Age: 85-ish (laid down in the water March 7, 1930)
Orientation: Nanodesu
Canon Lover: Nanodesu
Eka's Lover: n/a
Canon Friends: other Akatsuki-class destroyers
Eka's Friends: n/a
General Bust Size: A range
Height: 4' 5"?
Normal Weight: Nanodesu
I'm Inazuma. Pleased to meet you.
...Um. O-Okay.
And before you start, I just need to say...
beware of ramming.
Oh come on, Ina, I've already got a link taking up background room on this profile. All the code and stuff. Why are these kanmusu messing with my profile things, I swear...
At any rate, Inazuma, last constructed ship of the Akatsuki-class Japanese destroyer ships of World War II. Yeah, Kantai Collection sort of runs off of Japan's WWII naval history, as well as a select few German ships, in case Shigure, Yuudachi, and Ushio weren't enough evidence for Eka's Portal. And yes, Ina's had a bit of a... ramming problem in the past. Apparently, she collided TWICE during her operational history. Once was with fellow destroyer Miyuki which ended up SINKING the latter unlucky she-prid, and made her the first known sink among the Imperial Japanese Navy. And then it happened again with transport ship Sendai Maru which required repairs on both. Ouch. At the very least, she does have one good note that I can put on here. After the second battle of Java sea, she rescued about 527 Allied sailors (376 British, 151 American), with her sister ship Ikazuchi saving about 442, all of which ended up in the water when their respective ships sank. Unfortunately for Ina, she would sink on May 14, 1944 after getting hit by torpedoes launched by the USS Bonefish. Just a quick note about the kanmusu girls: they dislike submarines. A lot. Hell, sometimes, they don't even trust their own.
Am I the only one who thinks that Akatsuki class has the youngest-looking kanmusu in the whole fleet? Like, I don't think they're even past middle or even elementary school, they seem so small. The Akatsuki-class sailor fukus are somewhere closer to the classic blue-white-red pattern that most people know and love. Of note is the III pin attached to around the bottom right front portion of Inazuma's shirt, as well as her folded ponytail.
Commander, please make sure to note the differences between me and Ikazuchi.
...How would anyone get you two confused? You have different hairstyles, you have a lighter shade of brown hair and eyes, and she keeps her hair short unlike you. Also, you're the only Akatsuki to have knee socks as opposed to everyone else who appears to have tights with their skirts. That, and I haven't seen an Ikazuchi alt.
Moving along, Ina's another one of the soft-types that I just so adore. A timid, quiet girl who wants to win the war in the IJN's favor, but she also wants to save lives while she's at it. I figure that'd be easier if this were something like Gundam where the enemies are usually human (see Gundam 00: A Wakening of the Trailblazer for a prime exception), but with the weird shit that is the Abyssal Fleet, that's most likely not a good idea. That usually results to uncomfortable noms of the hard kind, which I typically dislike.
Destroyer kanmusu are typically sort of the "commons" of Kantai Collection, characterized by low HP, armor, and attack. Their guns only hit about 5 inches in calibur, though heaven help me if I could ever find out what this means for actual power. However, they are capable of equipping torpedoes, are typically hard to hit, and are not to be trifled with at night. I will tell y'all right now that I know *nothing* about Japanese naval tactics, so I'm just going to assume that their night superiority comes from their radar systems and shit like that. Yet another shameless copy-paste off of Shigure's profile, although I'm not sure what specific stat notes I can put for Inazuma.
ZergAlts-desu. ...Wait, what?
Hawawawa... I'm sorry. x.x
And now for obligatory shameless Gundam-related plug.