This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
Terranis has a manifestation! A young, teenaged girl, with tanned skin, forest green hair, and sky blue eyes. She's a cheerful one, she is! Cute, too... but not for eating! D:
This is a world setting Idea I got, thanks to
Reginald and
Karen. Rather akin to earth, but of course in an alternate reality.
Now being modified for BESM play! If you wish to play, you can feel free to make a character. Please, however, do send me a message beforehand. All character sheets should be PUBed to this profile, as well. All characters should be made using BESM 3e, tri-stat. I have a link if you need one. Points limit is 300, play begins in January if not sooner. Solo play is available if you want, as well.
Templates are available for Feluur, Arache, Fae, Homaren, Insect Girls, Harpies, and Eshuri now. PM or PUB if interested! It is worth noting that a Homaran would be a bad choice for a player, though.
A world, much like earth... if humans left for fifty years or more, after a war. Everything is in ruins but things are growing back. The remnants of cities dot the planet, little more than specks, from space, no longer visible. Electricity is only available in a very few places, controlled by the resistance. At least... its only available in a few HUMAN cities. Other cities have sprung up, and they're rather different.
The Demihumans have taken over. Magic-wielding species of all sors have swarmed the planet, preceded at first by a plague, that wiped out all but the strongest. A few hundred thousand humans are left, most of them enslaved. The victory was almost flawless...
But the second advent of Magic changed a LOT of things. When the Demihumans re-emerged, so too did magic.... and humans rediscovered it swiftly enough as well. Those who did not want to fight used their powers to bargain, for protection and citizenship among the Demihumans, knowing they would win. Others became hermits, out of reach, out of sight, out of mind. And still others went to war... they didn't last too long.
Now, the demihumans rule the world. A strong, matriarchal society, where females are the most prevalent and respected members, humans have become... a statement. A rare, exotic treat, as pets and as food.
You see, to own a human is a symbol of one's status. Not many can afford them, even among the demihumans. To have one means you are(or were) wealthy, or you had the prowess to capture and tame them. Not an easy prospect, regardless what anyone says. Of course... for the truly wealthy, humans are a wonderful treat... the richest flavors, the sweetest meats.... and the best squirms.
Its not uncommon to come across camps where humans are bred, to be sold as food or slaves. There are also preserves, carefully monitored for any sign of advanced weapons, where people are allowed to do as they will... and there is still the resistance, even after more than sixty years (sixty-four, to be more specific). Though, the Resistance is little more than a token force of men and women, these days, their numbers paired down by attrition from the demihumans and the other hungry creatures and plants who have taken root in the world.
Needless to say, things are difficult for humans... the lucky ones become prized pets, treasured possessions and partners for their mistresses, and so lead happy, if relatively short, lives. Others are sold to restaurants, and served whole and alive... the luckiest of these is willing, and eager, thanks to conditioning. Still others are in the preserves, living happy, if less modern, lives. Still others are fortunate to be born into protected families, safe from hungry predators unless they give their permission. These are very few.
Occasionally, a magical girl or a mageling will appear... these are granted rights as demihumans, and typically taken in by spellcasters who've established themselves. Unfortunately, this can mean that they too get eaten, by their fellow humans.
And then there is the resistance. they live better lives... but not easier. Never easier. Live free, but hard, is their motto.
So. Do you want to visit?
((Therein lies the premise. I may make a shared alt of it.))
((Feel free to request a human, or a demihuman of your choice(NOT FURRY, though some players may play them). Humans who wander into the world are wonderful playtoys for the demis.))
((Prefs vary. I, Player 1(*laughs at self* Am rather open. Depending on mood, though, I may not want to play some things. Other player's tastes will vary.(duh) Ask about whatever, really. MY thing I won't do is M/M sex))
You may request different time periods. Early days, fully conquered, last stand of the resistance, etc. Feel free to ask. You can even request to be there as it starts happening!
Here's a few factions, for you.
The Feluur, your typical catpeople(largely female race) for the most part. Furry ears, fuzzy tail, the works. Rather catlike, catnip gets them all worked up and they tend to be... well, adaptable. They can live alone, or in rather large groups. Stealth, balance, and speed are where they excel. Some can even become casters. It should be noted that, in addition to their ears and tails, they have pronounced canines, extendable claws on their fingers, and bands of fur on their forearms and calves. This fur is always soft, silky, and well-kept.
The Arache, spider people. Driders, as well as spiderish demihumans, with multiple eyes and arms, and webbing, they tend to have a tough chitin endoskeleton just under the skin, or an exoskeleton. Or some of both. Power-hungry and spiteful, they can be very petty, but their armies are to be feared. They can swarm in the thousands.... but one may find a few, alone, at times. Dark magics are where they excel, though the driders are quite swift and rather strong. However, they tend not to get along so well with other races. When you can reproduce, with offspring numbering in the thousands, an army is rather cheap to make, if not outfit. On the whole, though, they're honest in their dealings.
The Fae. Faeries, of the type seen in the old faerie tales, and in faerie lore. All kinds of faeries. They've got true names, weaknesses to cold iron, passion for gambling, gifts, gold, milk and honey, and wagers. They can't speak a lie, if asked thrice. They can, however, mislead. There are three factions. Wyldfae, Summer Fae, and Winter. They tend to stay in groups.
Plant-people. Dryads, plantgirls, nature spirits. Simple, solitary women, of the woods.... but never truly alone. Capable of talking with plants, waylaying travelers, and yes, eating them, they're not to be trusted, for the most part.... but they fear fire. Take care, though, lest you merely anger them, and wind up devoured.
The Homaren. Wood spirits. Akin to dryads, but greater, and much less hostile toward people, they live in the old forests. Where Homaren live, one can be sure to find peace, and healing if needed. Homaren, unlike Dryads, subsist primarily on dirt, air, water, and sunlight. They, too, fear fire, and rightly so. However... within its domain, a Homaren has absolute control.
Insect women. Notably, dragonfly girls, they're common predators everywhere that can sustain them. Which, typically, depends on where the insect bits of them's species would procreate. Fly girls are kinda nasty, tend to frequent battlefields. Dragonfly girls are in marches and near streams and rivers. And they're ALL hungry.

Sketch by the most awesome Joe the Catboy, aka
The Eshuri, an amphibian race of an unusual nature. Humanoid in shape and compatible with humans as far as anatomy, they are at the same time clearly NOT human. They tend to be a medium
blue color, with bars of brighter colors on their bodies. These are clan identifiers and also a means of recognizing each other, caused by patches of echolocation receptors under the skin. They don't have hair as humans do, instead having a large patch of prehensile feelers on their head, as fine as hairs. Their hands are webbed, and they have slender tails that emerge from the base of their spines, which they can shapeshift and use as rudders, or for vore or reproduction. They don't have eyelids, instead having nictating(SP?) membranes that can become opaque. Their main defense is their chromatophores, letting them blend in nicely with their surroundings when in good health. Of course there's more to them, but you'll have to RP to find out.
PS, the Eshuri belong to me and Trace. So no stealing pleases! Ask if you wanna play one, you need more info anyway.
Notable Eshuri:
Zara's Tribe.
Zara is a young Eshuri matriarch, one who had the odd fortune of being taken on an adventure by the being known as Nip. She has learned a lot, and displays wisdom and cunning beyond her age, putting her acquired knowledge to good use. Hers is the fastest-growing Eshuri tribe, at about forty strong. They are quite friendly with humans and other races, and eager to trade.
Infernals and Celestials:
The Sins
Gluttony: Ohgod, ohgod, she's going to eat us all! The manifestation of raw hunger and a need to eat, and ye gods its a cute girl. Run for your life!
The Vices
The Virtues
Lesser demons and angels
Monsters: What world would be complete without them? Not many yet, but more being added!
The Mistress: An odd being to be sure. She appears to be a female, albeit one endowed with a number of tentacles protruding from her back. She occupies a derelict mansion, living there with a few human servants and a number of odd lizard-cats(name pending for the species). She has displayed a keen sense of smell, and the ability to merge with and take over any being she so chooses, keeping a number of specimens of different species locked up in stasis for use as she sees fit.
Fun facts about eye color!
This is semi-important. Human eye color says a lot about them. A human with normal eyes is fair game, or a spellcaster of some sort. generally safe to eat. One with silver eyes is protected. Don't touch, unless you want a more powerful entity to touch you back... in a most unpleasant way. A human with yellow eyes is wanted, with a price on their head. Extra cash to the one who brings them in to the faction that's after them.
On Magic:
Magic is the manipulation of mana, essentially. Most can do this to some small degree. Especially among demihumans. Mana, though, is best described as a combination of wind and radiation. It can be slowed by thick walls, stopped by cold iron or lead, and flows freely with the wind. Mana is often hard to come by underground, with a few exceptions. It tends to stem from the places where the demihumans were hidden, though there is a source high above Babylon, the main demihuman trade city.
Player One and Creator is
Player Two is