There are lots of reasons for someone to want to become a superhero, and while initially Uruzi's intentions were entirely pure and just, her rising popularity slowly began to warp her interests from simply helping people to becoming a heroic celebrity. She and her childhood friend Jera had both made a pact to one day become the best superheroes the world had even seen, though upon splitting off on their own separate ways, she slowly lost touch with the reasons she became a hero in the first place. While she's still more than willing to protect the general populace and put on a show while doing it, she can be borderline negligent when it comes to dealing with any of the less public people in need, opting instead to only show her face when she knows a crowd of people will be around to spectate. As fame and glory slowly went to her head, she gradually became more cocky and arrogant of her own skill, focusing less and less on the people around her and more on herself, to the point where she can be somewhat... corruptible if given the right opportunity. She wouldn't exactly be above staging a show for extra renown and profit, and if people happened to find out about the more shady activities she's been involved in, she does have her way of making sure that sort of knowledge never becomes public. She has a reputation to keep, after all.
A bit tall for her kind, Uruzi comes up to about 6'2, and isn't afraid to lord it over her shorter adversaries. Her personality is best describes as arrogant and playful, often taking more pleasure in her work than she should. Despite how much she adores her fanbase, she spends little time actually hanging out with individual fans, and can be fairly impatient when she has to deal with them at times. Her intentions are... good, though her methods and execution can be questionable at times.
Also her superhero name is Eternal Flame. Most people know her as that rather than her actual name.
- Uruzi -
Lv. 100
No. 815 | Cinderace
Ability: Libero
Sassy nature. Somewhat vain.
• Pyro Ball
• Taunt
• Iron Head
• Acrobatics
Shuffling somewhere in The_Mortal_Coil and part of Oasah

As PredAs Prey
Being PredBeing Prey |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Digestion |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Endo |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Oral Vore |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Sex |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |