TwilightTheMagical- Twilight is the most knowledge hungry Mare in Equestria. She is the Element of Magic and can always be found with a book in her grasp. She also has a few expiriments she wishes to someday run... (Relationship Status: Single)
FluttershyTheKind- Fluttershy is the shyest and yet Kindest pony in Equestria. She is the Element of Kindness and she is friends with the other Elements of Harmony. (Relationship Status: Single)
ApplejackTheHonest- AppleJack is one of the hardest working Ponies in Ponyville. She is the Element of Honesty and she has quite an appetite after a hard days work! She is honest all the time and she loves her friends. (Relationship Status: Taken)
RarityTheGenerous- Rarity is Ponyville's Fashioista and one of the most generous ponies i Equestria. She is the Element of Generosity and she loves to help a pony out when they need it. Just dont get her dirty. (Relationship Status: Single)
Pinkie__Pie- Pinkie Pie is the craziest, most out there part pony in Equestria! She LOVES to throw parties and even seems to bend the laws of physics sometimes! She is also the Element of Laughter. (Relationship Status: Single)
RainbowDash__-Rainbow Dash is the most extreme flyer in all of Equestria. She is not on the fastest but the most awesome pegasus alive! She is the element of loyalty and will do absolutely anything for her friends as well as protect them with all her heart! (Relationship Status: Single)
Princess__Cadance- Cadance is the 3rd Princess of Equestria, ruling over the kingdom of the Crystal Empire. She is completely down to earth, sometimes mingling with the townsfolk as she goes about her royal duties! She is the Princess of Love and she practically eminates love all the time! (Relationship Status: Taken)
Cheerilee_- Ponyville's BEST teacher! She has a few secret and dark kinks and she LOVES to teach her students. She is up at all hours of the night and is always looking out and trying to teach anyone who wishes it. (Relationship Status: Single)
Skatealee- A tough zebra who has moved from her Homeland to Equestria on a quest to find herself, some friends and maybe a special somepony. She is known for Skating everywhere and performing some pretty awesome tricks. (Relationship Status: Single)
Scootaloo_Scoots- Scootaloo is one of the CutieMark Crusaders. She is a blank flank and is used to living alone in her own house. She counts on her friends and looks up to the best pony EVER. Rainbow Dash! (Relationship Status: Taken)
AppleBloom__- Applebloom is one of the Cutiemark Crusaders and she is the little sister to AppleJack. She is a blank flank who hasnt quite discovered her talent for building and she looks up to AppleJack as a hero. She loves to hang out with her friends and go on adventures! (Relationship Status: Single)
Kimmy_Doom- Kimmy is a troubled filly whose parents completely deserted her and left her alone. She has fits of anger and is very much so a prankster. She however has been better lately and has been trying to change. (Relationship status: Taken)
Derpy__Hooves- Derpy is Ponyville's best mailpony! She is SUPER fast and almost always arrives ON TIME. She is a bit obsessed with muffins and has a habit of chasing those she likes or lately she even likes having a nice massage. (Relationship Status: Single)
Skyblaze- A royal guard who not only serves as personal guard to Princess Cadance but is quite the eligible bachelorette. She is semitoned and sexy, always looking for some love. Just dont make her mad or you will be hurting! (Relationship Status: Single)
SummerBreeze- A once happy pony whose family was killed due to her father oweing the mob. Summer was taken as a filly and trained to be a master thief so she may pay off her fathers debts which she inherited. Recently she has run away from the mob due to a certain pony. (Relationship Status: Uncertain)
Sapphire_Skies- Sapphire is a SHINY pony from Shining Equestria! She loves building cloud houses and is very talented in that art. She also has a habit of sneaking into the Nexus park and even into OTHER equestrias! SHe has a promise to
Azure_Shade that she will be on her best behavior! (Relationship Status: Taken)
Sandal- Sandal is a Shiny Changeling with a GREAT fear of ponies. Mostly Shiny ponies but he doesnt notice the difference too often. He is a very loving Changeling who lives off the love he collects and is in desperate search for more love and a Hive Queen. (Relationship Status: Single)
FlufflePuff- Flufflepuff.... there really is NOTHING else to say about this. She is just... Flufflepuff! (Relationship Status: ?????????)
SpikeTheDragon- Spike is the official helper of Princess Twilight Sparkle. He is now in his teen years and new ponies may find him frightening even though he is more of a lover then a scary dragon. (Relationship Status: Single)
AloeandLotus- Aloe and Lotus are the famous spa sisters! They are amazing with their hooves... and tounges~ The sisters live in ponyville and are quite good at martial arts though no one would EVER suspect that~
(Relationship Status: Both are single)