The star football player and horse slut is no more. After a run in with
Ignatius_C in a local bar where the horse followed the ram into the bathrooms for some sexy fun and came out squirming in the ram's gut. Digested into nothing but a massive pile of ram shit and a bit of fat and muscle on the sexy male. The horses last act in this world would be to clog up the ram's toilet. (see how it happened below)
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ had just gotten done doing his usual daily work out at one of the local gyms. After a rather long session of lifting weights and looking around at all the hard bodies he started to get rather horny. it also didn't help that while he was in the steam room one of the towels boys had just gotten a little to close when bringing him a fresh towel. ending up getting sucked not the horse's hungry balls leaving him with a large sloshing sac that he really needed to unload. Deciding to find some help with his relief he headed to one of the many bars. it was dangerous to go to such places alone but he really needed to find a sexy body to ravage. stepping in and heading straight over to the bar groaning a bit with every slosh his nuts made on the way before ordering a small glass of whisky.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] There was a large well toned but, not overly ripped Ram wearing a shirt and jeans in the bar, he had a large axe attached to his back though, likely a monster hunter or something, sometimes there were threats that weren't considered sapient and the 'hunters' were asked to deal with them. He was drinking a large mug of something that looked like an ale.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ looked over at the ram and grinned slightly admiring his rather well built form and sliding a bit closer. The foot ball player taking note of the axe but did not worry to much about it as he approached. "Seems like you got some nice hard ware." he said and gave the ram a sly wink as he sipped on his own glass.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The ram nodded. "Aye, and yeh haven't even seen meh sword." The ram said with a smirk as at this distance it was really easy to see his massive bulge in his jeans, definitely of horse decent from the shape.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ chuckles at the rams words and finishes off his glass while eyeing that large bulge between his legs. "mmm well i'd not mind giving it a nice close inspection. As well as seeing just how skilled you are at wielding it." he said with a lustful grin not trying to be too subtle about what he was after.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The ram chuckled. "Aye, maybe we'll 'ave to 'ave a duel to see who get's impaled?" The ram said with a smirk as he motioned towards the bathroom.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ licked his lips. "mmm a dual with nose real loser? Challenge accepted.' he said with a big grin before getting ready to follow the ram to the bathrooms for their fun.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] "Well come on then." The ram said with a smirk as he would get up and walk to the bathrooms, swaying his ass tantalizingly as if showing the stud the prize he'd get if he won their 'duel'.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ grunted as he looked at that ass and felt his gym shorts tending out while his balls already had them quite stretched making them nearly rip as he quickly followed after the sexy ram into the bathrooms.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The ram had managed to get the bathroom that was just a single large room meant for parents who needed to change their children while using the restroom. "Now then, let's see what yeh got hmm?" The ram said as the 'duel' was likely a measuring of their cocks against each other.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ chuckled a bit as he followed the ram into the larger family bathroom and shut the door. Making sure to lock it so they would not be disturbed. "mmmm hope you don't mind but i do have a bit of a load right now after a towel boy got a little too curious. He said patting the huge bulge his balls made in the gym shots before sliding them off. its proved a little difficult to get them over both his large orbs and the rock hard cock that pulled down with the bade before finally being let go making it swing back up and slap against his abs. the 15 inch long length of horse meat throbbing and drooling thick loads of musky precum down it shaft that spilled over his balls making them shine a bit in the light.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The Ram smirked. "Well, yeh got a pretty impressive tool, but yer wielding a broadsword 'gainst a claymore." The ram said as he would drop his pants revealing the massive cock he had, his nuts hung to the floor showing just how many people had fed that monster with a tally mark on his left nut, that covered most of the skin there. His massive cock wasn't even hard and it was easily a foot and a half long.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] That massive shaft and set of nuts would flood the room with his musk that would demand respect from any virile male and the lust of any interested in fucking men
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ eyes over that massive set of balls and the huge glorious cock that throbbed over them. seeing the tally marks and grinning wide as he took in the scent of the thick mucks which only made his own cock twitch more and spray some more pre from the tip. "Oh my. I see you are a very well equipped warrior. i bet those monster just beg for mercy just seeing you coming." he said taking a step forward and eagerly reaching down to give the ram's massive cock a tender rubbing.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] "Oh yeah, they always beg for mercy, or for more, but they always beg." The ram said as the horse rubbed his cock, causing the behemoth to stir and start growing hard.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ couldn't help but let out a moan as his heart skipped a bit when the ram's cock began to grow hard against his head. 'Well i think the wisest course of action is to surrender to you." he said with a wink.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The Ram smirked at this. "That's a good plan, now shove that lesser cock inteh mine, you deserve to sample how a real cock feels." The ram said with a smirk.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ grinned and eagerly nodded. Overcome with lust and the need to release he woudl do just as he was told. at first grabbing the ram's larger cock and grinding them both together and he took a few steps back until the tip of his smaller cock was face to face with the rip of the ram's . The superior cock dwarfing his own made him shiver with anticipation before he pushed the slowly flaring head of his cock into the ram's cum slit and thrust deep into the huge shaft. "mmm i wonder how many have died feeding that monster hmm?"
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] "Enough teh make the little slut you turned into cum look like an ant, there's even been dragons who've made meh cock so big." The ram said with a lustful smirk as he would feel his cock being penetrated and would feel the horse's smaller shaft eagerly slipping deep into his throbbing monster of a cock.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ woudl grin at that but despite his submissive position at the moment he woudl still show some assertiveness as her wrapped both his hand aroudn that monster cock right where the tip of his cock was inside and started to squeeze incredibly hard. Shocking the hard flesh and making the veins bulge as the blood was slowed from the tight cock ring made by the horse's fingers. In doing so he made the tube tighter to squeeze aroudn his cock before he began to pull his hips and hands back at the same time giving almost then tire cock a slowly strokes while keeping up that choking grip and letting his cock grind against the inner flesh to stimulate the ram as much as he could.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The ram let out a groan of pain mixed with pleasure as he would begin to start sucking on the horse's shaft with his own, gulps pulling at the cock inside his monstrous length as the ram's expertly trained cock would stimulate what he would be considering prey at this point.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ grit his teeth and grunted as he felt the swallowing motions coming from the cock. His hands squeezing even tighter and starting to move a little fast and reach all the way down to the base forcing any pre or cum that might slip out to be forced back down making the pressure slowly build up before the seal his hands made. The horse forced to pant himself firmly in order to pull his hips back and slide out all but the head from the naturally hungry cock before shoving back in with enough force to make his balls swing forward and slap hard into the ram's larger nuts.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The ram would moan in pleasure and pain from the pressure building in his nuts as the horse was sealing his pre and his cum from leaking out causing them to only grow bigger as the stallion fucked his cock, the ram was planning to eat this stud now due to this, he was taking advantage of a gift to fuck a superior cock and being a shit about it.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ groaned as he found himself drawing near a rather large orgasm. Hearing those groans of the monster hunter he could not help but grin knowing that even with the discomfort he still seemed to be enjoy it. "Mm i think...you're balls wants some more in them...allow me to help." he said bringing his hands back and thrusting his cock through the tight seal and letting it flare up making an impassible block as the base of the ram's cock. Then he woudl feel the horse's cock swell up inside the shaft before a stream of hot sticky cum burst from the flaring tip. A loud grunt of bliss coming from him as he unloaded spurt after spurt of thick cum into the cock forcing his balls to take in every drop of the horses previous cock meal adding the boy's entire mass to them as well as his own huge naturally made load of jizz that sloshed inside and mixed with the rams.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The ram's nuts had begun swelling massively likely trapping the ram in the bathroom after this due to how big his sack had begun growing too, the flare of that horsecock would block all the cum from cumming back inside and Garreth would feel those nuts shake as it was clear he was blocking the Ram's own orgasm which only caused more cum to be made in those massive nuts.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ moaned and grit his teeth feelnig the balls trying to release but he held the cock firm not letting a single drop escape from the ram's balls enjoying the sight of them churning up even more cum while his own mixed inside. Even after his own cock dripped out the last bit of his cum leaving his balls back to their normal more baseball size he would not let go. Now just holding the tube shut to make those balls swell as much as he could and see how much the ram could take. "Mmm look how big they are getting....i wonder how much they could take before popping." he said teasingly and pushing the right of his fingers forward to make sure every drop of his and the ram's cum was forced back into his balls.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The Ram would groan out at that before his cock would clench extremely tightly which would hurt the horse if he didn't pull out as well as let his dick go as the Ram would growl and grab his shirt. "Leggo right now or I'm gonna kill yeh."
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ shivered and groans at the clenching pain seeming to enjoy the discomfort even as his shit was grabbed he leaned forward and gave the ram a quick kiss. "yes sir.' he said and would release the grip aroudn his cock letting the blood flow be retored fully whiel his own cock puleld back to slip out.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The ram nodded before he would grab Garreth's head and shove it into his mouth with practiced ease, licking at the horses face the sweat from their fucking easily lubing him up.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ gasped as he was pulled into the ram's hot maw. his hooves pushing back away from him trying to pull his head out. 'Hey now...was just having fun...was gonna let you bloat me up with that massive load!' he said as his arms woudl weakly push on the rams chest rather tired after working that cock so much as having just come from the gym.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The Ram would growl and grip his arms forcing them into his maw as well as a thick, meaty gulp would pull more of the horse inside. "Yeh fuckin act like a shit, yer gonna be shit." The ram said as he mentioned how much it hurt.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ kicked his legs back a bit and tried to get some sort of grip on the floor to wedge himself out. though hooves and tile where not a good combo. All he did was skate around while his arms and head dove into the hot fleshy maw of the angry ram. "I'm sorry i though you were enjoying it!' the young horse said panicking as he knew how this was going to end from those words. the ram not putting any sugar on the fact he was going to just be a steaming pile of shit once his guts were done with him.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The ram would smirk. "Of course yeh are, now yer gonna be sorry while meh body works yeh over." The ram said taking another thick gulp pulling more of the horse into his maw.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ groaned as his shoulders dove down into the throat his broad chest sliding over the ram's tongue giving him a good taste of the horse's rather thick taste mixed with his sweat and natural musk. Garreth was starting to whine a bit as his struggles for life were useless and his pleas fell of deaf ears. His leg woudl swing forward and try and kick against those huge balls to cause them some discomfort as a last bit of fighting will surged through him meanwhile his arms stretched down into that long slimy throat and soon were being fed into the ram's churning gut.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The Ram would moan out in pain and pleasure as those sloshing balls didn't even feel any discomfort from being kicked having grown so fat that it only made them feel good when he kicked at them, but the ram would then swallow again pulling his hips into his maw after shoving the horses cock against his belly so it wouldn't bend in a bad way as he swallowed again.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ groaned and let out a shard gaps as his belly and cock were crammed down the rams throat. his spent cock was still very sensitive after the intense orgasm and the feelnig of the warm flesh sliding and squeezing over it caused the horse to harden up again while his muscular rump slid into the ram's lips along with his balls. The star football player vanishing into the monster hunter and spilling out into the ram's gut making it bulge out aroudn his form.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The Ram's gut was a powerful sack that seemed to glow strangely with the veins running along the wall, the heat in that stomach was stifling and made it feel like a sauna as the Ram would work on swallowing the last few gulps of the former football star, the big horse was going to be nothing more than ram shit after tonight and both of them knew it at this point. Though that wouldn't mean the Ram wouldn't enjoy it... oh he definitely would.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ wheezes a bit as the hot air of the ram's stomach washes over him making it a big hard to breath from how stuffy it was. Hi body spilling out into the powerful sac that had no doubt digested many things much tougher than the young horse. A fact that made his fate all the more real to him while his thick muscular legs were easily slurped down even as they kicked frantically for life. Though soon he was nothing more than a bulge sliding down the ram's throat and curling up into his hungry gut. "Please...let me out...i don't want to die!' he said pleading with the hungry predator quickly loosing all hope of surviving as anything more than a thick heap of ram shit.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The Ram would answer him with a resounding belch as he would pat his bulging gut before the horse would actually be able to feel the Ram humping at the bulging gut to try and let out all that cum that the horse had forced into his nuts. He had enough money on him to compensate the bar's owner for the mess he was going to leave so he was going to enjoy himself while he digested the little shit that used to be a horse. "Mmmph, nay yer gonna get very intimate with meh body yeh shit."
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ lets out a long neighing whine as he feels much of the air get sucked out of the ram's gut with that long belch leaving him with even less space to get comfy. Curling up as much as he could before using his hooves and hands press out against the slimy walls. though he could not contend with the ram's powerful abdominal muscles and was only giving him a pleasant massage while the bulge of his ass and back where being humped into by that huge glorious ram cock.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The Ram would moan out in pleasure as his gut felt like the horse was massaging it as the large ram would swallow some more air to keep the horse inside conscious longer as he continued to hump the bulge the horse made in his thick gut, acids slowly beginning to fill the slowly constricting chamber though due to the horse's position his head would be the last thing to be covered and at this rate it would take at least an hour to digest him.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ groans as he was hoping to just pass out and not have to live through the horrific experience of being digested alive but then the wave of fresh air filled the belly making him groan deeply. "Pleas no...just let me die in please!" he pleased while those acids pours out from the slimy walls and started to build up under his ass. Feeling them going to work on his fur and slowly starting to tingle at the flesh. He knew it woudl not be quick and certinly not painless. His struggles becoming more violent as he weakly kicked and punched against the walls all the while the ram was getting off and ending his life in his stomach.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The Ram would smirk and would continue to fuck the bulge that was now starting to struggle in his panic the bulge in his gut showing off the stretching of the horse's punches and kicks. "But, ah thought yeh didn't want teh die?" The ram taunted as he would continue to fuck his gut but, now took it a step further forcing his cock head into his own mouth and starting to suck himself off at the same time.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ wiggles and squirms more hearing the taunting words which produced low muffled whines from the horse while he continued to press out against the stomach walls while he was slowly digested. Able to feel and hear the ram pleasuring himself and though he wanted to not think about it he too was guilty of just such actions but never imagined he woudl be on this side of them.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The Ram would moan around his cock as he continued to digest the shit destined horse as he would be aching to release his load of cum by this point, the horse would likely end up thinking eventually this was some form of poetic justice for all the people he'd eaten and ignored the pleas of as he pleasured himself to their deaths.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ coudl start to weaken as the stomach muscles constantly constrict back against his struggles quickly tiring him out while the heat got to him as the acids went from tingling to itching. taking heavy breaths of the thick air and shivering as he knew now there was no hope. He was going to be digested just to give that sexy ram a reason to get off them he would be shit out and left to rot forever. The thoughts making him break down mentally and start to whine out and cry as the stomach slowly did its work.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The Ram would moan around his cock as finally some of the trapped cum would start working it's way into his mouth and down his throat, starting to slosh thickly down his throat and into that churning gut, the acids barely leaving the tip of his nose and muzzle uncovered by this point.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ pushed his head up as much as he could to keep his mouth and nose out of the growing pool of acids while his whole body was painfully burning while his fur was stripped away leaving his skin to be defenseless against the assaulting acids. Then something else entered the stomach and began to drown his nose and mouth. He got the thick musky taste of the rams cum and new what it was even while his eyes were closed to protect them from the acids for however brief a time .
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The gut would swiftly begin to fill with the river of thick cum, giving the horse a prefect chance to kill himself by drowning himself in the cum if he wanted a painless way out, this was the Ram's intention for swallowing all that thick sloshing seed instead of spraying it everywhere his gut would be able to work all the cum into fluids and churn the stud turned shit at the same time.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ was too distracted to think much about killing himself though he would end up swallowing a good bit of the cum down as well as breathing it in just out of sheer panic. With all the air gone there was really no choice and soon the cum mixed with acid was flowing into his belly and lungs to start digesting him from the inside out sending him into a frenzy of instinctual struggles for life as he was drowning and being digested at the same time
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The Ram would moan out as all that cum from his nuts would just continue pouring down his throat till his nuts were completely drained, the Ram having likely drowned the horse by now due to how thickly his gut had been packed with all that cum, so much in fact the horse's struggles would likely go barely seen.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ gulped down as much of the acidic cum as he could but as the need to air arose he could not stop himself from taking gasps that would fill his lungs with the deadly mix. His thrashing starting to slow as his skin began to fell off. His eyes exposed due to the lids being digested away though he only had to suffer the horrible pain of his flesh being ripped apart for a few moments more before lack of air got to him and his heart and mind slowed making everything slowly fad into nothing. His world turning dark as his body gave way to the ram's stomach. Falling still now for his belly to do the rest of its work in peace.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The Ram would moan out as his balls were now able to let him up his thick cock hanging in front of him as he would smirk. "Mmmph serves yeh right yeh shit, yer cum stunk of more death than the fate yeh got, gonna melt yeh down inteh shit and drop you out in a toilet." The ram smirked slapping his digesting gut as he'd get dressed tossing Garreth's clothes out as he would go to the club that the stallion worked at and purchase three reformation tickets for a later use as he would start walking home his massive gut still working on it's meal.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ slipped out of this life before he was even done digesting. Once he fell unconscious it was only a matter of time before his heart stopped and his brain died from lack of oxygen. Lucky for him though as it was better to die then than to be aware of what was happening while the ram walked home. His skin already gone leaving a gory mess of the horse's blood flowing into the juices. Mixing with the acid and cum making a foul combination of gore while his muscles steadily dissolved away. Bit by bit the once prime body of the great foot ball star was torn apart and melted down into a thick nutritious soup. Even his organ and guts would not be spared and his abdominal muscles were eaten away enough to let them spill out. His once proud cock and balls now not even attached to him. The thick muscle having fallen off and melted away. The ram's gut would eventually start to shrink as his intestines opened up to start sucking the digested mess of horse down into them. Letting hims stomach constrict back aroudn what was left and start crushing away at the horse's bones. Breaking them apart with a series of crunches and snaps until it was mixed in with the rest of his soupy form and able to be taken down through the ram's bowles to be pulped of everything he was in the end truly worth. adding some fat and muscle mass to the gorgeous ram body while the rest of him was packed together as a huge heap of smelly shit that would slowly build up within the ram's bowels until it was demanding to be released.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The Ram would smirk at that. "Impatient aren't yeh?" The ram was able to make it home before his bowels started knocking and he would finally be glad to get the shit out of his bowels as he went to his bathroom so after several hours of digesting the Ram would sit down on a porcelain throne with his newly padded ass, rubbing his fatter gut and smiling. "Mmmph now then, time teh get out o meh yeh damn shit slut." The ram said as his ass would just start unloading everything he had inside as he pointed his cock at the special bowl that jutted out for a hyper so that he could piss without bending his cock awkwardly.
[Garreth_ -> Ignatius_C] Garreth_ or what was left of him would steadily slop out of the rams anus. The huge longs of former horse spreading out that pucker and scraping over the flesh with bits of bone while the reddish brown shit logs slipped out and fell down into the bowls. One after another the heavy logs of crap plopped down over each other making rather sloppy squelches and slops as they piled up. Bit by bit all that was left of Garreth piled up under the rams ass and filled the air with a rancid stink. The brown shit stained red from the horse blood that made id through and speckled with bits of white bones. some bigger than others. Then a bit of discomfort might hit the ram as the two sharp hooves shot out of his ass have digested along with two heavy iron shoes that sank through the pile of shit and clanked onto the ceramic bottom of the bowel. The logs just seeming to get bigger as what was left of the horse's shoulder blades and rib cage would make there way out and splatter into the messy pile. The heap of hot stinky shit getting bigger and bigger until finally the last bit of Garreth came out in the form of a shit covered and filled horse skill that would fall down facing up at the rams ass with two shit filled eye sockets. all the while the heavy ram piss sprayed down filling up aroudn the heap giving it an extra thick scent.
[Ignatius_C -> Garreth_] The Ram smirked at this. "Mmmph that feels good, better give the bastard one last quicky before ah flush 'im, only fair." The ram said as his cock would be finished disposing of the liquid waste and he would start to stroke it as he stood up and pointed his massive shaft at the bowl of ex-horse and started to cum all over it desecrating the remains and showing just how lowly he thought of the shit that the horse became. "Well you shit, it's been fun, now get the fuck out of my house." He said as he'd attempt to flush the toilet.
Garreth is an 18 year old highschool student who is rather laid back and even a bit shy despite his rather popular reputation at the school. He makes top grades in all his classes, never been in really much trouble and is even the star receiver of the football team. Even with all of that going for him he find it rather hard to open up and make friends with anyone even though people are always swooning over him. Hes never been able to get close to them mostly because he is such a slut. Oh yes though he may not be close to those his age all of the teachers know him very well, whether its from him bending the sexy englishish teacher over and giving her a nice pounding or getting tied up in the coaches office and used as a breeding whore. The awkward looks of lust he gets from the older men and women are always keeping him hard which is another reason he shies away from his schoolmates though he has serviced a few of them as well. Only through a certain gloryhole in the back stall of the locker room which he loves to sit in after a game and clean all the big sweaty cocks that come through it. Though this is only part of his dark desires. This naughty horse has also another fascination that he love even more, and that is vore. He love the idea of having someone squirm down into his belly and be churned into fat, muscle, and then a big pile of horse crap. In fact he love it so much he has been getting rather chancy and going places where anyone can end up as a meal though he has been lucky so far and only made other vanish. Being a football player he has found it fairly easy to take down others and keep himself on top and doing the predding but he is still a young guy who has a rather simple narrow mind.
Now works at the Final Flush Resort as an escort and security guard. (see Toilet_Cloggers)
Permavore meals:
Lucy from Girlcollection: It had been a rather stressful day for the young horse due to his sexy English teacher teasing him throughout her morning session even going so far as to fake picking up her pen out of his lap to give his large cock a squeeze through his pants. Being the horse he is he would spend the rest of the day trying to hide his large bulge though he luckily wore baggy pants they still did not hide very much. At first he thought that he would be getting some relief when the entire school was called into the gym for some odd presentation about a magic school. Garreth really didn't care and just wanted to use the time to calm himself so maybe his hard on would go away. Unfortunately the presenter known as Lucy would make it impossible due to her giving the presentation in clothing that a stripper could get away with. As a last resort he would sneak off to the locker room but not before dropping a small note on one of the school whore's lap. The black cat boy followed with little thought on the matter. After Lucy finished her presentation which ended with her getting down into just some pink lingerie she would walk right into the locker room the horse had chosen to relieve himself in. After walking inside she would be attracted to the sounds of someones muffled cries, as she approached the noise however she would find herself being grabbed by the football player and dragged into one of the shower stalls before getting pinned to the wall. Though she soon noticed that she was being pinned by his distended stomach which was the source of the horrific muffled screams. Still being horny the horse would take off her remaining clothing and start to rather violently rape the poor girl, driving himself into her and slamming her against the wall so hard that she was getting raped and beaten senseless at the same time. He even went so far as to promise to let her go if she would relax and let him do as he pleased but once she complied and let her body fall entirely under his control she found her world changing for the worse. The girl soon found herself going head first right into his gaping maw being pushed right down into his ravenous gullet by his viscous thrusting as he continued to rape her while also devouring her. The poor girl would be broken in body and spirit as she gave little struggles and just cried in fear as Garreth feasted on her as he finally came to his climax degrading her even further as he bloated her stomach out with his thick seed. unfortunately this was only the start for soon he would put all his effort into swallowing her down and compacting her inside of his stomach which was full of the now dead half digested cat boy which she would soon join in his horrible fate. After He had his second meal firmly in his stomach and his lust had been taken care of the young stud found himself exhausted and unable to keep himself awake. He would walk over to a lack room bench and lay out on it letting his stomach go to work at slowly digesting the poor girl alive. Though he was asleep he knew that the process was agonizing because of his digestive system being slower than most. After several hours of excruciating pain the girl would finally be given the mercy of death as his stomach began to constrict around and crush her body into mush. After a long nap Gerrath would finally wake up to a sharp pain emanating from his ass which was quite pudgy now and he was forced to run into a stall and let loose the remains of both Lucy and the cat. For almost twenty minutes he was squatting over the toilet letting out log after log of hot smelly horse shit that was riddled with bone, hair and fur. The horrid smell quickly filled up the entire lock room making him desperate to finish though soon he would squeeze out two shit covered skulls which topped the pile. After wiping the horse would just walk out without even attempting to flush the hopelessly clogged toilet. (Ro started 3/24/2014 Finished 3/25/2014 Motel 2)