((Ok i just really need to put this here apparently. PERMAVORE IS NOT REQUIRED TO PLAY WITH ME!))
The last flush is a brand new vore club/casino right on the main drive of Nexus city and just a few blocks away from the park entrance. The building that it was renovated from was a private school which trained the richest children around how to be the best preds. Unfortunately for all the teachers, students, and the owner there was one boy who would prove to be too good even for them. His name was Viktor(mostly goes by Vicky) and he was a member of one of the wealthiest families in the world. However he was also already a very skilled predator because of training he received from his aunt who was a vore fighting champion for many years. Though another reason he was so good at getting people inside of him was his appearance, no one thought the little and rather slutty looking boy was anything but a sissy boy toy to be used and devoured on a whim. Though this was partly true being that he would seduce people into taking him to a secluded place to have some naughty fun. but once they had worn themselves out he would quickly turn on them and send them onto their final resting place in his stomach. It was not but six months after he joined the school that every single student, teacher, janitor, and even the principal/owner had found themselves seduced and eaten by the skilled boy. Due to having done the same to four other schools before hand his proud mother decided to give him access to the family fortune. His first order of business was to by the now empty school and remodel it into the greatest night club/casino the city had seen. Due to his love of sending people down for their final ride through a toilet he decided to name the place after that action and so was born The Final Flush resort. Of course his employees would also be aptly names for their main roles in working for him, Toilet Cloggers, don't let the same fool you though for it goes both ways. All of his employees can be clogging the plumbing with their own remains or the poor sap who was caught by them.
*The slutty cat boy pet of Vicky walks out onto the naughty zone's stage to give and announcement* Alright bitches, Vicky is gone and I Alex softpaws am in charge! If you have an issue with it feel free to consult Vicky himself, you can find him right here. *slaps the large jiggly ass of
Vivian_Hopkins* Just let her know you want a meeting with Vicky and she will be more than happy to arrange it! *Alex laughs before letting his employees get back to work*
Club rules:
Everyone who enters the club automatically is accepting the risk of not walking out again.
The club offers reforming tickets for only $1000 each. If you run out of tickets and are digested you are on your own.
Everyone employed with the club is both eligible prey and pred, if you would like to get a private session with any of the staff that can be arranged though it is heavily advised you buy a reformation ticket first.
Casino rules:
Everything can be gambled on! And i mean everything! Weather its standard games or just betting on weather that asshole who keeps shouting at the dealer gets eaten or not. Everything is fair game and that includes you.
You are able to bet with money, reformation tickets and yourself. If you are won by someone you will find yourself being put into a nice shock collar and forced to do whatever they want until the bet is satisfied. Casino personnel will make sure every debt is paid.
Incase you were unable to pick up the subtle hints beforehand this alt is very capable for perma vore on both sides....however the only way to permavore one of the cloggers is to win them inside the casino. in the standard club they have unlimited reformations but if they they lose after betting away their reformation privilege they are gone for good. Now perma play is not needed for every rp. But every perma rp will most likely take place via the casino. Now if you want to skip the gambling and just give up one of your characters thats fine as well. No one here will say no to a free meal.
If there is any trouble caused by you, or you are resisting the one who won you in the casino then security will come and escort you to the nearest exit, and that does not mean the front door.
Dice rolling:
Each player will roll dice against the other until they have rolled 3 times. At the end of the three rolls the total sum of each roll is tallied up. Whoever has the highest sum of all three rolls wins.
Blackjack: (Vicky's fav)
The players face off each other is a sexy game of strip blackjack in a best two out of three rounds game. Each round is won after a player wins 10 hands.(played via another site)
Sports gambling:
Simple the players gamble on the sporting event of their choice though the most popular is betting on the house vore battles. (can bet on real events to)
Hang on tight!:
This game is much more direct in that it is a rodeo style event where you must try and stay on the horse you must last 8 sec (determined by rolls) Or be thrown off and eaten by the horse that beat you, winning rewards 5 free reformation tickets. This can be played another way were you challenge someone and then must beat their time on the horse and the loser is eaten by the winner (rather than the horse).
Current rodeo horse:
Employee games: (these are games that the employees can challenge each other to.)
The flip of fate:
Alex is always watching every room in his resort through hidden cameras and he not only enjoys but encourages his employees to get to know each other more intimately which generally end with one devouring the other. Should this happen Alex may decide to play with them a little as he will flip a coin to determine whether or not they will be reformed.
The cloggers: (played by me)
Alex "softpaws"
Height: 5'
Age: 15
Weight: 95lbs
Job: owner
Perma Status: Alive

Alex is probably one of the only Demi humans that has managed to walk through the club for more than a day without being devoured and turned into a pile of Vicky's shit. A little known fact about the young club owner is that Demi humans, and more so Neko's are probably his favorite meal. So whenever one enters the club they are generally invited to the owners private quarters and sent on their final ride through his ass. However when Alex came in this did happen but the young neko boy proved to be every bit as much the voracious slut that Vicky is. Both would pleasure the other for hours upon hours of endless climaxes trying to get the other exhausted enough to devour until finally they both aimed to shove the others head into their mouth at the same time ending in the deepest kiss either of them had ever received. From that moment the two fell in love with each other and now share Vicky's private room and have a great love of fucking a customer or employee down each others throats or up each others ass. So be careful when approaching this slutty Neko he may be easy to get into bed but it takes a miracle to leave from anywhere but his ass.
New: After spending a few weeks under the Management of Vicky, Alex decided it was in his best interest to have his slutty master be put down for good. Mostly because he had been named Vicky's successor and the devious cat did not want to take the chances that Vicky might grow bored of him and finally end him for good. So the cat put a plan in motion enlisting the aid of
Vivian_Hopkins to finally put that sissy pred slut in his place. The first part of which was making sure Vicky was weakened for her. It took an entire day of some of the hardest work the cat has ever done to put on a series of shows for his mast keepnig him jerking off and cummnig so many times that by the time he called Vivian up for their meeting his cock was so sensitive that he was entirely helpless to her sexual advances. After the call girl finished her job of raping and devouring the former owner alex would join her and tease the once high and mighty pred that he would soon be nothing more than a pile of shit. The two even had some naughty fun as their former boss was painfully digested in the call girl's experienced gut and afterwards the naughty kitty would take her into Vicky's own private bathroom and watch her shit him out into his crystal toilet that let you see every moment of the action. He would jack off vigorously as he watched what his master had been turned into flow into his own toilet, the sight would drive him to cum all over Vivian just as she shat out Vicky's skull. Now the kitty is in charge and Vicky is nothing but a large load of shit flowing through the sewers and some very sexy assfat on Vivian who is Alex's new fuck toy and number one favorite employee.
Age: 46
Height: 6'2
Weight: 230lbs
Job: Club/Casino Manager
Perma status: Availible
At one time Karen was simply a nanny that had been hired by Viktor's parents to take care of him since they were generally out of the country on business affairs. Well she was actually the fourteenth nanny they hired, all of the other ones ended up just adding to various parts of the young boy's body. However he found that Karen was just too good to devour and instead would break her into being his own personal slave. She did not mind though he was such a cute and naughty thing that she simply loved indulging him in his various fantasies. most of which consisted of her holding someone down while he teased and eventually devoured them. Weather it was the new maid of the house or even a distant relative who came to visit. Everyone was on the menu for the naughty duo which might be one reason Viktor's parents let him have the club, after all being an only child he was the sole beneficiary if something happened to them. Though when not servicing her naughty master Karen is actually keeping everything in the club and casino in working order. Despite being submissive for Viktor she is in fact a rather intimidating and very domineering woman to everyone else. More than a few employees have found themselves being "released" from service by her beautiful mature body. she is also the sole complaint handler and is quite efficient at making sure a bad opinion of the establishment is never heard outside of her office. Though her time is taken up by managing the club and serving Viktor when he calls she is still available for private games and entertainment but for a much higher price.
Height: 5'10
Age: 34
weight: 180lbs
Job: pit boss
Perma status: Avalible

Rachel is the sole survivor of the school that The Final Flush once was. She was the librarian and had worked at the school for many years for two reasons. One she loved books and spent most of her time reading, and two she just never could get enough of luring young high schoolers into her office and pounding their asses whenever they turned in a book late. She especially love doing to those masculine males who thought nothing could touch them, at least until they were bent over crying like little bitches and if you turned in a book late three times well she would not have to worry about lunch. Though she is very laid back and has almost a motherly disposition in general interactions she is very different alone. She adores either humiliating or watching someone get humiliated which is most likely why she stuck around with Vicky after he devoured the entire school. She had walked in on him while he had the principle tied up and wearing a dress as he teased him endlessly and when the boy asked her what she thought of the show after he had devoured the poor principle she just could not help herself but to confess how much she love it. Soon though she found herself in a similar position with the ravenous boy teasing her cock until she was begging for release. it was at this moment he forced her to pledge her life to him and in return he would supply her with an endless amount of pleasure and the chance to humiliate hundreds of people. Such an offer was impossible to pass up and ever since she has been a loyal slave to Vicky's will.
Danny (Or as Vicky calls him Danelle)
Height: 5'6
age: 19
weight: 125
Job: Escort
Perma Status: Avalible

Danny was once just an ordinary college boy who went to school on time and still lived with his loving parents. However money was starting to get tight and it became necessary for him to get a job, so when he saw an add for a resort that was about to open and was looking for applicants he called on the spot. At first he was not sure about the job because the person he talked to sounded like a kid but he had an interview and so he just shrugged it off and went into the resort. he was greeted by vicky and was rather shocked to see that he was the owner. he had heard the stories about this boy and was a little afraid, though after a few minutes of chatting and Vicky suddenly starting to grope cock danny was sold on the idea of working for the boy even if he was treated as a slut and sold around to anyone who wanted him. The pay was great and he finally got to use his feminine looks for something other than getting beaten up at school.
Richard "Big Dick" Johnson
height: 7'6
age: 27
Weight: 380lbs
Job: Security/Escort
Perma Status: Avalible

Richard was at one time a police officer who constantly got in trouble with his superiors because of his knack for raping and devouring those he arrests. Eventually he was let go after he devoured every suspect at a drug raid. He didn't mind though because he knew he could get a job somewhere else easily enough. So when he saw and add for a job a security officer at a new vore themed resort he could not resist the temptation. Upon arriving he was taken up to the owners penthouse where he would go from giving an interview to getting the best blow job of his life. The owner Vicky was incredibly skilled and offered the big dicked horse the job of security as well as being a male escort knowing that that huge horse cock would draw in a lot of money. Even though Rickard knew that there was a constant danger in working at the resort he would simply shrug it off thinking that nothing could take him down.
Height: 6'5
Age: 45
Weight: 280lbs
Job: Dancer/escort
Perma Status: Avalible

Veronica used to be the owner of a strip club that was just down the street from The Final Flush Resort, only after it opened she soon found her business plummeting and even losing some of her models to the more exciting and better paying club. In a bit of blind anger she challenged the clubs owner Vicky to a game of cards, the one who loses gives up their business and works for the other. Unfortunately her luck was down and she ended up losing not only the game, but her business as well. Now she sexy herm is back on the pole herself though she has found that it can be quite enjoyable. So many people love horses, herms and more mature women and she was all three. In less than a week she had made double her monthly salary but she still harbored resentment for the clubs owner who she hoped to one day end his streak of luck inside of her stomach.
"Pretty" Jamie
Height: 5'10
Age: 24
Weight: 195lbs
Job: honey cum
Perma Status: dead
Jamie was a former Employee of Veronica, infact he was the star attraction due to his body being the best of both feminine and male features. His jiggly ass and long silky hair had countless men wanting to bend him over and fuck him silly while his well toned body and endowed cock had women screaming for him to take them. Though after a new club opened up not to far away he started losing his devoted fans as well as his good tips. After a few weeks of being back on getting the lowest pay he had ever gotten he decided to leave her club before it closed down and found himself getting employed at the very club that was killing the business, The Final Flush resort. He loved Veronica but loved getting big tips more, not to mention here there was even a crowd that loved something other than his incredibly alluring body and that was adding to it. The young panther was in heaven, doing what he loved in showing off his body while also getting to go to bed with his customers whether he was on top or bottom and then after it was all done he would get a good meal. So far his only problem is that his former employer now works alongside him and he has sensed some hostility.
Got turned into nothing but sweet honey femcum by
Ada_Draconus and was even helped to this permanent fate of sticky sweetness by the appearance of the very player of the toilet_Cloggers who fed his own pretty kitty to that sexy bee's hungry cunt.
"Double D" Catherine
Height: 6'
Age: 29
Weight: 230lbs
Job: Escort/waitress
Perma Status: Avalible

Catherine was yet another former employee of Veronica only she was one of the first to quit from the sexy zebra's club to go and work for Vicky. She had been a troublesome employee for Veronica due to often adding her clients to her body without consent or even reason other then she wanted to. She had been on suspension after devouring one of the clubs vip members when she stumbled across the Final Flush and decided that it was a much better fit to her tastes. LUcky due to the club's theme they are always needing new workers so she landed herself a job fairly easily and has already had quite a few feasts weather it was on guests or other employees. For a while she was not sure what kind of nickname she should have but when Veronica when out of business and ended up working the club as well she decided to pick up her old one being Double D. Now its only a matter of time until she has to change it just due to her breasts growing.
Damian (The Damsel)
Height: 5'2
Age: looks 19
Weight: 109lbs
Job: Escort/dancer
Perma status: Avalible

Damian is an odd one, after Adaren opened up the portals in the basement to get customers and employees from other worlds he would not have to wait long before the rather slutty demon boy came through. His first act in this world to be to give Adaren the best blowjob in the world before sending him down to his insatiable gut. Thankfully Adaren was safe and Damian even impressed Vicky enough to give him a job. Now he spends all of his time seducing anyone he can into bed with him were he gives them the best lay they could imagine before sending them straight to hell through his stomach.
Height: 5'
Weight: 95lbs
Age: looks in mid teens (really 27)
Job: Escort
Perma status: Available

Due to the last employee being from another plane of exsistance it made since to Alex to find one from another planet! Luckily enough for him just such a treat would drop into his lap when the exploring sexually driven Xaress came into the club seeing it as the perfect place to indulge in his favorite pastime which is sampling the sexual practices of every race he comes across before introducing them to one of his own where to replenish his strength after a good romping he devours his lovers in various ways. Finding out this was much a common practice at the club the slutty ravenous boy could not help but stay, for here he could sample every race the world had to offer with no effort.
Honorary Cloggers: (not played by me)
Vivian_Hopkins ((Escort))
This sexy call girl was one of the first to line up for employment at the kinky resort since it seemed to fit her taste so well. Be careful what you request from her though you might end up stuck on that sexy ass for good.
Serena_Williams ((Dancer))
A very sexy Ebony stripper with plenty of experience in both entertaining customers and devouring them should they get rowdy, she has already shown just how much she gets to abuse the rules of the naughty zone so be careful about letting yourself get lured into smacking that jiggly rump or you might end up adding to it!
Edwind ((Vicky's bodyguard/head of security) (can be played by me)
During a rather eventful grand opening Vicky found himself having trouble with containing a rather annoying dragon who did not want to give in to being food. However a stroke of luck would occur when a very large human who was dressed in armor entered the scene and promptly subdued the dragon and fed him to Vicky with the cheers of the entire resort behind him. While the young boy digested the troublesome dragon he would get to know the rather strange but sexy and knight and eventually offered him a job and permanent place to live.
Logan_nightrunner (
Serena_Williams's ass fat))
Once a slutty kitty who had signed up to be an escort in the naughty zone he didn't even last a day before going for his last ride down Serena's ravenous gullett to be digested into more curves for the sexy dancer to seduce future customers with and the rest shit out and given their final flush.
Jason_Smith (
Serena_Williams's ass fat))
This cock horse would was having such a blast showing off his body to potential customers but unfortunately he also caught the attention of one of his co workers, the incredibly sexy(and hungry) Serena who would tease the horse into following her into the back room along with a certain kitty (Logan^) and promptly send him on his way to being a few more inches of fat and one hell of a stinking pile of shit in her toilet.
Pyremaw (security guard)
This big Charizard approached Vicky with the simple intention of getting on the staff somewhere since the benefits of the club were rather appealing to him. Vicky needed little convincing and knew just where to put such a large strong male, right on the security team mostly in the naughty zone via a request by the draconic male.
Hermcraft (Dancers/Escorts)
So it seems that after an interesting series of events after a portal opened up throwing a bunch of sexy herms into the club from another world, Vicky has made a lot of new friends, in fact he ventured into their world with the assistance of a rather sexy orc and night elf to invite all of sexy girls from their world to come and join in the fun at his club! All of whom seem to love the idea of getting to devour people and actually be paid for it.
Garreth_ (being a pile of ram shit thanks to
Vicky met this horse after being talked into going to a football game by Richard and found himself unable to take his eyes off the young stud through out the game. After Garreth's team won the young boy would invite him and and his team to come to the club for a victory celebration. Needless to say over half the team did not survive the night but Garreth was lucky enough to have gotten Vicky's attention enough that the boy took him up to his private room and had a very long night of sloppy sex ending with the horse devoting himself to Vicky and getting a job as one of the naughty zone's escorts as well as part time security whenever he was not with a customer.
Adaren (Magic Supervisor)
Vicky had been looking for someone who was well versed in the arts of magic to help him out with his club. He found just such a person in the form of the demon mage known as Adaren! At first Vicky was slightly intimidated by the man but soon found that his devious mind synched up rather well with his own and now they are very good friends. Adaren has helped Vicky construct portals in his club so he may get customers from both this world and others! And thus the big sexy demon has a permanent residence inside of the club with his own special room full of all sorts of magic stuff!
Jacquie (escort/dancer/house pet) (hired by alex.)
This cute little boy visited the club one late night and decided to sneak up into the penthouse where alex was dumping his latest interview failure into his private toilet. At first the cat was a bit put off by the little boy coming into the bathroom but the sensation of getting a blowjob while he was dumping out a victim was too naughty and pleasurable to the cat not to enjoy. Shortly after he cleaned himself Alex would pounce the boy and ravage him for the rest of the night not only making him his personal toy but also a new addition to the escort and dancer list.