Novakid from Starbound.
Forged eons ago in the fusion furnaces of a now-dead star, the Novakid are a perfect example of nature’s emergent beauty. These creatures, described by a human astronomer as “interstellar gas-bag people”, have no known single origin point: that information is long lost, as the Novakid have little to no desire to record their history, or even pass it on to their offspring. Though they are (generally) more intelligent and intuitive than the “fleshy” races, their attention spans are lacking. This does not make them any less effective in combat, but has the effect of restricting their technology research (and any groundbreaking research is forgotten within a few generations).
The force that drives the Novakid is contained within the brand on their faces. Charged with huge amounts of energy, these pieces of metal generate the hard plasma “shells” which stop their constituent gases from leaking – if a Novakid is depleted of his or her vital gases, the energy contained within their brand is instantly vented into the very fabric of spacetime, leaving only a twisted metal symbol and a nearly undetectable warping of light around the area of death.
Since the Novakid have a short memory (and attention span), diplomatic relations can be strained at times. Because of their completely different composition to other lifeforms, Novakid are sometimes unable to grasp the nuances of interracial social interactions, and have thus attained a slightly dubious reputation amongst other races. In particular, an Avian diplomat reportedly described a Novakid he met as “dense”, and elaborated upon his statement by mentioning that the Novakid in question had cheerily asked him if his god, Kluex, was real.
^ Official lore for Novakids ^
Xeradine, like any other Novakid, doesn't pay attention well. Thus, when she was building her ship, she got a bit distracted... when implementing the navigation system. SO she had no idea where she was going. That's all right though. After all, her intense drive for exploration and wanderlust caused her to rush right out the door, before checking all of her systems-- why, one might even say that she would rather things go poorly just for the excitement.
Her ship crash landed (turns out she forgot the landing parts too) into some unknown planet, leaving her with her body, her clothes, and a few guns. She uses the wreck as a makeshift house for now, and has since expanded her arsenal using some craftsmans tools and resources on the world.
Not that Xeradine stays in that house much. Exploring to be done, and all. Things to do. People to eat.
In fact, another starbound-esque adventurer seems to keep running into her. Xeradine and
Thornblade seem to keep happening on the same mysterious cave or dangerous base or abandoned old ruins. She doesn't mind. He can be fun.