
Age: 14
Orientation: Bisexual with female lean
Current Lover: n/a
Friends: n/a
General Bust Size: A range
'Length': :V
Height: 4'
Normal Weight: 81 lbs

H-H-Hey... p-put your panties back on, miss...
What time is it? It's trend fucking time! You've seen traps, little boys who look like girls... you've seen reverse traps, young girls disguised as "young gentlemen"... well, how about a little person who has the strange ability (and luck) to make it so you don't know which gender they are no matter how hard you try? Such is the fate of poor Zemma Altarea Arcen, a child of a wealthy family raised in the ways of both young men and young women equally in youth. Poor ambiguous trap human. So many grabby hands on such a regular basis.

Pictured to the left is Zemma looking like a girl. Pretty cute, what with the tan-ish sweater-jacket, plaid skirt and black stockings leading down to dark brown dress shoes. The flower, unfortunately, comes off rather easily. Otherwise, Zemma can be caught with a white t-shirt with denim overalls and black-and-white sneakers, like a little boy, complete with shorter hair and a lack of bangs. ...Or Scout from To Kill A Mockingbird. Yes, I went there. So Zemma is perfectly capable of passing off as either gender in terms of clothing, even with those features. Recently, a maid outfit was added to Zemma's wardrobe as well.

As for personality? Strangely enough, Zemma shows a trend to act opposite of the garb of the moment. The girlish attire usually brings out hot blood and a short temper, along with impressive physical strength while the boyish attire tends to see a gentle touch, patience of a saint and a soft voice, along with strange magical powers. Of course, this isn't always the case, and is privvy to change at the player's behest in order to cause further confusion, but it's either one of the two personality sets. If there's anything that remains similar between the two personality sets, it's a preference for women, although certain men could get lucky.

So what exactly sets Zemma apart from other traps and reverse traps? Well, for one, notice how I've avoided using gender pronouns when referring to this adorable little thing throughout the entire profile. Simply put, Zemma's true gender will vary from character to character, so it'll be interesting to see if you'll end up with gender being played straight, or if you have a cue for Admiral Ackbar on your hands. And even if you grope the poor thing, there's always some force at work that prevents you from knowing if you're grabbing at a wang or a slit. Also, being so young, grabbing Zemma's chest won't work because regardless of gender, for it's flat as a board. Sad but true. The only way to know for sure what gender your version of Zemma is is to hear it for yourself, or manage to get underneath the underwear, which may or may not take effort.

There are some hard-to-get hints as to the gender of each partner's Zemma. One is to go nuts with a source of water, splashing it everywhere and on everyone. A female Zemma isn't entirely flat. A male Zemma will feel particular pain if attacked in the groin by anything or anyone.

The ambiguous token loli/shota of ZergAlts. ...I do hope most people end up with lolis, but I might feel charitable and drop a shota or two.

No! Don't touch me, you--!

Arcuied_Brunestud (girly girl)
Deslynn (girly girl)
Miss_Miller (girly girl)

Elisa (boyish trap)
Maid_Solan (effeminite trap)

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Refer to ZergAlts for full sliders.
Stretchy Always/Love
Never/Dislike S/He is stretchier than you'd likely give him/her credit for.
Whisper Always/Love