Meet the Princess of the Vampires.
You heard it right, this woman is the princess of a near extinct race. Those would be the 'Vampire Ancestors' those of whom were the true vampires, born as one by the coupling of two other 'True' vampires. Now while you may be confused by this, there is indeed an explanation for it so keep on readin'.
Table of Contents
Brief Overview
Brief Overview
As explained before, this woman is the princess of the 'True' vampires. Meaning that she no only was born from two coupled vampires but also ones of aristocracy. She was born not merely as a noble but also as to be known as the 'Vampire Executioner' thus combat training was something that she was effectively taught for hundreds of years. Against warewolfs? No, quite the contrary really. Against other vampires. As there were many others of her kind, a fun fact was that blood was not really needed by them. Yet hundreds of years gnaw upon one's mind and will, thus eventually some decide to drink it. Gaining an addiction to it faster than cocaine would to a regular person and wanting more from that afterwards would result in towns being wrecked.
Thus, she was sent in order to battle these foes whom upset the balance of nature. So really, to keep it short. She continues to roam in search for others whom taint the name of the Vampires. The 'Dead Apostles' are those whom become vampires through being bitten that subsist (read: live on) blood and without it will eventually disintegrate. These she also handles, whom are greater in number yet are no where near the trouble a true vampire gives her.
She originated from the moon, I shit you not. Along with the other True Ancestor vampires, there is no real word on how they first originated, albeit vaulted research that only a certain sect in the Chruch would know, yet she lived in a castle no less with all the others. Being taught from a young age how to use her powers, the destiny of that of an Executioner were placed upon her shoulders from childhood. Yet oddly enough, despite the burden she has had for so long, it seems to be perfectly fine with her. While others went about their business, so did she. At times the Vampires would be summoned to the Earth's plane and see the world, that many did. Thus mostly she would be sent to Earth on a full moon to hunt down the perpetrator whom lost control and gave in to the desire to drink blood, for when it is done once, one can still retain themselves but it would be a constant struggle. Eventually they can get over it, though it does take a good amount of time.
Such a thing, Arcuied would know.
Reaching the days of adulthood, she eventually had someone that loved her. Yet, being naive as she were, mostly as she normally was with just about anything outside the barrier of manners amongst other noble folk and slaying, the woman didn't know anything much those aside! Considering how long vampires tend to live, this certain fellow had been longing for her for a while. Thus, what he decided to do was simple. Get rid of the rest for you see, he had filled her cup with blood one day. Delivering it to her himself, she would take a sip and after 600 years, the Vampire Executioner would be finally tainted.
It was thanks to him, that the massacre that was to happen would indeed shortly unfold. Corrupting her system, her integrity and very nature. The blood would cause her to go on a rampage that would have repercussions unlike any other. While the one who did such an act had died, it was merely as part of his plan. For a sip of the blood made her first go for the blood filled being, draining him dry and casting him aside, she would merely proceed to slaughter all the rest of the nobles within the castle. The man whom inflicted her with such a thing was eventually to be known a 'Roa'. Creating a formula for immortality, he merely needed one additional component.
To become the Dead Apostle of the strongest vampire there was, who else would fill that quota aside from not only the heir to the throne but also the one whom has slain other vampires? Thus her greatest enemy had been created, Roa. The main problem was that no matter how he was killed, he always came back as his essence or 'soul' would continue moving from one human unto another. Possessing their bodies and only coming into effect during a state of maturity that is when he will take their body. She has slain him many times and to keep herself at bay, she typically goes into a hibernation state, for after finishing her mission that would be killing Roa again or another vampire. She would go back to her castle and be bound by chains to allow her to rest and restrain herself. Only unlocking again once another vampire is sensed.
Thus most of the time she goes to hunt the one that caused her downfall. Roa, she is the one to kill him and dare say anyone else would like to have a shot at doing it, even the Church! Each time she kills him in a different manner yet always with just her own power. Disembowelling, Dismembering, ripping out the organs and well, you get the idea. Thus, it seems like he's on the prowl again and she has been released to slay him! Although, attracting attention isn't something she really wants to do, so how dose she solve it? Well, simple! For the most part, she doesn't look like the princess you see, for the casual times, she has quite the simple outfit in contrast that she actually wears more than this!
Blending in with the world is easy long as you know how to look and talk properly which evidently enough, she can cover! Though that doesn't mean she knows much about the world, being a number of hundred years from when she last walked and mixed with the humans, all of these oddities are new to her! Though seeing as how the basics have only partly changed, she's able to adapt somewhat. The only problem is that people seemed to have moved away from the usage of copper, gold and silver coinage that was the main method of payment and now has none left! Though, she manages to get by, perhaps not in the most honest ways but a girl's gotta live! For you see, her mission takes importance over a good many people long as she doesn't harm them in the process, though that's more for the 'powers' section as to how or why such a thing can happen.
As anyone would guess, being the princess to the True Ancestors means that one is well equipped especially with a role such as her own! Albeit, typically when she's serious it's not a sight you want to see.
Such a thing like this, is typically the aftermath, of a battle (or perhaps assassination) of Roa or another vampire. Admittedly, for her to go to such a length and really get into it, it takes quite the opponent! Though for the most part, she'd fight people in perhaps a bit of a mocking manner actually, so anyone sensitive about their honour probably shouldn't try anything with her. I mean, practising for half a millennium at least tends to yield quite the results for her.
During the times when things are getting down to the nitty-gritty, she has a few things really! Those nails she has? Yeah, they can actually turn into claws of death in a flick of an eye, not that they extend or anything, just become harder to rip through flesh, bone and anything above! Despite her frame, she also has good strength aided by her blood and compact muscle, leading to things like multi-story jumps to be done for hours on end!
Want to hit her? You can try! Doesn't mean you'll manage, time and non-human status allowing her to obtain unearthly grace would mean that a slow fighter would stand little chance against her while a fast one may entertain her for a bit. Unless she's busy. Though this also affects her general daily life, rummaging through things odd and fast, walking with different movements to those with the sharp eye for subtle changes.
Nature Link:
Perhaps the greatest secret is that like other True Ancestors, she has a link with the Earth it's self. Obtaining most of the power through a Spiritual link with it. Though having no control over it, it is what aids them and generally give them all their power. How such a thing can be separated would be only managed by decimating all life and nature around her. Which is neigh impossible unless the spiritual link is 'killed' by some means.
Mystic eyes of enchantment:
Well, remember about that whole 'getting thing though not exactly legit means'? Well these are the reason, with her eyes she can get people to become attracted to her, be it to gain the attention of an enemy to get the agro or to get people to do what she wants! Though it does take a bit out of her.
Oh, Protip: It can also be the starter of her going into mele mode. Just watch out depending on the situation >.>
There are a few more but those are the main ones~
Well really, as one could not expect. She's quite laid back, knowing that Roa will appear one day again, she just waits him out to see if eventually he will actually just die and stay dead. Though when she's not hunting Roa or killing someone. She's quite friendly! Mischievousness seeps from her very being, if she can find something to cause trouble for someone, she probably will! Find your slippers missing, your probably have this vampire snickering away as the dazed person looks about! Living life on a day by day basis, she is quite ignorant to customs in general and the like, so try seeing what makes her tick and tock! Look out for the quirks she has and what she likes! No really, give it a shot :l
Well, she has a pet! That pet's named Len, she's generally quite the quiet one but has a few tricks up her sleeves to make up for it. First off, she's a 'Dream Succubus' as in, she can turn a regular night's sleep into something that you'll only forget least a case of amnesia befalls you. That aside, she's a master illusionist and some say that a cat is her real form, able to take the appearance of a little girl upon a whim.
As you can see, she's a bit on the shy side, a stark contrast to Arcueid's nature but in the end, she sticks along. Fostering and feeding the little one, she typically follows Arcueid just about everywhere, be it as a cat or as her human version, it's generally up to her own whim to see which one to be! Oh also, in the dreams, she can be just about anything she wants~ that is, if she can get to them first!
Also, if you got this far (or just scrolled down to the bottom hoping for sliders) here you go!

O-oh hello, I'm ready now~