Willkommen in meinem Bunker. Genießen Sie die Sehenswürdigkeiten, weil Sie nie verlasse.
Name: Rictruda VonOmen
Age: Unknown
Race: Human, Gentically Enhanced
Last Known Location: Bunker 724 aka VonOmen Labs
Affiliations: The now-destroyed Nazi Party
Rictruda VonOmen is a very strange woman and more importantly to you, her newest victim, is a very strange and dangerous doctor. She has spent years upon years in the elusive Bunker 724, researching and experimenting to try to come up with the ultimate weapon; a tool with which to return the Nazi party to power, or at least her twisted version of it.
She is, in essence, a combination of Nazi Chic and something of a Sadistic Torturing Doctor theme. She will be more than happy to strap you down and experiment the effects of a newly developed Shrink Ray or her newest version of the Nazi Soul Extractor upon your helpless, screaming body. And there will be little to nothing you can do about it if you are unlucky enough to stumble into Bunker 724.
And yes, she has made a zombie virus. She has it contained, however, so stop asking.
-------------------Bunker 724------------------
Bunker 724 is the location that Rictruda inhabits for the majority of the time she'll be online. It is her base of Operations for the Fourth Reich scheme she has going on and it is also where she conducts all her experiments. The Lab is built into the side of a cliff overlooking the Ocean, it's rather difficult to notice if you are not specifically looking for it as the bulk of the building is subterranean.
There are two entrances, one accessible via land and one via the ocean. Once inside the Bunker you are perpetually monitored via a network of cameras leading back to the central control station, where Rictruda has likely noticed your intrusion.
There are 25 rooms in the Bunker and they are all navigated via long series of tight hallways; all of which can be sectioned off and filled with poison or knockout gas in the event that Rictruda wishes to attempt to halt your progress through the Bunker.
The previously mentioned rooms are
1 Central Control Room
1 Throne Room
1 Grand Sleeping Quarters
1 Sex Dungeon
4 Laboratories designed for vivisection / study on humans
4 Laboratories designed for the construction of weaponry
2 Prisons
2 High security prisons
4 Armories
2 Kitchens
1 Large Barracks
1 Mental Reprogramming Room
1 Strongroom (a storing place for wealth or important artifacts. Mainly Nazi Bullion.)
Many people have attempted to rob the Bunker upon discovering it's location. None expected the crazy inhabitant within. Take caution when considering entering the Bunker. Rictruda will love the company. You will most certainly not.

-------------------Biological Enhancements---------------------
Rictruda has been given or has given herself several biological enhancements throughout her life, mainly due to her heading the 'ubermench' program; roughly equivalent to a modern Super Soldier program.
The Enhancements she possesses are as follows.
-Rictruda will age at an incredibly slow rate. While she has not yet perfected immortality, Rictruda's body ages 1 year for ever 20 years she exists.
-Rictruda's skin in abnormally dense due to an infusion of an iron-amplifying sub-dermal device she fashioned. Due to this; it will take considerably more damage to cut through Rictruda's skin. Now, a strong knife thrust, a decently aimed bullet, etc; will still tear her skin; she's not superman, but jabbing her vigorously with a pen will not.
-Rictruda has given herself an experimental treatment after discovering a succubus in the Park. After experimentation and torture of the demoness, Rictruda was able to harness the ability to control a portion of her power; mainly her strength, through a small machine attached to her spine. Rictruda now possesses the ability, while the machine is on her and operational, to attempt to hypnotize, to snap fire, and to lift a small car.
Yes, I know you see a lot of characters with this word flagged up and you think I won't RP with you if you DON'T permavore; that is NOT the case.
I'm happy to RP with you even if nobody ends up permadead. Rictruda is not permavore exclusive. However, she is now greatly accepted those who are ready to give their final measure of devotion to her 'cause' (and her ass).
If you are permavored; you are not allowed to use that character for Rp after that point as they are canonically dead and will directly affect Rictruda's canon.
Should you do this, you will receive a custom emblem to place on your character's profile to reflect their new...home ^^. You will also become a permanent part of Operation Uberkraft; meaning you will be assimilated either as a mindless soldier / slave / or you will be destroyed and your powers stolen for Rictruda to use.
Please give it a try! ^^

-------------------OPERATION: UBERKRAFT---------------------
Struggling to survive, a young Jessie_Rene approached the Bunker and was sucked inside. After a long bit of experimentation and torture, Rictruda noticed her captive was admiring her stockings. She removed the boy's Soul and placed it in her stockings, leaving her free to turn his body into her First Bio-Organic Weapon. (and because it has no Soul nor Heart, she can control it completely.) As for his Soul, it cleans her feet now, eternally.

Enlist today!
----OOC details----
I do not like to RP with male characters, I do not have anything against them nor their desires so please do not disrespect mine. This doesn't mean I never will, the odds are just lower.
Having said that; I dont' care what gender the player is. I shouldn't know anyway. I repeat: PLEASE do not tell me your RL Gender!
She can do a lot of various types of vore, enough that it's better if you just approach with an idea. So please do so before approaching.
She's typically going to be Pred unless you can find a way to make her otherwise.
Finally, no, I'm not a Nazi. )