
Age: 20
Orientation: Lesbian
Current Lover: Lady_Lucia
Friends: Asuka_Kunoichi
General Bust Size: C-D range
Height: 5' 11"
Normal Weight: 129 lbs

Imagine, a princess like me with internet connection~ What a wonderful world we live in...
Princess Cailini Gra is, big surprise, next in line for the throne of her kingdom, Shoai. Strange name, yes, but such is the standard for Europe, if Aurora_Rantis wasn't any indication. She eagerly awaits the day she's capable of truly leading her people, although there might be one little thing standing in her way depending on the RP: She's a nerdy lesbian. Imagine, a royal girl like her squealing in delight at the sight of a Gundam...

The above dress is Cailini's normal attire for around the castle and in the general public (on most days). Her only real complaints are the clevage window that you can plainly see there, as well as the draftiness under her skirt given that... well, she actually wears no stockings or leggings of any kind. Incredibly, one can often catch glimpses of mundane cotton socks underneath her royal shoes, which were tailored specifically to accomodate them. As for more casual wear, her outfit choices are... interesting. One outfit is a dark green tanktop with black short shorts and brown boots, another outfit consists of a light tan long-sleeved shirt with black pants and shoes, and a red scarf. Points to whomever can guess who she cosplays.

In terms of personality, Cailini isn't exactly rebellious, nor does she follow things to a T. While kind and understanding, doing what's best for her people, she understands that some rules may stand in the way of what's best. Hence, she's more than willing to think outside the box and is very fond of taking matters into her own two hands, especially in physical confrontations. Yet, when it all comes down to it, there's a chance she'll drop what she's doing, even temporarily, to pursue mecha-related paraphernalia. A bad habit, yes, but given that her kingdom is one of the strange parody-anime kinds that has both past traditions and modern conveniences, she's allowed. As far as her tastes in lovers, she's only actively approached women for such things. Men will have to pursue her themselves, and even then, she's more of the humoring type with them.

Cailini herself isn't too spectacular at first sight. No elemental powers, no bursts of energy, but if there's anything that does make her stand out, it's her strength. Good lord, her strength. Perhaps not to the degree of Cassie_Hope, but Cailini is a princess that packs a mad punch. She can crack stone and bones with her bare hands when the situation calls for it, which explains why there's always one poor sap needing medical attention after sparring bouts with the royal guard. She has very good control over her strength, most of the time, although with the moves she tries to replicate from video games... yeah. Also, the princess has one other odd trait, and that's her immunity to mind control. How she got it, no one is certain, although it made itself known when a psychiatrist tried to hypnotise her for a royal psyche report.

The royal ZergAlts girl. Finally! ^^

Ooh, new Gunpla! ...I'm running out of shelf room, though.
Anal Vored:

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Refer to ZergAlts for full sliders.
Whisper Always/Love