~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Part of: Alts_of_Angel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Age: 19 ( Player is of age. )
Birthday: 2/15/93
Gender: Female 
Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite Food: Ice cream!
Favorite Animal: Fox
Zinnia is a gentle girl if you're on her good side, she will always be a good friend to you and make sure no harm comes to you if she can help in, but if you get on her bad side, she will unleash her not yet controlled powers on your ass.
Kitsune Form (Born as)--Zinnia has short blonde hair and beautiful shining brown eyes, which usually have a happy expression on them, she has a kitsune tail that is quite fluffy, she is pretty skinny, and fairly short for the same reason, tho she is cute as a button as some say, but Zinnia doesn't understand, since when were buttons cute?
Wolf form ( Earned from GaleTemest )-- She looks a lot like Gale just smaller and with her same brown eyes of her's.
Zinnia was raised by her abusive 'mother' ( Whom ended up being a clone ) For a good half of her life so far, she was treated pretty badly, the only one helping her in her horrible time being Carrianna, Zinnia was forced to clean the floor, wash the dishes, fold the clothes and any other house work you can think off, Zinnia saw a few lives taken in this time, having an insane clone as a mother, she saw her 'mom' kill quite a few innocent people, who had simply, gotten in her 'mothers' way, not given her 'mother' something she had asked for or even using the word scar in a sentence, no one was allowed to address her or anything, for most of her life, Zinnia was kept in secret, and when people did see her with Scar_ she was passed off as a slave, which didn't get any better looks toward her, which only resulted in more lives lost, when she went through the park, she ofter kept her eyes locked on Shadow_X for some reason, she felt like she should be with him, like she knew him, but she passed it off for most of her life, that was until the day Carri explained everything to her, that kitsune boy she had always watched was her father, and she was told by Carri to go find him again and explain everything, she did. The next time she saw Carri she was barely alive. She now lives with her girlfriend, Sammy_Rogue

GaleTempest--Best friend (Auntie.)
Alice_N--Girlfriend. <3
Renic--Half Brother
Rexus--Good friend.

Name at birth: Zinnia Shina Rose
Aliases/Nicknames (if any): Zin
Preferred name: Zinnia
Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity: Straight
Skin Tone: Pale
Height: 5'7
Weight: 101
Build: Pretty skinny, gentle and fairly strong..
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Medium, Blonde
Clothes Style: Usually what's in her profile pic.
Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc.: A scar her mother gave her on her back.
Languages spoken: French and English
Weapons (if any): She has a bit of magic and a sword..and a..water gun.
Special Abilities/Skills: She has a few of her mothers powers involving smoke.
Hobbies: Doodling, reading and singing.
Interests: Same as Hobbies.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: She bites her nail and tends to cry easy.
Place of Birth: Nexus Park
Now lives: Nexus Park
Lives with: Shadow_x
Current Relationship Status: In a relationship with Ven_Grit
Relationship History: Dilo_
Family: Shadow_X--Father
GaleTemest--Auntie ( As deemed by Zin )
Elf form:

Eaten By- GaleTempest(x6)
Eaten- Renic