Shadows. Even as a young girl, Kai always loved the dark places. She would often run and hide from her mother in dark corners, and even in closed cabinets. She loved them, but she never knew why. That is, until the day her father finally returned home. She had thought her father dead, thanks to a story her mother told her, however, the truth was much worse than that. Her father was a Shade Demon, a demon made of shadow who manipulates darkness. He had raped her mother at a young age, which was why her mom always seemed so much younger than the other moms. But today, as Kai returned home, she found her father waiting for her, and her mothers dead body at his feet. He had murdered her mother, and he had come to devour his daughter and take any powers she might have. Of course, she turned and began running, but every shadow had his face! Finally, as she was cornered, her deep fear for her life activated her hidden powers, and she shoved her hands forward, banishing the shadows away from her. Ever since then, she has found that she can control the shadows around her, even make them solid. Her armor and blade are all made of solidified Shadows around metal. Today she uses her powers to fight demons, fight off evil, and one day she has vowed to find her father, and make him face justice at the hands of her blade. She is still learning how to use her powers, and still learning more about her own body...
Of course, she has a weakness to light. When in sunlight, she will usually seem sleepy, and always tired. When faced with concentrated light, like lasers,s he has no defenses other than the actual metal in her armor. If concentrated light hits her shade-weapons, it will make a hole through them. She is unable to fight at top ability during the day, and sunlight will render her armor slightly less helpful.
Now, don't be fooled. This girl DOES have a human half, and wills till very often be a regular girl. Well....regular to a degree. Most nights she can actually be found in some club, getting wasted while partying with a bunch of strangers, then vanishing behind a locked door to have some 'fun time' with a guy she just met. Due to her demonic blood, she is prone to give into her...darker desires~

This is Kai in her human form, without her armor.
((WIP but is ready for play~!))