
But since I have your attention, Ever will be a naga from the cold mountains with an affinity for the elements (particularly ice).
She is a predator. She will partake in permavore as well as your prototypical vore. She wants you in her, at any cost.

Most naga seem to be underfed and not grown properly. Ever does not have this problem. In fact, she is almost massive!
Her tail's length is around twenty feet with a sizable girth to wrestle humans and more monstrous prey. Her upper half is humanoid
with mocha complexion, making her almost five feet from torso to head. She's a larger-than-average gal but no giantess. No, just
a prime naga who has never failed in her quarry.

TL;DR - Vore of all kinds accepted, permavore loved. Predator. You're here for the picture, I know it. :) The list of bitches ended are below (bye bye, babes):

Hel_Herjaza was a cute girl, petite and diminutive in size but massive in strength. The witch would be a tragic thing to take on in a fight. So, Ever snatched her up in her coils while striking conversation. Squeezing and crushing the girl, she fucked the little thing into submission before swallowing her facefirst into her throat. From there, those chubby asscheeks vanished along with those tiny feet. Minutes later, Hel was nothing more than shit and bones on the floor. Forever gone. <3 (10-26-2013 & 10-27-2013)

Haruka_May poked the snake to get her attention. Clearly, she didn't think about this too well. After being squeezed for information of more prey, May was coiled, stripped, and teased until her hips were dislocated. She was nothing more than bellyfood for the snake after that, consumed face-first without hesitation once she gave up future meals. (8/22/2016)

Clover_Loppai couldn't deny her purpose in life. Rabbits are prey and snakes are predators. Willingly and entirely eager for the end, the rabbit was swallowed facefirst into the depths of Ever's belly. It's where she lies now, being digested away into nothing but excess fat, protein, and fertilizer. (4/11/2017)

Faetha just couldn't resist peeking on the snake. She was all too friendly and bold, claiming how she had three gutsluts. Well, she learned why snakes were to be feared. Coiled and squeezed, the cat made a fine meal as she was slathered by tongue and gulped down. A few hours later after a nap, a heftier bust for Ever and a cracked skull in a pile of shit out in the woods for Faetha. (9/29/2019, whispers)