- Species: Mermaid
- Name: Carmen (Marilla)
- Gender: Female
- Height: 5' (Head to Waist); 40' (Waist to Tail)
- Weight: ???? (Supposedly over 1 ton)
- Eyes: Amethyst
- Age: ???? (At least several thousand years old)
- Orientation: Pan-Poly
- Role: Pred-Leaning Switch
Carmen is a mermaid, that much is obvious to the eye. What is significantly less obvious, however, is that she is also something of a living manifestation of the mermaid fairy tales. Indeed, she is the very IDEA of mermaids given flesh and blood. That isn't to say she is the only mermaid, no, of course not, but mermaids are mythical creatures by nature, and like all fae their origins are rooted in the mysterious and otherworldly.
However, what sort of mermaid is Carmen like? They are quite divisive creatures in fantasy after all. Carmen herself is of the sweeter, playful, and kind hearted nature of mermaids. She is of course openly romantic and sexual with anyone who strikes her fancy, such as mermaids are, but she is always putting the considerations of others first. She desires, more than anything else, love, to be loved, to give love, to see others loved. That said, she is not without her mischievous streak, known to playing jokes and tricks on people when it amuses her, though never out of malice. However, even innocent pranks can sometimes lead to dire consequences, and mermaids simply do not understand such things like humans do.
Driven by passion and love, she has been desired by many. Her's is a tragic existence in a way: forever coveted by the haughty, the lustful, and the selfish; but always wanting to see the best and happiest in people. Those she loves are eternally blissful. Those she despises are forever scorned and hunted. Those she fears... she says nothing about if she can. Sea monster. Lover. Predator. Delicacy. She is all of these things. All of these things, and so much more. Care to take a swim and see for yourself?~
- She is supernaturally alluring. Things can be attracted to her without even realizing how or why.
- Her scent and her taste are unique to her: it defies description, and is addicting and alluring.
- The flesh of a mermaid can extend one's lifespan, even granting immortality, but it must be prepared a specific way to work.
- Her voice has a hypnotic quality to it which can mesmerize people if desired. It is amplified if she sings.
- Her kisses can bestow water breathing on the recepient for a day. How it works is not exactly clear.
- Her teeth are sharp and pointy. All of them. It can also deliver a toxic aphrodisiac to disable potential prey.
- Her stomach also contains this toxin, making prolonged stays inside her belly very pleasurable for prey.
- She can only survive for 24 hours without adequate hydration. On account of her bulk, the hydration required is significant.
- Her scales are strong enough to resist cuts and bites, but do not impede the softness of her flesh.
- Her fins are iridescent, never appearing the same color twice in a row and have a soft, otherworldly texture to the touch.
- Lunar cycles have a strange effect on her at times. Full and New moons at high and low tide can cause her to act... unusually.
- Perfume of Ambergris can provoke a controlling effect over her, as mermaids are said to especially attracted to the scent.
- Her tears will eventually crystalize and harden into magic pearls known as Mermaid's Tears, but only if they are "pure".
- She has no soul, and thus has no afterlife. Should she die, her remains will melt into seafoam, leaving no trace behind, and she will reincarnate in the fairy world anew.

The original art that inspired Carmen - mermaid Camilla from Fire Emblem Fates by MissMeirii

A bare skin variant, oooh!~

And one where she's got a bit of a tummy...

... and a LOT of a tummy!~

Ameera made a rather rude doodle of Carmen being a whale! ... Not that it isn't true sometimes...

A cute little doodle done by

Pogchamp Carmen done by

The definitive design of Carmen, done by a friend of mine!~
IMPORTANT: All storylines exist INDEPENDENT of each other. While there can and will be crossover between them at times, they will not conflict or contradict one another.
ALSO IMPORTANT: This is for continued interactions only. One-shot RPs will not be listed here.
Dee_Fyler: Working as a bartender in 1990s Las Vegas at the casino resort "Atlantis", Dee discovers that one of the performing mermaid girls isn't an act at all but an actual, real mermaid being held against her will by the mafiosos that fund the place. A plan has been hatched to break her out... but it will be dangerous!
Merlen: Currently Carmen and Merlen are exploring the fae realm from which she came from in order to find answers about her weakness to the moon's cycles. So far they have barely escaped some dryads before making camp on the far side of a crystaline water lake...
Merlene: Having taken the young mergirl under her own tutelage, Carmen has trained Merlene to be a siren in her own right, causing her to find new confidence and strength in herself! Carmen couldn't be prouder of her!~
Alyssa_Roman: This darling if airheaded mage fell head over heels for the mermaid after a sensual encounter on the water resulted in her spending an entire week inside the soft pleasurable insides of Carmen! Now she can hardly keep away from her!~
Abyssal_Matriarch: Her actions having been observed from afar by the Queen of the Endless Depths, Azshara, Carmen has found herself a guest of honor within her palace, but the Queen's adoration for the mermaid may prove to be a fatal attraction she can not escape from...
DaryaMinali: Carmen befriended this cute Triton girl and has been helping her overcome her fear of the sea, however while treasure hunting inside an off-shore shipwreck, a mimic bit off Darya's hand and it had to be replaced with a strange greyish one that bound to her flesh almost instantly. Carmen is concerned what it means...
AdiraMinali: This foul-mannered Triton came across Carmen's bad side when she picked a fight with the mermaid over something petty. Carmen emerged victorious, but only after Adira had horribly devoured and digested her beloved
Viola_Hymoira, inciting the mermaid's full wrath. The bad blood between them will likely not wash away any time soon.
Kingserpent_Nagrajj: Carmen unfortunately attracted the attention of this massive naga while attempting to quietly make her way down a creek. Paralyzed with fear, she gave herself to him as a mate to save her life, but has now been claimed by him for the time being.
Joy_Fleck: This noble centauress happened upon Carmen trapped in a riverbed that had become too shallow for her to swim across. Fearing she would dry out and perish, Carmen is allowing her to transport her to the nearest body of water... the catch is, its being done inside her belly!
Mermaid Fae:
Mermaids do not "live" in the material world. No fairy creature does, from elves to gnomes and everything in between. They belong to the fae realm, which has had many names in human histories across many cultures: Fairyland, Elf-hame, Alfheimr just to name a few. It is the world where magic and spirits live, a parallel coexistance of the human's material world. For every tree, rock, and body of water there exists fae creature counterparts. These fae can freely move between their world and others during certain circumstances such as solstices, and thus the origins of folklore are made known.
Carmen Herself:
Carmen is a particularly special mermaid in her own way. As there are many ideas of mermaids in human myth, so too are there mermaids in the fae realm to represent them. Carmen is simply one of the oldest in existance, though she wouldn't be able to tell you that. In practical terms she is probably around 3000 years old in human time, and may even be the ancient Syrian goddess Atargatis, the first recorded mermaid in human history... though that is unlikely.
How is it she has lived so long? While her body may be flesh and blood as anything else in the human world, being a fae means Carmen has no soul - that is to say, she has no life after death, because Carmen can not truly die. Fae being as they are, exist as long as their legends continue. They are reflections of the world that their own mirrors, and so death is never truly the end for Carmen. Should her flesh fail, it will be reincarnated in an instant where the spiritual and material worlds touch.
Among the mermaids, Carmen is among the most magically attuned. Besides her exotic, otherworldly looks, she has a supernatural allure to her that others can not help but find themselves drawn towards. Her voice is melodic and mesmerizing, and should she sing she can outright control the wills of others if she so chooses. Her skin is always fair, her hair always soft. Her scales both soft and hard, protecting her body without compromising her tender touch. Her fins are iridescent, sparkling and refracting light like a rainbow. Her eyes shine like amesthyst stones, and both they and her fins have some degree of bioluminessence. Her kisses can bestow water breathing to the recepient.
Unusual Mysteries:
Then there are the things which even mermaids do not understand. Lunar cycles cause Carmen to act unusually: full moons tend to see her become more... feral and possessive, while new moons she becomes more timid and submissive (this is not always consistant though!). There is also the Perfume of Ambergris, which mermaids find irresisitible. When used on her, it can make Carmen suspect to being controlled! Being sexually active as she is, Carmen often breeds hybrid children; however they will always gestate inside of her belly as eggs before being birthed. The nature of their hybridization seems random as well. On account of her beng a mermaid, Carmen always breeds in large clutches of offspring, but rarely raises them herself. Her tears, when produced under intense feelings of joy or despair, can crystalize into valuable enchanted pearls which have a number of alchemical applications such as immortality, beauty, and love.