
So what can I say about myself, here in this place where people devour one another? My past is of little interest even to myself, what is important however is what I can do. As you might have noticed, I happen to be wearing a nice form fitting bodysuit, and, far from being just a nice clingy attire that shows off my body well to the naked eye. This suit gives me some neat little tricks, you see while I wear this suit, my body is capable of stretching and, no, I do not mean that sort of cartoon stretching you'd think of with super heroes, no this is more like the. Tight constricting streching that a snake is capable of, able to stretch just enough to swallow my prey whole and alive. In this case, my prey happens to be people.

I shall not proclaim to understand the science behind it, after all I just stole the dam thing because I wanted to have a tiny wee bit of power and control over my own boring life. What I can say is while in this suit I feel bloody invincible, I can unhinge my jaws and engulf an entire person with a few gulps, it allows me to stretch and contain them within my body and even better, I can digest them alive and take everything from them, life, youth and their lifespan. And through experimenting I have found that my lady bits, back-door and even my fun-bags are also able to accomplish this feat. I am sure if I was a shape shifter or a futa I would aslo be able to use a member to do this and fill nice big bags of cum with people's remains, sigh, a girl can dream though.~

Without the suit? well, without it I am just a normal girl and unable to do much else, I can throw a mean right hook if need be, I never give up and will do anything to save myself, well. Anything that will not hurt my pride that is. The more damaged my bodysuit gets the less of it's power that I can use, it will regenerate itself and me but he rate at which it does this can vary... I am still unsure how it all works exactly, or I would of enhanced this ability. Maybe one day I will unlock more of this things power, only time can tell really. My working thoery is that the more people I feed on the more my suit will grow and develop, hopefully I will get to test my thesis.

Got bloody nostalgia baited by Lurking_Lips, we chatted about old television ads that inspired her, I sat down and well... big mistake the couch mimic slurped me up and digested me without mercy!

My RIVAL Naomi_Kleer I went to go tease them, but shockingly as I was tattooing their butt, she turned on me and swallowed me! IT WAS JUST A PRANK!!!!! But she digested me anyway, without mercy!!! I'll get you next time Naomiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!.

I fucked up looking at that weakling Chyrel I got too over confident that she hypnotized me into taking my suit off and giving it to her, for fuck's sake Rose you dumbass, how could you let that happen, it was embarrassing! worst part was, she fucking ate me with it afterwards, using my own suit! So thuis blood-sucking freak is offically on notice. I am coming for you BITCH!.

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Underage Character Always/Love
Breast Absorption Always/Love
Absorption Always/Love
Latex Always/Love
Smothering/Facesitting Always/Love