Inazumi acting sexy.

Inazumi being playful.

Inazumi's sword form.
Inazumi is a hyper, fun loving, law inforcing and 'shockingly' powerful girl who has been gifted the element of lightening to use as her personal weapons in the form of blades as well as magic.
She has great skill with her weapons and excellent support magic, but her IQ is so dangerously low, people would call her "dangerously stupid." She has a loud mouth and spritely attitude, and is rarely seen without a smile, but manage to upset her and you'll regret it. She may not have great test grades, but she's brilliant on the field of battle!
Her story
Inazumi grew up on the streets. She never knew a mother or father, but never really gave any thought or care about it because she had a family; other kids that were in the same condition as her. Together, they spent their childhood stealing food to eat and living wherever they wanted to.
Due to this childhood however, Inazumi never really had an education. She learned to act impulsively and without thinking. She was really good at street fighting, agile quick and packed a mean punch, but without an education, she was on a fast track to crime.
She was 'Discovered' by the Angels Institute director one day, when she was 12 years of age, as she took down a grown man trying to kidnap her on her own. The director could see the potential in this little girl and offered to teach her how to become even better, to become someone people would look up to to protect them.
Of course, he was speaking in rather big words that Inazumi didn't understand, so naturally, she accepted without any thoughts in the matter. Thus began her training to become an angel warrior.
Upon graduation when she was 16 years old, (she wasn't able to retain anything when sitting still with a pencil and paper in front of her, but was a genius in the martial arts classes) she was given a voice recording diary to record her adventures with.
Along with the ability to wield two swords, she is able to cast magic to support herself or others, all centered around the effects of electricity.
Gear Includes
Jet Boots- For air battle or air travel!
Dual Blades- For cutting the bad guys to ribbons! What else?
Cyber Armor- Protects her from the bad guys, though she has to travel light due to her fighting style, so it's naturally pretty weak.
Magical Abilities Include
Hyper Travel- Great for fast deliveries if she ever took a part time job as a pizza delivery girl!
Speed Up- Unlike Hyper Travel, this is for battle use only. It allows her to maneuver quickly and accurately when doing battle with a bad guy!
Lightening Touch- for a person's weapon/armor; gives a person's weapon/armor an electrifying element to it. If a bad guy hits or gets hit by this, they go "bzzt!" She can only use this on weapons/armor of other people though.
Static Size Manipulatio- a recently discovered ability. She uses her electricity to manipulate the cells in a person's body to shrink or grow. She can even do this to herself.
Natural Abilities Include
Weak Defense- High speed comes at a price after all.
No offensive or defensive magic. Her magic is pure support. Her strength lies in attacking with physical attacks or else supporting another person.
Natural Weaknesses
Low IQ
Action first, thinking never- she puts no thoughts before, during or after she says or does something. Ever.
Basic speach- She can't understand big words. Fastest way to confuse her is to say some big word. Of course, she'll think you're super smart just for saying something like "accuracy" or "intelligence" instead of "able to hit something" or "smart"
Inazumi's Diary Entries
Data entry 1:
"Is this thing working? Hello? Hey how does this thing work? Huh? I'm doing it right? So what I'm saying now is being....what was it you said? Recorded? Wow, this thing's so cool! Okay, so today I became an angel warrior and I'm ready to get out there and beat bad guys up so I can send them somewhere where they'll learn to be good again! Yep! Private Inazumi is on the watch, so bad guys beware! Okay, so how do I turn this thing off? Umm...like thi-" Entry ended.
Data entry 2
"So they said at the academy that every day you learn something new, right? Today I learned that I hate giant batteries! Seriously! I got stuck in one of those things and rolled all around by some stage magi...maj...a girl with bunny parts named
Magical_Mindy who tried to feed me to a robot girl who didn't wanna eat me at all! Do I taste that bad? Anyways, I was let go and the world just wouldn't stop spinning. After that, she let me have a free trick, so I wished to be able to turn into something she can use. What is it? I'm not telling! Maybe you'll find out. Maybe."
Data Entry 3
"So I met a guy in the park, his name's Francis, a commander and chief en...gin...ear? Did I say that right? He makes a lot of big words in what he says, so he has to be really super smart, and plus he saw me in hiding! Who does that?! Anyways, he's really cool! He showed me his base and even upgraded my armor with an energy shield and made my swords more powerful! Look out baddies! Here comes the and more poweful Inazumi!
Data Entry 4
"This is so exciting! I actually became a retainer! I saw a woman who turned out to be a king, and I kinda squeezed her boobs, and they are so squishy! I mean wow! For a King, she has some nice boobs! I'm jealous! Ayways, her name's King
Artoria and she is really awesome! Something just told me that I needed to serve her as a retainer. I'm still an Angel of course, but my first duty is now as a retainer."
Data Entry 5
"Okay, so you know how I said I was a retainer for a girl king? She has a son! A eally sexy, err, I mean handsom son who is so dreamy, err, nice to me! We bumped into eachother while I was getting to know the place and he was all like 'Hi, my name is
Blake_Pendragon ' and I'm all like 'Hi, I'm Inazumi' and then this a-and a bit of that happened and suddenly I blurt out that I think he's sexy! In front of him outside, at the top of my lungs! I could just die! But he was okay and I played it off like a cool cat I am! He invited me to a cafe and we both went and wow! I can't wait to see him again! Am I crushing? I think I'm crushing!"
Data Entry 6
"So I got a pet kitty person! I forget what he's called, An....Antie? Anther? Something? Anyways, he's my pet now and his name is so cute!
Lotusflower Hehe!"
Data Entry 7
"So I met someone named
Kariudo_Chihiro who was nice and gave me some water, but that water wasn't water, it was a potion that turned me into a sword! She said I can turn back whenever she tells me I can, so it's not all that bad, actually it's kinda cool! I can turn into a sword now!"
Data Entry 8
"I met
Lucy_Pendragon today! I guess she's Blake's sister and I never really knew he had one! I don't think she really likes me much....I'll have to try hard to show her how fun I can be! Maybe I'll take her flying! Everyone loves to fly, right? Ayways, she ate me and Blake and let us have some time together and tyen Blake said he's gonna marry me! He said it'll be in some place called 'The Future' or something. I dunno what kinda place it is, but I hope it does good weddings!"
Data Entry 9
So guess what! Mistress Chihiro was all gobbled up by this black knight girl thing...people call her
TheSavageBerserker whatever that means, but what's really cool about it is that she used to be a sister sword and now she's my new master! Does that mean if I gobbled her up I'd be my master? Hmm, I'd better not try it...I don't like the taste of metal. I tried it once, it made my teeth hurt when I tried to chew it, plus it just tastes so...metally....blegh. Oh well, she gave me a new look for my sword form, so I'm totally happy!
Entry 10
So I dunno where Blake ran off to because I haven't seen him in forever, buuuut I did find a super sexy dragon girl who I'm now dating! And get this! She...thinks...I'm...SMART! *there's a high pitched scream that goes on for a while* But seriously! Me! Smart! I've never been called that! Oh, I can't wait to see where this goes! Oh, and her name is
Varysoir! I call her Vary for short! It's a cute name, isn't it?
Entry 11
So vary and I found a home! Our home is actually a person named
Steph_Tsunade! She's super nice and rent is just a bit of my magic! I have tons of magic, so I don't mind sharing it! Especially if it helps someone AND gives me a place to live! Oh, our room is in her boobs! Don't squish us if you see her!
Entry 12
Hey, hey! Did you know that boys have things called penises? I kissed a bo for the first time and his went and pressed up against me! I guess if you shock it, it makes boys go boom though? Anyways, I kiiiinda made him go boom and he was all smokey and stuff, but not to worry! I was able to save him! ...I just hope chief doesn't hear about it. He might yell at me... again.
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