"Lumia, this will be your end!"
"PLEASE. Let's see you even stand up to my finger."

Commissioned art. Do not steal.
He was playing Touhou 6, when lightning struck. This cut his mind from his body. Mental signals are electrical impulses, so his mind was converted into data and somehow split into the core of good and the core of evil. Cybeast and Lumia. These electral signals are, when using his abilities, as he was created from data, thus given shape in the form of what he thinks of. This form cannot shift too often, lest data deterioration render him helpless. The forms are categories, bundles of abilities associated with each. The forms are all based around characters and or games, and his clothing changes to reflect the form he is currently in. Control isn't perfect, though, and high stress may provoke an unwanted form change. If he "died", the data dissipates, and reassembles later.
He used to have the power to summon everything and anything, but when a second lightning bolt hit him... it wasn't pretty. His code got completely scrambled for a while, and Eirin got to say she'd done something new for the first time in a millenium: Fix a person by hooking them up to a computer and typing. She managed to get him into coherent shape, before choosing to do herself and everyone in Gensokyo a favor and make it so he wouldn't pull a Flandre any time soon, setting him into the state he is now before making absolutely sure he was not going to go binary if hit by lightning again. She walked him through how to use it and he thanked her, leaving.
Age: At being pulled in, 18.
Having wandered through the timestreams of Chrono Trigger and the knots of '06, his age is not known to him anymore. So... why has no one noticed or looked for him. The lightning seperated his mind and body, sheer will pulling pieces of a new one from the net as he was thrown into the game world... his real body collapsed, and where he came from, he is legally dead. He respawns on death. But his interpretation came at a price... his entry, while being cause for a hero, gave rise to a personification of his darker side. If he is the Link of Zelda II, Lumia is the Dark Link. His own shadow, all of his dark desires given the form which he attributed them to. See Lumia's bio for more details.
Pithy comment about clicking button.