Name: Kin
Last Name: Tsukamoto
Age: 18 (16 former)
Gender: Female
Eye color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Length: Waist Long. Neck long (Former)
Job: Police Officer (Former) Special Forces (Current)
Rank: Corporal
Kin is known as the Junior officer also her father is a military scientist, creating weapons for the military and the police force to support the justice in the world after all, it was low thugs who had murdered he's wife and Kin when she was only 7 years old, when she turned 13 she had asked her father if he could build her something to help her out, to save those from monsters in human skin and by the time she turned 14, he had made a device that could give her the strength of a machine with a cannon on her left hand

"Transformation mode"

"New Transformation! X.2.0 Activated"
After transforming, she becomes stronger and covered in armor, the only places that are exposed are her elbows, her knees and her face so she can move freely without the suit binding or restricting her giving her the ability to run and climb up walls or to fall from massive heights and come out unhurt thanks to her shock absorbing boots, her armor is strong enough to stop bullets up to the quality of the full metal type however she will still be able to feel the shock damage it would give her.
Finally is her cannon, it can shoot out small rapid fire burst of energy but she can charge it with the longer the charge, the stronger the blast. 5 seconds will give her a medium green sized blast and 20 seconds will give her a powerful blue shot, however if she charges for 30 seconds, she will be able to fire another round with red aura around it, giving her much more strength into the shot. and if she charges for a full minute, she is able to release a powerful stream of energy that has known to turn mountains to Ashes but the downside is she has to change back from her transformation form to let it charge back up for 48 hours, normally during that time, she is on patrol with a normal pistol and a pocket full of bullets and a taser.
With her new powers, she instantly joined the police force, only getting in on her last name since her dad was the only reason they were getting weapons to protect their city and knowing that she has possibly the best invention they had ever seen, she was signed up as a junior and to be trained to be a police officer and over the two years she had gained the rank of Corporal, now able to leave Hq and go solo, she will hunt down any bad guys she can.
Story so far:
Kin was sanctioned on an Island with the mission of capturing the pirates who took the Mayors Son, of course he's an obnoxious jerk but she had to do it, learning that the Daughters of Captain Morgan had arrived with those Pirates, they used the police force to capture both
Ella_Morgan and
Anna_Morgan to use as bait to get their father and crew out however she was placed on Guard duty while her captain fought the First Mate of the Blood Rose Pirates
Sora_Ryoshi and the Feared Captain of the Morgan Pirates the plan was moving into action however, She did not expect a young pirate girl to lift the castle and cannon that was used to take out Morgans crew in a single blast be thrown into the Sea behind them.
However it was slowly dawning on her that her captain was losing he's mind in revenge against Morgan and the Pirates till she learned the reason why, it was Morgan who destroyed he's crew when he was a Pirate, she had no idea who she could trust, either the pirates fighting to protect their way of life or the former pirate using the military to getting revenge and as the battle raged on and the death of Captain Morgan happening, she released both Ella and Anna despite her views of justice but by the time she decided to leave to help stop her captain, she found him burnt alive by the rest of the Blood Rose Pirates however that didn't stop the other pirates coming for the wounded man they heard about but the dead man laying on the ground, seeing the pirates in action to escape,
Marina_Salvador warned her about the storm approaching the island before she came back to pull her back to the Blood Rose, the name of their ship as she was instantly sent to a room, being fed, she spoke to the Captain of the Ship,
Captain_Blood, after talking for a while she realized she had to step up and create a group who believed in Justice, she had to lead the fight against the evil out there, she had to cleanse the world of evil.
After being dropped off on a random Island, she was sent back to HQ and brought up to speak to the 11 Leaders of the worlds military, explaining what happened on the island but they had learned she had not only freed the Pirates they caught but she also escaped with the Blood Pirates, however before being sent back out on duty, a young Shadow manipulator named
Kai_Toku had appeared to eliminate a shadow spawn who had taken control of one of the Commanders and this gave the young Corporal an Idea, she would use people with talents like hers to cleanse the world of the evil, asking if she could gain a promotion and a ship to create her own justice team, she was given a airship but denied a promotion until she does some work in taking out those who don't follow the law.
With her airship and first recruit to her team for Justice, she set out into the skies in order to quick travel to take out those who oppose the Law.
Come day 2 in the skies, the alarms of the justice were going off, heading down to the command room to see the scanners taking images of a gang of thugs raiding a city, she would get down to that battle as quick as possible to find a good 30 of them attacking someone with an Electrical Bio Metal Suit, giving her the ability to jet around and use electric energy, however as good of a fighter she was, she was outmatched that was until Kai also arrived from the Ship, teaming up, they quickly put 30 of them troops on the ground, stunned, tied up and ready to be sent to jail before sending Kai back up on the ship to call HQ for a squad to pick the guys up, during that time she had learned this bubbly airhead was called
Inazumi. In that Squad would have someone who couldn't wait and shot to the island to help protect the city, the one with the Bio Suit of Wind
With Kai's weakness for the sun coming into play, she had gone back to the Justice while the three girls teamed together to find the remaining 10 members of the crew as one appeared to take a shot at Inazumi in the air, however, Aoi would use her powers of the wind to push the bullet to the side before racing down to capture him with all 3 girls threatening him for information.
With Kin scanning the knowledge out of the mans blood and being tied up and added to the rest of the thugs, the Corporal decided to scope out the building, an old abandoned warehouse near the south docks and charging her two shots, she fired them off after giving the orders to the flying duo to seek and capture anyone they could in that building but on the impact of the two shots, 3 men behind the wall were killed leaving 6 left.
With Kin on the outside and Inazumi and Aoi in the building, the numbers of the enemy dropped down till it was just the big bad bossman left who put a bullet in one of he's own men's head to cause a distraction to escape through a cracked wall however, he didn't expect to be blasted by Kin who was listening in to everything that was happening from the roof tops and that would lead to their first successful mission not to mention the recruitment of two more members to the Justice Angels (As Kai dubbed them).
Not long after, Kin would be called back to base to talk to a higher up, speaking about an accident that happened with one of her girls and one of her fathers battle outfits like hers, seeing how she had the most expirence with the suits, she would be put in charge of
Ishi_Tsuyoidesu, a girl who had worked hard in the military and obtained the suit of fire with a personality to match infact, none of the officers in charge of her could order her around so they decided to put her talents in the newly created justice Angels.
After A failed mission against an unknown group, The group had went somewhat their seperate ways with Kin sticking to the ship.
2 years had passed since then as Kin had grown stronger with a new battle suit and a personality ready to start re recruiting and ressurecting her fallen justice angels.
Name: Justice
Captain: Kin Tsukamoto
Members on Board: Kai Toku
Rooms: Multiple Bedrooms
Living Room
Command Room
Teleport room
3 Bathrooms
Radar Room
Battle Room