When a
Random_Lost_Girl is found, she will turn up here.
Mia was at a party with her friends when Clara, the random lost girl at the time, managed to find the party and led
Big__Red to the party. In the resulting chaos of screaming and fleeing girls the lamia caught the beautiful girl and swallowed her whole.
Kelly was at the party when the massive lamia,
Big__Red, attacked. While she initially didn't believe the wild stories that her friend, Clara, told, she rose to the challenge and the role of hero! She threw pieces of burning wood at the giant monster and scored a devastating hit on the lamia and caught her hair on fire! As Red rolled on the ground to put out the flames she rolled over Kelly and crushed her flat, ending her heroic fight to save her friends. Her corpse was later collected and tossed into the air, being bitten and chewed apart before being swallowed.
Beth had her glasses knocked off when fleeing a party that the uninvited lamia,
Big__Red, showed up to. Stumbling around the beach, she was eventually snagged into the clutches of the great monster. Beth was forced to ride along when Kelly lit Red's hair on fire, being dragged into the water by the rolling lamia. Beth was released and floating on the surface when Red swam up from beneath and swallowed the bespectacled beauty whole with a large mouthful of water.
Clara had led the lamia,
Big__Red, to her friends' beach party when she unexpectedly got lost. She tried to warn her friends, but they didn't listen. Clara was forced to watch as the monster devoured her friends one by one before the giant Lamia blamed her for the attacks of the other women and smashed her against a rock, knocking her unconscious and then swallowing her whole.
Jessica fled first from the party when
Big__Red attacked, the girl dashing straight for her car. She could have been home free and escaped, but she came back for her friends, leaping from the vehicle and launching it off a cliff at the giant lamia. Unfortunately, the lamia dodged the automotive projectile and smashed it with her tail. The car shattered to pieces as many parts of the car were left in Red's tail. Red caught the girl as was hanging from a cliff, catching her in her mouth. Red toyed with Jessica and slithered to the lake, gulping several mouthfuls of water and drowning the girls in her stomach.
Jenn was riding out to a party with her friends Maria, Elise and Ae-jin when the car got a flat tire, stranding the girls in an abandoned industrial district. Maria left to find a jack for her car and Elise left for the restroom. Alone with Ae-Jin, Jenn playfully flirted with the girl before
Ae_Jin_Gangjeon's hunger became too overwhelming and she attacked Jenn before the ditsy blonde realized what was happening. The tiny asian girl swallowing Jenn whole!.
Elise had gone to the restroom in an alley and was blissfully unaware of
Ae_Jin_Gangjeon devouring her friend, Jenn, by the car. On her way out of the alley she was snagged by Ae-Jin and pulled backwards into her mouth. Elise fought as hard as she could, stomping her stiletto heel down through her attacker's foot. It didn't stop the insatiable Ae-Jin who just kept devouring the blonde beauty.
Ae_Jin_Gangjeon was busy making meals of Jenn and Elise, Maria had wandered away to a body shop to seek out a jack since her car didn't have one and she needed to change a flat. When she came back later, she found the car minus her friends. Calling out for them would get her ambushed by Ae-Jin from an alley. The two friends enjoyed a passionate bout of frenzied love making before Ae-Jin went down on Maria and swallowed her down rump first.
Kate came to the park seeking adventure and to find out the truth behind the stories she had heard. Little did she know that she was going to become one of the untold stories of the park. She went into a lonely, abandoned campground bathroom to play "Bloody Mary" by herself.
Lady_Gehenna ambushed the girl in the bathroom and forced her into a stall, claiming the poor girl's behind before slurping her down her cock. She left Kate as a sticky mess in the bathroom stall for her friends to find, if they even knew where to look.
Danie wasn't feeling well and on such short notice she was only able to get an appointment with
Dr_Ferris. Danie should have listened to her gut instinct about the strange woman, but she took the offered pill with a small amount of hesitation. Danie screamed and yelled as she shrank down to tiny size, demanding that the doctor fix this new condition. Dr.Ferris was more than happy to pluck the tiny girl up, popping her into her mouth and swallowing her whole.
Cassie had gone down to the lake to look for some modeling sites when she ran into Lilly. The two girls shared a nice little chat before an impromptu modeling session began with Cassie as the subject for Lilly's art.
Sara_lina happened upon the pair of girls and similarly sought to be the subject of Lilly's art. Cassie decided that posing for one drawing was enough, she had what she wanted and started to leave. The large lamia plucked girl up, stripped her down and swallowed her alive, head first.
Lilly had gone exploring in the park to seek some artistic inspiration in nature when she found a lake reflecting the setting sun. She started drawing when Cassie showed up. The two girls shared a nice little chat before an impromptu modeling session began with Cassie as the subject for Lilly's art.
Sara_lina happened upon the pair of girls and wanted Lilly to commission a piece for her of the lamia devouring the lovely Cassie. Lilly wasn't interested and instead stabbed the lamia with her pencil in the tail. Lily was squeezed in the thick coils and forced to watch as Cassie was devoured. Then it was Lilly turn and the girl was stripped, licked and swallowed, joining Cassie in the lovely lamia's gut.
Sarah heard the sound of the vehicle in the distance. Rushing to investigate Sarah found ranger
Fabio_. After a small chat she hopped into his jeep and was taken back to the ranger station. Fabio laid out his best moves to try and bed Sarah while she politely turned him down and urged to be taken to her vehicle. He drugged her with a shrinking powder and toyed around with her tiny body before swallowing her whole.

While Elizabeth was trying to find her way back to her car after a failed meeting with Sarah, she ran into
An_Ogrish_Sort who ambushed her from jungle. Naturally, the girl ran from Grunk, fleeing along the forest path until she snapped a heel, falling to the ground and twisting her ankle. A second ogre, Crix, emerged from the forest then to claim the girl as his meal. The two ogres began to argue. Elizabeth shouted and called their attention, proposing a foot race between them where the victor would get to have her as his prize. The two ogres accepted and dashed off to the far off point that Elizabeth had chosen as the finish line. The woman ran then, leaving the path to try and hide in the forest. The two ogres, discovering the ploy, were upset and hunted the girl down, following the lovely scent of her perfume. Crix found her first and snatched up the lovely beauty, popping her into his mouth. Grunk caught her by the leg and nearly saved the doomed girl, but was fought off by Crix who then swallowed the beautiful brunette.

Maria went on a ski trip with her friends and was tending bar for their little party at the lodge after a long day skiing. Their loud party waking a sleeping beast in the basement who waited patiently in a bedroom for a girl. As the party started to wind down, Maria would carry Sara into the bedroom to put her to bed. After tucking the other girl in, a soft lick to her foot would pull the girl's attention under the bed. Her investigation under the bed played her perfectly into the monster's ambush and the shapely beauty was quickly devoured! The beast was played by

As Sara was starting to fall asleep, the sound of struggling and her lurching bed would have the petite blonde investigating what had happened to her friend Maria. As the blonde leaned over the edge of the bed, the monster would attack her! Its tongue wrapping around her neck and pulling the slender cutie down into his waiting jaws to be eaten. The beast was played by

Kameko enjoyed her friends' party a little too fully and the girl passed out on the couch. The other girls left her on the couch, throwing a blanket over her and letting her sleep on the couch. After the monster devoured her friends, Maria and Sara, the beast came for her. Gulping down the pretty girl as she played with herself on the couch. She never even woke up from her drunken slumber. The beast was played by

After the large beast had devoured three of her friends, it would steal Jessica away, using the pretty red head as bait for Elise, who came rushing down into the basement to save her friend and potential girlfriend. The monster dropped down from the ceiling and nearly devoured the girl in one gulp. It took its time however, delighting in the girl's frantic fight for her life before a distraction forced the monster to devour the girl more quickly! The beast was played by

Chelsea heard the commotion downstairs, hearing as Elise rushed off to save Jessica. Chelsea would grab a pistol from under her bed and rush to the rescue! She came down the stairs into the basement and found the monster devouring the beautiful Elise. She had never learned how to actually fire the pistol, so when she leveled the gun at the monster's head and pulled the trigger, all that happened was a soft click. The monster quickly finished off Elise and chased Chelsea up the stairs, tackling the girl and beginning to eat her. She fought as hard as she could, much to the beast's delight before it shook her, chewed her and licked her into submission, disappointed with how easily the girl gave up and swallowed her whole and crying. The beast was played by

Jessica was snagged and carried to the basement where she was slammed against a wooden beam. Stunned, the girl worked to regain her bearings and picked up a fireplace poker that had been Elise's weapon. When the monster chased Chelsea back up the stairs Jessica waited at the bottom, fighting to keep conscious and ready to stab the monster when it came back down. It spotted the girl in her hiding place and waited, forcing the girl to attack it. It easily disarmed the girl as she rushed up the stairs with a wild battle cry and sent her tumbling back down. Already suffering a concussion, the girl fought desperately to stay awake and fighting, a last ditch effort attack would miss its mark and the beast carried the red head to its resting place, cuddling up with the girl as the pair fell asleep. While sleeping, the monster would devour the girl before she died to her concussion. The beast was played by

Carly was enjoying her backpacking trip when she stopped and set up camp. The sun had set by the time she had finished when the most delicious smells and lights caught her attention. Curious, the girl investigated and found a lovely little cottage that belonged to
Helena_Baasch. Carly knocked on the door to bother the alchemist, troubling her for some food and company. Initially irritated by the interruption to her enjoyable evening alone, the woman quickly changed her tune and invited Carly in, offering her a glass of brandy and a seat by the fire. Carly accepted both. After a short chat, Helena demanded that Carly make use of her bath to rid her of the dirt from her camping trip and embarrassing the girl. Carly took the bath and was soon inebriated from the amplified alcohol she was given. Carly fought as well as she could against the woman after she was collared. She couldn't fight to save her life though and soon found herself bound to a table, being played with for a bit by the alchemist before being insulted and forced to drink a potion. The potent mixture was only the beginning of the end for Carly as she was forced into a cask, covered with grapes and strawberries and other ingredients then sealed inside. Carly was left in the cask, breaking down and fermenting into a fine wine. Carly's delightfully light and fruity bouquet was enjoyed by Helena for many nights, Carly forced to watch and feel as her life force and body are slowly drained away, glass by sweet, delightful glass.

Gillian had joined her friends to hunt the monsters that she and her friends had read about so often online, horror stories from the few survivors who managed to escape the park alive. Their hunting trip became exactly what they wanted when a monster did indeed attack. A giant snake, over sixty feet in length was watching the group, biding his time. When Beth threw a fit over boredom and claimed that the stories were just stories, the snake attacked! It bit onto the helpless and distracted Gillian, pulling her up into the trees and swallowing her wriggling body whole! The poor girl wriggled and squirmed her way into the monstrous snake never to be seen again. Predator was played by

As the battle raged on between the girls and the giant snake, Beth was caught alone, tripping on a tree root and falling to the ground. The snake descended on her to make a meal of the pretty blonde. Clara had been watching over her friend and when the snake came for her, she would shoot off part of its bottom jaw and nearly dealing a fatal blow with the second shot. In an adrenaline fueled rage, the snake bit the girl, twisted and snapped her pretty neck, throwing her into the forest without eating her. Predator was played by

Adriana had been a part of Cammy's hunting party and managed to kill a massive snake. The fight took it's toll and when Gillian was devoured, Adriana was unable to cope, wandering off in shock and leaving her remaining friends behind. The girl stumbled along until
Lexanna came along, the spider attacked the girl, netting her and binding her tightly to use as a trap for her friends. Her friends didn't fall for the trap as intended but it still cost them their freedom. The spider gave them a chance to buy their freedom with a debate that Adriana lost. The whimpering, helpless girl was devoured and violated by the arachne's tongue before being completely consumed.

Cammy led a hunting party into the park, hoping to rid the world of a few monsters. They managed one kill with two deaths in their party and Cammy being wounded. When Clara tried to lead her out for medical attention they came across their friend, Adriana, neatly wrapped in webbing and hung from a tree for them to find. Left alone while Clara tried to aid their friend, she was snagged by
Lexanna and carried off the trail. She managed one good hit against the arachne while she fought with Clara but was soon subdued and wrapped tightly in silk. She was held as Lexanna's captive for a week while her newly created arachne took shape. Clara was freed into the world as an arachne whose first task was to devour her former friend, something she did with gusto! Predator was

Clara came with her friends as part of Cammy's hunting party. The best prepared and most skilled of the group allowed her to claim the kill on a massive snake that had come to devour the party and managing to save herself and Cammy in the process. Forced to take her friend from the scene of the kill, they began to trek out before being attacked by
Lexanna. The arachne set a clever trap for them, one that didn't fool the busty girl at all, but it did provide the intelligent spider the window she needed to capture Cammy. After a very short chase and scuffle, the buxom brunette was another neatly wrapped meal ready to be eaten. The plans for her were different and instead of being eaten, she was made into an arachne like Lexanna. Lexanna freed the beautiful from her cocoon and loosed her upon Cammy. The starving predator devoured the girl in moments, swallowing her whole before being dominated and claimed as part of Lexanna's nest. The new arachne set out on her task to lure more girls to their demise at the hands (or mouths in this case.) of the two hungry arachne.

Mariko followed Clara's new hunting party into the forest to hunt a giant snake and get revenge for her previous party's demise. She and Felicia came as a team, hired by Clara.
Lexanna waited for the group to act as their guide. The arachne seduced the woman mercenary on their first night in the forest, devouring her while Abbie and Maggie slept beside them and Felicia and Clara kept watch.

Felicia had been keeping watch at night when the strange sounds from Lexanna's sleeping bag drew her attention. She knew something was wrong and lifted her rifle to shoot her where she lay. Clara came from behind, attacking the second mercenary and devouring her before she could fire on Lexanna.

Maggie had been brought out as bait, though no one told her that was her purpose here. She woke up the first night to the sounds of struggle, seeing a massive spider with Mariko's legs dangling from its mouth. The woman screamed and ran into the forest. She was hunted down by Clara, half swallowed and carried back to the camp. Lexanna had chased Abbie. The older arachne was angry when Clara worked as commanded and beat the younger arachne until she dropped her meal. As she scolded her beta, the younger spider challenged Lexanna and was run off. Maggie was left at the hands of Lexanna, being violated and abused while Abbie interrogated the arachne. Abbie was poisoned and wrapped tight in silk. Then Lexanna came for the poor girl, swallowing her whole and digesting her with Mariko.

Abbie was a scientific researcher, having come with Clara when she heard about the giant snake and wanting to study it to make a name for herself. She woke up the first night in the forest to the sounds of Mariko and Lexanna "making love." When spider legs came bursting out of the sleeping bag, she ran, fleeing into the night. Lexanna hunted her down and brought her back to the camp for another teaching lesson to Clara. After Clara left, she tormented Maggie until she realized that Abbie's questions weren't going to stop no matter how much she tortured the girl. She turned the researcher into an arachne and then devoured Maggie. Abbie is Lexanna's new pet and beta, taking Clara's place under the arachne.

Kelsey was lounging on the beach, trying to generate ideas for a screenplay when
Sara_lina found her sleeping in the warm sun instead. The lamia slid up to the unsuspecting girl and began to devour her head first. This woke the sleeping model but it was already too late and Kelsey was consumed.

Hailey was on her way to the party when she was intercepted by a very hungry Behir. The massive monster caught the girl and swallowed her whole. The behir was played by

Zoey had been standing around the party, watching as Aubree and Naomi ran down to the water to strip down and splash about together. She decided to go for a walk on the beach when the behir grabbed her and carried her into the woods. The girl shrieked as she was grabbed and managed to get Claire's attention. The monster tore her head off, playing with it before throwing it into the party. He quickly devoured her young body after decapitating her. The behir was played by

Allison was standing by the fire, dancing, as the other girls began to panic when Zoey's head landed in the group and the beast circled the group, keeping everyone by the fire. When the beast did eventually come for them, he exhaled a lightning breath weapon. Allison was slow to respond and her body was cooked and eventually stepped on, crushed flat as the behir attacked other girls. The behir was played by

Elsa hid behind a car with Kara, keeping her friend safe. When the beast attacked Sophia, the girl managed to wriggle free by slipping out of her bikini bottoms, Else tried to pull the girl under the car to help her escape. The monster dragged Sophia and Elsa out, catching the pretty brunette with his mouth. The girl screamed and the behir used Leanne to push Elsa more fully into his mouth and then to swallow her. The behir was played by

Leanne grabbed a branch from the fire and attacked the behir, bashing his side with the flaming branch. He seemed unfazed by the attack and proceeded to bash Leanne into submission with Elsa's legs. Then he scooped up the brunette, using her to cram Elsa down his throat. He swallowed Leanne shortly after, taking his time to enjoy the girl. The behir was played by
Sophia had nearly escape the monster on several occasions, shimmying out of her bottoms, then crawling under an SUV, then being let go while the monster ate other girls, ones who had tried to save her. Eventually the behir turned his attention back to her, laying on his back, taking her bikini top and dangling the girl over his open mouth. He lowered her kicking and screaming into his mouth, letting her wrestle with his tongue, enjoying her soft body fighting desperately for her life before she eventually found herself at the base of his tongue and entrance to his throat. He swallowed her ass first, the girl sent down to his stomach with the others, never to be seen again. The behir was played by

Emily was playing a game of strip poker with Amber and several other girls when
Lexanna showed up. The arachne tried to join in the game but when she was asked "catch up," she politely refused, instead taking Amber and Emily away with her to get some help when Amber drunkenly slammed her head into the car window. She toyed with the girls a bit a tried to get Emily to help her bury Amber in the sand, Emily refused, instead riding the other girl's face and getting devoured by Lexanna while making out with the dark haired female.

Amber was too drunk to escape when Lexanna pulled her away from her stripping and drinking game, forced to stumble along to some place out of sight and was then held down by Lexanna and Emily, the poor girl used as a rubbing post for the two aroused females pinning her down. She watched as Lexanna devoured Emily and was then buried in the sand up to her neck. The arachne shoved her ovipositor into the helpless girl's mouth and enjoyed a bit of fun before pushing a load of eggs into her mouth and down her throat. Then Lexanna buried the pretty blonde completely and left her there to die and incubate her eggs.

Aubree (left) and Naomi (right) had been playing in the water, chasing and splashing each other when
Lillandra swooped down on them. She devoured Aubree right out of the carried off Naomi to use as a human projectile against Brooke and Julia. Naomi was forced to watch as the gryphon devoured Julia, Maya and Brooke before she was also swallowed alive.

Julia ran the moment she saw
Lillandra attack Naomi and Aubree. As the party scattered, she was left with Maya and Brooke following her down the beach. She was hit with Naomi and as the woman struggled to get up from under Naomi, the gryphon ate her.

Maya had narrowly avoided being hit by Naomi and the girl ran for the forest to escape the hungry gryphon after watching it start to eat Julia.
Lillandra leaped on her and devoured the busty beauty.

Brooke had been fleeing with Julia and Maya went she was hit with Naomi.
Lillandra grabbed the girl's head and twisted it around, killing her instantly. The gryphon devoured Maya before coming back to eat Brooke's corpse.

Kara had her eye on Lauren since the party began and after some drinks lowered her inhibitions enough to hit on the other girl she would try her luck at the girl. She got lucky and Lauren walked away from the party with her! As the pair began to kiss and explore each other,
DeathlySilent would slither her way over, ambushing the pair of girls for a meal. Kara's head being caught as the girl was going in for another kiss on Lauren. Sharp teeth kept the girl from struggling much as the pair was coiled and Kara was slowly devoured, her shapely body making a lovely outline in the serpent's side for the next couple months as the girl digested away.

Lauren had gone with Kara to explore lesbianism at the beach party. Things had only started to get intimate when
DeathlySilent attacked. Lauren's soft body was squeezed tightly in the constrictor's coils, nearly being crushed to death while the snake devoured Kara. Her head slipped between Kara's legs and the girl was devoured immediately following the shapely model. Lauren struggled weakly but soon found herself as another shapely outline in the thick coils of the snake while she digested away for the next couple months.

Megan and Taylor had gone off on their own drunk and horny and looking to have a little alone time.
Andreya was swimming in the ocean when she decided to head in, spotting the two girls. She swam up on them as they were kissing, snagging them and dragging them out into the ocean. Their screams went unheard as the giantess toyed with then ate them, licking them thoroughly and swallowing the two teens alive and screaming.

Stephanie was stunned by the sudden appearance of the giantess and was snagged up before her inebriated mind could fathom what to do.
Andreya stuffed the girl half into her mouth, sucking on her legs for a bit before biting the pretty brunette in half.

Alexa took cover under an SUV to hide from giantess.
Andreya saw the girl crawl into hiding and when she had caught Skylar and eaten half of Stephanie, she sat on the vehicle. She crushed the SUV and Alexa flat.

Skylar jumped into another SUV with Claire when
Andreya used her massive breasts to begin crushing it. Skylar jumped out of the vehicle, leaving Claire trapped inside. Andreya stopped to talk with the blonde girl when Seiko stabbed her in the toe with a burning branch. She tossed Skylar high into the air, the girl landing on her SUV and shattering her skull, dying instantly.

Seiko was too drunk to run and her escapes continued to be cut off as
Andreya moved to catch the other girls. She grabbed a branch from the bonfire and stabbed the giantess in her toe. A pained and enraged giantess grabbed the drunk Asian and dipped her in the fire, then doused her in the ocean before devouring her.

Claire ran to a second SUV with Skylar,
Andreya smashed their vehicle with her breasts. Claire tried climbing out the window but was caught in the crushing vehicle. The giantess left her pinned in the car while she dealt with the other women. Claire begged to be released but instead sucked her out of the SUV, leaving her legs inside. Claire bled to death quickly before the giantess swallowed her.

Clarissa was playing a practice game of volleyball with her team on the beach before the state championship when they were attacked by
An_Ogrish_Sort. Grunk snagged Clarissa when the ball was hit out of bounds and the rest of the girls were distracted and dragged her into the forest. He stuffed the slender brunette into his mouth when the rest of the team came to investigate. Lisa hit him in the face with a volleyball and he bit the girl in two in surprise.

Jessica turned to run for her life when she tripped and broke her nose. Laying on the ground and whimpering she never saw her end coming when Grunk stomped down on her chest and crushed her under his foot. Grunk was played by

Cammy took Lisa's lead and began throwing whatever she could at the monster, trying to drive him away. The ogre caught a branch that she had thrown and promptly impaled the girl through the gut with the branch. He bit her head off and threw her body at Lisa. Grunk was played by

Melissa had tried to make herself appear as large as possible to try to scare off the ogre. The ogre was unimpressed, seeing only an easy meal and grabbed the girl, lifting her up and stuffing her into his mouth. He swallowed her whole and alive. Grunk was played by

Jen was caught with Mary while trying to flee the beach with their teammate Amber. Amber slapped both girls in the face and left them stunned for the ogre so she could get away. The ogre asked Mary's permission to eat Jen, which she quickly gave. He gladly devoured the screaming girl without hearing her argument. Grunk was played by

Mary managed to convince Grunk not to eat her so she could help him catch the other girls. Sitting on his shoulder he gave chase after Lisa and the girl fell off his shoulder in the chase. She tried to escape only to be caught by Grunk. He bit off her hips and legs, chewing them up and swallowing them before scooping out her rib cage and then discarding the soon-to-be Harvard student. Grunk was played by

Kara had almost escaped with Amber, Sarah, Anna and Mariah. Amber pushed Sarah into Mariah and leaped to safety over a car. Anna and Kara ran in separate directions to try to escape. With Sarah and Mariah in hand the ogre chased down Kara and caught her as well. He swallowed Kara feet first alive and screaming... Grunk was played by

Sarah was eaten crying and begging for her life after Kara... Grunk was played by

and Mariah was eaten last to finish the ogre's massive feast of the beautiful, high school sports team. Grunk was played by

Amber sacrificed a portion of her team in an effort to save herself from Grunk the ogre. While she managed to save herself from the ogre, she was abducted by
SimonShaplane as she tried to find her way back to civilization.

Ann came down with her friends and fellow student council members to look for her school's missing volleyball team. They instead found a dragon who told them the team was eaten. He caught and devoured Ann while she begged for her life and Cassie was forced to watch. Dragon was played by

Cassie was forced to watch as a dragon swallowed her friend whole. He tied the poor girl to a tree branch, cooked her nubile, young form with dragonfire and then ate her, chewing her up before swallowing her. Dragon was played by

Cassandra was a free runner, out with her friends one night when a slip of the thumbs accidentally invited
Lexanna to the gathering. The arachne chased the girls as they ran through the city, laying traps to catch the girls, some were avoided completely while a few tripped up Cassandra and had her lagging behind her friends. As the girl leaped from a dumpster to a fire escape Lexanna tackled the poor girl. The arachne exchanged a few words with the girl before devouring her kicking and screaming head first.

Helen had gone out on a field trip with her school's photography club. They stopped at a lonely rest stop in the middle of the forest to get some pictures of nature. Helen wandered away from the group, getting much better pictures than the rest of the students. This didn't count for much as her shouts to her teacher were only heard by
The_Consumer. The massive turtle-like creature being woken up by Helen and then plodding through the trees to find her photographing a lone flower. He roared and charged when he came in sight of the girl. Helen spun, frozen in terror at the sight of the monster, she just fell down. The Consumer grabbed the girl, wrapping her body with his tongue, worming it under her clothes before his tongue withdrew from her body, tearing all her clothes away in the process. With the buxom Asian laying naked and cowering under him, the monster began to rape the poor, young girl. Her screams and cries were again only heard by the large monster. When he was satisfied, he withdrew from the girl and wrapped her in his tongue. His tongue writhed over her soft, supple body, the monster taking it's time to enjoy and swallow her slowly. Helen wriggled weakly as she was eaten alive, whimpering and thinking this was the end for her. Her face was pushed into the monster's shell and her body held, trapped inside the monster, being endlessly violated as he moved off in search of another meal.

The_Consumer came thundering into the rest stop that the class had stopped at, he scared the girls, scattering them. Ms. Smith and Lisa ran for the van while Vicky and Amanda ran for the restroom. Shannon took cover under a picnic table and watched as the monster attacked the van. While the Consumer busied himself with smashing the van and grabbing Lisa, Shannon decided it was time to leave, sprinting for the restrooms and around the building, trying to escape. Her escape was noticed and the predatory being gave chase immediately. He caught Shannon by her feet and hoisted the girl into the air. The consumer used his tongue to strip Shannon while he ravaged Lisa. The pair of girls screamed and shouted until Shannon's mouth was filled with the vile creature's tongue. The consumer wormed his tongue through Shannon's digestive tract until it came out her behind, licking Lisa's face then. Shannon shivered and squirmed weakly, unable to move much with the tongue arresting her insides. She was dragged into his mouth by the withdrawing tongue and swallowed alive to take her spot on his shell and forced to endure the creatures pleasurable and painful digestive process.

Lisa had seen
The_Consumer first as he came walking through the forest for the rest area. She screamed and ran for the van, climbing in the back to hide. The creature attacked the vehicle first, flipping it over and smashing the van. He sent his tongue in to retrieve the trapped blonde. The girl was dragged out after having her foot freed by the strong pull of the monster. He tore off her skirt and panties and then gave chase after Shannon. With both girls in hand he made his decision to worm his tongue through Shannon while raping Lisa. The blonde girl struggled and shrieked as she was violated, watching the monster devour Shannon. She screamed and kicked and struggled before she joined Shannon in sliding down the monster's throat, taking a spot on his shell and being violated by the strange monster.

Ms. Cassie Smith brought her class out into the middle of no where for a field trip so they could photograph nature. The group was stuck when Helen got lost and they waited for her to turn up again.
The_Consumer came out of the trees, roaring and charging. She shouted for the girls to get in the van, that they were leaving. As she took her seat, the monster flipped the van onto its roof. The woman began to crawl from the window when the monster pushed the van onto her arm while trying to grab Lisa. The teacher was forced to lay there, squirming to free herself while the monster enjoyed Lisa and Shannon. Eventually the monster came for her, taking advantage of the trapped woman by brutally fucking her face. He lifted the van from her broken arm, his ejaculate dissolving her clothes. The teacher screamed and struggled as he carried her to the restroom and sat down in front of it. He proceeded to pleasure himself with the teacher while waiting for the girls to come out of the bathroom. When Vicky did finally emerge, the blonde girl watching with disgust as the monster stuffed Ms. Smith head first into its cock. The woman kicked and struggled and was slurped up into the thick shaft. Cassie ended up with her own spot on the shell, adding her voice to chorus of moans and panting from the other girls in the monster's shell.

Vicky had been posing with Amanda for pictures that Shannon was taking when
The_Consumer attacked! She and Amanda ducked into the restroom and cowered together in a stall. When it had grown quiet, Amanda tricked Vicky, kicking the blonde girl out the door and locking it behind her. Vicky screamed, banging on the door, then trying to barter and reason with the massive, turtle-like monster. It didn't care what the ditsy girl had to say, grabbing her and impaling her on his member. He smashed his way into the restroom to retrieve Amanda. Vicky was pulled from his cock in favor of Amanda. The blonde cried out, saying that she could do better, to give her a second chance. His tongue coiled around her slender body and the slutty blonde was swallowed alive.

Amanda hid with Vicky in the rest stop bathroom after
The_Consumer attacked. She kicked Vicky out and locked the door behind her. Amanda taunted the monster from her hiding place, believing he wasn't able to get in as he didn't immediately cave in the massive, metal door while his first couple strikes. He did smash in the door and wrapped his tongue around the girl's neck, entering into a tug of war with the girl before pulling her out. He stripped off her clothes and began to rape her. The girl shrieked and struggled, at least until her sounds were muffled by Vicky's tight rear end being pressed to her face. The pair of girls were wrapped in the monster's tongue and Amanda followed Vicky in to the creature's mouth and down his throat. The pair of girls taking their spot in the Consumer's shell. The six women were held in place, panting and moaning as the creature returned to the forest, digesting them slowly and pleasurably while their moans and panting lulled the creature back to sleep.

Gina was hanging out below decks while the other girls fished, sunbathed or got settled in. She suggested a friendly card game when she was grabbed from behind! A large man in an iron mask with a rubber apron and gloves dragged her from the cabin and into the engine. She fought desperately, grabbing a nerve in the man's leg and managing to free herself for a moment. She screamed and ran, getting tackled from behind and slammed into the wall. The man dragged her to the reserve engine and tossed her among the moving components. He clicked the engine on and let the girl get pummeled and crushed and ground up by the heavy, whirling camshaft and pistons. Maliciously gleeful killer played by the

Sasha and Becky came to investigate the screams they heard when they watched Gina's gruesome end! Becky fell to her knees, vomiting at the horrendous sight while Sasha was attacked. The man grabbed the chesty brunette by her bikini top and tugged the girl close, burying a large, metal hook in her soft, vulnerable midsection and dragged it up under her ribs, spilling her entrails on the ground. With malicious glee the man watched as the light left Sasha's pretty, green eyes. The masked killed was played by the

Becky fell to her knees beside Sasha, puking at the gruesome end of Gina in the whirling, metal parts of the engine. A second bout of puking saved the girl from having her head stuffed into the engine as well. She saw the killer standing over Sasha's body and tried to crawl away. The man flipped the petite blonde on her back and strangled her, choking her to death just inside the engine room. The rubber clad killer was played by the

Deb peaked her head around the corner, seeing the man as he finished off Becky, locking eyes with him and staggering away from the engine room, terrified. She grabbed a fire extinguisher to try and defend herself. Breanna came from a side hall and drew the killer's attention. He stalked for the pretty blonde, tearing her top as she stumbled and fell. Looming over Breanna and soon to kill her too, Deb attacked the man! She screamed and sprinted across the cabin, fire extinguisher held high! The man spun, stabbing the hook into her open mouth, having it burst through the woman's throat. Blood misted from her mouth and punctured throat, the poor woman drowning in her own blood. She did manage to thump the man squarely in the head with the fire extinguisher before bowling him over onto Breanna. The hook wielding killer was played by the

Zaya was fishing with Amy, Tonya and couple other girls when Tonya snagged
Sylvie_'s toe. After the other girl was pulled overboard, Zaya leaped in to the water to rescue the other girl. Amy jumped in as well and the trio were snagged by the giantess. She swam back to her island home with her catch, having a nice little discussion with the three girls before they went into the skillet. She cooked them, laid them out on a sandwich and enjoyed.

Tonya caught the big one! Literally snagging a hungry giantess with her fishing line.
Sylvie_ pulled the girl overboard and snagged her with Zaya and Amy, taking the three home and cooking them. She devoured the girl after swallowing Zaya.

Amy was the last of the girls eaten by
Sylvie_ forced to watch and listen as her friends were eaten alive, the girl screaming and pleading for her life as much as she could. It didn't help and Amy was also consumed.

Valery was haunted by horrific dreams. Monsters playing with her body and eating her. The dreams lasted for several nights before her attacker finally revealed herself.
Enya_Ambrosia had snuck on board during the night, hiding herself away and tormenting the poor girl. Because Valery wasn't allowed to sleep properly without the haunting dreams, she was caught sleeping during the day, the succubus allowing her a pleasant dream. Enya played with the girl's body while she slept and drank down her soul as she climaxed. Her dreams became terrible, her memories and thoughts blending together as she was digested. The succubus stole the girl's form to hide and play with the other girls on the boat.

The girls of the DHS volleyball and their coach were completely consumed by a serpentine creature with only two girls surviving! The monstrous reptile was played by

Erin was enjoying a beautiful day sunbathing when she was attacked by a giant snake. The buxom beauty was caught, pulled up into a tree, coiled and devoured feet first by the massive snake. The mutant snake was played by

Aleah was out by the lake, sunbathing and playing with her new drone when
Riley_Naga attacked. The woman fought the naga for as long as she could before being swallowed foot first. Trapped in an uncomfortable position in the naga's stomach, she called for help, calling her friend Lisa to bring her friend Natalia to rescue her. The rescue failed and the Aleah was digested.

Lisa had come with Natalia at Aleah's phone call for help. In the time it took for help to arrive,
Riley_Naga knocked Natalia unconscious and devoured Lisa, swallowing her feet first. Lisa's phone call managed to save Natalia in the end.

Lauren was riding the light rail downtown for a night of partying when the train took an unexpected detour and stopped in a darkened tunnel. A monster out of a child's nightmare attacked, forcing open the door to the train and grabbing for a pair of girls. She rushed to try and fight off the black tendrils that were pulling at the pair of girls. She succeeded and the tendrils released Kim and Rachel, grabbing her instead! Lauren was wrapped tightly in the black tendrils and pulled out into the dark tunnel. She was forced to face the hulking monstrosity before it lifted her up and dropped her into its large, wide maw and swallowed her whole! The nightmare was played by

Rachel was caught shortly after Lauren. The monster coming back to the door to grab Karren. Rachel prepared to run out of the car when the monster took Karren, instead it grabbed her, pulled her out of the train and threw her into the tunnel. The girl bounced and tumbled, pulling out her phone and turning on the light. She managed to keep the shadow at bay until she tripped and fell, dropping her light and dooming herself. The monster caught her head in its mouth and lifted her up, grabbing her by the legs and ripping her head and spine from her body, gulping them down before tossing her soft, shapely body in and chewing her up. The nightmare was played by

Karren was hysterical at the loss of her friend, Lauren, and the continuing attack of the monster on the girls in the train car and when Rachel was tugged out and thrown into the darkness, she leaped out of the train and sprinted into the dark tunnel towards the front of the lightrail. When the monster finished with Rachel it came after her next, catching her in front of the train and grabbing her by the ankles. The monster lifted her into the air and slammed her down, smashing the girl into the gravel again and again and again. When he finished, her pretty face a mess, broken nose, jaw and missing several teeth, her skull shattered and the girl very much dead. He tossed her sweet corpse into his mouth and began chewing, swallowing the girl after a bit. The nightmare was played by

Kim was terrified as the monster devoured girl after girl and when the beast passed the door again to chase after Karren she made a break for it, jumping down into the dark tunnel and sprinting back the way they had come, rushing for the exit as quickly as she could. Instead of being caught by the nightmarish monster hunting the other girls, she was snagged by the tongue of the conductor, an anthro lizard! He pulled the girl back before turning her to face him. He told her that she would have been safer staying in the train until the monster finished eating, which it had, then proceeded to devour Kim himself! Kim tried to bargain for her life as he pushed her head into his maw, licking over her silky, brown hair and pretty face before swallowing her head and working her shoulders and chest in to his mouth, licking over her small, perky breasts and toned, flat waist. Her savored her long, toned legs before coming to her feet. He pulled off her shoes and had a chuckle at her mismatched socks before finishing the girl off and swallowing her alive. The anthro lizard conductor was played by

Malaya went to a bar throwing costumed event, girls in costume get two free drinks! It was a lure that filled the club with costumed cuties and Malaya dressed as an Amazon warrior in a cute fur bikini. She ran into the curvaceous
Ms_Bxtril and the alien woman started flirting with her. She humored the woman for a bit before trying to tell the woman off. Things became heated and the alien pushed the woman to a secluded corner by one of the speaker towers. Her cries went unheard by anyone over the loud music and the alien sodomized the poor girl, ejaculating her digestive fluid into the girl and drinking her insides out. The emerald woman then devoured the sack of loose skin that was once Malaya, leaving nothing behind except a costume and a puddle of pink digestive fluid on the floor.

Linda was snagged up by her new friend, Hanna, whom she had met that night, the pair absconding to the restroom for a bit of fun in private. As things became hot and she went down on Hanna, a colony of sentient worms were laying in wait in the toilet and quickly squirmed into the blonde's vulnerable nethers, eating their through her body and taking control of it. She was alarmed as she felt something crawl into her and Hanna went to find help. Now under control of the worms she tried to subdue her lover for the worms. The worms ate Linda completely from the inside out. Worm colony was played by

Hanna met Linda at the club that night and the pair hit it off, flirting and chatting back and forth before their dash for the privacy of the restroom. When Linda was attacked and not feeling well, the buxom woman left to find help. Linda then pretended to act normal, trying to continue their fun. The worms began to swarm towards the dark skinned beauty. Hanna slapped Linda to the ground and ran for the door to make her escape. Another woman, or rather a colony of worms in the skin of a woman, attacked Hanna and with Linda's help, subdued her. The worms swarmed into Hanna's body and devoured her, now using her body as a skinsuit to continue hunting. The worm colony was played by

Nadine was trying to get into the restroom, unable to hear what was happening behind the locked door. When the door opened, Hanna was there and Nadine gave her a harsh lecture about manners. She stepped into the bathroom and saw what Hanna had done. She screamed for help the black woman knocked her out, abducted her and took her out into the forests. Hanna gave Nadine two options, either be fed to monster or fucked by monsters. She instead chose to make a break for it! Nadine was eaten by a monster snake. Monster snake and Hanna were played by

Quinn was invited to a fight on Friday night by her friend Melissa who won five free tickets! The girls got all dressed and showed up on time only to find out that they were the cheerleaders for a specific
Top_Pred, Boobo, and that they were supposed to face off against another monster and its
Pit_Crew. Not wanting to be near Boobo when he was released, the 5 girls of Boobo's team ran to the center of the arena and found themselves between the charging monsters. The girls scattered and Quinn was snagged by the giant ape. Boobo began to wrestle with
An_Ogrish_Sort for the beautiful woman. The pair separated and Boobo bit his own lady in half! The giant ape swallowed her torso before throwing her hips and legs at Grunk. The monstrous ogre ate her legs shortly after.

Melissa was following Odessa around the edge of the ring after the beautiful red head lured
An_Ogrish_Sort and the
Top_Pred over to the gathered group of girls from both teams. When the monsters took a snack break, Boobo went after Grunk's ladies and the ogre would chase Melissa. The pretty blonde in a tight fitting, black dress and heels could only run so fast and when her heel snapped it was all over for her. The ogre scooped her up and almost listened to her plea about hunting Odessa instead of her when a cry from one of Grunk's
Pit_Crew made him stuff the petite blonde into his mouth, legs dangling from his mouth as he rushed to the girls' rescue! He sucked on the girl for a bit before cramming the rest of her into his mouth and swallowing her whole!

Odessa had been searching for a way out unsuccessfully for several minutes and managed to avoid any predator attention. She was lured to the center of the arena by an escape attempt from some of the other girls while the ogre and the giant ape fought over another beautiful brunette from the
Pit_Crew. When the monsters separated again, Grunk began to make his way towards the girls at the center of the arena and made a grab for Dani as she secured her escape by jumping off of Odessa and dooming the pretty red head, kicking her to the floor. Laying on the floor under
An_Ogrish_Sort proved to be a fatal choice as the
Top_Pred tackled the ogre from and sent him sprawling. As the ogre fell, his knee landed on Odessa's chest and crushed it flat while smearing it across the floor. The ogre got up quickly to fight back only to step on Odessa and slip on her body, crushing and smearing what remained of her.

Raquel managed to dodge the fighting monsters, meet up with a pair of girls from the
Pit_Crew and make their way towards one of the guarded exits. The guard had moved away from his post to watch the fighting monsters but hadn't moved far enough for the girls. Raquel hit him right in the throat and kiled the man while he was distracted allowing her and her two new friends to escape the arena.
An_Ogrish_Sort had spotted their exit and after defeating the gorilla, ran after the trio, smashing through the doorway and into the parking lot after the girls. While trying to figure out a way for them all to survive, a blonde from the pit crew tried to trip her and sacrifice her. However the pretty blonde did shout to Raquel before she tried anything and the bespectacled brunette could only guess what was going to happen next. As the perky breasted blonde moved to kick her heels and trip her, Raquel spun and hit the girl in the throat! The pair tumbled to the ground, the blonde having her wind pipe crushed and unable to breath or do much of anything while Raquel's glasses tumbled away, jinkies! The two girls were helpless on the ground when the ogre lumbered up to them and scooped both girls up. Holding Raquel upside down by her leg caused her torn dress to fall off while she squirmed to get free. Luckily no glasses meant not having to see as the ogre chewed up the beautiful blonde though she did hear it and she did have to suffer the ogre feeling up her body while he ate. Raquel pleaded and pleaded with ogre to let her go, but in the end he lifted her up and very slowly fed the doe-eyed brunette into his mouth feet first, caressing each and every inch of her supple, nubile body with his tongue while languidly gulping her wriggling, young form down.

Kara was tending bar at a little roof top bar and restaurant called La Grande, when
Cytharia attacked. It was the end of the night and Kara only had two customers left, she ran forward to chase off the monstrous vixen and ended up caught herself, giving Persephone and Talia a chance to escape. The monstrous vixen tore the girl's top off and tossed her into her mouth. Kara was licked and sucked on for a time while the vixen pursued Talia and Persephone. When Talia got caught, it was the end of the line for Kara and the vixen opened her mouth wide and had Talia watch as she swallowed the young girl alive.

Talia was enjoying a night out with her new friend, Persephone, when
Cytharia showed up to ruin their night. The two women sacrificed their bartender to the monster vixen to get away, running down the stairs and to the offices below. While looking for a hiding place, Cytharia's hand crashed through a wall and into Talia, grabbing the shapely blonde and pulling her from the building. Talia was made to watch as Cytharia swallowed their beautiful bartender alive before the vixen's perverse mind came up with a delightful end for the beautiful woman. Talia was shoved in to the vixen's monstrous vagina where her struggling only served to pleasure the giant fox. The blonde's end came when Cytharia did, the vixen shoving her fingers into herself and making Talia into a bloody smear that washed out with Cytharia's gushing climax.

Persephone rushed forward to try to save Talia when the blonde was grabbed and only managed to expose herself and get grabbed as well. She was deposited on the rooftop where she pondered leaping to her death, looking over the edge only to see Talia disappear inside of
Cytharia. She was shocked and appalled, standing in stunned silence when Cytharia grabbed her. The vixen exposed Persephone's tits and began to play with the woman, trapping her between her breasts. The buxom blonde endured a conversation with the wanton vixen about fellatio that ended with a demonstration. Persephone was slurped up into Cytharia's mouth where the shapely beauty was enjoyed for what felt like an eternity. Persephone eventually lay still in the vixen's mouth, simply accepting her fate until the time came that Cytharia actually started to swallow her. She struggled and squirmed as she slid into the painfully tight embrace of the vixen's throat and down the slick passage to her stomach to join Kara.

Zoey and Imogen were at a lonely dive bar with some friends when a fight broke out between Valentina and Karina, the red head knocking the other girl out. The shapely and powerful bartender,
Tegan_Scarlett, was working to throw the girls out when Zoey popped up and punched the bartender in the nose! It was a mistake as the woman exploded into a dragon! She promptly caught the Asian beauty in her jaws and swallowed her whole! Imogen was sitting with the unconscious Karina, hiding in a booth. She thought the dragon was distracted and made a dash for the door to escape. The dragon walled off her escape with a large hand, licking the slender girl's back and teasing her before lifting her up and pulling her ass first into her maw. The girl screamed for mercy, folded up neatly and swallowed whole.

Maddi and Haley were pulling at
Tegan_Scarlett's arm when Zoey punched the woman and forced her transformation. Caught off guard and stunned by the sudden appearance of the monster, Maddi only stood there as the monster caught her next. The monster pushed Haley to the floor and forced the cute blonde to feel her friend struggling down the dragon's throat. Haley was let up after Maddi was gulped down, the blonde trying to crawl away before Tegan would catch her, devouring the blonde feet first, the girl sobbing and barely struggling, an easy and unsatisfactory treat.

Karina was laying in a booth, having been knocked unconscious by Valentina earlier in the night when she spilled her drink on the fiery red head.
Tegan_Scarlett found the girl and gulped her limp body down with ease. The busty brunette wakes up in the dragon's throat just before sliding into the dragon's stomach. She was terribly confused by everything, having stood no chance as she joined the growing group of women in the dragon's gut.

Alexandria was caught under the dragon's claws during
Tegan_Scarlett's transformation, abandoned by her friends as they were being eaten one after another. When the dragon finally turned its attention to her, it would catch her head in its jaws, lifting the girl and throwing her into the air. Alex screamed as she flipped above the dragon, landing in its jaws. The dragon very slowly swallowed the brunette, sending her shapely form after her twin sister.

Valentina was the cause of the fiasco, having gotten too drunk and starting a fight with Karina, which she ended in a single punch. Val was held by
Tegan_Scarlett when the buxom bartender tried to throw her out and Zoey forced the woman into the form of a great, red dragon. Tegan held onto the red head while devouring Karina and her friends. The dragon stripped the tight body of her dress while slowly eating Alexandria. When the dragon had finished off the twins, she would devour the naked and passionate red head. The dragon enjoyed and violated Valentina's naked body with her tongue before swallowing the screaming, struggling girl whole.

Gail had come to the bar with Valentina but left the red head to her own devices as she got drunk and disorderly. When
Tegan_Scarlett exploded into a dragon, the slender blonde took cover behind the bar, hiding while the dragon busied itself devouring the beautiful women voraciously. When the dragon attacked Imogen, Gail made a break for it, trying to dart past the dragon's tail for the rear exit. Gail is pressed face to face with Imogen as the dragon swallows the two women together, not even taking a moment to enjoy the blonde in her growing feast.

Fiona had taken cover in the restroom, locking herself away while the club exploded into chaos with the arrival of
Tegan_Scarlett's monstrous dragon form. In the restroom for over an hour, the girl waited until the bar was quiet, thinking the dragon had moved on and that she was safe. The dragon had hunkered down after devouring the lot of girls, letting them digest and waiting for whomever was in the restroom to emerge. The dragon tried to play nice, opening her mouth and rolling out her tongue like a red carpet for Fiona. Instead the buxom beauty stomped on the soft tongue, stabbing it with her stiletto heel. The dragon withdrew and let out a tremendous belch of foul air into the restroom. Unable to deal with the horrendous cloud of gas, the woman staggered into the bar, and the waiting dragon coughing and now very sick. The dragon's tail cracks like a whip against her tight ass, toppling the sick girl onto her tongue. Tegan takes her time, licking and sucking on Fiona's soft, shapely body. The dragon enjoys the busty woman for a long while, coaxing the girl into submission, the woman, knowing she's doomed begins to finger herself. Tegan allows the woman this small mercy, savoring the taste of her orgasm when she does reach it and lets Fiona's exhausted body glide down her throat to join the others in her stomach.

Amber was getting naughty in the car with her boyfriend when
Cytharia attacked, grabbing the car and tearing the roof off. She ate Amber's boyfriend and then toyed with Amber for a bit. Thinking her crushed, she moved on, Amber had survived nearly being crushed by her breasts only to get sat on while trying to escape.

Madison was waiting in line for the restroom when
Cytharia grabbed her from the back door and pulled her out of the club. The blonde was unimpressed and the two had a short debate on manners before the giant vixen stripped her and popped her into her mouth. The blonde fought for a bit, but her heels stabbing the inside of the giantess's mouth angered her and she promptly bit the girl in half and swallowed her.

Lexi was on the river walk with her friend Hisa. The petite Asian girl having drank too much and was clinging to the rail over looking the murky, rain swollen river when a long, pink tongue shot out of the water and secured a hold in her cleavage. The drunken girl could barely comprehend what was happening as she was pulled over the edge and into the cold, muddy water below.
Groack pulled Lexi down into the dark depths of the river and began to swallow her whole. Drunk and unable to breathe, there was nothing that the delicious Lexi could do to stop the frog monster from swallowing her alive.

Hisa was surprised when her sick, drunk friend suddenly pitched over the railing and into the river. She took a path around the railing to the water's edge, calling 911 to try and get help for her friend. When
Groack finished devouring her friend, the ravenous frog girl would easily see the other Asian beauty standing on the edge of the water, waving a light around and trying to find her friend. Her tongue shot out again, sticking to the girl's ankle and pulling her through the mud and into the river. Hisa fought as well as she could and managed to get away only to claw her way back to the surface for another breath of air before Groack's tongue stuck to her butt and pulled her back under again. The frog monster pulled her deep under the water, ripping her clothes to ribbons and swallowing the girl ass first. Hisa struggled weakly, folded in half in the frog girl's cavernous mouth, long, soft tongue writhing against her naked body as the girl drowned. She was quickly gulped down by Groack and packed up nicely against her friend Lexi in the monster's stomach. Rescue parties found no sign of the girls when they trolled the river for their bodies over the next few days.

Jenara was getting ready to go out when
Golden_Witch_Beato teleported into her room. Jenara, wearing only her underwear, was caught off guard and unawares. The witch snagged her phone, snapped a mawshot and posted it to Jenara's Facebook with the statement, "If you see this, the owner of this account is already belly fat..." Jenara tried to take her phone back and the witch tackled her onto her bed, trying to seduce the young woman by telling her she was going to eat her. Jenara continued to struggle and fight back, calling the woman a freak before kicking her away and rolling off the bed. Beato shrunk Jenara down to a few inches tall so she could eat her, the woman running under her bed before the witch could grab her. Beato then used the roommate's cat to pull the tiny woman out from under the bed. Another spell made the cat horny rather hungry and it began trying to rape the poor girl. Jenara was left with a choice, face the cat or face the woman. She chose the woman over the cat and was promptly tossed into the witch's mouth. She had to hold her mouth for two minutes and she would be let free. The witch cheated, starting to lick the woman's crotch until she became too weak to resist, the woman's mouth closing and sealing Jenara's fate. Jenara screamed and struggled as she was pushed onto Beato's teeth, her soft, shapely body ground to a bloody pulp before being swallowed.

Laney was hating a night out with her friends when along came a spider to rescue her from her plight.
Lexanna lured the girl from the club she was at, taking her into the alley, promising it as a short cut to a new bar and a better time. Laney followed only to be attacked by the devious arachne. She struggled and fought as hard as she could, pushing Lexanna to speed things along to avoid being discovered. The arachne broke Laney's neck and quickly swallowed her whole, packing her away to be made into more webbing.

Ada fell and twisted her ankle while chasing her pissed off friend, Gabi.
Lexanna, having been following the pair would help the girl out, giving her a shoulder to lean on while walking her to the parking garage where her ride was heading. The arachne subdued Gabi before coming back for Ada, carrying her to where Gabi had been before exposing her true form to the girls and stripping Ada. As the injured brunette tried to crawl away the arachne devoured her feet first, taking her time to lick and tease the girl was devouring her.

Gabi had been angry after a bad day and a worse night, storming off and leaving her friend behind. The girl waited in the parking garage stairwell for her friend to catch up as she had forgotten where they had parked. Instead of Ada she got
Lexanna, the arachne in a woman's guise informed her of Ada's plight and ambushed Gabi, wrapping her up tightly in spider's silk as the girl went to her friend's aid. Gabi was left there while Lexanna went and retrieved Ada, bringing the pretty brunette back and then devouring her in front of Gabi. The red head screamed and struggled as her friend was devoured, being powerless to help her. Then it was her turn, Lexanna uncovered the girl's nethers before bending her over the stairwell handrail and sodomizing her until her resistance broke. Lexanna abducted Gabi after that. The poor red head was forced to endure Lexanna's enjoyment until the end came for her in whatever form Lexanna chose for her.

Kim, Anna, Jessica, Karen, Kathy, Lisa, Kelsey, Amy, Alyssa, Catherine
The girls of the LHS varsity cheer squad were asked to participate in an internet gameshow. The captain, Catherine, tried to ask questions but at the mention of fame and fortune the other girls happily jumped on board. The team was swept out to a tent on the backfield and two girls, Kim and Karen, were taken to a separate for a special competition. The sword swallowing competition as it turned out was one where they lost but everyone else would win. Kim and Karen died at the hands of a massive ogre who shoved long, curved swords down their throats before they were dragged into the back.
The rest of the cheer squad was brought to center ring, the girls cheering and amping up the crowd, having no idea what was coming for them. They stood between a trio of three tents, there would be four winners and four losers. When the tents lifted, they revealed three monstrosities under them. A serpentine reptile with eight legs, another ogre and a spider that was as large as a house cat. Catherine was lurking near the entrance, trying to walk back out when Jessica came sprinting towards her. The lizard gave chase after the petite red head and caught her within feet of Catherine, devouring the screaming, terrified girl. Catherine managed to escape being the lizard's next meal by diving under a pair of guards at the entrance and running out of the tent.
At center ring, the ogre had managed to catch Kathy and Alyssa, holding Alyssa by her ankle and Kathy by her waist. Amy was near them when they got caught and managed to retreat without getting caught by any other monsters. The ogre lowered Alyssa in head and arms first, mouth closing around her slim waist and enjoying her upper body with a thorough licking. He began to eye Kathy and crammed the rest of Alyssa into his mouth and swallowed her whole, belching out one of her white runners.
Nearby; Lisa, Anna and Kelsey had teamed up to try and kill the skittering arachnid, it was small so they felt they could take it. When Lisa tried to jump on it, it dodged aside and jumped on her legs, tearing her panties away and trying to crawl inside her sex. When Lisa fell to the ground, Anna and Kelsey were quick to grab the skitterer's legs and pull it away from Lisa. The skitterer attacked Anna instead, tearing out the girl's throat and eating its way into her body to devour her insides. Lisa, terrified, began backpedaling away from the creature that almost invaded her vagina and back right into the lizard's waiting mouth. Kelsey ran to join Amy at the edge of arena.
The winners were announced, Kathy, Kelsey and Amy had all survived! At least until the ogre bit Kathy in half and began chewing happily. Kathy and Amy were given checks for a whopping two hundred dollars! Amy wasn't gonna let that insult slide and attacked the announcer as a cart of freshly cooked meat was wheeled as refreshments. Kelsey began eating happily, the meat was delicious! It was revealed after she had ate several pieces that the meat had come from her two squad mates, Kim and Karen, and she didn't slow down at the announcement, they were so delicious! As Amy attacked the announcer, the ogre would grab her by the head and lift her off the ground to devour her, chewing on Kathy's legs before swallowing them. Kelsey was tossing pieces of meat at the lizard to try and keep it far away, but when the ogre grabbed Amy, she bolted. The ogre lowered Amy feet first into his mouth, licking and sucking on her legs, lavishing some attention to her crotch before starting to gulp the screaming Asian down alive. Kelsey and Catherine would be the only girls who had survived the competition and Kelsey the only one who actually got money from it.

Hana was tending bar at a hot new club downtown when the coke ran out in the fountain. She had to run to the basement to grab a new box. She was ambushed by a giant cat and was never seen again.

Xenia was drunkenly exploring the new club and found her way downstairs when she encountered another girl. The two started fooling around but before things got too intimate the giant cat devoured poor Xenia headfirst and then chased down and also ate the pretty blonde girl.

Desiree came to the club to have a good time. When her friend Lydia left her and went to the restroom, the girl had a small chat Xenia before hopping behind the bar to rescue Teagan from the onslaught of customers. Teagan sent Desiree to look for Hana and the blonde found Xenia in the basement. Excited by the prospect of playing with the latex clad beauty, she stayed. She even stayed as the cat gulped down her would-be lay for the evening, trying to run when it was too late. The giant feline caught Dez on the stairs and devoured her.

Teagan, getting murdered behind the bar alone after Hana and Desiree left for the basement, locked up and went to go see what had become of the two girls. She arrived at the basement in time to see Desiree's legs vanish into the cat's mouth. She ran and the cat pursued, chasing her onto the dance floor and ending the good times at the club. The giant cat caught Teagan and swallowed her slowly, head first.

Denise was drinking alone at a bar when a wealthy young woman came in. The young woman excited about something in her odd line of work. The girl's natural charms and genuine excitement got Denise's attention. The pair started chatting and before long the woman offered to take Denise back to show her what got her so excited. Denise agreed, if only for an amusing night. When taken to the private room, Denise was given a beautiful, oddly glowing stone. The woman talked of magic, turning into a lamia under the cover of the table. When Denise went to play footsie, she hit the lamia's tail and immediately freaked out. Trying to run the serpent coiled her. The monster girl taunted her and stripped her, quickly devouring the buxom brunette feet first! She toyed with her, stopping at certain points to give her a more thorough tasting. While the lamia was toying with her breasts, Denise whipped her head back to smash the monster's nose and upper lip. It was the last thing she would do before being swallowed alive and digested, taunted the whole time by the cruel lamia.

Umeko was at the Jurassic Park opening! She was standing by the tyrannosaurus rex exhibit and waiting to see the feeding when the power flickered thanks to Alice's hacking inside a security terminal. Someone had rung the dinner bell, when dinosaur arrived, it saw only Umeko standing on the other side of the fence. It smashed through the powered down fence and caught Umeko, plucking her up in his jaws and shaking her about before chewing her up and swallowing her.

Ingrid was with Tanya and Ariana by the raptor exhibit, asking the celebrity for a photo when the power flickered. The blonde was caught by the leg and dragged into the jungle where her spine was torn out and she was torn apart and devoured by a velociraptor.

Ariana Grande showed up as a celebrity guest for the park opening and was taking a photo with Tanya and Ingrid when raptors attacked! The pack alpha attacked the young singer, knocking her to the ground and tearing her open with its wicked claw. The girl was still alive, trying to crawl away as the raptor began to devour her. The raptor eventually tore open her chest and ripped her throat open to kill her.

Tanya was taking a photo with Ariana Grande and her friend Ingrid when the power went down and the fences never came back up. The raptors escaped and while her friend and the celebrity were killed, she would manage to hold one off with her taser. However, when she found herself surrounded by four of the dinosaurs, she was doomed to be a feast, the dinosaurs attacking and ripping her apart, devouring the pretty blonde in minutes.

Felicia was with Valerie, Hadya, Natalie and Hayden when they saw a t-rex eat Umeko! The group ran, splitting up, Felicia running with Valerie and Natalie and hiding in a gift shop. The girl running the shop would step out to see what scared the girls so badly, getting eaten by the rex herself before Felicia, who had hidden behind a display of sunglasses would be dragged out by her leg and stepped on by the massive tyrannosaur, the dinosaur ripping her in half and swallowing her upper half.

Valerie was crying at the demise of her friend and shaking the clothes' rack she had crawled into. The rex would stick his tongue in after the girl, catching her and dragging her into his mouth where he would bite her arms, legs and head off before swallowing her body.

Amara was in the aviary when Alice disrupted the power. She would film their guide's death as the woman was snagged by a massive pteranodon and carried off before being swallowed whole. The great beast came for her next. Her high heels snapping saved her temporarily as she fell to the side and avoided being eaten then. A security officer came to her rescue to shock the dinosaur away, only to be attacked herself a moment later by a swarm of smaller dinosaurs. With no protection, the pteranodon came in swiftly, plucking up the screaming woman and swallowing her alive and screaming to join the guide in the dinosaur's stomach!

Jennifer Lawrence was in the aviary to view flying dinosaurs when the power kicked off. Pteranodons and other flying beasts attacked. The blonde actress was carried off by one of the large, winged dinosaurs. She would shrug out of her shirt to avoid being dropped into a nest. While picking her way down the cliff, she would be caught again, carried out of the aviary before being dropped again, this time landing in water. The pteranodon continued to harry the young woman until a mosasaurus came from below and swallowed Jennifer whole and alive.

Hadya was riding in a jeep with Arielle, Hayden and Laina when they slid in mud and hit a tree. Laina jumped out and ran to take cover from the tyrannosaur that was loosely chasing their vehicle. A dilophosaurus would spit in the girl's face, blinding her. While the two celebrities ran, Hadya went to help the girl. The carnivore jumped on her back and broke her neck. The girl would watch as Laina was eaten while she laying dying.

Laina had fled the aviary with Arielle, taken a jeep, found Hayden and Hadya and then helped them escape the t-rex. It was a terrible night that was only going to get worse for the pretty brunette. They crashed the jeep and she was the first to recover, hopping out and taking cover under a low hanging tree, she never saw the dilophosaurus waiting there for her. She got a face full of the beast's sticky, blinding spit. As she screamed and clawed at the spit, Hadya would die trying to save her. Then the dilophosaurus would crush her head in its jaws, eating her bit by bit.

Giselle was at the aquarium with Dani, Sophia and Sabina when they saw Jennifer Lawrence swimming in the water. They had been locked in the aquarium by the power reset and when the mosasaurus ate the blonde actress he would also shatter the viewing window. Water flooded the area and the buxom blonde in her long, clinging dress wouldn't be able to swim. She slipped under the surface and drowned. Shortly after drowning she would be bitten in half by the mosasaurus and her other half eaten by a great white.

Dani tried to swim out into open water with Sophia, the pretty Asian being caught and bitten in half by a great white shark!

Sabina, separated from Dani and Sophia and her friend having drowned, would try swimming along the wall to get out. Two great whites cornered and halved the girl, each taking a piece of her for their meal.

Sophia Bush was the last remaining girl of those in the aquarium. As she waded through the deep water, only twenty feet from actually being back on dry land, the mosasaurus would come gliding into the shallows to prevent her escape. He caught the shapely beauty in his jaws and swallowed her whole!

Arielle Kebbel fled after crashing the jeep and seeing something attack Laina. The blonde running of with Hayden when they were attacked by the t-rex! Hayden ran to the side while Arielle stood perfectly still. The rex charged her anyway and she would manage to dodge to the side. As the tyrannosaur rushed past, she took cover behind a tree and evaded the large carnivore. A vine would snag her and begin to drag her away. She screamed and struggled and her screams brought the tyrannosaurus rex back to her. He stomped the vine and scooped the blonde up into his jaws, licking over her body before swallowing the screaming actress alive.

Hayden Pannetiere had evaded the t-rex once that night, only to meet hungry dinosaur after hungry dinosaur. She ran from the t-rex again, fleeing through the jungle and being set on by a swarm of compys. The tiny dinosaurs would tear at her and peck at her. The blonde managed to break one's neck before something larger scared them off. She got hit in the side of the face by a wad of sticky, burning spit. Then she was knocked down by the dilophosaurus. As she backpedaled away, it pursued and bit into her face, killing the girl as she screamed in pain.

Amber was heading out for a night with her friends when Sammy's car broke down. Amber remained upbeat during the whole ordeal and got her friends to hike down the road with her, trying to reach the last gas station when
Gurg attacked! He knocked out Sammy and Stella and chased the blonde girl down. He would then rape her to death and feed her corpse into his cock.

Sammy had been driving her friends out to a party when her car broke down. She was dragged along by Amber and Stella as the trio set out to find some help. The girl was knocked out by
Gurg and when she woke up, her head was in his mouth being forced into his throat. The girl went down whole, alive and screaming to find her final resting place in his stomach.

Stella would wake up to find herself alone in the car with the ravenous troll. She would see Amber being dragged down into his cock and not see any sign of Sammy as
Gurg grabbed her and broke her arm. He chatted with girl a bit, her challenging everything he said until he decided to show her that she was indeed food and ripped her arm off eating it front of her! The girl was thrown into shock, squirming weakly before he also ripped off her leg, setting that aside for a friend of his before tearing out the girl's liver. She died from the trauma, unable to fight back as he began to tear and chew and devour her body in bits and pieces.

Kat was at a fourth of July party at her sorority when she drunkenly decided to jump from the back deck to the pool below. Other girls cheered her little stunt and when she came up from the water and crawled onto the side of the pool. A lasso was tossed from the forest, looping around Kat's ankles and dragging her back through the pool and out the other side into the trees. Kat squirmed as
An_Ogrish_Sort pinned her down and began to devour her right there. The party continued as if nothing was amiss as the pretty blonde was being swallowed whole and alive.

Ellie copied Kat's stunt and leaped from the back deck, splashing into the water below. The rope would come out of the trees again, landing beside the inebriated girl. She swam out after the retreating rope and when it came out again, this time she caught the rope, pulling at it and walking into the trees, being pulled out into the trees by what she hoped was a sexy stud. She ended up caught by
An_Ogrish_Sort instead and the two talked for a bit before Ellie punched the ogre in the nose, causing him to drop her. The drunk began running and tripping her way through the trees. She was an easy thing for the ogre to catch and he would catch her from behind, stuffing her hungrily into his mouth and gulping the petite treat down easily.

Elise had been trying to find some alone time with Alicia out in the trees when they heard Ellie screaming and running from something. She ran to the girl's aid and showed up to see those toned, bare legs kicking and vanishing into the ogre's mouth.
An_Ogrish_Sort caught her easily, lifting her up by her head to dangle above his mouth. Elise spread her legs, standing on the ogre's lips but he wasn't going to toy with this delicious treat, shoving down hard and folding the girl up and cramming her into his mouth. Elise screamed and the ogre bit down, severing her head, arms and legs below the knee before continuing to chew and then finally, swallow.

Alicia had taken her girlfriend into the trees for a little naughty playtime when Ellie interrupted. Elise had run off to confront something in the trees while Alicia stood in the dark clearing and began screaming for help.
An_Ogrish_Sort burst from the trees and began to chase the naked girl. She would run until a rabbit hole caused her to trip, sending her tumbling to the ground. Alicia then tried to crawl under a bush when Grunk grabbed her leg and dragged her back out. She tried to talk the ogre out of eating her and it seemed to be going well for her, at least until he heard other girls approaching and shoved her into his mouth, quickly gulping the struggling girl down.

Sadie led a trio of young ladies into the trees to investigate the screaming she had heard. Sadie, along with Ima and Lacy, walked the path. Ima was bored by the silence of the dark forest and decided to turn back. The ogre attacked then and Sadie's head was crushed with a large rock. Ima fled to safety while Lacy was left to talk with the ogre. Lacy also managed to secure her safety after a short chat with the ogre and a gamble of threatening him with magic.
Sadie's end can be read

Lydia had gone down to the pool with
Erin_Dougherty, the girls stripping down to go skinny dipping. As things were getting intimate, Ima would come running and shouting from the forest before disappearing into the house. Lydia didn't seem to mind and would forge on ahead with the pretty, young red head. Things were getting naughty as
An_Ogrish_Sort came out of the trees, pausing to watch the naked girls for a moment. Then he pressed down over them and began trying to stuff the two girls into his mouth at the same time! Erin managed to slip away while girls on the back deck would notice the massive, hulking form in the backyard and start throwing stuff at it, trying to scare him off. They would hit him in the head with a keg, and the ogre would bite off Lydia's feet and calves. He swallowed the rest of her and then went after Erin, gulping her down next!
Lydia and Erin's end can be read

Shannon was on the back deck when
An_Ogrish_Sort came upstairs then. Alina and Kara tried to hold the ogre off with knives while Shannon and the other four made a dash for the back door. Shannon was knocked to the ground, left crawling on her hands and knees. Kara jumped off the porch while Alina ran to save Shannon. Alina was casually tossed away while the ogre easily lopped an arm around the shapely girl and dragged her up and back into his mouth, swallowing her down quickly and easily.

Alina had run to the other girl's aid and was tossed away, now it was her turn to face
An_Ogrish_Sort. He snagged up the pretty brunette and his hands would move over her body, copping a feel before he tore her in half! He tossed her lower potion over the side and began to jam his fingers into her torso, scooping out her insides and eating them.

Kara had believed herself safe, that she had escaped and was sitting on the side of the pool when the ogre came back downstairs after smashing the backdoor and making it impossible to open. Kara whined and complained, shouting at the ogre for being so stupid, that there were many more girls inside, why would he come down here. She became sick as she listened to him scooping out her housemate's guts and eating them, vomiting into the pool before she was grabbed herself. Grunk would take his time with Kara, thoroughly tasting and enjoying the struggles of the slender beauty as she wriggled her way through his mouth and down his throat.

Zoey was tired of the screaming and yelling and it seemed the ogre had left. She walked out, going out front and walking for her car. She paused, an uneasy feeling washing over her as she stood in the darkness. A hand reached from the bushes, snagging her and dragging her back. She had her head torn off and thrown through the front window of the house, scaring the girls inside.

Kaitlyn stepped to the front door, looking out into the darkness through the window in the door. The rest of the screaming, panicking girls never noticed that she disappeared, but Felicity did. Kaitlyn was never seen again.

Sammy showed up late, having had to get her little sister because she wanted to introduce her to the house. Her little sister was grabbed and dragged away, get eaten while Sammy tried to rescue her. The woman sprayed the ogre with pepper spray, hoping to make him spit out Kathy. Instead, he went into a fury, grabbing Sammy and swinging her around before impaling her on a jagged tree stump.

Kathy was with Sammy, the younger sister being grabbed and pulled back into the ogre's mouth. She kicked and screamed, being shaken about wildly when something enraged the monster. She never saw her sister again as she got swallowed alive.

Cameron had been laying on the couch all evening, passed out and covered in lewd drawings and words. She still hadn't woken up when the ogre came inside. He made an easy meal of the unconscious girl.

Alice had hidden in the downstairs bathroom. When prompted by Sandra to open the door, the blonde refused, telling the woman to go find her own hiding place. Lucky for Sandra she heeded Alice's advice because the ogre smashed in the bathroom door and grabbed Alice only a short while later. The blonde screamed, trying to fight off the massive humanoid. He sat back and ate her slowly, savoring the struggling, delicious treat as he gulped her down whole and alive.

Emily was woken by the girls screaming downstairs and came to yell at them. She saw the ogre and instead ran back upstairs, throwing on some pants before going out onto the roof. She was trying to escape in much the same way that Sophia and Felicity went. She jumped off the edge and fell to the ground, coming up and facing a dragon! The great black beast snagged her up and showed her to Sophia, whom he had captured. He swallowed the girl whole and alive in front of the horrified girl.

Sophia had nearly escaped, had nearly gotten away when a second monster showed up! The great, black dragon appeared out of the darkness and scared Sophia, the girl trying to convince the dragon to fight the ogre. He ate Emily instead. When Sophia tried to barter for her life, the dragon refused. He snapped her up. Sophia fought back as the dragon tasted her, trying to force open his mouth. To the dragon's surprise, she began pushing his jaws open! He shook his head and swallowed, no bulge wiggling its way down his throat. Sophia hugged his tongue, her legs spread and feet hooked between his teeth, preventing him from swallowing her. The dragon spit Sophia out. The girl tried to bargain with the dragon again, again he snapped her up. Sophia screamed, shouting inside the dragon's mouth, pulling off her dress and laying naked on the dragon's tongue as her tirade against the beast continued. He tipped his head back, letting the glistening, naked body slide down his tongue to his throat. Sophia screamed and threw her dress, trying to loop it around his teeth to prevent him from swallowing her. Her dress found no hold though and Sophia slid into the dark opening of the dragon's waiting throat, he swallowed her wriggling, naked body whole, Sophia sliding down to join Emily in the dragon's stomach.

Lacey was sleeping while the dragon was talking with the girls outside, they woke her up and she would throw a rock at them, telling them to keep it down. The dragon threw the rock back through her window and when she responded the dragon was there, scaring her back into her room. She threw acid on his face but the black dragon was immune. He countered with his own potent acid breath, pinning the girl to the wall and melting a hole through her chest.

Addison and Sara were down the hall from Lacey, enjoying some intimate time in their room when Grunk came in to see them. The ogre grabbed Addison first, pinning her to the bed while Sara rolled off and then under the bed. The ogre sat on the bed, trapping Sara when it collapsed as she tried to crawl out. Addison screamed and struggled as the ogre crammed her into his mouth and began chewing. Sara, unable to escape, was forced to listen as her girlfriend was devoured. When the ogre came for Sara, she tried to talk her way out of it, confusing the ogre by saying she was a boy, he didn't seem to care, instead ripping the girl apart bit by bit and eating.

Harper was asleep with Amelia when the dragon tore into their bedroom, grabbing Amelia and lifting her up to eat, prompting Harper to try and rescue her. Harper stood, stunned, watching the dragon until Emma and Avery burst out of the nearby room to try to fight the monster off. He impaled the buxom ravenette with his claw and bit off her head, dropping her body on the floor when Avery threw a dart up his nose.

Kina had had a long night fighting and running from an ogre, then hiding only to come out to try and fight the dragon, throwing bottles of perfume at the monster. They were useless, the dragon unbothered by the scented oils. As the fight went in favor of the dragon and the numbers of the girls dwindled, she tried to run. The dragon grabbed her, dangling the girl over his mouth, teasing her as he slowly lowered her into his mouth. The dragon licked her over thoroughly before swallowing her squirming form whole.

Emma and Avery had run from the recreation room to defend Amelia and Harper, throwing darts and using a fire extinguisher to try and chase the dragon back. He snagged Avery with his tongue, pulling the girl into his mouth. She shared a look with her sister before she was gone. Emma would lose her mind, breaking a post from the bed, brandishing it like a spear and leaping for the dragon's mouth to try to impale him. He caught her out of the air, ate Kina and then came for Emma. She threw her makeshift spear for his eyes, the dragon dodging it. He retrieved the fallen weapon, squeezing the girl until she screamed and then stabbed the post down her throat. He set her in his mouth and pulled the spear back out, swallowing the girl whole.

Amelia was tossed away by the dragon when the girls attacked, the girl landing in the driveway and breaking her back, laying there helpless while the dragon continued with the girls in the sorority, later he came over and stepped on the busty brunette, squishing her shapely body under his foot.

Ava had been hiding while the dragon and ogre attacked. The girl emerged as the house remained silent for half an hour with the rest of the hiding girls. The group found the ogre sleeping in Addison and Sara's room, the group sneaking out of the house. Out front they would find the dragon hadn't left either when he snagged Ava from the back of the group, cutting them off from the house. He slid his mouth down over her, licking and sucking on her for only a moment before swallowing the girl.

Olivia arrived late to the party with Chris. Their headlights fell on the dragon in front of the house. Olivia slammed the car into reverse and gunned it. The dragon exhaled a stream of acid onto her car, melting the windshield, the hood and her inside of the car as the vehicle slammed into a parked car on the far side of the street.

Annette had a long night running from monsters, hiding, running, hiding again. When the house finally quieted down, she would pop from her hiding place, inspecting the house, finding destruction everywhere she looked. She would call the police, reporting an explosion that had leveled the place. She walked with the group outside, the dragon waiting for them. He ate Ava and when the group turned, he impaled Annette on a claw, tearing the girl in half, throwing half of her at Cassandra and the other half at Mia.

Clipper ran for her life after the dragon tore Annette in two, the perky blonde being chased towards the back of the house, she was following Lidia, the pair running to the gate and finding it locked. Clipper was caught with Lidia, popped into the dragon's mouth and chewed up.

Lidia fled at the appearance of the monstrous beast, the dragon eating one girl and tearing another in half. She turned and ran, heading for the backyard to make an escape. Clipper led the dragon towards her though and doomed her. The gate was locked and the dragon snatched up the two girls, tossing them into his mouth and chewing at a steady, deliberate pace, ending the two girls together.

Chloe had managed to duck into a bush as the dragon chased Clipper, popping out behind the dragon and running inside. The sliding glass door at the back of the house was smashed in by Candace as the girl made her escape out back into the forest. Chloe decided to try that, walking barefoot across the broken glass. She bumped into Grunk on the other side and the ogre caught her easily. As they talked the ogre expressed his regret and apologized for not being able to eat her the tasty lady tonight. She was glad and told him that it was ok, she would wait for him to return, he could eat her then. When the ogre noticed her bleeding feet he decided to have a taste, licking and sucking on her feet and legs. He decided to bring Chloe along with him to eat later, the girl was never seen again.

Mia and Cassandra had Annette's body thrown at them. Mia dodged while Cassandra was hit. The pair of girl's running for their lives, Mia having a much larger head start. It did her no good as the flying dragon swooped down on her and snagged her, carrying her up in to the sky. Mia was surprised by the dragon's hissing, high pitched voice, expecting something deeper and more powerful. She laughed at him and demanded the dragon put her down. He complied, dropping her out of the air. The girl screamed as she fell back to the Earth, the dragon swooping past her on the way down and cutting her neatly in half with his tail.

Cassandra had nearly gotten away when the dragon caught up to her. He asked her for a reason why he shouldn't eat her. She didn't have an answer and gave a poor reason off the top of her head. The terrified girl was snapped up into the dragon's mouth and licked thoroughly. She took off her skirt, twisting her wrists into it and looping it around his tongue, preventing herself from being swallowed. He was content to let the girl lay on his tongue, wriggling and squirming against it. She offered up the high school volleyball team coached and the dragon still wanted her anyway. When her grip slipped that was the end for Cassandra, the pretty ravenette slipping right down the dragon's throat.

Morgan was captured, raped and cock vored by

Ava was captured, raped and anal vored by

Alicia had been brought to
Akiko_Nomura's hotel room by Leslie without permission. When the pair walked in they found Kirsten in a sexual daze, the girl hand cuffed to the bed with a ballgag in her mouth. The buxom brunette decided she had seen enough and moved to leave when Akiko caught her wrist. Alicia slapped the girl and hurled a racial slur. Akiko tried to stun the girl with a taser. The pair wrestled for a bit while Leslie was trying to talk with and then free Kirsten. The pair split, each trying to convince Leslie to help them. Alicia then pulled a gun on Akiko and tried to escape. There was a tense moment where no one was sure what was going to happen. Akiko rushed Alicia in the hall, out of sight of Leslie and Kirsten and began devouring the busty beauty. Alicia managed to shoot Akiko in the forehead with a pellet. It didn't stop the angry cosplayer from gulping Alicia down rapidly and sentencing her to death in her stomach for being a disrespectful, worthless bitch, slutty cosplay and ruining her make up!

Leslie had an interesting night that started out posing for pictures with her new friend, Kirsten, meeting the amazing cosplayer,
Akiko_Nomura, and walking the convention floor, later meeting Lara Croft cosplayer, Alicia. She and Kirsten had both agreed to meet Akiko later that night to see some of her costumes. The pair were texted different start times and while challenged, the girls ended up agreeing on separate times. Leslie was not disappointed when she showed up later to find that Akiko had taken her playful comment to heart and fucked Kirsten's brains out. A fight erupted between Alicia and Akiko over their minor misunderstanding and ended with Alicia being swallowed alive. Leslie tried to save the other woman and nearly ended up joining her right then. She managed to pull free but watched as the small Asian girl gulped down her new friend. Akiko made some demands of Leslie that she could hardly respond to as she was in shock and watching Alicia squirming inside of the other girl. The Asian cosplayer walked right up and began devouring the chesty houndoom. Leslie fought as much as she could, getting to meet Alicia again, the pair of girl's trying to push Leslie back out. It failed and the pair of busty brunettes were packed in tightly together and would die together inside the petite girl's distended belly.

Kirsten was a pawn, played back and forth between Leslie and
Akiko_Nomura. She didn't much like the Asian girl and had no idea what she was cosplaying as, she just went along with it because Leslie was so taken by her. Leslie convinced Kirsten to show up alone at Akiko's room. Kirsten was a nervous wreck when she did show up. She went to get a drink and when she did, Akiko, who had changed into a slutty pikachu costume, would pull a taser and shock her! Kirsten couldn't fight back, the girl dragging her to the bed and laying her on it, handcuffing her and then gagging her. Kirsten was terrified and aroused by Akiko, caught by her and helpless now. She struggled as the girl stripped, taunted and teased her. 'Pikachu' then used her 'pound' ability and fucked the resistance out of Kirsten, leaving her a panting, moaning, drooling, sticky mess for Leslie to find. Kirsten watched as Akiko devoured the other two women, forced to listen while the two cosplayers were digested. Akiko would bind up and then pack the submissive Kirsten away in a large duffel bag, Akiko would go about enjoying the rest of her convention before taking Kirsten away. The girl was never seen again.

Beth walked with her friends from the bus stop to a Halloween party in an abandoned warehouse. Along the way Beth was snagged by a ravenous monster and dragged down a dark alley and into an abandoned building. Her friends rushed to save her but when they saw that it was a monster that had caught her, dangling her upside down above its maw, they fled. The monster swallowed Beth whole and digested her alive.

Sara had rushed to Beth's aid when she saw the monster. Alice fled and Sara tried to keep up. High heels are not ideal running shoes and when the monster finished with Beth, he easily caught Sara, allowing Alice to escape. The unfortunate woman raped with tentacles, forced to watch as they tore through her body, killing her. Luckily for Sara she was already gone when the monster tore through her body, chewing her up and then swallowing her.

Jessica ducked into an alley to relieve herself when a monster leaped from the shadows and swallowed her whole. Jessica turned on her phone to see in the darkness and watched horror as her body was digested before her.

Lisa had been keeping watch at the end of the alley while her friend went to relieve herself. She wasn't looking behind her when the monster came for her. She was grabbed from behind and dragged back into the alley and into the monster's waiting mouth. She was distraught over finding her friend's phone and skeleton in the monster's stomach shortly before she too, was digested.

Amy was hanging out at the bar when she met the monster, who now paraded around as Lisa. The pair started flirting and ventured to the bathroom for a little fun. Amy went for a kiss while the monster went for a bite. Amy was absorbed straight into the monster's body
and digested.

Stephanie saw Amy come out of the bathroom and went to talk to talk with her in a dark corner. The girl reappeared as another woman and Stephanie confronted her on it, dragging her to the most open spot in the club to do so. The monster instead challenged her, grabbing her by her neck and lifting her up. Steph kicked the monster in the chest and got free, catching her breath on the floor where she fell. Bouncers came to take the aggressive girl away and instead provoked a murderous rampage that ended in Stephanie and several other women being eaten and many more mercilessly killed.

Harper, Colleen and Khloe were working on throwing a Halloween party, having everything set up and getting into their costumes. Harper's boyfriend appeared after hours of antagonizing him. The two went upstairs for some alone time and Harper got the surprise of her life when a swarm of insects erupted from his mouth and began to cover her naked body. The swarm of tiny bugs devoured the busty brunette while she tried to fight them off and Colleen and Khloe tried to help. Harper was devoured entirely, leaving only a picked clean skeleton sitting in a running shower. Khloe and Colleen found themselves attacked by a massive slug while trying to find help for Harper. Colleen be her high heel and feel to the floor, the massive slug catching her ankles and beginning to devour her slowly. Khloe hit the monster a few times with a baseball bat before seeing she wasn't hurting the monstrous slug. Khloe fled to safety while Colleen was left screaming on the floor, begging for help as the giant slug slowly slurped her down. Colleen screamed as she was slowly digested alive. Slug and insects were played by

Zoe showed up drunk to the wrong house for a Halloween party and
Shadow was all too happy to welcome the girl into his home. It didn't take long for Zoe to realize she was in the wrong place and when she made to leave Shadow attacked her, trying to devour her! The girl shrieked and kicked him, diving away. It didn't do the drunk girl any good as the sober predator easily caught her again and swallowed her feet first, costume and all.

Evelyn had been working a haunted house when the dragoness,
Mianth, crept into her room. The vampire turned, trying to spot the dragoness in the darkness and was surprised when the dragoness revealed herself. She startled and tried to back away, talking with the ravenous monster a bit. At first she thought the dragon to be an elaborate costume but the longer they talked, the more she believed it to be real. She wasn't able to escape and the dragoness snatched her up and swallowed her alive.

Ella had been enjoying the haunted house with her friend Natalie when
Mianth ambushed the pair of girls in the dark. Ella was grabbed and shoved head first into the dragon's cock. It all happened so fast that she didn't realize what had happened, only that she didn't enjoy it. Ella was slurped down mercilessly. Ella would later be released as a sticky, white load of dragon spunk.

Natalie was forced to watch as her friend was stuffed into the dragon's cock, her mouth covered to prevent her from screaming. When
Mianth finished with Ella, she forced Natalie to her hands and knees. The woman fought her hardest against the powerful dragon but found herself sliding down the dragon's cock to join her friend. She was later released with Ella as a sticky, white load.

Maya was the lead singer in a band playing a Halloween show and when her show had finished, she went to the haunted house. There she ran into a very sticky Layla. Then
Mianth was upon them and Maya thought it was part of the attraction. Layla abandoned the woman to her fate and when Maya tried to leave, the dragon blocked her escape. Mianth slowly devoured the beautiful singer head first.

Layla had left her friends to try and find her boyfriend in the maze of the haunted house only to be caught alone by
Mianth. The dragon was stroking her impressive cock and Layla thought she was going to be raped. The dragon surprised the woman by cumming suddenly and nearly drowning the woman in the huge load she had made from Natalie and Ella. Her costume was blown off of her and while the two struggled and slipped around in the massive puddle of cum. Layla escaped and ran into Maya, knocking the woman down. When Maya didn't share her sense of urgency, the woman ran again. Layla had stopped in a costume closet to get some new clothes when Mianth tracked her down, following the musky scent of cum that clung to her soaked body. The dragon smashed her way into the closet and devoured Layla slowly, savoring the cum glazed treat before leaving with her full belly.