
It seems, once again, the lazy IT and AGM got the shaft when Xalty_Enlarged, churned both Rhiannon_Lindt and Taylor, but only Taylor ended up staying, body and soul, the rest of her churned into girl-shit. Not that she probably minded, if the honeyed taste of Xalty's tongue is anything to go by! (Perma, 3/18/2021)
Current play:
It would appear, with the management of The_Last_Coin disappearing, Rhiannon_Lindt came back to run the place in her former employer's stead. Taylor, who took up duties in Rhiannon's absence, is conflicted by the turn of events.
Quick Stats:
Name: Taylor_Zonde
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Alias: Tay
Age: 22
Height: 5' 11"
Occupation: Working at The_Last_Coin under new management Rhiannon_Lindt
Author's note:
Fun events: