
Age: Judging from historical records, I'm gonna go out on a limb and peg her as around 81 (laid down in the water on December 9, 1933)
Orientation: rule of Zerg says les
Canon Lover: Yamashiro (debatable; there's this one h doujin of the two that's just too adorable)
Eka's Lover: n/a
Canon Friends: the Admiral (the player), a whole shipyard of others, perhaps
General Bust Size: B-C range (depends on her weapons tonnage, I assume)
Height: 5' 4"(?)
Normal Weight: This is the only ZergAlt whose weight will be definitively unknown, because KanColle's artists apparently have no sense of scale

I'm Shigure, of the Shiratsuyu-class destroyers. Nice to meet you.
Let's get technical! Technical~

...That was a bad joke, I'm sorry.

Shigure (translation to "late rains") was the second of ten Shiratsuyu-class destroyers, and the first to be built for the Imperial Japanese Navy under the Circle One Program (Maru Ichi Keikaku). Along with the destroyer Yukikaze, she developed a reputation within the Imperial Japanese Navy for being "lucky" or "unsinkable", emerging as the sole surviving Japanese warship from numerous battles. Tragically, the real-life Shigure was torpedoed and sunk by USS Blackfin (SS-322) in the Gulf of Siam on January 25th, 1945. Poor faux-dog-eared kanmusu. :(

Per the norm of most destroyer-class kanmusu (translates roughly to something like "ship girls"), Shigure wears a variant of sailor fuku. Given their appearance, I still can't believe women on ships wear something like that, even if the skirt does prove its length quite often. Isn't this the frickin' military? Shiratsuyu-class destroyers wear a black, white, and red variant with a tie, as pictured above, though you can see that Shigure adds a sort of little hair decoration. It's very likely this little bauble is based on something similar on the aviation decks of Fusou and Yamashiro when they get their upgrade (it's actually a bit silly, since it looks like they just gain a shield that doesn't even seem to have a proper handle). This is possibly a reference to RL, considering that both sisters were sunk during the Battle of Surigao Strait, along with the rest of the fleet at the time. However, the artist for Shigure's in-game presentation refuses to make any comments on this, so one can only speculate. As for her hair... I have no idea what to call hair tufts that vaguely (or explicitly) look like animal ears. The artist apparently added the little hair tufts as a means of evoking the image of a faithful hound.

What makes Shigure so precious to me is that she's such a quiet little thing. Even if she (reportedly) expresses disappointment at the enemy when moving on to a night battle, this may be something of a resentment of her unusually high luck. One may say that she's a naval variant of the "Angel of Death" wherein being in the same fleet as her does not bode well and will likely get your shit wrecked. Not by her (hopefully), but rather the enemy since you'll likely take more hits for some reason. For fans of Area 88, interpret that as you will.

Am I allowed to still be here...?

I'm getting there, little one.

Destroyer kanmusu are typically sort of the "commons" of Kantai Collection, characterized by low HP, armor, and attack. Their guns only hit about 5 inches in calibur, though heaven help me if I could ever find out what this means for actual power. However, they are capable of equipping torpedoes, are typically hard to hit, and are not to be trifled with at night. I will tell y'all right now that I know *nothing* about Japanese naval tactics, so I'm just going to assume that their night superiority comes from their radar systems and shit like that. Of note, Shigure here can be considered the enemy of stuff with wings. Hostile harpies and griffons beware. Here's her in full gear: link

Admiral, can I interject? Even if my gun placement suggests it, I am not a guncannon.

I'm not sure how many people are going to get that joke, Shigu. ZergAlts
Admiral's job is... well, your job is Admiral. Yeah.


NSFW yuri warning!
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike You're interested in me? ... Sure. You can ask whatever you'd like.
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike *docking for repairs* I've troubled everybody... I'll pay it back, I promise.
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike ZergAlts, a letter has arrived.
<i>Duh, there's a reason why this slider is always high.</i>