture was taken by Foxy_Mindy.
10/28/24 - Goblette - I was just taking a selfie of myself, and plop!!! Goblin ass, right there against the back of my head.
10/28/24 - Kessmia - A selfie taken by her with my phone, kissing me, making out with me all confused, on a couch!
10/29/24 - Flirty_Jenny - A selfie of this cute girl, her trying to take a selfie, fumbling her phone... and my mouth open wide. I'm sure she is juuuust fine.
11/02/24 - Clover_Loppai - I took a picture of my tummy all bulgy and softening up. Poor cutie just was too tasty to not eat!
11/03/24 - Goth_Umbra - A selfie of me covered in drool, and her exhausted on her back. I escaped!!! Woot woot!
11/03/24 - Silrath - I really crush on this snake sometimes. She came up and cuddled, snuggled, coiled me up, and here is a selfie she took with my phone, me all bound up, squeezed, her tail coiled around my neck, squishing my cheeks upwards as she has her tail tip in my mouth, gagging me from speaking. She is nibbling my ear, and my face is soooo cherry. Why? She has coils everywhere, rubbing... everywhere!
11/05/24 - Vorechick - She is a red head now, green eyes? Yeah, big weakness of mine! A selfie with me on my knees near her belly, head against it, me holding my phone. Gonna need to be careful around her...
11/05/24 - Streamer_Fenrir - I love demi girls, and wolf girls are awesome! I set a timer on my phone and stole a selfie as I was being gobbled up. You can catch a live stream of it happening however on Streamer_Fenrir's page!
11/06/24 - Priscilla_Yorshka - I was ambushed by this dragoness lady! A selfie taken with my head inside of her maw, her giving a peace sign!
11/10/24 - Maddi_Fisk - This shark is too cute! I got another selfie with her, back to back, Maddi holding her plush tum up, and me holding my arm out to snap the selfie, beaming.
11/10/24 - Nephthys_Fadel - I walked up and had the great idea of asking her to randomly lower me an amount down her gullet. She slid me down 44% and snapped the shot, but she crammed me the rest of the way in, a picture of me bulging her out whole!!!
11/11/24 - Skunkered - A selfie taken by the skunk, my head crammed in his jaws! A cute photo, and ugh!!! He swallowed my phone after letting my head out! I ate him after, and he totally is stuck on me until 11/14/24!
11/11/24 - Cuntchurner - A cute cheek to cheek selfie where she kissed my cheek and left a black lipstick mark. A perma churning predator right here... and you know what? She is freaking nice! Watch out though, don't be boring or lame... or too tasty, or this hungry lass will be the last thing you ever see! Cute!
11/11/24 - Floga - A sneaky kitty but a good friend, teasing as she is. We took a selfie, cheek to cheek, looking at the camera, our mouths open to show a nice mawshot to the camera. I love a nice mawshot!
11/11/24 - Nimthiriel - She was oh so tired, but still snagged a fast selfie with me. A real cutie! I do hope she pounces me sometime and says hello!
11/11/24 - DemiSoffix - A cute over the shoulder shot of our faces, Soffix behind me, sticking his tongue out. Such a cutie, and a long time friend!
11/12/24 - JunkoPreyVault's Yuki - A picture she took of herself, laying face down in a defeated Yamcha pose, soaked in drool, and me wiping my lips behind her. She escaped... this time.
11/16/24 - Nancy_Weaver - A cute picture with her behind me, chin on my shoulder, cheek to cheek, her cupping my breasts! She is a fun one!
11/17/24 - Lilly_vixim - She gulped me... she crushed me with her powerful muscles... and then took a picture of the misformed tummy! Yikes! Such a dangerous sneaky girl!
11/17/24 - Surrogate_Mother - This cutie randomly approached me and showed interest in a selfie, so I set my tripod up, set a timer, and we grabbed one! A cute picture with her kissing my cheek, breasts molded against my back and a rather... uh... big package pressed up against my rear. Thank goodness we are clothed!
11/17/24 - Gerome - He just snuck up, lifted me up, and took this picture of me. His cock is between my legs, lifting me up, smooshed between my breasts, my chin against the cock head, my back against his chest! Ack!!!
11/17/24 - Rachael_Victor - I totally churned this cutie up, but here she is, coming up, snagging my phone, and now wanting a selfie. A selfie with me smiling, and a maw open wide behind me. She is getting payback!? Already!? A second selfie shows me all curled up in her middle, her patting the bulge.
11/18/24 - Ellvyra - A selfie with her about to bite my neck from behind! A cute little selfie! She scared me!

11/18/24 - GatorAteher - I was down in Adler's Peaks and took a selfie in front of a bar late at night... hey, why is there a tail and a big hand behind that building? A second selfie was taken with me in the giant gator girl's grasp, leaning down and giving a nervous peace sign towards the camera, dangling towards her maw, and she snapped forward towards my head and neck. Yeah uh... she did not stop. Thank good the selfie does not show the aftermath... Note to self, Gators are not keen to give up a snack!
11/19/24 - Dunn_Viras - I actually really like this guy! And have you seen his sister? Hottttt! A cute selfie he took with my legs out of his jaws, my breasts bulging his stomach, me upside down, almost fully swallowed, all my curves showing in his throat and belly.
11/20/24 - Charity_Faux - A cute selfie with me all blushy, cheek to cheek with this sneaky minx!

11/20/24 - Alex_Tremble - Okay, so a wrestling match gone wrong! He pinned me under himself, has his balls against my lips, and his cock across my face, pinning my arms to the ground with his knees, over me! Such a cocky little shit! I totally had him just a moment ago! Ugh! I cannot believe he snapped this selfie!!!! Payback will be swift!

11/20/24 - Mitochondria_Eve - Out of nowhere she absorbed me directly into her chest and stomach, only my head and arm is hanging out between those breasts in the selfie!

11/20/24 - Sabrina_Smith - A cute selfie with my blonde friend here Sabrina! Chest to chest, her grabbing my breasts, my mouth open and tongue dangling out, throat exposed, and her just looking soooo pleased with herself. There can be only one blonde! Rawr! Just kidding, you could not handle us working together~!

11/20/24 - AmethystTheDevoure - Totally in a hypnotic trance, a selfie taken by her shows me in her tail coils, neck wrapped, body wrapped, straddling a tail, tongue hanging out, her maw wide open, salivating, and my face in a state of pure bliss. Yeah... I really need to be careful around the swirly-eyed folk...

11/20/24 - Rhaya_Khuja - I love this cutie! She is soooo flipping fun! A lovely selfie with me and her in it, her opening wide behind me, and another picture with her with a round tummy, me all curled up inside, face making an imprint and showing. Ugh... such a butt!

11/22/24 - Rachael_Victor - I got a big grab on her, natural 20 baby! A selfie with her head in my mouth, sitting in my lap, saliva soaking down her neck and chest. Mwahahahaha! Revenge!

11/22/24 - NyaXD - She took a cute selfie with us cheek to cheek, her right next to me. Adorable kitty!

11/22/24 - Garnet_Kobold - This little cutie came out of nowhere! A cute selfie of me looking over my shoulder, one arm down the kobold's gullet, and my head about to go in. Look! She thinks she can eat me! Hehe!

11/24/24 - Taylor_Tanuki - An over the shoulder selfie with me with mouse ears, and a cute kitty fella behind me! I think they pounced me by mistake, tons of fun!

11/24/24 - Miso_Loppai - A cute selfie of my squishy belly, this cutie inside of me, me holding my tummy. She might be here a while... lot of calories to work off. She is mine until I let her go, a little undetermined temp vore. You can see her here!

11/24/24 - Kasumi_Yoshizawa - Why am I so weak to red heads? A cute selfie, cheek to cheek with her, snapped by me! She is sooooo hot!

11/24/24 - Cuntchurner - So this cutie is like... totally a friend who enjoys showing me her catches. I like it too! But I asked for a risky selfie and she took one of me bulging her throat, then her belly, and then a last one with me fully packed in... there was already a meal girl inside of there besides me!!!! Such a greedy thing. She will let me out... right?

11/24/24 - Miss_Abigail - A cute shot with me dangling inside of the maw and gullet of this large and in charge lady! She let me take a selfie in here, a place a friend of mine went and vanished... yikes!

11/29/24 - Sephoya - A cheek to cheek selfie with my tongue sticking out, her making a peace sign. This fellow 'cool person' just had to have one with me! She is spunky, like her!

12/01/24 - Dutchess_Magdalena - A cute selfie with this spunky blonde. She just came up, smiled, took a nibble on my neck in the selfie and got her picture taken. Okay... more than a nibble, that's a bite! Ouch! ...Kinky! Really cute girl!

12/02/24 - Rachael_Victor - I'm really unlucky... dice just hate me! Dove to pounce, and had my phone set up... and here is a selfie of her pushing my feet down her throat, the rest of me curled up inside of her. Seriously? Dice!? The heck!?

12/02/24 - Drach - A good friend and a good selfie! Him looming behind, maw wide open, right behind my head as I am smiling and giving a peace sign.

12/02/24 - HopperTheFrog - Can't a girl skinny dip in peace? A big frog appeared! I took this selfie showing his face looking at me, but all you can see of me is my legs and feet in the shot, aimed at him as I had been sitting down.

12/03/24 - Keira_Alyra and Reverie_Vicii - I'm on my back in the grass, each one of these cuties kissing either cheek, my mascara a mess! They tickled me until I nearly died!!!!

12/03/24 - Wolf_Hazel - A selfie taken by this good girl pupper. She is sitting on my face, punishing me for daring to defy her. Such a cutie!

12/04/24 - Maeve_Lucard - Oh my! A selfie of my rear hanging out of her jaws, a shirt bottom able to be seen, no pants on! My legs are kicking and she is swallowing me whole! I had totally said I would take a vacation somewhere soon, uh... well I am sure this is fine! Wait, did I leave my reformer off? I'm sure Maeve has got me!

12/08/24 - Drach - He poked the bear and dared me. I gobbled him up! A selfie with me showing off my bulging tummy, no dragon in sight!

12/08/24 - Chriax_ - Cute bat came up and snagged a selfie with their face against my swollen tummy full of Drach, blepping. Cute!

12/08/24 - Katarina_The_Bully - A picture of my head out of her mouth, the rest of me tummied! Someone help! She is soooooo greedy!

12/09/24 - Milesium - I am sworn to be quiet about how nice they are! A cute selfie with them hugging me to them, their mouth wide open behind my head. They have a nice mawshot!

12/09/24 - Belak_PartySlosher - Such a cute canine! A perma predator too! Ladies watch out, this pupper will take you to places you have never been, and likely will never be seen from again. A cute selfie with me down near them, them absolutely licking my face into oblivion! I adore canine kisses!

12/10/24 - Shoggoth_ - Eldrich Horror? Yes please! I saw her and she totally reminded me of this webtoon right here and I had to ask for a selfie! A selfie with me and her... but she looks like me! How uh... creepy? Nah, she's cool! Thanks!

12/15/24 - Phani - A cute selfie of just her face, and a bit of my hair. She tried to take the selfie, total fail! Cute!

12/15/24 - Phoebe_Farrel - So I won this little Deathrolling thing or whatever it is called, and swallowed up a giant woman! A selfie with me and a large swollen belly that is bigger than me. Oh god... too full...

12/16/24 - Foxy_Mindy - A collection of selfies taken by Mindy with her eating a cake! A carrot cake! Wait... I'm the cake!!!

12/16/24 - SamMorgan - A fast selfie with a cute goth gal! She gulped me a bit, and snagged this selfie of my feet dangling out of her jaws.

12/16/24 - Neo_Cream - A Selfie showing my face framed from inside of a Shark's jaws, this shark girl giving a peace sign as she gulped me down! Uh... someone help!? Had to tell her my Phone Code 3737 to get my selfie too! Ugh!

12/16/24 - Tesha - Redheads! Whew~... A selfie of us entwined, naked, face to face with one another, chest to chest, and both sweaty. Swear nothing is going on...

12/16/24 - DitzDo - This was soooo not how this was meant to go! A selfie showing Derpy here swallowing a big gulped bulge and uh... yeah, that was me. So not as planned!!!!

12/17/24 - Player_Juni - A lovely Juni Birthday Selfie with me and her naked, on my couch in my apartment, side my side, both with bulging bellies. We totally gobbled up a few folks! Such a cute selfie!

12/22/24 - Guardian_Doll - A cute selfie with a tiny doll on my head. Nothing dangerous here, just me and a cute little unexpected surprise!

12/24/24 - Robin_Awakened - A selfie taken by me with this busty lady! Many disembodied hands and arms are grabbing me all over as she is beaming beside me. Such a strange power she has!

12/24/24 - BattleSister_Julie - A lovely selfie with a warhammer 40k cosplayer with a chainsword with me! Really looks real! Wow!

12/24/24 - Dee_Vower - A selfie she took with me curled up in her belly, bulging it out with my outline rather exposed and easy to see. Yeah... she is a bit risky!

12/28/24 - Sephoya - A Selfie of this prey-girl's swollen bulging belly. Yeah, dice hate me!

12/28/24 - Aran_Silks - A Cute selfie where I picked up this little squirrel girl and kissed her on the cheek!

12/29/24 - Starlee - Got a hug from an alien... uh, this hurts. Like a lot. Sizzling... selfie shows steam rising off my skin as she is hugging me! ACK!!!! A second selfie shows my body breaking down through her see-through tummy, a wad of red meat churning inside.

01/01/25 - Koa_ - First Selfie of the near year, first fuck of the new year, and first snack of the new year! A selfie showing Naomi sitting naked, a belly bulge showing off what is left of this cutie. He was tasty! Happy New Year!

01/01/25 - Dutchess_Magdalena - A Selfie taken by her of her nude with a bulging belly. Yeah, that's me in there... thanks a lot Kessmia! You got me in a pickle!

01/06/25 - Tyler_Bun - A simple cute selfie of us hugging, him behind me!

01/06/25 - Carrie_Stone - Side to side, cheek to cheek, a cute selfie with her showing off her round impressive belly. We both look like we are smiling! Well... she might be confused, unsure!

01/07/25 - RageShadey - A Selfie he took of his sack shaped like me, me inside, squished and starting to churn!

01/11/25 - Helpful_senko - A cute cheek to cheek selfie next to this confused cutie!

01/11/25 - Silrath - I Adore her! A selfie taken by me, showing me inside of her long tail stomach, only my face and the churning walls able to be seen from this angle. So tight!

01/11/25 - Garnet_Kobold - A cute playful friend! She is very fun! A selfie of me sticking my tongue out, taken by her!

01/11/25 - Sue_Storm - A Cute side by side selfie, classic, her with a cute smile and posture, and me leaning in close!

01/11/25 - Illyana_Rasputin - A three way selfie with Sue_Storm and myself! Wow! I am feeling kinda popular right now!

01/11/25 - Ororo_Munroe - Another super hero selfie! Wow! She is kinda hot...

01/11/25 - Tandy_Bowen - Another!!!! And holy crap she is a blonde like me!? She is sooooo curvy and lithe! These hero chicks are like... totally cheating!

01/11/25 - Doreen_Green - A Squirrel girl! Soooo flipping cute! I am just snapping selfie after selfie!!!

01/11/25 - Natalia_Romanova - Red heads... my weakness! Seriously, look at how fiery she looks! Wow!

01/11/25 - Elisabeth_Braddock - Oh my god, her outfit is to die for! I wanna cosplay that!

01/11/25 - Luna_Snow - This is a cheek to cheek selfie where I have my tongue out towards her cheek. Cute!

01/11/25 - Sue_Storm, Illyana_Rasputin, Ororo_Munroe, Tandy_Bowen, Doreen_Green, Natalia_Romanova, Elisabeth_Braddock, and Luna_Snow - The largest group selfie I have ever taken! We are all grouped up, squished together, and smiling or making a cool pose!

01/11/25 - Alex_Mills - Owns an awesome bar and runs a dangerous little game. I mean, look at this selfie, me and her, and I am wearing a gold collar, and a silver collar... I think they look nice, don't you? Alex is on top of me, looking down, mouth open wide, and my face oh so close to slipping inside of those jaws. Naomi has agreed to wear both collars when she visits the bar, for advertising!

01/12/25 - Dunn_Viras - A picture he took, from his angle, down at me, his cock down my throat, my mouth open, and on my knees! So lewd... a second selfie shows him cumming all over her face and mouth, me all but looking dazed. A final selfie shows my outline in his sack! How did it come to this!?

01/12/25 - Lilly_vixim - A cute selfie taken by Lilly where her belly is round with me inside, posing and trying to look cute! She is cute!!!

01/13/25 - Gamine - I finally got a selfie with Gamine! She is always a cutie and very good at dropping a tease now and again. A cute side by side with her showing off her lovely frame!

01/14/25 - Reverie_Vicii - A lovely shot taken by me, showing our cute blushing faces... and well, my arm down her throat! I adore her~!

01/16/25 - Faetha - Naomi discovered a selfie of herself and Faetha with hypno eyes looking blankly at a raccoon as it dangled a pocket watch! I have nothing but confusion on my mind both in the picture, and after discovering this...

01/17/25 - Sierra_Pinky - This cutie slime girl has wrapped me up inside of herself, only my head and arm sticking out, taking a selfie of us cheek by cheek! Also see this cute emblem? Maybe you should use it too!

01/17/25 - PhantomChefofHeart - A Selfie taken by him as he is laying in front of his snake Samson, with a large curvy bulge inside. Whoops!

01/17/25 - Ryo - I look surprised in this one, he snuck a kiss and snapped a selfie of it! Sneaky kitty!

01/18/25 - NyaXD - A cute selfie I took myself showing me with a fully tummy, sloshed and squished... yeah, might keep this cute kitty churned up a little~...

01/18/25 - Cuntchurner - A selfie of her holding me in her arms and peppering me with smooches! So cute! Someone come feed this girl! A second selfie of a long lick on my cheek!

01/18/25 - Nelly_ - A Surprise selfie of me lunging up behind her, snapping this, and this cute Yeen just spitting their coffee out in a wonderful mist! I am soooo in trouble!

01/18/25 - Greed_Faux - A Selfie of this cutie at The_Fauxs_Claw just enjoying a full sack full of me! Bulging inside, I had been streaking in his bar from a dare!

01/18/25 - Flannery_Tariq - A selfie she took, me half down her gullet, feet in the air!

01/18/25 - Silrath - My 100th selfie since keeping them forever! Sil gulped me in snake form, my legs and waist down her throat, my torso in her jaws, her maw open, saliva showing, and me just absolutely drenched and smooshed with mawflesh! Fantastic! Think I can get 100 more selfies?

01/19/25 - Hazel_Rafter - A huffy selfie of a Blonde in a headlock, Hazel is quite alert! She looks so proud of herself!

01/19/25 - Lighthea - A Selfie I took with me tiny in their palm, them licking up my back, maw wide open behind me for the shot! Yikes!

01/19/25 - Dunn_Viras - A Selfie he took, me folded in half, head and feet out of his mouth, rest of me... yeah, he ate me ass first!

01/19/25 - Hazel_Rafter - A Fast selfie I took showing my belly all round and tight, her outline inside. Yeah, I ate her... gonna make her nothing but calories!

01/19/25 - Pasarela - A selfie showing me pinning her down on the grass, her surprised, and me over top of her! I really missed this special friend of mine and was just tooooo happy to see her about again!

01/20/25 - Isekai_Joe - He stole my phone and snapped a selfie with me looking away! Sneaky cutie!

01/20/25 - Smirky - A selfie with me having snuck up on this cutie bunny! The selfie shows me upside down, the angry bunny having flipped me off of her and slammed me on the ground. Yeah... I look surprised! Uh... oops! A Second shot shows Naomi making a whining looking blushy face, eyes all squinted, and looking like she was just embarrassed beyond anything!

01/20/25 - Kass_SlutChurner - So SOMEONE Shoved my own phone up my ass... unlocked. And guess what? A stranger later came up, grabbed me and... well this is a selfie from inside my ass, and all you can see is a cock head hitting the screen. I am just gonna say it... this whole day has been so embarrassing! Not my proudest moments!!!

01/20/25 - Alex_Mills - A cute cheek to cheek selfie with me and her, and me with both collars around my neck! She is such a cutie!

01/20/25 - Nika_White - A Side by side selfie, both smiling at the camera! She is really cute!

01/20/25 - Questa - This foxy blepped my cheek after a trip to a bar! A cute pose!

01/20/25 - Sophia_Rose - Didn't she used to be smaller? A cute selfie with her looming over me! I got away though!

01/20/25 - Foxy_Mindy - A picture of Naomi and Mindy unleashing hell with nerf guns at a wave of plushies, both dressed up in our Helldiver 2 cosplay outfits! For liberty!

01/24/25 - Anne_Harris - A Cheek to cheek selfie with this cutie! Adore her!

01/25/25 - BaileyExpress and TaniaLamia - Love it! A selfie with me all pleased and smiling, wrapped half in coils, pressed against a cute harpy! Adorable!

01/25/25 - Susie_Lavoie - Some think she is crazy! I think she is crazy fun! A cute selfie with us face to face, cheek to cheek, big smiles!

01/25/25 - SavannaBeauties - A female lioness is shown in this selfie taken from the ground, a big bulgy belly... and yeah, I am nowhere to be seen.

01/25/25 - SmexyPonyMom - She is so friendly! A lovely cheek to cheek selfie with me and her looking absolutely like we are having a ball!

01/25/25 - Slaaneshhh - Naomi cosplays as a gal from this Chaos God sometimes... and well, of course a Sister of Battle, but hey! Do not let her know that! Naomi snuck a fast selfie of herself being hugged by this god! Seriously lucky!!! Double peace signs!

01/26/25 - Zira_Tariq - I summoned her for a selfie! She looked sooooo cute! Six arms hugging me and me hugging back, a big smile on my face!

01/26/25 - Rachael_Victor - A Selfie with both of us on the ground looking unhappy and slightly pained. Accidental collission selfie... oops!

01/27/25 - TaniaLamia - Me all wrapped up, both of us cheek to cheek, and her licking my left cheek with her long snake tongue! Adore this cutie!

01/27/25 - TaniaLamia - Yeah, a second selfie... normally do not do this but seriously? She beat me in Mario Kart... cheated! Totally! And then I took this selfie, face lit by my flashlight app, inside of her tight snake ass! Guess she gets to churn me now! I will have my revenge!

01/28/25 - Roselani - Snuck a fast selfie from my waist level, her leaning around and nibbling on me! How embarrassing! Who is this!?

02/01/25 - Rhaya_Khuja - She took a selfie of my legs and rear poking out of her mouth, her giving a victory sign with her fingers! Naughty!

02/02/25 - Mariquita - Me taking a shot of alcohol out of her belly button, giving her a five dollar bill, and a huge blush on my face! Strip club night!

02/02/25 - Level1Demon - Totally did not mean to bump into them. (miswhisper) But they totally snagged and gulped me down, a selfie with my legs up in the air, rest as a bulge in her gullet! ACK!

02/03/25 - HorsePower - I Asked for a selfie but she made it a video log! It shows me stuffed ass and hands first down her throat, bulging, folded in half and whining, face looking in pain!

02/03/25 - Anthropophagus - A selfie taken by me, half smothered in boobs... this large girl is giving a peace sign! Ack!

02/03/25 - Kylie_Barker - A cute selfie taken by her of us kissing! She is a very fun one!

02/04/25 - Kharoa - A selfie of me and this cutie, showing off my bulging belly full of Skunkered to her. She asked for him back! How cute!

02/04/25 - Blake_Neve - A fast selfie, side by side, his arm around my shoulder, peace signs! Cute!

02/05/25 - Alex_Mills - A Selfie she took of me inside her skin tight belly, churning away! Yikes! I cannot get out in time!

02/08/25 - Rieke - A Selfie taken by her of a mawshot, my legs vanishing down her throat in the picture!

02/08/25 - Cami_Watson - Her head is on my shoulder and my cheek is against the top of her head. A cute side by side shot!

02/08/25 - Lilly_vixim - She soooo made me blush with this one, a selfie where my face is framed by her pussy, looking out, the rest of me unbirthed. So naughty! She took a final shot of the cumstain that she turned me into, sprayed across a sidewalk.

02/09/25 - Leah_Campbell - Wow... this girl is like, totally pregnant. I took a selfie with her, me and her in frame... well most of her, that is one big belly!

02/09/25 - The_Fauxs_Claw - A Triple threat hug selfie! Greed, Lust, and Sloth all gave me loves! Think I am going to get this one framed...

02/10/25 - Empressa - A Fearful look in my eye, a pleased one in hers... I have a stalker now, oh god...

02/10/25 - DiscoBiscuit - A selfie with a collar around my neck, my face red, eyes barely focused... all while I am sliding into the predator who took this shot. I can't breathe, the collar is choking me! Sadistic predator...

02/10/25 - Milf_Gabriella - She came at me with some serious dommy mommy vibes! A selfie which she took, showing me lewdly blushing, mouth open, and a trail of saliva from her mouth to mine... such a forward woman, such a kisser!

02/16/25 - Queen_Marika - A Selfie taken by her showing Naomi about 6 inches tall, and her very large! Stuck between boobs... how embarrassing!

02/16/25 - Cuntchurner - A Selfie of me tried up on a platter of food, naked, and CuntChurner here looking at me all pleased. She has caught me with my reformer off... I really hope I can wiggle my way out of this one!

02/17/25 - Rachael_Victor - An off center selfie where I threw my phone on accident, showing her licking me right in the middle of my face! ACK!

02/17/25 - Blizzare - He turned into some sort of Demi Gamma Hunter and took a selfie with me! A series of me being swallowed up in classic Gamma Hunter Resident Evil style! Yikes!

02/17/25 - Bruce_Gator - A Side by side selfie with this tall gator! Why are people so afraid of gators? I think they are charming!

02/17/25 - Sloth_Faux - Me and her in the backroom of the club, me leaning in closer to her, and smiling for the shot! A picture of us naked, chest to chest, me straddling her. Too hot to trot!

02/23/25 - Silrath - A picture taken by Sil, her belly bulge with me in her tail. Naughty...

02/23/25 - Erikas_Outhouse - A picture of my friend Erika who is currently bulging my gullet and belly, face shown in the selfie in the back of my throat. She looks so lewdly happy!

02/24/25 - SEMI_SERPENT_GOD - My 150th selfie!!! Me and a large 9 foot tall woman behind me, laying down. Both me and her are naked! Why? Reasons!

02/24/25 - Olivia_Sierra - Have not seen this cutie in a a minute! A cute selfie with me and her, side by side, her taking the shot with my phone! The picture has her licking my cheek, from cheek to my temple. Cutie...

02/24/25 - Jane_Steelher - A Selfie taken by me, inside of her tummy! I am churning in there, clothing falling apart, and having to listen to her call me Perma Breast Fat! That is not my nickname!!! I am soooo gonna figure this one out... ugh! I might look just like this.

02/25/25 - Kate_Winlow - She totally is a teasy one! Her arm is over my shoulder and I am smiling up a storm.

02/25/25 - RageShadey - So might be a bit drugged right now, so hope this works but uh... a selfie taken with me turned around, back to his chest and belly, his shaft up between my legs, showing. I got a big blush on my face. Such a playful friend!

02/26/25 - Seli - A picture with her riding my back, chin on my shoulder, taken from me, both smiling.

02/26/25 - Kate_Kobra - A selfie I took, my head in her mouth as she is behind me. Sneaky sneaky snake... She added the hashtag "There can only be one blonde."

02/27/25 - Belak_PartySlosher - A Selfie with me rolling a dice with a cute canine! Guess I am lucky!

02/28/25 - Alex_Mills - A cute selfie she took, herself rubbing a Naomi filled belly!

?/?/? - [[Who goes here]] - #tag

Lovely art from the lovely Alsonata! Thanks soooo much!
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike Naomi is not open to being permavored. That said, I love to be perma teased. I will gladly tease you about it, but not really down for doing it to you. I mean, if you are awesome, why would I want you gone? I wanna play over and over again!
Pred/Prey/Switch Always/Love
Never/Dislike I will happily switch!
NPC/Support Characters Always/Love
Never/Dislike So... because it has come up twice now, I do not need NPC's to be in a scene to have fun. If you do not like them, they can be left out. If you like them, cool, surprise!
Digestion/Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike I enjoy safe for a while, not forever. Love if there is a risk involved, but do not require digestion.
Endo/Reformation Always/Love
Never/Dislike I kinda do not like reformation, but being released and taken care of is cute to me.
Release/Escape Always/Love
Never/Dislike A little struggle? Fun!
Sexual Awkwardness Always/Love
Empressa Always/Love
Never/Dislike Oh my god... I have a stalker!? How did this happen!? I'm TOTALLY not blushing!!! (She is not played by me! X3 The heck are you thinking girl! X3)