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One of
Cy's_AltsYumeka doesn't remember much before a lady (
Anri_Lowell) came to her and invited her somewhere. And then she was adopted into the family by
...She's always got a pair of cat ear headphones and a music player, and the reason why is rather simple:
She gains power from music.
For non-video-game/anime music: Depending on the tempo and feel, one of a set of elemental abilities.
I'll list them in a table when I feel better but the basic gist is depending on the tempo, mood, or genre, it'll be Water(Ice)/Fire/Earth/Wind/Light(Lightning)/Dark.
For a specific boss theme (i.e. Battle Against Culex): She gains all powers of that boss.
For a generic boss theme (reused across multiple bosses i.e. Gun Mobile) She can summon bosses from that set.
For a character theme (i.e. It Doesn't Matter) she gains abilities associated with that character.
For a mashup, she gains abilities from ALL songs in the mashup.
For a unique character/boss combo (See Open Your Heart and Live and Learn, both a Super Sonic and Final Boss theme), She gains BOTH the hero's powers and access to whatever bullshit the boss was spamming.
...Now here's the catch: What she's listening to (if her headphones are on) is actually based on MY current song I'm listening to. On shuffle. So I have to be highly adaptable and think on my feet.
...Oh, and this girl has no clue the fuck vore is.
Easter Egg: The rather popular game RAADD (Run Away and Don't Die) Runner, made and distributed on this very site, uses Gaur Plains from Xenoblade Chronicles for its main tune. As a result, IF that song happens to come on, Yumeka will abruptly become very, VERY ravenous, and go into a berserk frenzy, trying to attack, shrink, and eat anyone in sight. Of course, that's a chance of 3 out of...4,423 songs (and the number only grows), sooo...not likely.
If you want me to, I can rig the songs she's listening to to suit the plot, but by default, I play it on pure shuffle. Note that skipping a song, if I'm shuffling, is not a valid option, but Repeat 1, if she can reasonably turn it on, is.
Yumeka's past is simple. She was a MUGEN character. Thus, she does know how to scrap if need be. Try to take her by force, and you will have a fight on your hands.