Scar is a "clone" as her creator calls her, but she knows that she came out so perfect, she is pretty much a human being herself! It hurts being called a clone, after her little snap of insanity, she bounced back and is now a fun loving, cuddly neko girl.
Name at birth: Scarlett Anne Rose
Scar's theme: Clicky!
Aliases/Nicknames (if any): Scar
Preferred name: Scar
Age: 19 [ player is of age ]
Date of birth: 5/28/96
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity: Bi-sexual
Skin Tone: Pale
Height: 5'10
Weight: 102
Build: Pretty skinny, she is strong despite her lack of muscles.
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Long, Black hair
Clothes Style: Usually what's in her profile pic.
Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc.: A few ear piercings, a scar along her left eye from trying to pick pocket, a tattoo going along her arm making it look as if her arm was torn open and one of a black dragon going up her leg.
Languages spoken: French and English
Weapons (if any): Her Sword and her smoke magic.
Occupation(s): Now works at a cafe!
Special Abilities/Skills: Well..she's immortal and she can shrink...and stuff.
Hobbies: She has taken up writing and drawing. She works a lot too. When she's not working she's either doing the above titles or following Shadow_X, her fiancee around.
Interests: Transformation Magic, Candy, Hot Chocolate, Plant Life.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: She has an obsession with Hot chocolate.
Place of Birth: She doesn't remember anymore.
Now lives: Nexus Park
Lives with: Shadow_X
Current Relationship Status: Engaged to Shadow_X
Relationship History: Always been single till now.
Family: Family? I've got Zinnia...
Scar's sword.