Age: approximately 80 (laid down in the water around October 16, 1934)
Orientation: Poi
Canon Lover: Poi
Eka's Lover: n/a
Canon Friends:
Shigure_Shiratsuyu, other Shiratsuyu-class destroyers
Eka's Friends: n/a
General Bust Size: B-C range (leaning towards C)
Height: assuming 5' 6"
Normal Weight: Poi
I'm Yuudachi, the fourth ship of the Shiratsuyu class. I worked sort of hardish during the Third Battle of the Solomons didn't I, poi? By the way, why am I so scared by the term "Ironbottom Sound?"
You, uh... may not like the answer there, girl.
...Nevermind. Here we have the local "Poi" of Kantai Collection, a wildly popular card-based browser game from Japan. And for future reference in all interactions with her, the "poi" thing is a sort of Japanese verbal tic, and roughly equates to the "valley girl" type in American culture, like how a Kansai accent in Japanese would translate roughly to some weird Bronx/Jersey hybrid in English. Some translators have Yuudachi saying things to the tune of, "Isn't that kinda, like, slutty?" Although, that can also be read as, "Isn't that kinda slutty, poi?" For accuracy's(?) sake, I'll just stick to poi as a standalone word.
If Shigure was the second of the Shiratsuyu class, then Yuudachi makes the fourth. Though, whereas Shigu's main draw was her luck, Yuuda's primary standout performance was in combat. During the Japanese side of the Guadacanal and Solomon Islands campaigns, she alone managed to take down a cruiser ship and a number of destroyers. She may be cute and all, but damn, would it be scary to be alone in a room with her if she's in a bad mood! Unfortunately, said Guadacanal campaign ended up being her last as she was taken down by torpedoes from the USS Portland (CA-33), after survivors were picked up by Samidare. One piece of trivia: Yuudachi actually put up a white flag as she sunk before the Portland fired, but the latter's captain deliberately ignored this, ordering the gunnery officer to "sink the S.O.B.". Not a very nice euthanization.
Just like a majority of the other destroyer-class girls in KanColle, Yuudachi wears a variant of sailor fuku, bearing the Shiratsuyu-class colors of black and red. While we're here, here's a fun piece of trivia. In her first form, the form you first find Yuuda in, she actually lacks those little hair flaps of hers, and her eyes are actually green. Continuing with her hair, it's actually not as messy as it is in the picture to the side. She also lacks that scarf you see there. This all changes when she gets her "kai ni" remodel, which is sort of like evolution in Pokemon terms. The reason why her hair gets all mussed and her eyes go red is apparently to reflect her ferocity in battle, with her hair flaps acting as the ears of this now "ferocious hound". Twenty bucks says that the Companions guild in Skyrim would have a ball showing this chick the ropes.
You mean the werewolf people, poi?
What the--get off my keyboard!
But I wanna see what you're writing about me!
*huff* Well. As you can clearly see, Yuuda's leagues more excitable than Shigu. She's got a childish personality to her and a generally upbeat demeanor, no matter her model version. So yes, she is friendly, but you don't want to be on the wrong end of her guns. Every dog's got their fangs, and Yuuda's are razor-sharp if you ever do anything to incite her wrath. But on the other hand... she has her blonde mome--
You said it yourself, poi.
Phoo. Okay then. Now, Yuudachi is one of Kantai Collection's many, many destroyer-class kanmusu, which are usually known for being common and not all that strong, although they do have their nice points such as having night battle superiority. But! But... some girls can undergo a complete remodelling, which often boosts their stats and sometimes gives them a whole new look. This is why Yuudachi is usually seen in fan works with her red eyes and mussy-hair look as opposed to her initial appearance with straighter hair and green eyes. Some kanmusu even change classes!
Poi... someone sunk my video. :<