An innocent, cheerful, friendly, and largely carefree elfgirl with a huge sweet tooth, Tielle is fun to be around, surprisingly capable for her age, and... well, far more forgetful than she safely can be. This leads to her getting into a fair bit of trouble on her own, though thankfully she somehow always manages to get OUT of trouble, as well. So far, anyway.
Really, though, Tielle is in a bit of a bind. She's gotten separated from her sister! All alone in a strange place, it's a good thing she has friends! Friends, and a guild membership, which helps keep her afloat, making her money to fund her habits. This is also helped by the fact that, despite her age, she is an accomplished archer, and much tougher in some ways than one would expect! Being an elf, skill with a bow is expected, but she's really, really good, apparently.
When she's not adventuring, Tielle is often either wandering, or shopping, be it for sweets or better equipment, or just something that caught her eye. She has a very obvious sweet tooth, favoring sweet foods over others, as well as an impressive appetite, able to pack away said sweets in surprisingly large amounts! It may be that she could also pack away other things, but she doesn't seem to know. Time will tell...
One of her best friends in Pensee, of course, is
Recette! The two have many things in common, especially that sweet tooth, and tend to get along well, with Tielle often leading the way into dungeons for the shopkeeper.
Chipper, cheerful, and with a lot of energy, Tielle is almost always smiling and happy, apparently without a care in the world. Nothing seems to get her down for long.
As for where she's staying.... well.
Speaking of trouble...